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Posts posted by Rakin_Firehawk

  1. *you see a note pinned to a tree near the road. On the note, you see a message with the firehawk familys seal on the bottom, with a tattered peace of paper attached to the note*

    ((first off, wanted to appologise for possably violateing the RP/non-rp code with this post, but I think the conditions deamed it.))

    Dear fellow elves,

    I regret to inform you that during my travels, I have fallen ill, and am possibly unable to return to my former home. I am writing to you from a long forgotten inn in practicaly the middle of nowhere. As sutch, in the event I do not return, attached is my will. I want to thank those who have been great friends, and I hope my recovery will be swift.

    ((To sum it up, I have had some problums with my home life and school, so I have been inactive for about 3 months now, and I wanted to get this out of the way. I will probaly be coming back to the server as soon as my personal life begins to pick up again, but I have no idea when that will be happening. I wanted some of my friends to benifit from my loss, so I am giveing a large ammount of my items away to people I knew.))

    The last will and testament of Rakin W. Firehawk.

    To start off, in my former employees furnace room, in the far right side, close to the wall, remove the planks. You will find a chest which contains my posestions that I hid durring a raid. I ask the owner of the house, whose name I do not rember at the moment, probaly because of that rock to the head, to please get the items and send out notices to the people listed below.

    To a sir silverblade:

    I leave my cobblestone, and any armor and wepions that you can find.

    To the kind soal whose name I cant rember:

    I thank you for takeing me in all those days ago, and giveing up your second floor to me. As repayment, I give you my 3 books, my plants, and everything in my chests.

    ((Trust me when I say this is much harder for me to write then it is for you to read. I love LOTC, but RL almost always comes before IG.

    I am sorry I have to do this, but I am probaly takeing a extended leave from LOTC.

    I thank all who showed me compassion, and helped shape my caractor, and I think I gave him a good end, or possably not.

    Thank you,

    -arctichenry (rakin firehawk)


  2. *Looks at the address listed on the bottom of the ad, and reply's to it by hawk*


    My name is Rakin Firehawk, a elf, ((arctichenry)) and I am looking for a good, reliability steady source of minas, as my pocket book is looking bearer then water in the desert. I have past experence as a farmer, so I think ill apply for that. I have some experence in mass farming, from terracing to acres of crops layed out. I have a large supply of seeds ((about 4 stacks)) which, if accepted, I will donate or set up my own feeder farm to this colony ((as in start my own farm, but have all crops go to this colony)). I have resently discovered the art of makeing a trample proof farm, and would be willing to share this craft with the farmers of this land.

    I have one question, is the colony located in the wilds, or protected in the wilds? ((just wondering, wont affect me one way or the other))

    Thank you, and have a good day.

  3. Hail, I would love to be of assistance to this project.

    MC Name: arctichenry

    Character Name: Rakin Firehawk

    Are you good at building? Relitavly, still have some rough spots here and there

    If so then what have you made in the server? I have built a farm that is trample resistant in white ravin, and a house near there to (not shure the state of it, havent checked it out in a wile)

    What have you made outside the server? I have built a massave elven tree on a server that is not up ATM, a great wall made in laurian style, and verious other things.

    Are you mature? I would think I am

    Do you love Laurelin? I am a elf, YES

  4. I am not a epic computer geek, but couldn't you just sheald or block the ports the DDOS attacks are coming in from?

    Also, wouldnt the DDOS attacks leave a IP address that you could look up then, as mentioned above:

    Mabye we can convince some orcs to "visit" them. Nothing says "STOP IT!" like bashing their faces in with their own PCs.

    That would shure show them. I think I may also know the program thats sending the DDOS attacks. It is called Low Orbit Ion Cannon, or LOIC for short.

    This is probaly a meaningless rant, but if it has a grain of truth in it, please take that and use it.

  5. This seems like good work

    ((what timezone are you on and when are you on, don't want to be on different timezones))

    I am desperately looking for a job, and this looks like a great opportunity!

    ((little bit worried about you having a Villon application, just please do not dunk any of your house workers in lava or something like that, that's what happened on my last job..))

    If all checks out, then ill apply for ether the scribe or house worker. I am extremely skilled in the fine art of writing, and also know the art of cooking, brewing and cleaning.

    I can devote my time totally to the house or to writing. I must ask what the living conditions are like, as my last housecleaning job, lets just say it was unpleasant. ((bed over a lava pit))

    Where might the house be located? ((directions, not coordinates))

    Thank you,

    Rakin Firehawk

  6. ((FYI, coordinates are META! I would recommend just asking for landmarks and directions...

    How would I go about joining this guild? I to am looking for work and this seems like a good start to a workers union kind of setup))

    I wish you luck in finding work.

  7. *pins a note on his door*


    Do you have any need for a elf?

    I know how to farm, cook and clean. I can be there almost all day, and unlike some of the other applicants, I don't think orics have had any disagreements with elves.

    ((I don't have a Villon application, and if that changes ill be shure to inform you))

    On another note, any ammount of pay, no matter how large or small will be appreciated. ((struggling for money))

    Thank you, and have a good day.

  8. It has been 2 weeks since I last posted with no replys, so I am re-posting.

    -Minecraft Account Name: arctichenry

    -How old are you?: 14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    -6 GMT, Alaska (not sure if the -6 is correct)

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I do, however think that we all make mistakes on spelling.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am currently in 8th grade in school, I have a cat named mango and I love to play minecraft!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I am able to play anywhere from 10 to 30 hours a week, depending on a large amount of things. (school, life, etc.)

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    I have been playing Minecraft for about 3 years

    -What do you know about roleplaying?:

    I understand that role playing is the act of creating a character that your avatars actions are influenced by. The avatar (yours) is your only source of information about the game. You cant metagame (think that that's what it is called..) by looking on the forums, nor can you look at OCC, see a undead plot in the making, then shout "the zombies are coming! the zombies are coming!" in IC. You only know what your character knows.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect this server to have a rich user base (players, not money), a leadership, and lots of RP'ing!

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Microblock: left because of noobish hosts

    morethenminecraft: got banned for RPing at the wrong time...

    playrobot: server went down because the host had to go to highschool... (pre-calc...)

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes, I have.

    -Name the 4 races on this server:

    That would be but not limited to, Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves and many subraces.

    This is not including the subraces and Undead and Ascended (which are being removed or added in October?(wiki was kinda vage, lore and update pages are contradicting each other))

    -How did you hear about us?:

    I googled good minecraft servers, your server was first, so I clicked on the minecraft forum link and then found out that Minestatus showed this server being #1!

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: arctichenry


    -Character Name: rakin

    -What is your Race?: elf


    Rakin was a young elf when it began.

    He was 10 years old, and had grown up in the family tree (literately, a tree). Rakin was a good little elf, he helped till the family farm, go to market and sell the crops, then come back and help plant trees. He and his family were happy, they had minnas (sorry if that's misspelled), a home, and a farm. What more could a family want?

    Every Wednesday, Rakin and his family loaded the crops from the past week into a wagon and carted them off to the village situated less then 30 minutes away from their house and farm. Rakin enjoyed this life, allowing himself to fall into a rut of kinds. The work was extremely repetitive, but Rakin enjoyed the hard labor.

    One day, whilst in market selling his family crops, he stumbled upon a man. This man told him he had a gift, a rare talent. The man told Rakin that he was part of a organization called the "ambassadors for the king". Rakin thought the man was crazy, and walked away. As Rakin walked away, he couldn't help but think that the man might not be lieing. Last year, he hadn't killed that robber, but instead talked to him, and telling him that he could work at his farm, And when the forces of evil had invaded, he had run, not fought with them.

    Rakin took this to heart, and attempted to find the group, but couldnt find them again. He never saw the strange man again. Rakin took what the man told him to heart, and became a scribe, always writing down whatever he saw or did.

    This is where his story begins.

    ((OOC: not sure if there is something called the "ambassadors for the king" or a derivative of that, but sorry if there is, ill remove it))

    -Character Age: 25

    -Character Appearance:

    A normal elf, with dark green eyes.

    -Character Personality:

    Strong willed, and never wanting to give up.

    -Your ambitions: Rakin wants to avenge his parents, and rid the world of the tant of the undead.

    -Can your character read or write?: Very well indeed.

    -Can your character mine?: Long years of farming allows him to hold a pick and mine with it.

    -Are you a capable builder?: He can build quight while, building his own home at the age of 10

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Yes, he can, however he prefers to use more "civilized" methods instead of killing, such as talking

    -Enjoy Farming?: yes, he loves to farm.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: None, except for the fact that he

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    I thank you for takeing the time to look at my application.

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