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Posts posted by Everman111

  1. Country Selected: Republic of South Africa
    Nation Leader:
    Jacob Zuma

    Demonstrate Understanding of Nation (Bio/Facts/Info): A country that prides itself in its diversity, and its standards for public health, safety, and education. South Africa thrives off of its modernized economy and friendly tourist environment. However, the country still struggles with the major flaws it shares with its neighbors such as a high HIV rate, and gender inequality. On a tactical scale it has been had a large military role in the continent and has been involved in peace keeping throughout various unstable regions such as the Congo and parts of Rwanda, in recent times it's military has also seen minor action in Syria and Iraq in support of the UN coalition. President Zuma hopes to deploy more peacekeepers into the Congo in order to further stabilize the region in the near future.
    Pass phrase: Pooppooppoop (You get the idea)

    Do you understand the rules and regulations of this FRP: Yes

  2. The Kobolds


    A handful of Kobold lookouts stood guard outside the entrances into their mountainsides, watching for Wyvern and outsiders alike. They were armed with a simple stone spear, stone sword, and hide armor as they are not expected to fight an army but rather retreat to safety when attacks arise. Various false entrances have been dug over the years for their enemies to get lost in and discover an unpleasant death at the hands of a trap. Only through years of study and living within the caverns does exploration become safe.




    Work on the underground highways between villages is well underway as laborers organize and dig towards one another, hoping their limited calculations will allow the individual networks to intersect on point. The lesser chieftains seemed skeptical at first, but as construction began their fears were put aside as the new tunnels created more room to branch off and generate living quarters for future offspring. (11 pages till completion)  


    The tunnels of their underground cities were packed as miners hauled away stone to larger caverns to be sorted into its usefulness or tested upon as a more capable material for tools. The whole tribe seemed on board with finding a replacement for their outdated equipment and with each stone rummaged through and experimented with the idea  seemed to soon be a reality. (1 page discovery of new tool material, 10 page Development of material into tools)


    A group of ten Kobold men are sent out to seek out other friendly, intelligent tribes in the mountainous region in hopes of starting a healthy trade between its people. They are armed with stone swords and hide shields for defense against roving enemies. (Mod approval needed, exploration and possible communication with goblin or ak'Taliim tribes)

  3. ebb31913w6iyw.jpg

    The Kobolds



    Tarrem (Captial)

    150 Soldiers

    200 workers/civilians


    50 soldiers

    250 workers/civilians


    50 soldiers

    200 workers/civilians


    The crack of stone against stone echoed through the deep halls of the Kobold cave cities as workers labored away in expanding their many corridors to accommodate the population and to confuse as well as lure intruders to their death. As the caves are expanding, Chief Heekan meets with his two lesser chiefs to discuss changes.




    "With the increase in recent Wyvern attacks we must increase the number of our brothers in the warband" (250 soldiers recruited)


    "We are small compared to other creatures of this world but our numbers can overwhelm and outsmart them here in the dark. We must connect our caverns." (Constructing underground tunnels, connecting all villages into one massive city with 3 districts, Mod Approval needed?)


    "The quest for deeper, safer caves has driven us to require a harder rock then stone." (Research into new tool materials, Mod Approval needed)


    "The higher up our people go into the mountains the safer we'll be. We must send scouts up higher to discover new rock to dig in to." (Scouting of mountains for future villages, Mod Approval needed)

  4. Forum Name: Everman111
    Skype (Optional):
    Did you read the rules/Introduction?: Yes sir.
    Secret Words: NO Magic
    Race Name: Kobold
    Settled or Nomadic: Settled
    Brief Description:

    A small humanoid creature resembling a cross between a dragon and a goblin. They range from 3' to 4' tall and scales range from brown to dark red in color.


    They prefer the isolation of the mountains and heavily rely on tribal family structures. Culture revolves around the betterment of the community. Music and art, aside from stone masonry, lack in their society as trapping and cave digging seems to take main priority but music is not unheard of. They are cautious around outsiders but are open to communication.


    ((May I have three squares in the south end of the large mountain range?))

  5. Sovereign City State of Taneth



    Taneth's Stats:


    11,000 Citizens


    1,500 Swordsmen

    500 archers

    49 Spellswords(So'om's personal elite forces)


    20 ships total, fifteen of which are manned by war crews, total 500 sailors

    15 Galleys, 10 manned by war crew, five by civil policing volunteers.

    5 cogs, military variety and manned by war crews


    Lord So'om walked through the busy market place, taking notice of the cultural varieties the port city attracted. To the outside world his city was just another place to make profit, another stop along the way, but it was not that way to him. Although the lands of Taneth were indeed tiny, consisting of the city itself and the surrounding villages, its citizens were proud of it and are not to be underestimated or taken advantage of. They are a trustworthy group and reliable fighters when they or their allies are provoked.


    While the port city itself brings in an average income So'om feels further encouragement is needed to boost the cities economy. A group of twenty spellswords are dispatched on a cogs to explore and if possible, develop economic relations with the remains of the Empire. In addition, a diplomat is sent to Rihad with a formal letter for an alliance.


    Jamaal Curetor, King of Rihad


    Your kingdom and mine are two of the same, we both work these lands, we both send our goods away upon the sea. Although your kingdom stands mightier in population than that of my own people, we have much to offer through a trade and political alliance. I pray that you will consider such and that Zhet blesses your people with a bountiful harvest.


    So'om, Lord of Taneth


    ((Envoy is sent to Kingdom of Heartland))

    ((Alliance purposed to Kingdom of Rihad))

  6. MC Name: Everman111

    IC Name: Thea Mallow

    Race: Southeron

    Past Groups you Participated in: None

    Why you want to join ICly: Offers a chance to improve upon medicinal magic via the poor saps that get cut up while on the job. ((She's very cold hearted.))

    Do you have Teamspeak(Info given in PM): Yes.

    Do you have Skype(Info asked in PM): No, but I can get one.

  7. Application

    Forum Name: Everman111

    Ruler Name: Lord So'om

    Ruler's Race: Redguard

    Ruler's Religion: Yokuda Pantheon(Like the rest of Hammerfell)

    Primary Skill of Ruler (General, Diplomatic, Warrior, Archer etc): Warrior

    At least two negative traits they have: Territorial, prideful

    Nation/Faction Name: Sovereign City State of Taneth

    Are you semi-knowledgeable of Elder Scrolls Lore?: Yes

  8. Quick question! First age, second third century? Does this mean we still have roughly 500 years of Yokuda? Would be fun to play them but some form of change would be needed either way to account for Hammerfell


    1. Nuke Yokuda and put all redguards on Hammerfell.

    2. Keep Yokuda and come up with excuse for Hammerfell's population(overpopulation, exile, etc)

    3. Tell Everman to shut up and get out.


    Anyways, sorry to be difficult.

  9. OOC Application


    Forum Name: Everman111

    Roleplay Name: Halli Red (Friends call her Red)


    Skype Name: Give me a few to download Skype


    Do you agree to be patient with me as I flesh out this Sci-Fi/Steampunk FRP? Hell yes. I mean..... Hell to the yes.... Excuse me.... I meant to simply say yes.


    PS: You will be fleshing out your biography throughout this FRP, this is going to be open-ended hence I'm not asking you a bunch of unnecessary questions about your would-be character.




  10. For those characters with a sinisters outlook on life.

    A Feast of Flesh

    By: Thea Mallow


    Muffled screams in the darkness

    Hunger hunts tonight

    No guard around to witness

    No knight to save a life

    Fight with all your might

    You will not leave this site

    Is this wrong or is this life?


    At last you're upon the table

    To be eaten by candle light

    Carefully baked and battered

    A feast to last all night

    A life has been stolen

    No words of sorrow spoken

    Is this wrong or is this life?

  11. Dang. Why does all the epic stuff happen when I can't be there? Have to go to my girlfriends choir concert Sunday...... Oh well! Good luck Gabriel! And seriously guys. It was stated that only 5% was going to be combat and the other 95% actual RP and city structures. Gabriel knows what she/he is doing. Just a small segment with a battle won't draw in a bunch of lazy PvPers.

  12. It was super mega ultra helpful. Maybe if you stop using x-ray and cheating then you're problems will be solved and stuff.

    Helping provide an answer?

    Answers should be:

    • Helpful and the details provided unique in the topic.
    • Friendly and supportive of the one asking the question, regardless of content.
    • Well researched as well as clear and concise.
    • On-topic and centered around helping the member providing the query.


    You are not providing any of those to the user asking for help. Please don't be a bum....




    Anyways, I suggest nuking your Minecraft files and totally restarting with a fresh download if none of the above suggestions work. So just simple delete your .minecraft file and see if it works when reinstalled.

  13. OOC:

    IGN: Everman111

    Skype: Everman111

    Time Zone: Central US



    Name: Kaspar Irons

    Age: Twenty six

    Race: Human

    Place of Residence: Looking to be in Abresi. Staying in Kralta

    Why do you want to become a blacksmith/to join?: So I can learn to forge better equipment and other stuff. I'd like to learn some of that fancy engraving stuff.

    If you are a blacksmith, how long have you been one? A single year.


    How experienced do you think you are? Not very experienced. I can hammer out a basics but nothing fancy or elegant.

    Do you have any techniques or ideas to share or work on within Grand Hammer?: No good ones aside from the basic forging skills


    Tell us about yourself(2 paragraphs max): I was born in raised in a mine. My father was never kind to me or my momma and neither were the other miners. I grew up lifting rocks or cooking with my momma. It wasn't a very pleasant life to live. Around the age of ten though my momma got sick and died and that sorta set my father off. So I kept working in the mine and managing dinner at the same time for a while until we left when I was around sixteen.


    We made ourselves company with some bandits living in the mountains where we were employed in their raids. I ain't ashamed of trying to make a living. My father died bitterly the winter of my twenty fourth birthday which is when I left back to the mines again. Been mining ever since but I've been trying my hand at smithing so I can raise myself a family and raise them right. My father ain't ever did that. Anyways that is my life story.

  14. Kaspar rests his pickaxe upon his shoulder as he reads the scroll. He thinks out loud to himself wondering what he would want.


    "Ye know...... I'd give all deh iron in deh mines of dis fair land for a woman I can call me own. Ain't any toymakin' helper can give me une....." He sighs under his breath. "Maybe they be bringin' me a book on blacksmithin'. That'd be helpin' me get me woman when I be able to bring in a sturdy coin to feed 'er and me children through deh smithin' work."


    In very crude grammar he writes his wish for a basic blacksmiths book to help him start the life he's always wanted


    RP Name: Kaspar Irons

    MC Name: Everman111

    Wish: Blacksmiths Guidebook

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