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Posts posted by Dimwitz

  1. Ooc

    Username: Dimwitz

    Activity Rating (1-10): 7/8

    Skype: Scott.Minson1


    Name: Treledor Quel'Shen

    Race/Sub-race/Culture: Wood/Snow-Elf

    Do you live in the Princedom?: Indeed I do,

    ​Do you swear obedience to the Princedom of Fenn and the Grand Prince?: I swear my entire alleiance to the princedomom of Feen and to the Grand Prince.

  2. *You notice a poster hung up in Arethor and Cloud Temple*

    Greetings, I have opened a stall in Malinor Heights that is still being stocked but is already filled with Gold,Iron,Redstone,lapis Lazuli

    Prices listed here

    Gold Ingot:150 Minas

    Iron Ingot:20 Minas

    Redstone:5 Minas

    Lapis Block:200 Minas

    All for one of each.

    Send me a bird or write on the poster for a reservation of items or to sell, If i sell it to you, Deal must occur in Malinor.

    Stall A-7 Of the Normandor Heights with a Quel'Shen Outfront Come quickly!


    Treledor Quel'Shen

  3. *Walks past the poster, reading the name, and takes out a peive of charcoal and scribbles something down there*

    "You're a guard for Malinor, why not help out your nation and mine for them?"

    *The writing is signed "P.E."

    *scrawls a note down under the the note stating*

    When we build a actual mine for our nation i would be very ecstatic to mine for our nation and will immediately do so, but until then i need to make a form of currency for thyself

    -Treledor Quel'Shen

  4. *You notice a poster hanging up in cloud temple*


    My name is Treledor Quel'Shen and i am looking for work in my mining skills, I am quite the miner if i say so myself. I have received the title of Legendary ((100 miner)) and am looking for a place to use it. I am willing to work for all nations or cities if the pay is well all offer's will be considered and you shall receive word if i accept or deny. Send a bird looking for a elf in malinor or arethor, write a note on this poster, ((or pm me on forums)) Good luck!

    -Treledor Quel'Shen


  5. *You notice A poster hanging in Cloud temple and Arethor*

    I have recently come in contact with an amount of gold ingots. I have 39 Ingots. 150 minas each. ((price negotiable))

    Please leave a note here or send me a bird

    Treledor Quel'Shen


  6. *scrawls a note beneath the note*


    I would be honored to become to new foreman of Greywise mine, I have run a mine before but the workers decided to leave ((quit lotc)) and i am looking to run a new mine, I am a legendary miner if you have not heard ((100)) and am ready to take up the job, just let me know or send a bird if i am not in the vicinity.

    -Treledor Quel'Shen


  7. * posts a note, hoping the person is still looking at different options *

    House Guivret is recruiting in all fields! We are also willing to pay you good money if you are willing to join. Send a bird to Ser Edmond, Duke Balian, or Morg Candridge.

    [[ LeRenardNoir, lugarthecougar, morganmc ]]

    [[ Click on the link in my signature for House Guivret. ]]

    *writes yet another note*

    I am willing to join since the Orc does not seem to answer, Just send me a bird or reveal your location ((get online :P))

  8. *You notice a poster on the walls of Cloud Temple and Arethor*

    Hello there!

    My name is Treledor Quel'Shen, I am a perfectionist miner ((100))

    I am in need of a private mine to work in, i can supply you with ore's as payment or we could work out a deal.

    I will work for a city,settlement,village,nation as long as we can dig down deep.

    Send me a bird and we can work out a deal.

    ((MC Name: Dimwitz))

  9. ((Bird can be RP'ed through this post, forum PM or ingame /tell. Any responses done unRPly will be ignored.))

    *You notice a poster hung up in Arethor and Cloud Temple*

    Young Blacksmiths in need of supplies to master your skill? Well look no further as I am in possession of around 15 Gold Ore that can be sold to you for your skill. My price starts at 250 Minas. Prices can be negotiated.

    *The note continue's to say*

    Looking For Gold Ingots to create your armor or weapons with? Again I am in possession of 15 Gold Ore, that I can smelt down and create Beautiful bars for your craft. My price starts at 250 Minas. Prices can be Negotiated

    -Treledor Quel'Shen

  10. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Dimwitz

    -How old are you?: 16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Pacific

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Indeed i do

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a nice teen who enjoys roleplaying i think i will enjoy this server very much no matter what i am in it. i stay very dedicated to my characters description and am looking forward to playing.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: i could be on at least 2 hours+ a day unless i have a prior engagement to attend.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: ive been playing since alpha

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: i know of what it is i used to play on a roleplaying world of warcraft server and have on occasion role played in real life . Roleplaying is to act something out as if it were real. You indulge youreself with whats going on in the situation and stick with it not breaking character. .

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: a real big experience for roleplaying i hope to have a lot of fun.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Sovereign silvercraft planet earth. Figured id try a RP server

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes i have.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human/Dwarfs/Elves/Orcs

    -How did you hear about us?: Friend

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Dimwitz


    -Character Name: Calthazar Meadowlock

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Biography: Left alone at an orphanage when his father left to fight in a small war between two human city's. Calthazar did not have much of a childhood he tended to himself and did quite well. He learned all his necessary skills while out from the orphanage. When he was 13 he escaped the orphanage with his best friend Aerozith. Together they travelled through the Dark Forest of Norendam to seek refuge and start a new life. At age 19 Calthazar and Aerozith split ways after a fire in one of their camps. Calthazar was lost without Aerozith he couldn't fend for his own. He was found by the loyal guards of Oren and taken to the city. He grew up and lived in the city of Oren Helping the residence as a good Samaritan. He now lives in a lovely 2 story house built by his friends in the city. He sometimes wonders if he should go searching for Aerozith. He served in the Oren Loyal Guard for 2 years.

    -Character Age: 29

    -Character Appearance: Strong build/ 5'6 blonde hair

    -Character Personality: Friendly strong and smart

    -Your ambitions: To become a military leader or sorcerer

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes

    -Can your character mine?: If needed.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes

    -Enjoy Farming?: If needed

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He is excellent with weaponry and war tactics

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    -Other Information: Keeps his past to himself but is a very friendly person.

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