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Posts posted by Mechawolf

  1. So do we wear our uniforms NOW or later? :/

    Also, There is always a possibility I might not make it to the meeting because the weekends are usually "Family day". I will try to persuade my parents to shift the plans to Sunday though.

    Oh, Durzio. I'm not sure if BoomBox would be happy if you plan to shift me from his squad to another. :P But you're welcome to try. In anycase. I've copied almost every book in my personal library except for the fearsome 29 Paged Book. *Grrr...* But I might be working on the...lesser-paged-books in the warden library first. Anyone know if I'm allowed in there or not? :P

  2. It was a battle of the ages for everyone to mourn and enjoym

    Indeed. The final point is, regardless of race ,the Heroes of Aegis managed to take down the bloody Castle, that we have been trying to do, for a long time.

    See, now these two guys I admire. c: Such amazingly simple yet nice words not filled with hate nor selfishness towards who actually did the most work. :D

  3. I do not understand the further need for this argument in this chat. Though it would seem contradicting that I reply to this topic, I merely wish to find out why is everyone still replying to the posts? I mean...the elves did everything. So? The Dwarves did everything...So? :blink: We both did a fair share. We both had our own opinions. Opinions are a point of view from one's prospective.

    Opinions aren't wrong. They are merely...Different.

    Just calm down and let the matter die. =w= [Major contradiction.]

  4. [Oh no! The Warden's Forum Post Topic is going lower and lower!]

    Elessar shuffles about at the desk as he tries hard to write a proper letter. He never had trouble writing letters before since they were most of the time words he was used to writing and had practiced often. He learned writing not in the way others would've but instead by looking at other books and drawing it out. Yes, Elessar draws letters instead of "writing" them. Thus the reason why most of the wordings and writing he does looks like doodles and are hardly ever straight lines.

    Dear GrandHighBorn Quazar,

    This is Warden Glade Guard Elessar here, the reason for this particular note/letter is due to the fact that I can't seem to find you [Timezone difference and me sleeping earlier than normal these past few days.] it has come to my attention that the books that we have collected thus far will eventually perish [New continent. Which I think I heard you said you would carry the books over.]

    But I wish to copy them down into a separate book with a special kind of ink [in other words, copying the books into my notepad.] that won't be easily destroyed as the ink used in these books.


    [Oh, P.S. Congrats on the 350 replies in the topic, Wardens! :D]

  5. This would be great! Since we're moving to the new continent in a few months or so, recording this for the future and coming new members of Aegis and the new lore/continent/world will be a smart plan. It's always good for inspiring builders and guild leaders to learn from the past to further improve themselves in different and interesting creative ways!

  6. Amazing. Just amazing. Sporadic, I sent you a PM about my plans and I wonder if you would agree to it or not...? Just dropped by to check in on the post and just really...wow. It took people forever to develop an entire language and here we are just building one up. Even if it was built from another language or creative thinking and word placements.

  7. We have over 200 books in our library! Gratz to everyone who helped me. I will annouce who I have choosen for Scribe Assistant unless someone else wants to be it.

    P.S. Quazar, can i have permissions to give permissions to the warden library? Much obliged. Please and hopefully thank you.

    P.P.S. I won't be for majority of the day because I'm going to a university fair but I made up for it in playing extra earlier for all you people on the other side of the world. Especially Elessar.

    When exactly is my Assistant Scribe Interview going to happen. :P And I noticed! Thank you very much. :D I'll be back on my "Duties" for now. I gathered 10 more books which I don't know if you have but I'll just start to organized and categorized in my own library. Hopefully someone might let me into your library so I can start work in there once I'm done in my library.

  8. I was not saying it was the dwarves or the elves victory. I was just saying that the elves didn't do anymore than the dwarves, to stop a war between them.

    And I agree with you, friend.

    If only everyone was as open minded and easy going as us. But then again, if they all were, we wouldn't need important and good diplomats like you. :-D

    -Elessar Celebrindal.

  9. Now why exactly are we arguing about whose victory is this? Hummm...Does it matter? If the dwarves killed Wrath or someone important in the undead army, wouldn't they automatically hate the dwarves and want them gone first? If the elves are so tactical yet everyone else not, can we do something about that if they are not willing to cooperate? Obviously the whole point here is that we defeat the undead. Not who killed Wrath or whomever. Least, not until the undead are gone. [Then we can fight amongst ourselves. >_>] Till then, we will have to deal with the fact that what's done is done and the undead should be the main priority, no?

    Who do you think the undead will attack next? The ones who suffered the least catastrophe or the ones that upset them the most. Troubling thing is, are the undead organized? Do you feel that they attack whoever they felt like attacking or is this planned?

    Ahhh...see, this is the main point. If we band together and think, it's not the matter of out-numbering the undead, nor is it who defeats the undead first. You don't really get anything for winning first kill, perhaps only SOME spoils of war.

    Instead if we outsmart them, out maneuver them, out power them and more importantly can gather plans and permissions to do things faster. I believe it'll be a /clean/ victory. One that we can look back on without arguments and a grand story to tell.

  10. I am loving where this is going and all? Where how we're all chipping in for ideas and stuff? But can we please have one single spot where all the information is chunked into and like properly categorized? Because with each post and ideas we give, we leave it there and we would have to refer back and forth to make sense of certain things or compare ideas and give suggestions. .-. We need a scribe. WE NEED RANOVAK. DX

  11. I think what Durzio meant is that we make the walls look lesser like something constructed but something that we carved out from the inside of a still-living tree, something to make the wall look defensive, practical and natural all at the same time instead of having the wall bit flat like in the picture you posted.

  12. I like the "Word of the day" thing. :P But yeah, it'd be great if we could re-write up an entire language and to speed up the process, use another language as like support or where to get our ideas from. If you do, please state where you got your inspiration from if possible. The meaning and uses of the words as well. As Elven Language I would expect there to be different tones used to mean different things. Kinda like Sarcasm but much more...I don't know how would I describe it. :S

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