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Posts posted by ALikdoril

  1. I would like to join the dwarven clergy if possible. Here is my app :)

    OOC Section

    MC Name: Alikdoril

    Length of time playing a dwarf:

    I played a dwarf for three months while we were on asulon and a month so far in 2.5.

    How active are you? (Scale of 1-10):

    6 give ot take.

    RP Section

    Yer Name: Magthorn

    Yer Clan, if aneh: Goldhand

    Deh god yeh wish ta studeh most:


    Yer primareh skills (eg. Smithing, Mining, Fighting): i be well versed in the wieldin' of blades an crossbows. I also be doin' a little smithin' on teh side an know me way 'round a mine.

    Do yeh swear fealteh to da Brathmordakin an' da Clergeh?: Indeed i swear fealteh to the Brathmordakin!

  2. Your idea really seems redundant. As Ned said, it's really just a beefed up Goblin. The shaman subrace (and I believe the Nomad as well) will be dropped, but what we need to pick up in it's place should be widely unique from what is already available. Hobgoblin doesn't really seem to add much of anything to me and will really just be competing with the Goblin subrace for position as Ned described.

    Like i said it's was a thought that i thought i would bring up and work on as either a subrace or as ned suggested a goblin subdivision. If it's really that bad of an ideal though i'll drop it. i'm sorry.

  3. Anyhow, back to orcs talking about orcish things to fellow orcs.

    I would just play as the goblin sub-race and call myself a hobgoblin. All they really are are beefed up goblins. You could develop all of the hobgoblin lore and simply roll with it. The reason I say this is because goblins are already underpopulated as it is and I would hate to see it spread even thinner by creating two subraces that are really pretty parallel.

    If I could roll back in time, I probably would have joined this server as a hobgoblin, living in the mountains performing cruel rituals and creating various killing machines. I'd really like to see goblins and hobgoblins develop their own lore and their own little camps in the mountains and such. This could facilitate that rather than detract from it.

    Hmmm. I didin't think of that. Sure if that would be prefered to having another Subrace of orc i'd love to work them as a sorta Quasi Goblin subtype. Admitidly i like goblins a bit more than orcs which is why i made the pitch in the first place. But if goblins are so underplayed that this would cause division i can take it down the route of it being a goblin subrace.

  4. I did not imply your a plagiarist. I was taking precaution. After I saw your post of inspiration from Warcraft and such, I thought otherwise. Disregard my posts.

    Sorry, I didin't mean to put words in your mouth. Perhaps its because its one in the morning here but i'm a little on edge. Again sorry for that. You don't deserve that for being cautious.

  5. edit rather: Never mind. I reread this and it's a little hostile itself. I can understand being defensive of other peoples work or of one's own work as the case maybe with me. That said sorry for any troble the choice in name caused, That said its one in the morning. I'll come back to this with a little lore sampler tomorrow perhaps.

  6. I was unaware that the name hobgoblin was taken by another server still in development or otherwise. That said i don't really see a reason to change it. I chose the name cause hobgoblin's are both something that exists in pen and paper games such as Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. Even World of Warcraft. Hob-goblins also exist in folk lore as mischivious sprites. However if this really bothers the person who runs this other server so much i'll think of a new name. Though i can't see really why it would.

  7. Not entirly but as i said its only a rough ideal. I am working on the lore for this. Also they are not exactly goblins. They are not nearly as smart as goblins nor are they quite as strong as orc. They are also taller than a goblin. About six foot to be exact. A kind of middle ground if you will. Though i suppose in this rough discription there is a bit of an overlap. Though like i said they are nimble so perhaps lose the more intellegent bit.

    Edit: Perhaps instead of a bonus to swords it could be to bows or maybe cooking. Something that requires nimble hands to better reflect that. Though again with a negative hit to things that require more body strength to perform like mining or lumberwork.

    Further edit: thank you for the feed back btw. Though i question the nesesity of a frowny emotacon. I do appreciate the comment however. And would like to restate that i am open to suggestions. I do think this could be intresting which is why i posted and also why i'm asking for thoughts. So i can bring this ideal to more than just a rough thought.

  8. I had an ideal a few nights ago for a new subrace for the orcs. I know we already have three but i hear we may loose the shaman race. So this is my ideal. Hobgoblins. Roughly mansized Uruks that are weaker than normal Orcs but are rather nimble and intellegent. They would maybe gain a bonus in swordsmanship and perhaps a bonus in a crafting skill like blacksmithy or cooking. But in contrast they would have minuses in more manual labor skills like farming or mining. Possibly even lumberworking. It's a rough ideal i admit. But i am willing to work out the lore with a little help and a point in the right direction. Anyone have any thoughts on the ideal?

  9. Kruz’Zak the Foe Render

    A long time ago, There was a village of Uruks located in a valley in the desert of Aegis. The village was very poor, and the land unforgivingly harsh. However the Uruks were hardy and the village was blessed with a water fall whose stream cut directly through the centre of the village. In this village lived a smith, Perhaps the greatest smith for miles. Her name was Girala, She was known though out the village for her metal work and for her beautiful red eyes. Many men in the village attempted to mate with her.

    But she only had eyes for one man, His name was Kruz’Zak, He was the strongest warrior in the village by far. He was also a gifted shaman. The spirits often talked to him offering him advice on how to best bring about prosperity. What he was most known for was his Diamond circlet, for which he was never without. The entire village knew of their love. Though the two never spoke of it openly, they both shared moments of love in private. They pledged their love to each other for all of eternity, the spirits and Krug being their only witnesses.

    The village lived peacefully for years secluded in its valley. However one day the crops failed… and the water fall that had once supplied life giving liquid to the village ran dry.

    The Uruks began to starve, and none new the cause of the calamity. Girala watched her love from afar as he attempted to divine the cause of the curse that had befallen the village. He had spent days sitting on the craggy mire that was once the beautiful waterfall. One day he arose from his meditation and headed to the village square and announced what the spirits had told him. “A great serpent has made its home in the source of our river. It plans to starve us till we’re to weak to fight back then come down and devour us!”

    He planed to go to fight serpent and planned only to bring the strongest of the village’s warriors with him. Girala worried about her love crafted for him armor of the finest steel. She painted it blue with lapis, so that it would match his famous Diamond circlet.

    He took the armor graciously and kissed her openly as he left. She smiled sure her love would return. However to her grief, her love did not return. He was poisoned by the serpent’s bite. His armor and Diamond circlet being the only things that were recovered from the serpent’s darkness filled lair.

    She cursed the spirits and Krug in her fury, as her grief consumed her body and soul.

    The village remained in this sorry state for many days, the people starving and without hope. However as the village died a slow death Girala found her second birth. An old crone from the far west come to the village one day and bypassed the starving Uruk’s who begged her for food. She steadily approached Girala’s forge and silently entered it uttering not a sound. Girala was enraged. She wished to be alone after the death of her love and this crone’s intrusion stirred the simmering rage in her. She moved to strike the crone but before the bow was struck the crone spoke. “I knoe lat are raging deep inside. But lat must calm lats anger. Da spirits have sent me to guide you to becoming dis village’s savior. But more importantly they sent me here to guide lat to Vengence!”

    Intrigued by the old crone’s words Girala let buried her rage and waited for the crone to continue. She did not wait long. “Take the circlet of lat’s fallen love. For he in his diein’ breath begged the spirits to place his strength in id. Use id in da forming of a Zult of silvery blue. With id lat will be able to slay the serpent and restore balance to da valley.”

    With that the crone nodded and left as quickly as she came. Girala was unsure of what to do. She wanted revenge for the pain the serpent had caused. But to destroy the only memento left to her from the one she loved most… Could she do it? She thought. After a night and a day she came to a decision stanching up the diamond circlet from the hearth she rushed to the forge and began her work.

    Using her mighty hammer she smashed the diamonds into dust and mixed them with lapis dye. She formed the sword of guilded steel, shaping the hilt into the design of a skull and the guard into outstretched bone. The pommel was made to look like a waiting scorpion its tail wrapped around the grip. The blade itself received special treatment as she poured the diamond dust onto the heated metal, and engraved the name of her love in Uruk runes. For three days and two nights she worked sleeplessly and tirelessly folding and refolding the blade. On the third day, as the sun began to set she was finished. She held the Sword aloft, Its Silvery blue blade giving off a spiritual light, casting the world in silvery and blue.

    Nodding at her work’ Gilara gathered the ruined armor of her love donning it and repainting it in its startling blue. She ascended the heights of the valley reaching to the top. She found the serpent not to far from the top. Its massive body clogging the river before it reached the fall. The bones of several Uruk warriors lay scattered across the landscape. Gilara let out a war shout as she charged the large beast. It turned to face her and in an instant the world turned black. The serpent had been magic, its powers allowing it to shade an area in darkness. She knew her end had come but still she defiantly held her sword up in rage. The world was suddenly filled with light as the sword pierced the darkness itself. The serpent recoiled in pain as the swords bright light blinded it, It Let out a hiss of rage as it spat acidic venom at Gilara. The venom hit home burning the armor to a blackened char. She moved quickly knowing her time was short. She rushed to the creature and swiped with the blade. There as a sickening thwack as the creatures head was separated from its body.

    She huffed and puffed as she stood over the body. Amazed at her own strength. The serpent’s body quickly dissolved, allowing the water to flow freely once more. Gilara returned to the village in triumph, the people shouting in joy and praise. However the crowd went into hushed silence as she removed her armor. To her amazement her skin had taken the deep dark blue of her armor! Taking it as a sign from Krug she was made the leader of the village. She would one day find a new love and have cubs with him. They too shared their mother’s dark blue skin, and the sword was passed down from one generation to the next. And it continues to be done so till this very day.

    ((Hope you enjoyied, Please let me know what you think! :)

    Also the story is being written in a book in game. ))

  10. Never played Warhammer, don't know its lore. Is it really that similar?

    ((Not completely, that was the cannon explination for awhile. I think they changed it to them being fungus men now. Which is kinda silly, But no more then stuff growing under their skin. Though i think they used alge instead of fungus for that so its still kinda diffrent.))

  11. *Zar'Zak looks at the writinging on the board.* "...Dis be giberish!"

    *Takes out a small knife and cuts a finger. He writes underneath Drakinroth in blood "Lern ta spell betta, lats nub write more messages till lat guud writer. Also write in nub gibrish" Nodding to himself Zar'Zak puts the knife away and walks out of the barracks whistling.*

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