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Posts posted by Mahoney220


    MC Name: Mahoney220

    RP Name: Darious Highrider

    Village Name: Roakear

    Why is your character starting this village/settlement? What is its purpose:

    Darious, a nomadic human specialised in wilderness survival. Legendary in the art of mining and blacksmithing. Darious only makes weekly trips into the industrious towns to sell his wears from mining and to exchange his skills in blacksmithing. Making a good amount of mina out of every trip, then disapearing from the lands for another peroid of time. The day has come, after years of saving up minas Darious has enough to purchase his very own village. Awating the day he could permantly emurage from his mine. Longing to meet people he can call "friend", Darious grows in exitement. Spending days upon days trying to wright the perfect charter to hand to someone of vast inportance. Traveling into town very seldom now, only to ask the kind people of the "cloud area" how to spell, and asking a rich human girl to look over his parishment. Then, the nod. The woman is happy with his work. Exitement is the only emotion runing through the vanes of the soon to be dike of his very own village. Ripping through the temple, insearch of the people on the list the woman gave to him, noting all the names that would help him.

    What type of political system or leadership is within the village?


    Ruler with no question. Any ideas on village improvements or arcatecture will be taken up with this rank and only this rank, unless told diffrently. The Duke is the one person that is incontrole the structures of the village. This means no farms, fountans, mines or houses will be constructed without the consent of the Duke. Being the offical of the village, the Duke has the right to modify any part of a housing structure with out the running by of the "owner". This rank has the power to kick un-loyal or members voted out buy desision of other citizens.


    The thane of the town has almost the same power as Duke. Thanes have the power to tell citizens what to do, sometimes. This rank is a trusted person picked by the Duke. This person is second in power and recieves the throne if the Duke passes. But untill the day of promotion the Thane is ranked as a civilion, but with a say in the ruling of the village.


    A recruter is as the name presents. This rank is payed for people recruted into the village. The recruter is payed accordingly to the person he or she recruteds skill set. For example the recruter would be payed more if he found a legondary swordsman compared to a novice farmer. The recruter is not always an open spot due to the compasity of the village. When the village is full, the recruter has done his job well and will be a civilion until he or she is needed once more.


    The merchant rank is for citizens that have proven there worth to the village. Once one has become a merchant they will be awarded a shop, complements of the Duke. The merchant will be provided with items to sell, in return the merchant must pay a cut to the village. If the merchant helps the village rise to town level, the man or woman will be rewarded with a special rank in the new town.

    ~Specialty production~

    This rank can be one given upon arrival. If one is legondary in a production skill, such as mining, farming, lumberjacking and so on, they will be awarded the specialest title. A specialest in one skill will be the commander in the skill. This rank will be given a quota to furfill and it is his job to split the quota with the civilions working under him. For example, there is a Specialty miner. He has command of all the miners signed under his or her self. The specialest gets his quota, which could be 3 chests of cobblestone. He then splits the order and hands his miners there own quota. Once the quota is finished the specialest will be paid and it is there jobs to pay the miners accordingly. The specialisation rank can be rovoked instantly if there is any complaints of slavery and or mina distrubution faults.

    ~Shop keepers~

    Shop keepers have close to no rights inside the walls of the village. The shop keepers will be outside merchants, paying for an area to set up shop. This rank will pay a rental fee to keep his shop set up in the village. The shop keeper will have an area were members of the town can buy goods that others did not have.


    The civilion will be the rank which most will recieve coming into the village. The civilion will be able to buy a house and be recruted buy a specialest to gain mina and start life in the village. Working up ranks in time.

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.)

    The only behaviors that will be forced onto a member of the village is friendship and co-opperation. Races do not matter in the village of Roakear. Every man woman and child will have the same rights as another.

    Where would you prefer the town's region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).


    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

    The architecture will be a mix of dwarven and elven, a clash of stone and leaves will make the village look top of its kind.

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (5 name minimum):

  2. -Name Darious Highrider

    -Age 31

    -Gender Male

    -Race Human

    -Occupation I am a legendary miner and smith ((both 100)). Mining by day smithing through the night, the only serenity i have ever found.

    Further information will be supplied upon demand or when needed.

  3. Makes sense. Big ol' killing each other spree would be cool. Resulting in everyone to re-roll as infants, fending for our baby friends from packs of monsters with our cuteness. Growing up at the same rate and if anyone sets there age any higher, ban them for powering. Jeezus! Why am I not lore-master! xP

  4. Im book marking this! I cant count how many times someone has *Stabbed _____ or *Cuts of _____ arm. Then i get the guy threaten to get me banned because a refused to play along with his "Roleplay". Thanks alot, i now have pretty much a "Try again" card. Haha

  5. *Pins another note*

    Sir you seem to be money hungry. Your prices are not cheep, i will buy your iron for 16 minas each.

    ((and har har, its a oldish laugh, but back in these times you did not enunciate your laughter. It was just adopted the "that guys such a blue face, hahahah" That is not the correct terms. Saying, "i laugh at your offer" would be getting close to correct. But who knows, If your around 500 years old please speek up now and correct my infractions))

  6. i guess ill change, and for the resource town statement, really i want to pay my earned minas on a place that i can build protected stuff, farms all the way to bedrock with fences under the farmlland to prevent monster spawn 70/6 = 11 farms with 20x20=400 wheat on each floor x 11= 4400/3 = almost 1500 breadx 2 ea for retail 3000$ per harvest, if i didnt screw up on the math. 20x20 = 400 x 70 = about 28000 cobble to be mined out, cook into stone sell for 50 cents each i just made 14k, just payed for my village, now my farm is making me pure profit fue days pass, i now have a town upgrade, now my farms are 40x40 so now 6k per harvest, this is around 1 week later. Now im coining enough for a city, i upgrade to a city, 100x100 this is just to big to dig out, so now i have a city and kingdom would be soon to come. As for the signs for all this, everyone wants to be rich. Hard work pays off, but this is the best thing that i could do it would take alot of work, but can be worth it, i play minecraft so this could be a goal to reach for.... I guess i went on and said all this because everyone wants a resource land what they can coin it on LOTC and be a known player going form village to kingdom in the shortest time. Everyone thinks like i do, or "I got 14k so i can get some home protection and get 5 scrubs the sign my charter" or "Hey im going to make the best guild its going to be so good!, there all going to pay me and they will all be my *******".... Now i guess im just the one that can say , ya i want to have a place of my own and a fue trusted people to make the big money and chill in then end when i have completed my goal.... so back to the point, I RP the area because the thread isnt called apply for home protection for only 14k! hahaha Thanks for reading everyone, hope this experience was as good for you as it was for me :P

  7. I seem to be getting the vibe Hanseti isnt a very liked area haha. I own farms in Hanseti. I talk to patthebakr a bit and Hanseti reminds me of Oren. I like it, and i guess i dont mind the snow to much. And my area is right on the banks so im not in a barron snow land hahaha. unless theres a reason i shouldnt be in Hanseti?


    MC Name:Mahoney220

    RP Name:Raymond_Kelly

    Village Name:Village of Skogar

    Why is your character starting this village/settlement? What is its purpose? I am starting this village to try to put a change to the population crisis in the beautiful city of Hanseti. My dream in the future is to upgrade to a town, then a city. If my dreams really do become a reality i, with the help of my many city members could have everyone from the Elven lands to the Orkish capital coming to the lands of Hanseti.

    What type of political system or leadership is within the village?My plans for the political leadership system is every member having an equal say in out coming events that will take place in the village. I will never over rule a decision made when majority rules.

    For the economic factor, there will never be a law instated that members of the village has to pay any amount of minas or they will be evicted. The village is going to be a sharing community, more or less. The members will not be obligated to take items out of there chest to give to others just because they asked. The "Sharing" rule is implemented in the farms and mines mostly. An example of that is if you get 4 bundles of wheat from the farm, throw 2 in a public chest. If you do not, more or less "share", you will not be asked to leave, but everyone likes a nice person.

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.) No religion will be forced upon any one of the members of the village. The behavior factor will be very much observed in this village. There shal be no fights in the Village of Skogar, we will be a peaceful area, so everyone can come and be equal, wooden to diamond swords, leather to gold armor, they will considered the same in the eyes of every member of the village.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).


    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):The plans on the village a very large farming community, but as of today the plans have not been set in stone.

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (5 name minimum):






    ----Generosity Line----



  9. Name - Raymond, Mastersmith_Ray

    Race ((With Subrace)) -Human

    Age - 51

    Where do you live and come from? -I live out in the wilds, i am a nomad if you must.

    A couple of small sentences about yourself - My name is Raymond, I am legendary in the arts of Blacksmithing and Mining.((Lvl 100))I am a nomad, living of the land, i spend 99% of the day in my mines and my smithing quarters, i come out to make a quick trade around the cloud temple and then im back to my temporary home.

    Why do you wish to join The Guardians -As a man of my age, and background, spending my time in the murkey mines and dark caverns, i do get loanly. I am in seek of some new "Friends" as you top dwellers may say.

    What do you wish to achieve in this guild? What are your goals? -I wish to achieve bliss, spend my time laying in the grass and tending my crops until i get old and feeble.

    Do you swear to protect the people and your brothers, with your very own life? -Yes, I swear.

    Do you swear an oath by Aeriel, that you will not break The Code of The Guardians? -I will not, i swear.

    Any useful skills that you can master? ((Post your skill points)) ((Level 100 Blacksmithing, 100 Mining, 20 farming, getting 75 Swords))

    Any other information that might come in handy - I do not like reason less violence. Defending your kingdom from siege is one thing, picking on little girls is down right wrong.

  10. *Parishment scattered everywhere in the cloud temple, you decide to pick one up*

    Hello all, My name is Master-Smith_Ray ((mahoney220)). I am a very skilled miner and blacksmith, I have been saving up my ores and gems until today. I am selling all my gold and blue gems ((diamond)). I have limited supply of them both, i have 40 gold i am willing to sell the price for the ingots will be 450 minas each. As well, i have 30 blue gems, i would be looking to sell them for 500 a piece. If you are interested please wright on the back of this parishment and put it under the loose stone by the elven gate, ((Reply to thread)) Or you can send me a bird.

    Good Day, Master-Smith_Ray

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