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Posts posted by Nandz64

  1. So I can't find the option in the settings anywhere, and I was wondering if someone could point it out to me (or just ban me both in-game and on the forums).


    I was planning to leave LotC without a farewell post, but I can't find the option to quit.


    Thanks to anyone who answers in advance.

  2. I don't understand, why should we have a "Badlands"? Shouldn't we have a corrupted 'Eden' instead, where countries are constantly fighting over near unlimited resources in a king-of-the-hill competition? I haven't read the lore, sure, but having races compete makes much ore more sense, at least to me personally.

  3. * a note is pinned up on the board of Horen mansion, at the gates of Arethor.*


    I need builders and carpenters to raise my new farm.Pay is negotiable, but I assure you it will be just. All wood used will be paid for, but you must bring your own tools. The farm will need fencing, as well as a small house for two workers to sleep and live, as well as a basement or cellar large enough to hold all the wheat that shall be collected. Send me a message, whether by messenger or animal, and I shall organize the due date, as well as give directions.

    -Jornn Blackheart



  4. I'm sure someone must have mentioned this (not to my knowledge, but I'm sure I can't be the first one), but can't we have it work like the magic plugin from Asulon?


    Say, everyone can craft the basics, but to craft more complex things you have to be taught either by a book, or a professional. It sort of smacks me of the system in the ESV: Skyrim - You can learn how new spells from books or teachers (in Oblivion), except this is for all things, like expensive food and armour. To make sure skill levels are still important, items can have drastically lowered durability depending on your stats.


    Also, please don't give crafting a chance of failing. There's nothing more annoying than climbing mountains and defeating mobs only to find your simple iron sword turned into charcoal instead.

  5. *When Jornn reads the sign, he smiles, and mutters under his breath.*


    "I see the little tricksters are having fun."


    *Jornn looks around for travelers, and then quickly writes a small message with his quill.*


     The servants of Iblees want a hundred iron by next fortday! We pay good!


    *Jornn walks off in a hurry, trying to stay out of sight.*

  6. (I apologize for the informal structure of my post, and that I did not read the last 9 pages, and could possibly be regurgitating an option already mentioned.)

    (I also apologize if this post tempts you into TL;DR, and if so please tell me so I can shorten it for future readers.)

    Non-fancy version - Currencies come from exclusive materials, encourage travel.

    While I'm sure I'm not the first who has thought of this, but what if the currencies of different nations were by an irreversible process minted using whatever material is exclusive to the capital? Provided we removed mina drops from mobs, this would cause merchants to try and seed their shops in more cities, leading to more competition, as well as forcing them to move cargo between cities to take advantage of better prices elsewhere. Provided distances between capitals is furthered (and the humans don't take over land nearest to the spawn), this would allow players to get all goods in whichever city they live in, as well as encourage consumers to travel to other nations to get cheaper prices.

    For once, elven and dwarfish cities won't be ghost towns.

    Also, we can simply solve the mina drop by giving expensive drops more frequently.

    This is tricky, as almost every player in 2.5 has about 6 bows in their inventory because of skeletons.

    These drops have to be worth around the old mina value and be of use to every profession, as well as being salvageable to a building block if drops become too easy and commonplace. Stone and wood tools seem like the best answer, since their value will never be above 10 minas.

  7. Application For the Order:

    Out of Character information

    This is just a archetype I am toying with until 3.0 (when I shall dazzle the world), so don't expect a VA quality submission.







    [How much time you can be online per day]:

    1-2 hours after end of January.

    [How long have you been playing on the server?]:

    Almost 2 years.

    [Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]:

    I do not like the stagnant guilds and organizations all over LotC, where RP is usually dry and pointless, focusing over minor events, but instead I prefer living forces, planning, acting, and changing the lore of the server as they see fit, changing the course of every character in the server.

    [Do you have TS?]:


    [Do you have a Skype?]:


    In Character Information


    I do not keep one.

    Have you read, and understood, the Creed?:





    Twenty and five summers.


    I tended my father's farm when I was young, and other than that I've never worked in a city, preferring to travel in the wild.

    Why do you wish to join?:

    Pay, shelter, and ale. Living in danger also enthralls me, it makes me feel change is afoot.

    Describe your personality:

    I'm a man who does what he's told, but can find something to do without orders. I know how to lie, and I also prefer solitude in nature or climbing rooftops rather than filling out paperwork.

    Describe your personal attributes:

    I've spent my whole life outside, climbing trees, eavesdropping people, and camping out in the wild. I know how to move fast, scale city walls, and I'm a fit man.

    Personal Biography:

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:

    I'll be loyal to the order, aye, but you can't expect liars to be always obedient.

    Some Additional Out of Character Questions

    [show me you know how to talk in OOC:]

    Do you wish to know if I know the commands? If I can summarize efficiently? If I know how to convert OOC messages into RP? This is not a question well worded.

    /looc - For local OOC.

    /join ooc + /ooc - To talk and listen in Global OOC.

    [OOC] No armor clad ninjas on the roof!

    OOC message - Go to the forums and read my PM.

    RP- "Lad, I sent a messenger boy of mine to drop off the scroll with the report. It should be in your room.[OOC - Check your forum inbox.]

    OOC- I want you to PM me the report.

    RP - "I want the blasted report on my desk in the base by next fortday! [OOC- PM me.]

    OOC- I want you to decide which applicants to approve.

    RP - Look over the applications I left in the base [OOC- Check thread].

    [Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]:


    [Link to Server Application (if findable):]

    N/A, they wiped them all.

    [When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

  8. * Malin sits upon his cleaned anvil, trying to catch some of the light from the furnace. He takes out a long owl feather with a sharpened point, and dips it in his small inkwell. Malin than carefully writes this - *

    Eagle -

    Please 1. Make a new door for the base.

    2. Give me more missions.

    3. Let us recruit more. I say we pick apprentices at Veteran rank and train them personally.

    4. Let me establish climbing and breaching tours around Asulon.

    5. Teach everyone star navigation.

    As I grow older and older, I will be unable to perform at the level needed for the Rangers. At that point I shall retire, to most likely go into farming.

    Also, there's a stench of rotten flesh in the base. We need to purify it.

    [OOC[ I'm having problems with my Java. Also, my RP skills are starting to fall off, so I need to get some practise in. I'm going to hold off my VA till my next character, as Malin has grown too old in Asulon years. He should be above 55 by now, but I'm holding him in his late - 30s.]OOC]

  9. * Malin's precious owl, a white barn owl named Hoot, flies towards Hawk with a cheap sheet of paper rolled up in it's claws. Hoot silently swoops down and perches on the table of Hawk's office, leaving the note there to hunt mice inside the office.*


    'The reports have stalled, and no new reports can be seen since Aegis.'

    ' The Phoenix Rangers need to survive, Eagle. Please ask all our brothers to work harder, if they do not work enough.'

    'I myself will soon send you a new report. I ask that you burn all the reports from Aegis.'

    ' Also, all Rangers need to be taught navigation by use of the celestial stars. This way, we will be able to alert all our brothers of any threats, or places of interest.'

    'Also, I wish for an exploring party to be set up to explore Asulon and criticize the various forts, for it seems in my experience that every fort is easily accessible to good climbers.'

    ' I also ask to meet our blacksmith, and if there is none, then take that role, as well as my usual.'

    'I may write again soon. Please take care of my owl, and feed him fresh raw meat if possible. Also, please let him hunt.'

    ' - Owl. '

  10. *Malin Arket nails his application near the information board.*

    MC name:


    IC name:

    Malin_Arket (Sometimes Malin_Arket_Junior)

    What weapon you are most comfortable with (and your stats for swords, axes, archery, wrestling and smithing):

    I am proficient with the blade, especially lighter, iron shortswords. I am an agile man, and climbing and chasing are my strong points.


    Swords - 100

    Archery - 25

    Wrestling - 22

    Axes - 0

    Blacksmithing - 21 [[To be improved soon.]]

    How long have you lived in Salvus:

    A month. [[Rp time, not exact]]

    Why do you wish to join the Peacekeepers:

    To re-stabilize Solace, and help end violence in the nation. The republic formation's key complaint is the Peacekeepers and the violence on the streets, and I hope to eradicate that and guard the citizens of Salvus.

    What military experience (if any) do you have:

    A bit of confidential work for Oren. I have also fought at many of the battles leading to the destruction of the Cloud temple.

    Where were you before you came to Salvus:

    The Wilds.

    Have you read and understood the military order and laws post? (Name one of the laws of high accord and the fines that can be imposed from it.):

    The unlawful murder of a Royal, soldier, or citizen, can be fined by around two thousand to five thousand minas, jail for up to seven days, or execution, as well as other punishments.

    [[RP related questions. Answer to greatest of ability.]]

    [[ I took these questions as a literal RP thing, as if it was an exam. I didn't know that I needed to create a scenario and write a semi-story on it to show bravado or something.]]

    It is your first day as a recruit in the Peacekeeper force, and as you are patroling the back streets of Solace you here the sounds of a argument in a back alley way. You see no other guards around and notice you are alone on the street. You decide to round the corner and find what the commotion is about. As you round the corner you see two men arguing about something intelligible to your ears. You see one wielding a stick, the other with nothing in his hands. How will you react?

    The first step would be to pause their argument and tell the man to lower his stick. Then, I would notify them I am a law keeper and tell them to calmly explain. If it is a crime, than I would calmly ask for evidence and search them for weapons/stolen goods. If it is a moral issue, I would make sure they resolve the issue peacefully, and write their names down. If the issue cannot be resolved on the spot, I would take them to the gaol for questioning, or to a courthouse.

    It is a calm day in the outer city of Solace as you watch the farm workers work their fields. You are eating a small meal of bread and apples. You hear the clanking of armored men over the hill, and go to investigate. you see a line armored bandits approaching the city, shouting war cries and foul language. You yell to the farm hands to retreat inside the city. After they get inside, dodging arrows along the way. you prepare for a battle, but the bandits do not attack. They stand outside the gates shouting demands, and threats. What do you do in this situation?

    The first step would be to silently check for any superior officers. If none, I would ask one of the farm hands to fetch a higher officer, and to tell them to either secure the broken wall on the left of Solace, or take over the situation at the gate. If forced to handle the situation, I would attempt contact and negotiation with the bandits, speaking to them at the top of the wall. I would assess their wants, and their condition. The outcome heavily relies on the bandits, but I would try to minimize damage of farmland and violence.

    - Malin Arket.

  11. EST, or GMT+10. ]]

    Hawk, there are no new reports, and I cannot find Fort Ranger.

    The Renatus capital is nowhere near finished. Any attack would be a slaughter. We need to build it faster. I could organize mining and lumbering trips to the Wilds if the king allows it.

    Also, at this point of time, a Republic is being formed in Solace, to overtake their Queen. It is peaceful so far, but it is only a while until the Peacemakers may have to clash with them. Most people do not understand what is being formed, and are signing mindlessly. Many Non-Salvuans have also signed.

    The King must be informed.

    - Malin Arket.

    ((Private message via Malin's owl to Hawk, only Hawk and Euronian can read.))

  12. Name: Malin Arket Junior. [[ Nandz64 ]]



    Occupation: Phoenix Ranger

    Live in Arethor or elsewhere in Renatus (specify): The Wilds.

    Amount of time you have lived in Renatus: Since the start. was also a Ranger for Oren, under King Enor.

    Would you be interested in formal citizenship in Renatus: Yes, I thought it was automatically available to all in the military?

  13. NO FAST TRAVEL~!!!!!!

    Couldn't read all the ideas, sorry if I parrot.

    1. Roads should make you travel faster. Jumping should use less fatigue [unless holding a s sword.]

    2. Absolute starvation should make you move slower, in turn capping your health to 2.

    3. RP groups won't work with our playerbase.


    5. When you reach the edge of the map, you are teleported to another map, an endless ocean h with small islands. [Almost like Wind Waker]

    6. Taking damage depletes hunger faster. Perhaps people have to RP backing away, which

    allows the opponent to RP a charge, which ends in a roll. Otherwise, don't make taking

    damage deplete hunger like a cheetah.

    7. Something else.

    9001. IT'S OVER 9000!

  14. When I saw the giant mushrooms, I was like, 'Great, we're going from Cyrodill to Morrowind.'

    Then I was like, 'WE NEED MULTI-WORLD NOW!'

    EDIT: What do you mean it's not Morrowwind? Dark elvy guys? GIANT mushrooms? Swampy wilderness.

    Native, I swear, if this map becomes a massive forest like Aegis, I'm gonna raqe. and troll.

    and burn down everything I can find.

  15. [[ I am extremely excited about this guild, but before joining, I wanted to know if you're going to update the Daemon list? I was interested in Fallsheth, the fastest of the daemon, and the sun. (according to a child's tale about the sun and the moon).

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