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Posts posted by darthalex99

  1. Mc Name:darthalex99

    Rp Name:Beler

    Time on the server:3 months about

    short Bio (Relation also):Beler grew up when Aegis was still being created. By now he has become very old but is still strong in what he does. He is very kind and respectful to all fellow dwarvres. He has never been part of any of the dwarven clans and wishes to be part of one now.

    OOC Age:13


    Profession:Beler does not have much of a profession but he is great at mining and is great with swords.

  2. Minecraft name:darthalex99

    Forum name:darthalex99((username:darthalex999))

    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why?

    1. I think one thing is how mature and nice of a person the person applying is. If in his/her app they are acting very rude I would not accept them. This server needs people who will respect the community and the rp aspect.:)

    2. Second of all I will make sure any applications that are just jokes are denied. There are some people who will post apps that are taking it all like a joke and I really do not think they should be accepted.

    3. A main thing I will always check for is how good they will be in roleplaying on their character. If they have a short bio and does not seem to know what roleplaying is I will not accept them and tell them what they need to check.

    4. I will also check that they will have a good storyline for their character. If they will play on this server they need to know what their character will be like at least a bit. If their character does not have any story it will not be fun.

    5. The final thing I will check for is if they have in their bio some form of the Lore of Aegis in it. If they start talking about kingdoms that don't exist I will be able to see that they did not read up on the lore around the server.

  3. MC Name:darthalex99

    IG Name:Dedicant_Alex

    Why you wish to be a guard of Kal'Urguan: I wish to protect and watch over Kal'urguan and never let enemies of the city in.

    How long have you played on this server:I have been playing for about 2 weeks now.

    What lv. is your swordsmanship skill or If you prefer an axe((Requirement lv.10 or higher.))((stronghold told be to leave blank since down))

    And you read the following rules

    You will always obey your leaders: I will always obey and look up to my leaders.

    You will not obuse your power:I will not obuse my power in any way.

    You will be kind to the other races: I will never discriminate on any race and welcome all the races of aegis.


    ((you told me to apply here also you accepted me on other post. i will be in game as soon as possible.))

  4. MC Name:darthalex99

    IG Name:Dedicant_Alex

    Why you wish to be a guard of Kal'Urguan: I wish to protect and watch over Kal'urguan and never let enemies of the city in.

    How long have you played on this server:I have been playing for about 2 weeks now.

    What lv. is your swordsmanship skill or If you prefer an axe((Requirement lv.10 or higher.))((stronghold told be to leave blank since down))

    And you read the following rules

    You will always obey your leaders: I will always obey and look up to my leaders.

    You will not obuse your power:I will not obuse my power in any way.

    You will be kind to the other races: I will never discriminate on any race and welcome all the races of aegis.


  5. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:darthalex99

    -How old are you?: 13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: USA, Est time zone

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes i do very much.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I am very active and i would love to role play. I have not done too much role playing before but i think i am ok at it.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Most of time, I have school but will be on mostly.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:I have played for about 5 months about.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:Roleplaying is when you take the place of another charcter and pretend you are that character.I have not done much of it but i think I would be pretty good at it.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it will be a server that stuff is always happening and you will never get bored.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I have played on buxville. I have not really left buxville. I have time to do both.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read and understood the rules. The lore is very creative and sounds awesome. I really like it.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs

    -How did you hear about us?: I saw you guys on minestatus and thought it would be really cool.

    -Did you vote?: Yes i have used all links to vote for you.

    -What was your favourite Law?: I liked the no mindless spamming since a lot of people will do that. :)

    -What was your least favourite Law?:I really did not have a non favorite law. All make a lot of sense on why they are there.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? MY Screen Name is:darthalex

    Account username is:darthalex999


    -Character Name:The Great Dwarf Alex. Or something along those lines.

    -What is your Race?: I think I will be a dwarf.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:My account name is darthalex999.

    -Biography:I have grown up underground not sure of what the outside it really like. I hope one day i can venture outside of our city and explore the vast world around me. I love battling. I was born from the fires that created aegis. My temper can be short but i am a nice guy. Since i am a dwarf i am the best builder in the land. I can build any thing you need. I am also a very good miner and I am awesome at finding a lot of materials. I will never leave my house unless I have my diamond pick and have the heart to go mining. I am on the good side. I am not an evil dwarf. I am very sociable and will always be talking. I also grew up in kal'urguan and was raised there. I have always wanted to kill all the orcs. They have attacked my family a number of times. In the city i am usually in the forge crafting tools and armor. I hope one day i will thrive in Aegis and become very rich and powerful. I have explored aegis and found many great materials thanks to my dwarf skills. I really love war. Every day i will go out of kal'urguan and look for something to hunt or just something to attack. Also some days i love just going to go sculpt and building very nice designs and buildings. I do not hate humans but i dislike them. They really do not like elves which makes me angry sometimes.

    -Character Age: 20

    -Character Appearance: Plain dwarf looking. Looks nice and friendly.

    -Character Personality: I love digging.:) It is my most fun activity to go digging and find diamonds and all ores. I am also a good builder and can build very nice things.

    -Your ambitions: I hope to make a lot of friends in the dwarf kingdom and to become pretty rich. I would also like to help fight.

    -Can your character read or write?: I can read and write very well i was taught in dwarf school.

    -Can your character mine?: I am Very good at mining since all dwarves are. I am good at finding minserals.

    -Are you a capable builder? I am pretty good at building but not the best. I can be ok though.

    -Can you wield a sword?: yes i am very good at fighting and attackers that want to invade our city.

    -Enjoy Farming?: I am ok with farming and sometimes i really love it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] My special skill is digging because i live underground and it is the best place to dig.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/840/20110918202934.png/.

    -Other Information: I just hope that as a dwarf i can explore the lands and become very good.

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:darthalex99

    -How old are you?: 13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: USA, Est time zone

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes i do very much.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I am very active and i would love to role play. I have not done too much role playing before but i think i am ok at it.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Most of time, I have school but will be on mostly.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:I have played for about 5 months about.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I know what roleplaying is. I have not done much of it but i think I would be pretty good at it.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it will be a server that stuff is always happening and you will never get bored.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I have played on buxville. I have not really left buxville. I have time to do both.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read and understood the rules. The lore is very creative and sounds awesome. I really like it.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs

    -How did you hear about us?: I saw you guys on minestatus and thought it would be really cool.

    -Did you vote?: Yes i have used all links to vote for you.

    -What was your favourite Law?: I liked the no mindless spamming since a lot of people will do that. :)

    -What was your least favourite Law?:I really did not have a non favorite law. All make a lot of sense on why they are there.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? MY Screen Name is:darthalex

    Account username is:darthalex999


    -Character Name:I guess it could be sir darthalex99 or something along those lines.

    Darthalex99 is fine with me.

    -What is your Race?: I think I will be a dwarf.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:My account name is darthalex999.

    -Biography:I have grown up underground not sure of what the outside it really like. I hope one day i can venture outside of our city and explore the vast world around me. I love battling. I was born from the fires that created aegis. My temper can be short but i am a nice guy. Since i am a dwarf i am the best builder in the land. I can build any thing you need. I am also a very good miner and I am awesome at finding a lot of materials. I will never leave my house unless I have my diamond pick and have the heart to go mining. I am on the good side. I am not an evil dwarf. I am very sociable and will always be talking.

    -Character Age: 20

    -Character Appearance: Plain dwarf looking. Looks nice and friendly.

    -Character Personality: I love digging.:) It is my most fun activity to go digging and find diamonds and all ores. I am also a good builder and can build very nice things.

    -Your ambitions: I hope to make a lot of friends in the dwarf kingdom and to become pretty rich. I would also like to help fight.

    -Can your character read or write?: I can read and write very well i was taught in dwarf school.

    -Can your character mine?: I am Very good at mining since all dwarves are. I am good at finding minserals.

    -Are you a capable builder? I am pretty good at building but not the best. I can be ok though.

    -Can you wield a sword?: yes i am very good at fighting and attackers that want to invade our city.

    -Enjoy Farming?: I am ok with farming and sometimes i really love it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] My special skill is digging because i live underground and it is the best place to dig.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/840/20110918202934.png/.

    -Other Information: I just hope that as a dwarf i can explore the lands and become very good.

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:darthalex99

    -How old are you?: 13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: USA, Est time zone

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes i do very much.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I am very active and i would love to role play. I have not done too much role playing before but i think i am ok at it.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Most of time, I have school but will be on mostly.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:I have played for about 5 months about.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I know what roleplaying is. I have not done much of it but i think I would be pretty good at it.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it will be a server that stuff is always happening and you will never get bored.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I have played on buxville. I have not really left buxville. I have time to do both.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read and understood the rules. The lore is very creative and sounds awesome. I really like it.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs

    -How did you hear about us?: I saw you guys on minestatus and thought it would be really cool.

    -Did you vote?: Yes i have used all links to vote for you.

    -What was your favourite Law?: I liked the no mindless spamming since a lot of people will do that. :)

    -What was your least favourite Law?:I really did not have a non favorite law. All make a lot of sense on why they are there.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? MY Screen Name is:darthalex

    Account username is:darthalex999


    -Character Name:I guess it could be sir darthalex99 or something along those lines.

    Darthalex99 is fine with me.

    -What is your Race?: I think I will be a dwarf.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:My account name is darthalex999.

    -Biography:I have grown up underground not sure of what the outside it really like. I hope one day i can venture outside of our city and explore the vast world around me. I love battling. I was born from the fires that created aegis. My temper can be short but i am a nice guy. Since i am a dwarf i am the best builder in the land. I can build any thing you need. I am also a very good miner and I am awesome at finding a lot of materials. I will never leave my house unless I have my diamond pick and have the heart to go mining. I am on the good side. I am not an evil dwarf. I am very sociable and will always be talking. I also grew up in kal'urguan and was raised there. I have always wanted to kill all the orcs. They have attacked my family a number of times. In the city i am usually in the forge crafting tools and armor. I hope one day i will thrive in Aegis and become very rich and powerful.

    -Character Age: 20

    -Character Appearance: Plain dwarf looking. Looks nice and friendly.

    -Character Personality: I love digging.:) It is my most fun activity to go digging and find diamonds and all ores. I am also a good builder and can build very nice things.

    -Your ambitions: I hope to make a lot of friends in the dwarf kingdom and to become pretty rich. I would also like to help fight.

    -Can your character read or write?: I can read and write very well i was taught in dwarf school.

    -Can your character mine?: I am Very good at mining since all dwarves are. I am good at finding minserals.

    -Are you a capable builder? I am pretty good at building but not the best. I can be ok though.

    -Can you wield a sword?: yes i am very good at fighting and attackers that want to invade our city.

    -Enjoy Farming?: I am ok with farming and sometimes i really love it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] My special skill is digging because i live underground and it is the best place to dig.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/840/20110918202934.png/.

    -Other Information: I just hope that as a dwarf i can explore the lands and become very good.

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