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Status Replies posted by TheLoopyCoopy

  1. Someone should totally make me a graphic, that reads Knight of the Wind, in grey blue and green, they would be considered supreme Digity, oR someone could link me to a free painting program that is boss. Both would be quite EPIC.

    1. TheLoopyCoopy


      GIMP is free if you have a mac. If not just pirate photoshop or ms paint

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. They said letting yourself lose would be fun. Instead it gets you drugged, stolen from, your unconscious body fought over for an hour, and then when you wake up you are once again robbed, and this time killed. I don't get the fun part

    1. TheLoopyCoopy


      Sorry, forgot to mention the guy who robbed/killed me came in in the last two minutes, demanded my stuff and hit me when I refused

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. They said letting yourself lose would be fun. Instead it gets you drugged, stolen from, your unconscious body fought over for an hour, and then when you wake up you are once again robbed, and this time killed. I don't get the fun part

    1. TheLoopyCoopy


      I appreciate the attempted help lego, that was a situation that shouldn't have happened. And maybe Austin, then I could get some payback on the one who basically no rp killed me...but I don't know, is it even worth it?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Fought in the Battle of the Boot. Out of all ways I could die I land in an opening floor trap :(

  5. Dat Archery buff

    1. TheLoopyCoopy


      I'm intrigued. What does it do?

  6. Seen the App thing for Lore Master smiled, seen that had to be diamond donated or higher *DIES INSIDE*

  7. Is it possible to get the skills for my Character back?

    1. TheLoopyCoopy


      Were they deleted? If you screenshotted them the mods will give them back...if not then you might be out of luck

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. So does donating a certain amount still give you a skills reset?

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