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Posts posted by TheLoopyCoopy

  1. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0
    Name: Drell D'Harron
    Surname/House: D'Harron
    Age: 18
    Race: Aduinian

    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description
    Weight: 170 lbs
    Eye ColorBrown
    Hair ColorBrown
    Skin Color/Shade: Tanned
    Outstanding Markings/TattoosN/A
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): I
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): Salvus
    Profession/OccupationSalvian Shield
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Drell D'Harron, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

    "I, TheLoopyCoopy, hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will."

  2. Out of Character

    Minecraft Name


    Forum Name


    Server Join Date


    How Active are You?

    Fairly active. I'm on for a few hours a few days a week, often more.

    In Character


    Riv Thomas






    None officially, but I was born and raised on the water and as such I have rather extensive experience sailing.


    Experience sailing

    Loyalty to the Empire and the Emperor

    Willingness to serve

    Reasons why you are right for the job

    Because I want the chance to prove myself as a capable sailor and hopefully Captain one day. I'll follow orders, be respectful, and be a damn fine soldier if I do say so myself.

  3. 1. Mc name and rp name : Kale D'Harron

    2. What race are you : Human

    3. Have you ever lived in solace: Yes, I was an Ordinator and a Peacekeeper before that.

    4. Did anyone direct you to joining, if so who: Lusty

    5. (Answer in rp format what you do)

    - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley. --

    There's three of them and I'm in full armor, I'll never catch them all. Best shot is to find other guards, block of the entrances to the city. Then me and a few others can comb the area until we find them. They won't be able to get out so it's only a matter of time.

    7. I, Kale, Swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, James Hightower and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Kale.

  4. Peaceful ≠ No standing military

    People take Salvus' reputation as a "peaceful" nation far too literally. Salvus has not and does not declare war on other nations. We support our allies (like Hanseti vs Renaltus) in hopes that they will support us if we are ever attacked. We defend ourselves from threats like bandits. But we do not independently take offensive action.

    Besides, if Salvus hired a mercenary force they still have an army, it's just not as loyal and dedicated as the PK force.

  5. Since there have recently been some questions of Peacekeepers acting outside Salvus, I thought it might be best to get this clarified - Are Peacekeepers allowed to arrest wanted individuals even if they are not strictly inside Salvus borders? Obviously if they flee to Hansetti or the Elven lands cooperation with those governments are nessecary, but if they are in unclaimed territory are we allowed to make an arrest?

  6. I could play as a cousin or something. My character never really had a family, but it wouldn't be hard to insert a last name he doesn't know about into his backstory. Him learning he actually does have family would be fun RP.

    He's currently a Peacekeeper in Salvus and I'd be more than happy to change his name.

  7. Sorry to complain, but my room (barracks straight across compound courtyard, second floor, furthest to the right, it's clearly marked Kale) hasn't had all the enchantments removed and I can't place any of my objects. If someone could rework that so I could properly move in that would be great.

  8. And Peacekeeper Kale. About time this got updated.

    I can tell you for a fact that Peacekeeper Tempir and Peacekeeper Apprentice Aldawolf are both gone ((banned)) and Peacekeeper Zenir was kicked off the force a while ago. Also Peacekeeper Gawyn has not reported for duty in some time.

  9. A few more suggestions:

    The barracks need to be revised slightly. I would suggest adding a small locked room around the gate controls so that bandits can never gain access to the barracks. Secondly, the board that lists active Peacekeepers is horrendously out of date, that needs to be updated. Lastly more people need to be given access to the repair chests, as right now I don't know who all has the keys but it's certainly not the Peacekeepers (who need to put their worn down gear in there)

    I would also suggest a wanted board inside the gatehouse so that Peacekeepers on gate duty know who to let in and who not to.

  10. At the beggining Salvus was ment to be a peacefull nation, and it still is. Natural walls would somehow fit with the RP on this. Better than Big o' Walls in the middle of farming areas.

    Being a peaceful nation is all well and good when people respect the peace. The problem is, the bandits see out peacefulness as weakness and target us. I agree wholeheartedly with natural walls however, perhaps we could organize a large scale excavation project to make the land around Salvus more defendable?

    Also the dock needs a gate added, which should be kept close barring special circumstances.

    Queen Dawn is currently paying Peacekeepers when she sees them. Also if you need food, it is supplied free by Dawn's Bakery.

    I didn't know this, thank you for the information. Unfortunately I have never been payed, but I suppose this is just time differences and such. Also we lack the iron to even supply Peacekeepers with armor - something about our miners not working? That is completely unacceptable and stops the Peacekeepers from doing their jobs.


    I'll take it you agree with me on this and the unmentioned points.

    Thats a realy serious accusation. We'll see what happens.

    This really ties in with my points that the Peacekeeper Roster needs to be looked over and the locks need to be changed. There are too many dead, exiled, or untrustworthy Peacekeepers as of now.

    Also I've gotten complaints of Peacekeepers stealing? Needs to be looked at.

  11. I agree that villains are inherently a good thing and they bring conflict and interesting role play to the server. But I would like to see the villain population cut down a bit, as the number of petty bandits and the like is getting kind of out of hand.

    For example, my friend OOC informed me of this event that happened recently: She was walking along the road to salvus when she saw several men in diamond/iron armor robbing two men. She was quickly informed that if she ran she was going to die, so she stayed where she was. The bandits finished robbing the men and turned to her, briefly discussing what to do with her before finally deciding they would eat her.

    So she gets tied up, gagged, and dragged from the robbery site to the bandit's base. (She was told if she informed anyone of her situation she would be killed, despite the fact that there was a man in full diamond carrying a bound, gagged girl over his shoulder - she thought it was odd nobody passing them on the road or in the cloud temple would notice that)

    Anyway she was brought to their base where she was thrown in a cell, asked a few questions, and then killed (and presumably eaten) It wasn't a very fun experience for her and causes some issues in her RP. How can she reasonably be expected to come out of that? If she was eaten then there's no way the monks could've saved her, so for all intents and purposes her character should be dead. Does she have to make a new character? Does that mean that all the backstory her and I planned out is now null and void? If so that's disappointing - we had quite the little personal plot going and for it to die because she was at the wrong place at the wrong time is frankly kind of upsetting.

    Villains abuse their powers far too much in my opinion. I would suggest just cutting down on the number of active villains and making villain a much more difficult status to achieve, as right now there are far too many people who don't deserve it.

  12. I know I literally just made a report, but I feel that this is important enough to warrant a second report so soon.

    Salvus, and Solace in particular, is incredibly hard to defend.

    I: The Walls are insufficient. The gate is a good start, but ultimately pointless, as bandits and other troublemakers are able to simply walk around it. We need a real wall, and we need it as soon as possible. I know there are civilians who would only be too happy to aid in the construction.

    II: The Peacekeepers lack supplies. We are not paid, we are not given food, we are given a set of iron armor and an iron sword upon making full Peacekeeper but this is laughable compared to the diamond clad gold sword wielding bandits we seem to have to take on. We are simply unequipped to handle the threats we face, and we can't make money to buy our own supplies as we are not paid and have no time to adventure. I suggest a Peacekeeper owned and operated farm inside the compound, and maybe a mine to gather our own resources.

    III: The Peacekeepers are undertrained. We receive next to no training when we enter the force, it is generally just a "sink and swim" philosophy. I suggest pairing a Peacekeeper Apprentice with a full Peacekeeper, so they are able to work together and help each other.

    IV: The Peacekeepers are too small. We don't need to expand, we need a militia. With the Peacekeepers as officers Salvus could be a legitimate fighting force, but no steps have been taken in this direction.

    V: We need to wipe out the bandits that continue attacking the town. There have been several attacks in the past few weeks, quite a few deaths, and 90 apples paid to save hostages, some of which were killed anyway. They have gotten into the barracks and locked the gate from the inside, preventing any Peacekeepers from entering. Peacekeeper Apprentice Aldawolf had an excellent suggestion of allying ourselves with the Dwarves and perhaps the White Ravens and hitting the bandits on their own turf.

    VI: The locks on the doors need to be changed. There are too many ex-Peacekeepers that have the keys, and it presents a real threat to Salvus security.

    VII: Peacekeeper Apprentice Aldawolf has alerted me to a possible traitor in the Peacekeepers. I need to speak to somebody immediately about this, as this could be devastating to the country as a whole.

    Thank you,

    Peacekeeper Kale

  13. The day started like any other day, I guess. Cept there was a demon in the courtyard.

    I showed up halfway through the argument, but got the gist of it soon enough. Peacekeeper Apprentice Aldawolf was there, along with several of the Seventis military and some civvies. Apparently this demon had killed Peacekeeper Regaki and was being attacked by some Seventis guys and defended by a civvie...a trader I think.

    Anyway, I try to organize that but nobody pays attention. Then Queen Dawn (Ariel bless her) comes up the gates so I leave Aldawolf in charge and sprint over there to open it.

    I let her in, but there's also a crowd, and I begin to ask for names. One man responds with "Alan"

    Seeing a WANTED poster just inside the guardhouse for a certain Alan Locker, I inquire further. He says "Alan Locker".

    Naturally, I close both gates and lock him in. This creates quite an uproar from several other civilians - not because he was dangerous mind you (he wasn't attacking) but because I was inconveniencing them.

    I call for the Queen (Ariel bless her) but she's gone. Aldawolf rushes over, and, not understanding the situation, opens the gate into the capital. The group of civvies, plus Alan, charge into the city. Naturally, I rush to apprehend Locker. I chase him back to the gate and once again trap him, then go off for the Queen (Ariel Bless her). She's in the bakery but does not respond to me, and by the time I return to the gates, they are open (no explanation) and Locker is gone.

    Now, as I scramble to find Locker and the person responsible for his escape, I stumble upon...something (later realized to be the shade of former Peacekeeper Regaki) entering the guardhouse. I question it, but it simply floats away.

    I then find Locker cowering in the tent. I approach and attempt to apprehend him, "aided" by several civvies, who refused to listen to me when I demanded they back up. They were a danger to themselves and me.

    I successfully cuffed Locker, met up with Aldawolf yet again, and we both went to the barracks, where Locker was thrown into a cell. Aldawolf, on my order, sent a bird to the Queen (Ariel bless her) requesting orders.

    We attempt to question Locker, but before we're given the chance, the wraith of Regaki appears. He is tailed closely by a wizard whose name I do not know. A magical battle ensued, during which the Queen (Ariel bless her) sent us a bird demanding the release of Locker. We did so, and he promptly turned into a werewolf and ran into the woods.

    Meanwhile, the Wizard and the Wraith continue to fight in the jailhouse. The barracks are then approached by a Mori holding the head of a golem. They demand to be let in, and on order of the wizard, I comply.

    The golem head and the wizard defeat the wraith and leave. The Mori departs soon afterwards, under the cover of darkness. Aldawolf and I head down to the courtyard, where a Seventis sergeant very snippily informs me that the Demon who killed Regaki is dead, killed by somebody, though he did not deign to say who. He then insulted the Peacekeepers and I left in a huff, though I failed to find who the killer of the demon was, or if the demon truly is dead.

    Later, the wizard left with one more golem than before. I did not ask questions.

    So! My thoughts.

    -Aldawolf deserves promotion to full Peacekeeper. He performed admirably, and with Regaki dead, I don't know who better to replace him.

    -Magic, or at least open displays of magic, should become a minor offense, punishable by fine.

    -Disobeying a Peacekeeper, likewise.

    -It is possible that Locker freed himself from the gate, the guardhouse should be examined and rearranged so the controls are not so close to the windows.

    -If I do say so myself, I think a pay raise is in order.

    Good day.

    -Peacekeeper Kale

  14. MC name: Wanggubo

    IC name: Kale

    Why you wish to join the military: I need protection, and it seems allying myself with one of the larger nations seems the best way to go. And I really need something to do with my hands - I've tried going out into the woods, but city life just seems to sit better with me. I've always admired the guards, Peacekeepers, what have you, and it sounds like something I could do well.

    What weapon you are most comfortable with: Most comfortable with the sword (50) but I'm also an accomplished blacksmith. (75) No other weapon skills of note, though I am a good farmer (20)

    What military experience (if any) do you have: I was an Oren Guard and militiaman, and assisted in several arrests even as just a civilian.

    Have you read and understood the military order and laws post?: Yes. One of High Accord is plotting with the enemies of Salrus, which can result in anything from a 2000 minas fine up to death.

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