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Posts posted by Amanlu

  1. Grinding gravel is such a pain. You grind whole stack to get 3 flints... sometimes 4. I died once uring the proces, losing 600 minas (( Felt off 70 block height of gravel, due to lag. )) I felt like "Ain't Happen" Or maybe iron instead of flint, this will be more rp while arrows aren't made from flint, but from steel/iron. They can be normal, or barbed etc.

  2. I really enjoy the patch. But... Archery. Archer should be good at making bows / more arrows, not lumberjack. Archer know how his bow is made, and how to make arrows, so that's more RP like to let him craft these things. Also He should get more loot from cows, pigs, and sheeps, while he kill them with arrows, that's called hunting.

    Edit: Yes... This is grinding. But also forces people to play more like society, not like "forever aloners", aka I need blacksmith friend, to make me armor. And farmer friend to get food. I will supply them with iron, and leather.

    Edit2: We have lumberjacks, miners, blacksmith, fighters, cook, and farmer. Everyone is happy, becouse whole society enjoy 100 lvl of their lvl.

  3. Just one small idea. Let people wear Tabbards. It will work like this:

    Player get command to change his nameplate

    For example Green, brown, black, yellow etc.

    Someone will say META META. While you wear your nice tabbard on your CHEST with picture of house you work for IS THIS META? Use brain, it doesn't hurts.

    This will be usefull during wars. Too much friendly fire allready...

  4. Also i propose few things. Chainmail shouldn't slow you down, it is light, and let you move your limbs as you wish. Also maybe chainmail should be weak to arrows, and plate/diamond weak to blunt weapons ( axe ) And leather weak to sword. I think that FULL absorb will be OP. 90% damage should be absorbed, but not ALL. Also i wonder why you sink in leather armour...


    Full leather set should give damage/range buff for bows for people wearing it.

    Chainmail should slightly incrase damage with swords.

    Iron Armour just slow down.

    Diamond one decrase damage.

  5. I sent this idea "Don't let mobs spawn in light level 0 or 1 becouse they lag, and they aren't addition to any RP" to SapphireShard aka Freya today :)

    Edit: I don't want to know how many mobs will be on surface :D

  6. (( i may think about joining house Adelban, I have accepted VA for 1, 2a[PROVOKED] But will make miniapp later, i were rping with Jtheo few times, when he came to assasinate Jordan too :) Will be quite nice to rp if i will be accepted. I will make my application later. ))

  7. ((... So... Soldiers with banners and tabbards were metagaming while they went to war in middle age europe, and were slaying enemies? ))

    (( Nameplates colour - TABBARD, it's not meta ffs... it's intentionaly, to don't let kill your own people... Hate guys like this... everything is meta for them... ))

  8. *Note is pinned to Town hall main enterance. It is written by blood*

    "Jordan... watch who you recruit... Bunch of idiots... let me escape... Beware... soon you all will swim in your own blood"

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