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Posts posted by bitewhite

  1. Name ((With MC))- Marcus Gladiarum ((bitewhite))

    Race ((With Subrace)) - Human- Northerner

    Age - 23

    Where do you live and come from? - I come from no where in particular as I've lived a mostly nomadic life. I've was hired as a guard for a merchant caravan so I've traveled and lived all through Asulon.

    A couple of small sentences about yourself - I have a long history of being a warrior and that really been my only profession. I served in the White Ravens for a while and then I joined the Knights of Horen. I served as a squire to Ser William Baldwin until he was killed rather mysteriously and he actually left it in his will for me to be tried for knighthood but I was unable to due to, well, extenuating circumstances.

    Why do you wish to join The Guardians - I've always been a fighter but I have never made a real attatchment to any organization so I view the Guardians as an organization I can dedicate my work to rather than just random guard positions.

    What do you wish to achieve in this guild? What are your goals? - I would like to achieve an established position among the guild and I would also like the oppurtunity to show my combat strength.

    Do you swear to protect the people and your brothers, with your very own life? - I will gladly swear my life to those who would do the same for me.

    Do you swear an oath by Aeriel, that you will not break The Code of The Guardians? - I swear that I will not break the code of the guardians.

    Any useful skills that you can master? ((Post your skill points)) I'm mostly experienced as a swordsman (155) but I will gladly learn any skills that are needed of me.

    Any other information that might come in handy - I have some extra building materials if that would be a help to you.

  2. Both latest page Applications were DENINED The Knight Commadner and King name is wrong

    The Knights of Loyal to the Phoniex Kingdom (i tihnk it gettin renamed soon)

    Does that include my application? I posted it before the formation of the biumvirate and I expressly stated that Oren was in a state of change. My loyalty will reside with the knights, I will support whichever king the knights support.

  3. OOC

    minecraft Account Name: bitewhite

    Age: 17

    TimeZone: CST

    In charater!

    Name: Marcus Gladiarum

    Age: 27

    Race: Human. More specifically, I am a northerner.

    What Wepaon do ye Prefer: I was raised to wield an axe but I have since come to prefer a blade. (lvl 30) I am also confident with a bow but, if i can, I prefer to fight up close and personal.

    Have you Ever been arrested: Nay, I don't think I have even broken the law. I am a child of the wilderness, most of my life wasn't even spent under the protection of the law.

    Name some battle ye have been in: Regretably, I have not been involved in any noteworthy or large scale battles. I have spent little of my life involved with the political affairs that usually accompany such battles. I understand if this is a factor to dissuade my recruitment but I urge you to look elsewhere to determine my character.

    Name the King and Knight Commander: The Knight Commander is Sir Robert Banstir. As for the king, I would normally say Enor Sheffield but it appears that this is now not the case. I have now seen a few different individuals claiming the crown ((there was athread about Gaius from the black cross claiming the crown)) and I have seen evidence of uprisings. During just the last elven day, I saw many signs reading "The Phoenix is Rising" and I was told that there was revolution afoot. I have no stake in these affairs though so please forgive my confusion on this issue.

    Anything esle we need or should know about ye: I have also applied to the Oren Military, please take note that I will prefer the position of Page to the position of Guard Recruit. I know my combat skills are as of now, relatively untested but I belive that, given the oppurtunity, I will prove my valor and honour to more than meet your threshold.

    Open ended Questions

    The Knight commander has been taken hostage by the Black hand! there are three of them two in full iron armor with a an iron blade and a bigger one with Dimaond armor and a Dimaond blade it is only you and another page but there might be a knight around What will you do?:

    With the current numbers of me and a page, I think an attack would likely be a futile waste of resources. The first priority must be to increase our numbers so I would send one page out to find the knight and I would also examine any other options that we might have for reinforecements. If the we are able to gather reinforcements, I would then begin a full assault by leading the swordsmen into battle while any archers cover us. If, however, we are not able to gather reinforcements, I would take a primarily diplomatic stance. IT is important to realize that, while it may provide them some satisfaction of killing the Knight Commander and spreading chaos, they will simultaneously be writing their own death sentence. However, seeing as we are dealing with criminals not likely to succumb to negotiation, I would be forced to make an attack regardless of the odds. In agreement with the rule "You must never retreat, always to the Death," me and my fellow page would try our best to kill the dark brotherhood members or die a valiant death.

    A group 6 of bandits are heading to Galahar to attack it as the Town of the knights you must defend it! The Knight Commander is not around all you can manage is 3 pages and a squire of the Anvil Path knight who can supply the other pages and yeself with arms and armor, Two pages are offerin to head to Alkhazar to get help What do you do?:

    It is not neccesary to have two pages sent for the same task so I would send one to get help from other organizations (the Q says Al'Khazar bu I'm assuming this is no longer applicable). While the page is off summoning reinforcements, I woudl make an effort to fully evacuate the town and build what defensive structures I can. I would have two of the pages arms themselves with bows and then station them in a tower where they can pick off the bandits and then I along with the the squire and remaining page, would face the bandits with the cold edge of our steel.

    Alternatively (click link)

  4. [MCname] : bitewhite

    [Time-Zone] : CST

    [How much time you can be online per day] : I will be on for a couple of hours during weekdays and much more during weekends.

    [How long have you been on the server for?] : Almost three months now.

    [Do you have and use TS? If no then will you be able to?] I have a mic but I don't have teamspeak set up. If I am accepted I will set up teamspeak.

    Name : Marcus

    Your Race : Human. More specifically a northerner

    Your Age : 27

    Your Experience : I served as a guard for the guild The White Ravens but otherwise the majority of my experience comes from fighting monsters in the wild.

    Describe Yourself : I am a Northerner originally from the Wildewyn forests but I left those forests long ago. I was a lumberjack by profession for a while but I sought something more adventurous but I haven't really found a fully professional, organized and honorable organization to join but I am quite impressed with the Oren Military and I would be honored to be counted amongst their ranks.

    Why should we recruit you? : It is difficult for me to express the content of my character in this applicaiton but I can assure you that I will serve Oren loyally any way I can. Whether on gate duty or fighting the Undead, I will put forth my full effort. I will follow the oreders of my superiors and will defend the interests of the people of Oren and I am sure that, given the oppurtunity, I would prove this to be the case.

    What are your strengths? Weaknesses? : I am a decent swordsman and a strong warrior. I am a dedicated public servant and am able to communicate with the public and resolve disputes. I also have extensive experience with lumberjacking and have decent background in blacksmithing. My weaknesses include rather weak archery skills and I am blind in one eye (due to a childhood accident).

    Do you know how to handle a weapon? [sword/Axe Skill Level] : My father loosely trained me to use a sword as a child but I haven't had formal training. I also previously served as a guard where I wielded a sword with decent skill. (lvl 30) My axe skills don't really extend beyond lumberjacking so I prefer to fight with a sword.

    Ambitions For The Future? : I wish to fulfill a noble and glorious military career. I also wish to make an impact on Oren through public service whether settling domestic disputes or fighting Oren's enemies. I wish to serve Oren and protect Oren from enemies foreign and domestic.

    What would your character do in the following situation.

    :A group of bandits are camped on the Kings Road. Ordering a toll for passing. Its only you and two other recruits on duty. You decide to grab some armour and head out there. What do you do? [+Points For Thinking About It And Being More, Tactical] :

    I would first begin by anylizing intelligence at hand by listening to the reports of the citizens who were stopped by the bandits to determine the number of bandits and there armaments. To further confirm this intelligence I would also either scout out the bandits myself or send a recruit out to do it. If there are more than three well armed bandits and I'm not able to gather reinforcements I would not risk an attack outnumbered and unarmed as it would be a futile loss of resources. Instead of an attack I would assign the recruits to close off the road and not allow any travelers to travers the area where the bandits are known to occupy. By doing this, the bandits would likely lose interest because there are not travelers to rob. I would also send word out to other organizaitons to seek reinforcements as well as attempt to gather up temporary civilian soldiers and, if the attack is safe, I would arrest the bandits.

  5. MC Name: bitewhite

    IC Name: Marcus Gladiarum

    TimeZone (mine is CMT Central Standard Time): central standard

    Race: I am a human. More specifically I am a Northerner raised in the cold forests near the myanemar forests.

    Age (In-game): 30

    Why should you be in KotW?: I have worked for a very long time as a wandering lumberjack in the harsh northern forests. Such conditions breed tough and valiant soldiers. I wish to participate in a guild that is active in Aegis and I will gladly follow you into battle. I will be a loyal soldier and I will give all that I can to the organization.

    How often a day can you be on, from when to when?: A couple hours a day from like six to eight but I am not that consistent on weekdays. On weekends I will be on much more.

    Why do you want to be in KotW?: I wish to participate in an organization that is active in Aegis and will provide me with opportunity to participate in the organization. I also want to be in an organization that has dedicated members and the Knights of the West seems to meet these criteria.

    What previous battles have you participated in?: I have not participated in any big battles but I am very eager to. With my old guild the White Ravens I participated in some minor fights as a guard.

    Are you capable of providing armor for yourself in every battle? If so, what kind, be truthful I will check your money (Leather, Chainmail, Iron, Gold, Diamond): I have a full suit of Iron armor along with a diamond sword but given that I join I will not be able to provide the income required to buy more armor.


    1. I would not waste time to go get my armor but rather join the battle immediately as the situation seems urgent. I would first drag the injured soldier away seeing as there are some soldiers that could hold the zombies back. Once he is in safety I would join the battle.

    2. I would immediately stop the guards but seeing as they outnumber me, it would be foolish for me to engage them at first. I would threaten to report them for their malfeasance but if they do not relent, I would threaten them with the blade of my sword regardless of there numbers.

    3. Seeing as their is little chance of me and the two other soldiers defeating the undead my first priority would be to lead us to safety but if I notice any wounded I could help or any other soldiers in need I would disregard the undead. If leaving is not an option then I would fight relentlessly to make sure that my death be a valiant one.

  6. An update:

    The Northern Campus is now complete although it will likely undergo some renovations in the future. The Scholars of Aegis will open as soon as we get enough applications for membership so that it is worth opening the guild. Once there are enough applications, Department Heads will be chosen and then associates will begin to be accepted. If there are not enough apps in a week or so, we will likely not form the guild.

  7. A few updates:

    1. Construction on the first campus near Al'Khazar will finish pretty soon. Once finished, department heads will be selected. After the department heads are settled, we will begin taking on associates.

    2. A southern campus near Laurelin is in the planning stages. Construction will begin as soon as the northern campus is completed and will include a main room, 8 offices, 8 bedrooms, 1 lecture hall, 1 conference room, and a medium sized library.

    3. My goal is to build four functioning campuses in the next couple of weeks so that each department will have a campus to operate in. All scholars will still have the choice as to where they would like to locate their office but it is suggested that lower level scholars who are TA's or researchers locate wherever the majority of scholars in their department are located. In addition to the campuses, one main library will be constructed to maintain the organization's books and documents.

  8. The Scholars of Aegis

    *You notice a flyer on the ground and pick it up*

    The Scholars of Aegis is an organization dedicated to collecting the knowledge of Aegis and providing free education to the people of Aegis. In order to accomplish this task, we are looking for new scholars to join the organization. The Scholars of Aegis is new and is still a work in progress so we are looking for founding members who are eager to learn and contribute to the organization.

    Current Positions

    The two main ranks in the Scholars of Aegis are are the scholars and the associates. All members will begin as associates and will become full-fledged scholars once they have written a dissertation for the guild that will be reviewed by a department head, the head scholar, and one other member. Associates applying to join the Department of Engineering will be exempt of writing a dissertation and will instead be appointed by the departments head based off of merit. Once a member has been promoted to scholar they get full access to the library, an office on one of the campuses, a room on campus and will be assigned a position in their chosen department. The positions for the rank of scholar are as follows:

    Tier 1

    • Department Head: A department head has full control over their department. They will be in charge of managing research projects, classes, and all documents and books held by the department. Department heads will essentially function autonomously with little oversight. They are free to choose what specific studies their department will pursue. As we are just getting started, department heads are in need and will be given to the most qualified and hardest working person. To become a department head, you must be a self-starter and you must be an expert on the subject of your department.
    • Head Scholar: The Head Scholar is in charge of the whole organization and manages the organization's affairs. The current head scholar is Marcus Gladiarum.

    Tier 2

    • Professor: Professors are scholars that have proven themselves experts in their chosen field of study and report to their department head. A professor's main job is to conduct research and write books for the library but they are also in charge of teaching classes in the lecture hall. Professor's also coordinate research projects in their specific area of study. Although professors are expected to be knowledgeable in the subject of their department, professors should also get a more specific are of study to be familiar with. For instance, a professor in culture studies could focus on dwarven studies or a professor in engineering could focus on red stone wiring. Professors can also employ any teacher assistants for apprenticeship in their subject.

    Tier 3

    • Researcher: Researchers are new scholars and will assist in research projects until they have developed enough knowledge to be promoted to a Tier 2 position. Researchers will be expected to assist higher level scholars with their work and will be expected to develop a specialty in their field to write on.
    • Teacher Assistant: Teacher assistants are scholars that have been accepted by a higher level scholar to be an apprentice. They will be expected to provide assistance and learn all they can.

    Current Departments

    Departments will be further subdivided at the discretion of the department head.

    • History: The history department is dedicated to collecting the history of Aegis by both learning about the past and ensuring that events are recorded as they occur today. They will participate in excavation and will try to be present at major events such as wars to record what happens accurately.
    • Culture Studies: The culture studies department is dedicated to learning about the various nations, guilds, organizations, political structures and races throughout Aegis. They will conduct research and will work closely with the history department to learn more about the nations of Aegis.
    • Engineering: The engineering department will construct the buildings for the Scholars of Aegis, learn more about the various architecture of Aegis, and research methods of mining and building.
    • Economics: The economics department is dedicated to learning more about the complicated art of trade. They will track prices of various items, track supply and demand, and research the economy of Aegis in general.

    There is currently one campus in construction. It is located north of Al'Khazar on the road to Winterfell. The first building to be completed will have a lecture hall, conference room, main room, 6 bedrooms, 6 offices, a courtyard and various other rooms. Once the engineering department head is chosen, he will build the library and the engineering building.

    Positions are open. If you would like to apply, please submit the following application. The organization is expected to be up and running in a week so application will be responded to once we are ready to open. Departments heads will be chosen first and will not be required to submit a dissertation for original membership and will not have to go through an associate phase.

    MC Name:

    IC Name:

    Reason for joining:

    Field you would like to study:

    Experience and qualifications:

    Position applying for:

    If you would like to donate any books or any other resources please reply. We would also like to make partnerships with the various other scholastic organizations of Aegis.

  9. Name: bitewhite

    ((In-game name:)) Marcus Gladiarum

    ((IRL age)): 19

    Who are you?: I am Marcus Gladiarum, a northerner who has worked for many years in the northern lands doing various jobs. I have participated in some guilds but I really desire to learn more about Aegis and its history.

    Which job and subject/s are you applying for?: I would like to be a professor in economics or history but alas, my many years of lumberjacking has not provided me the credentials for the position. I am very willing to learn as much as I can and I would like to assist with teaching so I am applying to be a scribe or an assistant but I would like to one day become a professor.

    What are your past experiences that can strengthen your chance to get the position?: I am very experienced with various prices throughout Aegis so I could participate in economic research that racks the prices of very items. I also operate my own personal collection of some histories so I could participate in some history development. I consider myself a skilled interviewer and I have familiarity with many notable people so I think I could help out with research on the history of Aegis.

    What are your thoughts on The Aegean Academy? I think that the Aegean Academy is a fantastic idea that will hopefully reduce the general ignorance we find in Aegis. I am interested to see the strength of the organization and how well it can function.

    What can you help out with besides being a professor?: I am a skilled lumberjack so I can gather wood if needed.

  10. IGN: bitewhite

    RP Name: Marcus

    Branch: I'll be a soldier

    Experience: I have served as a guard and fighter for other guilds and organizations

    Will you live in the fort: yes

    Why do you want to join: I am looking to join an organization that will actually do something in Aegis.

    What are you looking for in the army: To be counted among the ranks of an organization that works to fight for power in Aegis.

    Will you be loyal to me: yes

  11. Name:Marcus Gladiarum

    MC Name: bitewhite

    Biography:I was raised in a Northerner family and then came down south to look for work. I have slain many monsters and I have particularly been working for the guild the White Ravens as a guard mostly. I am looking to move North and work to benefit Oren.

    Previous Experience: I was a guard for the White Ravens guild, I have fought many monsters, and I have worked for the arrests of many criminals with my old guild.

    Why you want to Support us: I wish to benefit Oren and work to gain experience as a guard and a warrior. I wish to support the strong House Therving and to be of service to fight the undead.

    Name Four Family Members: Albrecht Therving, Throdo Therving, Rio Therving, and Tylos David Therving.

    Who is the True King? King Edmund Sheffield

  12. Minecraft Name: bitewhite

    RP Name: Marcus Gladiarum

    Why do you wish to join The White Ravens? I want to join a group that I can become involved in and I also want to fight the undead. The White Ravens seem to be a well organized and focused organization so I would be honored to be counted among their ranks.

    Are you against the Undead? Why? Absolutley, I am a Northerner and have lived in the chilly northern forests for all my life and recently the northern lands have been plagued with the undead. The undead have cost me many Minas and have wounded me greatly so I would be happy to fight them.

    What skills do you bring to The White Ravens? How will these help us? I am training my swordsmanship skills and I am also a skilled forester. I know the northern lands very well and I can navigate them easily. I am willing to train in any skills the White Ravens need me to train in.

    Do you understand and agree with all of our rules? Yes I have read the rules provided on this recruitment post and agree to all of them.

  13. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Bitewhite

    -How old are you?: 19

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Central Time/ USA

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I have an indubitably fantastic grasp of the English language.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a university student who plays minecraft in his spare time. I've played for about 8 months now and I came across this server and I REALLY want to join.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I usually play about 2 hours a day, more on the weekends.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: About 8 months

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I don't have extensive experience in roleplaying but I have played quite a few rpg's like The Elder Scrolls.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Based on what I've been reading on the website, an extensive roleplaying server dedicated to creating a minecraft world for its inhabitants.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have actually never played on a mine craft server before, only single player.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I completely agreed with the rules. I have also read through and feel like I have a firm grasp on the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. The four main races are humans, orc, elves and dwarves.

    -How did you hear about us?: I was on youtube and looked at some of the most viewed youtube videos for the day and noticed the trailer. From that, I looked at the website and learned more and now I am completely hooked.

    -Did you vote?: Yes, I voted for the server on the links provided.

    -What was your favourite Law?: "You must keep in character." I think it is really important to maintain the environment.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: To play as an evil character, you must submit an application. I don't completely understand the point but I suppose I will obey.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Bitewhtie/ Marcus Gladiarum


    -Character Name: Marcus Gladiarum

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Bitewhtie

    -Biography: Born to a strong but humble Northerner family, Marcus grew up in the tough Wildewyn Woods and the cold Northern lands. Marcus originally spent his younger years as a forester became a skilled lumberjack. One day, Marcus went with his father to sell lumber in the city of Al'Khazar and Marcus became elated in the magnificence of the city. Taken by the incredible wealth and glory of the city, Marcus soon gave up his hopes of becoming a lumberjack like his father and soon focused his aspirations on becoming a wealthy and famous business man. Marcus eagerly pursued any education he could receive and then, after coming of age, set out for the city to try to make a name for himself in the vast markets of Aegis.

    -Character Age: 22

    -Character Appearance: A characteristic Northerner, Marcus is muscular and pale-skinned but he attempts to cover up these attributes as he wants to appear more city-like.

    -Character Personality: Marcus is relatively even tempered but can be very abrasive to get what he wants. Growing up, Marcus was taught that a pacifist never wins so he is no stranger to fighting.

    -Your ambitions: Marcus aspires to one day being a business tycoon and being able to afford the many things he was unable to attain as a child.

    -Can your character read or write?: Having the child of a lumberjack, Marcus was unable to read or write but he has since bought himself a little in the hopes of one day becoming a successful merchant.

    -Can your character mine?: Having spent his entire life foresting, Marcus has the muscles to be able to mine but does not have skill to do so. However, Marcus is willing to learn the skill in order to earn money.

    -Are you a capable builder? Marcus' only real familiarity in building was building small huts for his family to temporarily stay in so Marcus has little experience with large building projects.

    -Can you wield a sword?: In the often dangerous Northern lands, Marcus and his family were not often protected so his father taught him to wield a sword with great skill.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Marcus often planted many saplings for his father but is not particularly skilled in any sort of farming.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] Marcus is keen to trading and would like to make a name for himself as a trader.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?action=readreviews&link=5359

    -Other Information: Awesome trailer video btw. (extra points for flattery)

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