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Posts posted by Abysmall

  1. MC Name: Keltross

    Character's Name: Retlin Orman

    Character's Age: 458


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Morgan Hallowfall


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Retlin Orman, 390

    Character’s Race:

    Half Breed, Elf and Human.

    Link to your accepted magic application:


    What magic(s) do you desire to teach?

    Conjuration, both subtypes being Perennial and Morphonic.

    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    Conjuration, otherwise known as Life Evocation, is the arcane art of evoking living organisms from the void.  Whether that be vertebrae, fish, insects, flora, or even elemental creatures.  Much like the other evocations, conjuration requires the practitioner to have an expansive knowledge of what they wish to summon.  For example, in order for a conjurer to summon a rabbit they would need to know the exterior and interior biological architecture of the creature.  Else wise the creature might cease to live or function as a normal animal.  With this in mind it is generally easier to summon creatures which already exist as the conjurer can perform research on the creatures through vivisection or general observation.  Thus, conjurer’s are frequently considered the “biologists” of arcane magic.  Once the conjurer has a detailed knowledge of the creature they wish to summon they must imagine the creature within their mind, meticulously constructing the vital aspects of the creature whether it be bone structure, organs, etc…  Then, using mana and force of will they can pull the creature from the void and into reality.  During this “summoning” the creature is constructed piece by piece or through mana forming the very creature.  The practitioner has complete control of their conjuration, granted, the creature can only continue existing in the over world so long as the conjurer continues to fuel the conjuration with a proper source of mana and remains focused.  Larger creatures will require larger amounts of mana and is thus, more taxing on the conjurer.  Massive creatures or large amounts generally require more mana than any mortal has on hand at one time are impossible to summon.  Similar processes can be applied to the summoning of plants, hybrids and primordial constructs.  Granted, I will not go into detail on the last two as I am applying for Perennial and Morphonic which is the summoning of plants and animals.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):

    “Blood, tissue, bone a bit of pride or some other irrelevant emotion. That’s what makes up you and I, funny isn’t it?” Retlin sat in a large throne like chair one leg perched over the other as he twirled his right hand in the air, pressing his tongue against the inside of his upper lip and then leaning his upper torso forward and placing one hand within the other directing his full gaze to his student. “Snakes...I’ve been looking over your sketches, and I see you’ve grown fond of snakes, one of the first of this art my father Goliath was also fond of snakes. A compact creature, a gem of nature! But you, what makes you think you are capable of creating such a magnificent creature?” When the student went to speak Retlin brought his single index finger to his lips motioning for him to stop talking as he rambled on. “It’s been two months now, how many cadavers have you created with what progress? NOTHING!” Retlin exclaimed with a solid fist brought down on the arm of his self acclaimed throne. “You’re slaughtering the animals! We kill and dissect the animals that we respect so that we can make them into something more, into something beautiful...But you, you have forsaken what we Conjurer’s stand for. And this is something that I shall not forgive so easily…”

    ~The next morning~
    A large “CRACK!” echoed like thunder within the near woods as Retlin moved along a dirt path with the nervous student to his side. “This lesson may differ from the usual that I’ve been putting you through, no scalpels or sketching today. I’ve found that you have a severe lack of nature and art itself, so we will be addressing this today.” The slender man kicked a stone from his path into the woodland brush, Retlin was light on his heels as always and scratched at the scruffy beard he had grown over the decades. “People use to fear this art, Conjurers were no different than those of the dark arts, no line was drawn separating us from Necromancers. I mean what’s so different you may ask? Well for one, have you ever laid a piece of paper over a picture and ran your pencil around the lines you can see through the first sheet, it’s basically cheating. Tracing in a sense, this is what necromancers do they take what has already died and bring it back and what not...Though those of our art, we create from nothing. Some say we play god and scorn us for our art, while others praise or cower beneath our glorious creations.” Finally the two had entered a large clearing in the woodlands where bursting forest life frolicked about, blooming blossoms and wildlife fluttered. “Beautiful is it not? Take it in my student, breathe the same air as the creatures you wish to create.” Retlin moved farther into the opening with each step crisp grass crunched beneath foot sending wildlife bolting to the edge of the opening to take shelter in the brush. Retlin lowered himself to the ground placing his rump on the dirt and slowly closing his eyes as he spoke softly. “Now watch as your teacher draws.” Retlin’s nostrils flared as he took in a deep breath and cleared his mind then a few feet in front of Retlin a Crimson aura flickered and ripped into existence in the form of a sphere which drifted idly above the ground pulsing with energy, meanwhile a bead of sweat dripped down Retlin’s forehead as four more  smaller vibrant spheres appear within the larger orb drifting in separate directions and erupting from parts of the the bloodied planet, two of the spheres stretching and extending into wings while the two smaller orbs poked from the bottom of the sphere to form smaller limbs which resembled claws, finally a small almost pimple on the top of the orb exploded outward to form into a beak attached to a small bird like head. The wings of the creation retracted and strained inward as red pustules dotted over the creature’s body before erupting into long elegant crimson feathers which covered the entirety of the creation, slowly the wings opened to reveal the Crimson Raven, it’s eyes slowly creaking open as it slowly descended to the ground lightly flapping it’s wings up and down and then each retracted to the bird’s side as Retlin’s eyes as well opened so that he could see his creation, and then in that very moment as the glorious bird looked to it’s side to rest it’s single eye upon the student it vanished into nothingness not a single trace of what it once was or now is as Retlin rose to his feet and spoke. “This is as all things are, and ever will be.” He spun upon his heels and moved back down the dirt beaten path. “I do hope you learned something from this.”


    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:

    I do not



  3. Looking for someone to make me a halfling skin, granted I don't have any mina so I'm looking to exchange that into Paypal $$ willing to spend $10 for the skin hit me up in a reply to this thread or a PM.
    Below is a Google Doc with information about my character and below that are reference images for the skin.


    HKxo2hP.pngOf course pay no mind to the shoes, this is a halfling after all only bare feet will do!


  4. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: Keltross

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: Abysmall


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes.

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Of course, I understand the consequences and agree to uphold this rule.

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Of course.

    How long have you been on LotC?: October 2011

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: If this is accepted 2, but as of right now the only account I have accepted is my "Abysmall" account.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Sythan said:

    Artemis frowns as he looks over the poster


    "So you can get a 150 mina discount but.. how much is it to buy the art itself?"

    For a sum of mina I shall draw you, or your family pricing may vary due to certain requests.

    -Andor scribbles under the words-
    "I am a reasonable man, and I will bargain but to give those who seek a price I shall say the lowest being 300 mina. Making my token, if redeemed a 50% discount on the artwork."

  6. *Poster in Cloud Temple*


    Greetings, I am Andor Abys a self proclaimed artist who seeks to gain some mina while furthering my skills as a sketch artist thus this poster has been made!

    With this flyer, I hope to achieve both of my goals so here is the deal. For a sum of mina I shall draw you, or your family pricing may vary due to certain requests.
    I value all of my artwork at a price where I can feel comfortable selling it, all of my works cannot be promised to look the same since I am inspired as time goes by.

    But if you are not satisfied with my quality of work, then we may speak and perhaps issue a slight refund.

    To warn, I am only releasing two open slots to this offer. So first come first serve, to reach me send me a bird ((Abysmall)) or you can test your luck and try to find me.

    For those who do seek me out I shall reward you with a discount, please take one of the tags found at the bottom of this poster for a 150 mina discount on your commissioned sketch.

    Contact: Andor Abys, usually found in the Grove or in Ker'nor ((May also send PM through Forums to act as a bird.))

    *Below is a ink stamped piece of art*




    *Beneath are some pinned bronze badges, most likely these are the tags spoken about above.*

    Θ   Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ

  7. Name: Andor Abys
    Age: 136
    Race (If not mali'ker then an interview will be required): Mali'ker
    Notable Skills: Medical training/Herbal remedies/Artistic
    How many will be moving in with you? None.
    Do you accept the laws of Ker'nor and by extension Laureh'lin? Of course.


    Mc Name: Abysmall
    Skype: Adam.preto

  8. Name: Andor Abys

    Race: Dark Elf

    Age: 136

    Occupation: Flora healer, Sketch artist

    Experience: Many years of studying flora and sketching them. Very handy with edibles and salves.

    Proficiencies (Archery, etc.):Light bow archery and hand to hand combat.

    Place of Current Residence:Wood elves





    Nexus Profession+Proficiency: Blank slate, got wiped


    Do you have Teamspeak?: (Y/N) Yes

  9. Flyers hang through major cities and the Cloud temple!




    I am looking to purchase any fruit that you may have

    this includes the following~



    Honey ((I know it's not a fruit))


    Maple syrup



    Also if you have anything that you believe might be rare or foreign to the tongue, please feel free to tell us!

    You may contact us at the address below by Bird or bring yourself down, to the Dancing Gobo!


    Adress: Ajul Avenue 10 Caliphate   ((Rp name Abysmall))



  10. MC Name -  Abysmall

    Character Name -  Retlin Orman

    Profession -  Thief skills and sorta handsome in a ruggish kinda way.

    Profession Level -  Ravishingly handsome.

    Combat Or Magic Training - More magic than Combat, I can shank something when need though.

    Skype Username -  adam.preto

    *Scribbled below on the flier*


  11. Mina drop nerfed to .1 , Okay, i mean you can go ahead and remove the feature now if you're going to do that. Nobody is going to go out monster hunting if the reward isn't enough to buy dinner. You guys had it nerfed enough with 1 mina drop, that was bearable but now you just want people to only gain mina through voting for the server. #Gameisrigged

  12. MC name:


    Character's name and age:


    Retlin Orman, 338 years old

    Character’s Race:

    Orman, Mixed between human and elf.

    What magic/s did you learn?:

    Morphon Conjuration

    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:

    Back in Anthos Retlin’s main goal at the time was to get himself into Wyverwyn hold, the home of the Mage’s guild. But after a swift and unreasonable denial from the headmaster Ambros Ret began to spiral into a deep hatred for the guild, Ret believed that the guild was no longer honorable and that they accepted bribes from unworthy nobles in order to gain entrance into the guild. This led Ret into finding his father, Goliath. Retlin’s father began to work at Retlin’s psyche making him believe that the only way to get back at those he hated was to gain power. And Goliath promised those powers through Conjuration, so Retlin’s teachings began.

    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:

    Conjuration is most likely one of the more interesting forms of magic to RP and to obtain, there are three different branches of Conjuration one involves creating Flora the other involves Animals and then lastly you have Primordial which consists of creating elementals and other beings imbued with other Arcane evocations. What many people don’t realize about Conjuration is that the early studies and the older studies all consist in mostly dissecting bodies of creatures or plants because when creating within the void the conjurer must piece by piece assemble his/her creation. A conjurer’s mind always has room to expand, and there's always time to learn. Unlike many other magics,  Conjuration is almost parasitic in the way that it draws mana from the user. Whatever it may be that conjurer brings forth from the void, whatever it is, it draws from the Conjurer’s own mana pool, as long as the creature is in our realm it will require a constant stream of the caster's mana. Another thing that is needed in the art of conjuration is focus, even while in battle the conjurer must have a steady mind or else his creature may fade back into the void. When creating a creature, usually ones aura will form and begin to grow as it slowly begins to morph into the creature that the conjurer has created within the void. If one had multiple or the same creatures out for a long enough time the caster would expect high levels of exhaustion or even death if any more strain were to be put on the body.

    LInk's to apps.


  13. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Wikz Claw

    98 years of age


    Character’s Race:



    Link to your accepted magic application:



    What magics do you desire to teach?:

    Fire evocation~


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    The art of creating fire within the void to put it simply, but Fire evocation is perhaps one of the simplest forms of Evocation but also one of the trickiest to master. The creation of fire within the void is how it all begins, the void is your workplace from their all fire evocation is born. The initial task of bringing flames into the real world is a pretty large barricade to get by but after you cross that wall, your potential skyrockets. In order to bring fire into our world you have to use a sort of gateway that you establish over a certain time period this gateway allows you to bring your creation from the void to our own world. Fire evocation much like many other evocations rely on the casters Mana, which is expanded over time with extensive meditation and conditioning. When it comes to the different types of fire evocation you have different colors, but in all honesty the only logical flame to use is one of Orange/reddish color anything higher would cause the exhaustion of one's mana pool extremely quick. In order to keep a flame into the real world, the caster must have complete focus and desire for the flame itself to remain in the real world. Void fires do not really die out, they exist until the caster desires them to be sentenced back to the void, since that is where the flame was created it will be where it is sent to cease to exist. Something that all Fire evocationist should acknowledge is that the fire you create is not something you have immunity to, that flame is just like an actual flame that you would find in the real world. The flame will sear your flesh and scar your skin, as well fire is something that is hard to control. In my opinion it is one of the most dangerous evocations because of the great risk that the caster puts himself in when casting.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    The initiation:

    Wikz would have to see the others characteristics before taking the student under his wing, this would include making the student perform multiple /gutsy/ tasks in order to show his courage, decision making skills, focus and overall determination since all of these are useful when bringing forth flames from the void.


    The beginning:

    Wikz made his way through the halls of the guild, his apprentice would follow after as Wikz explained. ((Not going to speak in blah for the sake of this application.)) “This will be your first actual teaching of what you call /magic/ but do not get too hasty, we start from scratch. Much like baking a cake you must gather the proper ingredients and tools before enjoying your tasty dessert.” Upon finishing his sentence they would arrive in the kitchen of the guild, Wikz ignited the fires of the furnaces causing the temperature of the room to increase severely to an uncomfortable sweat. Wikz spoke. “Now, this is where it matters. This may not be creating a flame, but if you cannot do this, then you are not capable of being taught the grand art of Fire evocation. Close your eyes and focus, not on the heat but on nothing, clear your mind and focus! FOCUS!” Then Wikz would go silent and sit down upon the ground doing the same as his student, closing his eyes and going into a deep meditation. This same process would repeat over the course of a few weeks or until Wikz believed the other had finally grasped a connect to the void within their mind.


    The creation:

    After months of meditation and study of flame itself Wikz would begin to instruct the apprentice on the very first step of Fire evocation, embers. Wikz met his student within the kitchen next to the roaring furnace almost now face to face with the iron beast, this showed Wikz that the student has learned to better cope with the heat over the few months, but he still was no match for the well adapted skin of Orcs and Goblins, they evolved to handle the heat meanwhile this human’s skin conducts the heat very easily, but he still seems to be handling it well enough to give Wikz a sense of security as he furthers the student’s teachings. “The ember.” Wikz exclaims as Wikz made a flicking motion with his index finger and thumb as a single smoldering coal was produced, it fell upon the ground and then vanished, he looked back to the student and spoke. “This is where all your teachings, all of your months of meditation and all that suffering leads you to. This, the creating of the ember. I say creation ,because you will be bringing this flame to life. Close your eyes, go to meditate and then once you feel yourself connected with the void you create the spark. Forging it much like a blacksmith hammers his steel, feel the heat upon your skin. Use all that you know of flame and heat to bring your creation to our world. A slight nod when you believe you’re ready and I’ll tell you what to do.” Around thirty minutes later the student believe he was ready and he gave a very faint tip of the head to motion to Wikz that he was ready. Wikz shouted out. “Rip it! Tear it from the void and bring it to the world where it may serve use to you! Use the connection that you have created over the past months as an exit for ember!” The shouting caused the student’s eyes to rip open as he began to gasp violently glancing down to his hands he saw a quick glimpse of the orangish ember that he had produced which sat in his palms burning at the upper layers of his skin. But a few seconds later the ember itself vanished as the student had lost all focus upon the flame, though the small circle of burnt flesh still remained upon the student’s palms. As the student laid upon the ground breathing heavily with a smile upon his face as a mother would smile at the sight of her newborn. Wikz began to speak. “As you see, you are not immune to your creation. You are as vulnerable as those who you aim for, do not forget this for it could very well lead you to your own demise. Secondly, I’m not sure if you noticed since you fell over gasping like a punk, but the moment you lost focus the ember had disappeared. This is rather big point to put out, now as you know if you were to be in a fight you would need to be able to connect yourself into the void in a fraction of the time it took you to connect today. Or else you would have ten swords in your stomach before you even pictured the flame in your head. SO! For the next month you will not create another ember, flame or spark! You are to practice meditation, this is because it took your around half an hour to create a connection but you pulled the flame out almost instantaneously!” Wikz began to cackle wildly as he left the kitchen, he knew telling the student not to create a flame would surely create some secret practicing under Wikz’s large red nose. Wikz knew that once you had the smallest taste of power you could not go without it. Needless to say the goblin was looking forward to the next meeting with his student in a month's time.

  14. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Wikz Claw

    98 years of age


    Character’s Race:



    Link to your accepted magic application:



    What magics do you desire to teach?:

    Fire evocation~


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    The art of creating fire within the void to put it simply, but Pyromancy is perhaps one of the simplest forms of Evocation but also one of the trickiest to master. The creation of fire within the void is how it all begins, the void is your workplace from their all fire evocation is born. The initial task of bringing flames into the real world is a pretty large barricade to get by but after you cross that wall, your potential skyrockets. In order to bring fire into our world you have to use a sort of gateway that you establish over a certain time period this gateway allows you to bring your creation from the void to our own world. Fire evocation much like many other evocations rely on the casters Mana, which is expanded over time with extensive meditation and conditioning. When it comes to the different types of fire evocation you have different colors, but in all honesty the only logical flame to use is one of Orange/reddish color anything higher would cause the exhaustion of one's mana pool extremely quick. In order to keep a flame into the real world, the caster must have complete focus and desire for the flame itself to remain in the real world. Void fires do not really die out, they exist until the caster desires them to be sentenced back to the void, since that is where the flame was created it will be where it is sent to cease to exist. Something that all Fire evocationist should acknowledge is that the fire you create is not something you have immunity to, that flame is just like an actual flame that you would find in the real world. The flame will sear your flesh and scar your skin, as well fire is something that is hard to control. In my opinion it is one of the most dangerous evocations because of the great risk that the caster puts himself in when casting.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    The initiation:

    Wikz would have to see the others characteristics before taking the student under his wing, this would include making the student perform multiple /gutsy/ tasks in order to show his courage, decision making skills, focus and overall determination since all of these are useful when bringing forth flames from the void.


    The beginning:

    Wikz made his way through the halls of the guild, his apprentice would follow after as Wikz explained. ((Not going to speak in blah for the sake of this application.)) “This will be your first actual teaching of what you call /magic/ but do not get too hasty, we start from scratch. Much like baking a cake you must gather the proper ingredients and tools before enjoying your tasty dessert.” Upon finishing his sentence they would arrive in the kitchen of the guild, Wikz ignited the fires of the furnaces causing the temperature of the room to increase severely to an uncomfortable sweat. Wikz spoke. “Now, this is where it matters. This may not be creating a flame, but if you cannot do this, then you are not capable of being taught the grand art of Pyromancy. Close your eyes and focus, not on the heat but on nothing, clear your mind and focus! FOCUS!” Then Wikz would go silent and sit down upon the ground doing the same as his student, closing his eyes and going into a deep meditation. This same process would repeat over the course of a few weeks or until Wikz believed the other had finally grasped a connect to the void within their mind.


    The creation:

    After months of meditation and study of flame itself Wikz would begin to instruct the apprentice on the very first step of Pyromancy, embers. Wikz met his student within the kitchen next to the roaring furnace almost now face to face with the iron beast, this showed Wikz that the student has learned to better cope with the heat over the few months, but he still was no match for the well adapted skin of Orcs and Goblins, they evolved to handle the heat meanwhile this human’s skin conducts the heat very easily, but he still seems to be handling it well enough to give Wikz a sense of security as he furthers the student’s teachings. “The ember.” Wikz exclaims as Wikz made a flicking motion with his index finger and thumb as a single smoldering coal was produced, it fell upon the ground and then vanished, he looked back to the student and spoke. “This is where all your teachings, all of your months of meditation and all that suffering leads you to. This, the creating of the ember. I say creation ,because you will be bringing this flame to life. Close your eyes, go to meditate and then once you feel yourself connected with the void you create the spark. Forging it much like a blacksmith hammers his steel, feel the heat upon your skin. Use all that you know of flame and heat to bring your creation to our world. A slight nod when you believe you’re ready and I’ll tell you what to do.” Around thirty minutes later the student believe he was ready and he gave a very faint tip of the head to motion to Wikz that he was ready. Wikz shouted out. “Rip it! Tear it from the void and bring it to the world where it may serve use to you! Use the connection that you have created over the past months as an exit for ember!” The shouting caused the student’s eyes to rip open as he began to gasp violently glancing down to his hands he saw a quick glimpse of the orangish ember that he had produced which sat in his palms burning at the upper layers of his skin. But a few seconds later the ember itself vanished as the student had lost all focus upon the flame, though the small circle of burnt flesh still remained upon the student’s palms. As the student laid upon the ground breathing heavily with a smile upon his face as a mother would smile at the sight of her newborn. Wikz began to speak. “As you see, you are not immune to your creation. You are as vulnerable as those who you aim for, do not forget this for it could very well lead you to your own demise. Secondly, I’m not sure if you noticed since you fell over gasping like a punk, but the moment you lost focus the ember had disappeared. This is rather big point to put out, now as you know if you were to be in a fight you would need to be able to connect yourself into the void in a fraction of the time it took you to connect today. Or else you would have ten swords in your stomach before you even pictured the flame in your head. SO! For the next month you will not create another ember, flame or spark! You are to practice meditation, this is because it took your around half an hour to create a connection but you pulled the flame out almost instantaneously!” Wikz began to cackle wildly as he left the kitchen, he knew telling the student not to create a flame would surely create some secret practicing under Wikz’s large red nose. Wikz knew that once you had the smallest taste of power you could not go without it. Needless to say the goblin was looking forward to the next meeting with his student in a month's time.

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