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Posts posted by Cykan

  1. *Cykan walks up to the board in the Temple, browsing offers and announcements until he notices this one. He thinks a bit before taking out a sheet of paper and a pen--*

    "My name is Cykan, and I'd be interested in purchasing a large amount of golden swords. We can negotiate about price, but what sort of quantity do you have in stock? Answer on this note or send me a bird in Arethor." ((ciansmyth))

  2. I'd like to put in an offer to play Maximillan. I'm not sure if you're looking more for people that you already know, but I've good RP abilities. This would, however, be my first time RPing a child, and I'm not sure if that's a positive or a negative influence on your choice.

    I've had my current character since December, and to be honest, he's pretty much driven himself into the ground. There's not much more I can do with him, and would happily switch characters to play this child.

  3. I'm very happy about the healing/bandaging mechanics, as it adds a lot to RP, but I did have one question:

    Will people who have RP'd learning ability to heal, such as clerics, still have to start with the Herbalism skill at a zero? My character has no such ability, but I thought it a good question to ask. Normally people can level the relevant skills to their character with skill credits, but introducing a new skill will block that option off for people who already have used the credits.

  4. *Cykan walks up to the board, reading over posters and dismissing them until he sees this one...*

    "I really could use a few extra Minas... then again, they're not very specific about the prize."

    *He stands a second in thought before pulling a pen out of his pocket and writing on the poster.*

    My name is Cykan, and I'm interested. Find me in Normandor.

  5. *The elf watches him walk away, slightly more insecure about his wares, but quickly reasserts himself mentally and starts to talk to passerby again.*

    "I offer the real deal here, undamaged and genuine rarities for you and yourself to own!"

    *The seller holds the items up again for examination.*

  6. *The elf turns to answer the question, speaking more quietly as he does so:

    "I could not tell you, friend, but I would advise you to sell your wares elsewhere. The quantity of these which you possess seems rather large, and maybe you should assess how genuine your items really are compared to mine..."

    *The seller then turns back, awaiting other questions or purchases...*

  7. *You see a confident elf wandering down the road, stopping occasionally near groups of people to talk loudly. Upon listening, you hear the following:

    "Would any of you, wonderful people that you are, be interested in purchasing two priceless items? Of one, upon consulting, I have found it to be called a nether wart. I do not know what price such a thing brings in, but I'd expect it to be high, as I've never seen another one of these rarities myself."

    "And the other, you ask? Possibly even rarer, and even those knowledgeable about the nether wart could give me no information on such a thing! It can only be described as a small, white-colored object. It's round on one end, pointed on the other, much like a tear from a fair maiden's face! I've already sold one to a man for five thousand minas, so I know of their value! I expect good prices for items of such rarity, if you're interested!"

    *The elf breathes in deeply, holding the items up for examination and waiting for a response..."

  8. Application For The Rangers:

    Out of Character information

    [MCname]: ciansmyth

    [Age]: 14

    [Time-Zone]: UTC-08:00; Pacific Time

    [How much time you can be online per day]: A few hours on the server, more on the TS.

    [How long have you been playing on the server?]: Since October of last year. I've matured a lot since then, as this was only my second Minecraft RP experience, and have learned a huge amount thanks to the awesome people who inhabit this server.

    [Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?]: It's always fun to take part in the guild aspect of Lord of the Craft not just ICly, but OOCly as well. To me, it's also a great way to build relationships with other people through the TS.

    [Do you have TS?]: Yes, and I'm very active on it.

    [How did you hear of us OOCly]?: By finding this guild in the guilds subsection.

    In Character Information

    Name: Cykan.

    Ranger Name / Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]: Calix.

    Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes.

    Race: Wood Elf.

    Age: 242

    Experience: Worked in the Sentinels of Normandor as a fairly skilled archer.

    Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]:

    I have no zeroes, but some are very low:

    Archery: 50

    Lumberjacking: 11

    Swordsmanship: 12

    Mining: 8

    Cooking: 15

    Fishing: 2

    Farming: 11

    Excavation: 6

    Wrestling: 17

    Axe Mastery: 3

    Blacksmithing: 6

    Why do you wish to join?: To be part of another group/guild, specifically one where Cykan can put his skills to good use.

    Describe your personality: Cykan's very confident in his own beliefs, sometimes overconfident. This leads him into many arguments or debates, but he's not by any definition stupid. He just tends to believe himself right and others wrong. He's still friendly in general, though, and has good morals behind all of his actions.

    Describe your personal attributes: He's competent at fist-fighting as well as wielding a bow, but doesn't generally get involved with blades. Cykan doesn't like to back down from combat unless strongly ordered to do so. He holds his bow especially steady with his prosthetic left hand, which he acquired from being a tad bit overconfident when insulting some Undead at his old Treetop Inn in Asulon.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: If Cykan judges that a group has competent morals, he will dedicate himself to said group. However, if at any time he's told to do by a group that he considers questionable morally, he may start to also question his loyalty to said group.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: Cykan was loyal to Normandor, and was part of the Sentinels. The Sentinels were recently disbanded due to an exploit by their commander and a few others into Oren to rescue a prisoner. The new military of Normandor doesn't seem to have the organization and morals, and Cykan's mad at the political aspect of Normandor for disbanding all of the Sentinels because of the actions of their leader. Therefore, he decided that allegiance to Normandor wasn't what he wanted, leading him to try to join the Phoenix Rangers.

    How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at the Cloud Temple?: Cykan was moping about at the cloud temple a small time after he left Normandor. He overheard a group of three men talking about joining guilds, and one of them was trying to convince the others to join this one. Cykan listened in for a while before deciding he needed to restore the guild aspect of his life, and therefore applied.

    Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Renatus?: My character owes no particular allegiance to any nation at this point, so if he was to be accepted, he'd welcome a new nation to fight for. He used to fight for Normandor, but once the Sentinels were disbanded and the Vanguard formed, he gave up on the Normandor military groups.

    Some Additional Out of Character Questions

    [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] (( (insert offense here) BAN REPORT)). In seriousness, though, I usually use brackets [[]] as opposed to the parentheses for my OOC chatting.

    [Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?]: Yes, I will. My character is very committed to any organization he joins. OOCly, as stated before, I'm very active on the TS and will be on it often.

    [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] No VA.

    [Link to Server Application:] The topic's long gone. Hope this doesn't matter too much :/

  9. Okay, here goes:

    I'm looking for someone to roleplay as a character I've been thinking up for a while now. Her name is Elyth, last name is whatever you can think up. She CAN be an alt character, but if you're not an elf, I hope you like traveling.

    I've written up a short story to sum up my character's personality and a taste of Elyth's:


    I heard the voice from somewhere behind me, but didn't bother to turn. My eyes remained focused on a lily pad that was snagged on a branch wedged deep into the river-mud. The lazy flow of the river was gently tugging at the pad's edges, but the lily mad no movement except for a gentle bouncing motion on the surface of the water.


    The voice was near me, and to my right. I tore my gaze from the river and looked to the man standing next to me.

    He wore fairly lavish clothing. His golden cloak was set against his deep purple undershirt, and the heavy boots on his feet had sunk a bit into the ground. His face looked sharp, almost hawkish, and he had a thin, bloodless mouth that wore no expression.

    I realized I was just staring blankly into his face, and briefly considered continuing as thus. Just to measure his reaction, you understand. However, his clothing suggested some sort of nobility, and I didn't want to make a bad impression.

    “Hail, sir. Sorry for staring,” I apologized. The word “sir” wasn't something I used often or with merriment, but the noble had a great-sword on his back, and all I had was a bit of dirt that my subconscious instructed my left hand to pick up. Upon the realization that I was holding dirt, I dropped it quickly and wiped my hand on my jacket.

    The noble looked at me with an amused smile, and offered his right hand to shake.

    “Ashrun Ullipson, architect.”

    Certainly polite, but the lack of a title meant I had being going out of my way to curtsy to a mere rich person. However, he seemed of a decent sort, especially since he was talking to me. If you were to look at my long and worn cloak, along with my pants in need of sewing up, you'd think I was homeless and about as rich as a stick. Actually, the former was true, but only temporarily. As soon as the Treetop Inn was rebuilt in Asulon, I'd have a bed to call my own. For the moment I just slept in Aylir's, or Voak's, or Alys' ((Nope-- Alys is dead now. Wrote this part months ago.)), or maybe Seth's if he left his door open. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

    I grasped his hand and shook it lightly, casting a sideways glance at the river. I was content to talk with him as long as the lily was within my sight.

    “My name's Cykan,” I replied, trying to think up a reasonably impressive profession. “Hunter.” There wasn't an ounce of truth in that. I did enjoy hunting, and used to do it often, but for years now I've merely leeched my food off of those more generous than I. Namely, Voak and whoever else I managed to convince that I was going to die if they didn't “Please spare a loaf of bread or two! And maybe some melons... and meat...” Also, holding a bow accurately with a fake left hand is extremely difficult.

    Ashrun looked me in the eyes. His eyes were green, and seemed honed to a sharp edge. Just looking straight into them made me think he was going to ask how I would like my heart cut out, so I was fairly surprised when he asked “Do you know where the Mori live?”

    Simple questions tend to have simple answers. With a flourish, I pointed my finger dramatically to the stone path leading out of the tree-city. “Right on down there, although I wouldn't recommend walking directly down it.”

    He glanced at me quizzically, and the corners of my mouth turned up in a small smile. “What I mean is that you should walk near the path, but hidden in the trees. Keep it in your sight, but don't go so close as that someone coming the other way would easily notice you.”

    “Ahh, that's understandable,” he said, putting a hand to his sword. “but I fear my quest will fail anyways if I'm not able to kill some random elf-mutant I meet on the road.”

    At the words “elf-mutant,” I almost felt like slugging his jaw hard enough for his teeth to fall out his nose. We're all entitled to our own opinions, however, so I ground my teeth a bit and just turned away from him to watch the lily. Upon which I realized that the lily had disappeared.

    I swore a bit, and started sprinting down the river. All of my exasperation would have been dispelled had I seen the architect's face as he tried to make sense of my actions, but I was too busy looking for the lily to look back.


    I never caught that lily. Maybe it sank, or took a small fork and disappeared into a swamp. It would've been nice to have. I was hoping to stick into Seth's pond, for it was the best-shaped lily pad I'd seen in weeks. Maybe I should've stuck fish into his pond instead.

    In any case, I didn't see that architect again. It would've been amusing if he was a slave. Walking into town with that necklace, with his back raw from the whip and that empty look on his face... although, it's hard to imagine eyes like his turning completely lifeless.

    My life of watching a river may not seem interesting to you. The thing is, I'm normally not one to do anything of my own initiative. If something interesting comes to me, then perhaps I'll play along, but life seems satisfactory just watching a river and relaxing. There are always those few little snags, though, those events that raise the quality of your life in a steady rising motion, and then send it to hell, which creates a lovely little barb if you put it on a chart. That barb expresses pretty well how the memory sticks in your brain. Painful, unwanted, but stuck deep and not leaving anytime soon.

    As to chasing after females, that's certainly something I've distanced myself from. My general opinion has formed that they are slinky and lying creatures, twisting your feelings and screwing up your life. All the ones I've ever given the trouble of finding out anything about turn out that way. They seem so nice and sweet and tempting on the outside... like a peach filled with maggots.

    I'll pick the story back up a few months after losing that lily. I was glaring at a rather large log that was drifting slowly with the river's current. Each time it touched a bank, the log pirouetted and went into a spin that halted just in time for it to hit the other shore and repeat the process. Really quite interesting.

    Just about as the log was exiting my watching-range, a young-looking and perhaps slightly attractive wood elf came stomping down the gravel path that led past my hiding spot. Her face was burning, and I didn't have to read lips to figure out that she was cussing up a storm. Her clothes were soaked as if she forgot about gravity and tripped right into a pond. A deep pond, with lots of algae. The reeking plant-matter draped over her shoulders was very visible and very repelling. All in all, she seemed to be the vilest creature I had met in months.

    Now, you might think that such a thing would make me scramble for cover, but this woman interested me greatly. Nearly all the women I’ve ever met are so interested in looking perfect, but she didn’t seem to give a rat’s ass about her appearance, and the words coming out of her mouth were anything but womanly. Her personality seemed a perfect opposite to the general woman populace. Well, at least it did then.

    “You have a private raincloud or something?” I shouted over to her.

    “Either you find a way to plug that ******* you call a mouth, or I come over there and find a suitably-sized rock to do it for you!” As she sent this insult soaring in my direction, the strangest thing happened. I smiled at her.

    The warmth of a grin spread quickly across my face, taking me rather by surprise. The lady-elf, however, took it the wrong way.

    “You think this is funny? Huh?” She gestured wildly at her clothing. “I'm soaked to the bone and about to die of chill and you start laughing?”

    Like magic, I pulled a slightly torn but perfectly dry dress out of my cloak and waved it at her.

    “How about some dry clothes, then?” I actually had no idea at the time where the clothes came from. I carry all sorts of things around in my cloak, and this had seemed to just find its way in there.

    She gave me her best shot at an angry glare, which made her look even more pitiful if anything. Her arms glistened in the fading sunlight as she folded them in front of her shivering chest. “If you think for one second that I'm going to change in front of you, then...” she paused for a second. “Then...” I watched her struggle to ignore the cold long enough to insult me again. “Screw it,” she decided, “Give me the clothes.”

    As I handed them to her, her stormy gray eyes didn't waver off of my face for a second. She watched me to make sure that I no longer found any aspect of this situation in any way enjoyable. Apparently satisfied, she pointed to the tree at my back.

    “You get behind it. Now. And if I see so much as a hair peeking around the corner...” she pulled a dagger out of her belt. “This goes in your eye.”

    I tried to look prematurely apologetic, and near-whimpered in the most pathetic voice I could muster: “You're welcome for the clothes at any rate.”

    She stared skeptically at my face.

    “Look, I'm sorry if I come across as a *****, but right now I don't exactly feel the need for courtesy.” She waved her hand at the tree. “Now, are you going to get behind that tree, or do I have to stab you first?”

    I obediently wandered over to a point where the trunk obstructed my view, and shouted out to her. “My name's Cykan, by the way.”

    “Elyth!” she replied. “Now shut up!”

    If you wish to RP as her, you don't need any sort of app. You can decide on what path she takes on her relationship with me, for better or worse. You should be able to play her personality reasonably well based on the story, but you're welcome to change it through RP. Points of her personality are the fact that she's easy to anger, but also easy to calm. She can be foul-mouthed, and doesn't think much of it. Her opinions are generally sensible, but she's very strong in the; arguable type. If I think that you're the one to RP her, we'll have a private discussion of skins and whatnot.

    I'm in the Western US time zone (GMT-08:00), and it would help if you lived in the US, but it's not a requirement.

    I don't have many pet peeves about RP, but this is one big one: You MUST be able to use punctuation and capitalization correctly. Bad spelling is alright, as long as it isn't too extensive, but punctuation and whatnot is first-grade stuff. Easy enough to fix if it's not something you currently do.

    For your post, just tell me that you wish to play as her. Players who have been on the server for a while may have a greater chance of taking the spot, as it's easier to check into their backgrounds. But I still may accept those new to the server based on the quality of their RP. And, since it's still Easter here... happy Easter!

  10. Despite your doubt at my ability to get cleansed, it happened :D

    Only took about an hour of questions. I think it's a lot easier when you get cleansed by Thaelen, he doesn't support violence and values kindness to others. Which worked out well. Only problem is, when I tell those I knew that I am now clean of taint, they look at me like "Wut." and say they don't believe it...


  11. Oh wow, been a while since I touched this...anyway...*UPDATE!*


    Yes you do. Your friends suck, kill them. If you go good or something, the FoA has a number of good RPers who would also make great RPwise friends. I learned that myself :D

    Yeah, I've been TRYING to, but they're IN the FoA, and always have people around them. I've made some attempts, and badly wounded one, but other than that my luck has been horrible...

    Ah well, it'll happen eventually.

  12. Your friends are so much nicer than mine... :angry:

    After they found out I was tainted, they dragged me into a dungeon, cut off both my legs, cut off most of my face, stuffed smelling salts up my nose so I wouldn't pass out, cut the skin of the top of my arms, and stuck a sword in my shoulder and slowly wrenched my arm off.

    Finally, they killed me, and this was about 30 minutes IRL.

    I think I need to find new friends...

  13. ((Great story, told perfectly with a style as if you're in his muddled mind...

    Hopefully no Undead get mad at you for revealing the trials, but they're not that secret anyway. I myself was recently tainted against my will (and forced to eat my female companion D:), so this is of particular interest to me...))

  14. ((First of all, I laughed so hard at the "Find Aeriel"^^

    Second, I was referred here by CONORDUDE8))

    MC Name: ciansmyth

    RP name: Hawker_WhiteSoul

    Age: 19 (Supposed to be 119, trying to get a GM to change it)

    Race: Wood Elf

    Gender: Male

    Time Zone: GMT -08:00 (Pacific and Canada)

    Brief Description of your characters personality: Hunter is very moral, and takes to defending those in need. Generally warm to those around him, unless they have wronged him or someone he is close to.


    Hawker was born out in the woods, up beyond the tree-city of Malinor. His mother died in childbirth, but was happy to have born a child. He lived with his father, secluded from civilization, but his father once lived in Malinor and visited the Human kingdoms as a scholar. He taught Hawker how to read, write, and play with circuitry. His father also instructed him in the art of the bow. Hawker had to hunt for most of his food, although his family did have a small farm. He lived peacefully in his home, but eventually decided that he wanted to see the cities as his father had done. When he came of an age that seemed reasonable, his father gifted him his bow, and bade him good luck. He asked that Hawker might return before his father became so old that he could not care for himself. Hawker promised his father that he would make his fortune in Malinor, and would bring it back to his father for them to live out the last of his father's days.

    Why do you wish to join?: I have not joined a guild as of yet, but I am anxious to and was offered a place in this one by CONORDUDE8 if I made an app.

    Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): I'm very good with roleplay, always use punctuation and follow storylines.

    What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): Hawker prefers to use a bow. Recently, though, his friend Torok taught him in the skills of the sword, but he wields it awkwardly.

    Can your character build?: Only survival shelters.

    Any other special skills?: Hawker's archery is at a very high level, as he spent over 100 years of his life hunting at least once a day.

    Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Yes, I pledge to do this.

    Skin: (Look at my sig, it's my current skin :P) post-27373-0-47880300-1319142622_thumb.p

    LotC app link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/21080-ciansmyths-application/page__p__92407#entry92407

  15. I am very experienced with redstone traps, my father taught me of them as I grew up as a child. I can't say much about my close combat skills, but I would be willing to help build a barracks, as long as it is within walking distance to Laurelin.

    -Hunter_Goldbloom ((ciansmyth))

    ((PS: Hi patato!))

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