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Posts posted by parkerwowxdx

  1. 1)MC Name & RP Name: MC: Parkerwowxdx RP: Kuis Gelise

    2)Chosen Patron: Gazardiael

    3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):My father was ill and a Paladin help him. So i want to be like the Paladin I met that day

    4)Race: Elf

    5)Flaws in Your Character: He sometime act childish but stop after.

    6) How long have you been on the server: 1 year

    Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

    7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]:I first see if there anyone around for backup then if not I would try and help the citizen.

    8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.:I would go up to him ask where his perents are. Then get him somewhere safe and give him some food

    9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.:I will keep my hand on my sword and ask him why he's doing. If he attacks me. I will defend myself.

    10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.: I will go up to him and ask why he feel that way and thentry to enlighten him.

    11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?":God make us suffer to make us better people to learn are mistakes and If you are good to God, God will be good to you.

  2. Mc name: parkerwowxdx

    Rp Name: Deli Glegnus Blackaxe

    Sword skill: Brocken

    Axe Skill: Brocken

    Pvp Experience: No much I have not been in many fights.

    How much your on. How many hours per week and Weekend: Every day from 6:30 GMT time

    How long you have been on the server: around 1 month

    Reasons you want to join: I would like the army to protect the kingdom in any wars

    Do you have Ts?: Yes

    In what period of time are you on?: GMT

    Rp Experience: As I am only 14 I have had lots of school and exams so I have had not much experience. But hopefully this can be the chance to

    Link to server app if you have been on the server for less then a month:http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/20705-app-parkerwowxdx-dwarf/page__p__90211#entry90211.

    If you dont have ts go on the bottom of this post, There you will find the download link

  3. MCname: Parkerwowxdx

    Roleplay Name: Deli_Glegnus

    General Area/Timezone: GMT (England)

    Short Character Bio: I am one of the best miners in Kal'Urguan. Soon I want to be the best and richest miner in the whole of Aegis. I want to go to Oren. And one day find the most rarest ore. Because when I was young I could not read, write or even pick up a pick an they laughed they cry with laughter and I was be in a corner, crying in the corner. So I want to go to Oren and get my revenge on all though people by finding the rarest in the whole of Oren. But then I was in the middle of a lava pit I had found the ore and Slip on moss stone. And fell in to hell. Looking up into the ceiling and I saw the Coal fall out my hand. When I got revived from the monks I went back to my home only to get kicked out play my father, Vonar Glegnus a famous miner he have found over 100 pieces of coal. My mother died when I was young. So I was out of thing out of love, out of heart out of the will to mine.

    Position Desired: Miner

    Why you would like to become a member of the Black Axe:Once I died I went to King Charles for a home yet but as my father could not find the ore that the Mad King wanted, I got kicked out... No chased by knights out of the kingdom. Homeless, running out of food after days of traveling I stumbled upon Kal'Domhain and the clan of the Blackaxe after talking to someone about the Blackaxes I thought that they hate Mad King Charles as much as I do.

    Any special skills you possess: No

    Screenshots or links to MC creations:N/A

    PvP experience:No ((I have barely started on this server hope it does not effect it))

    Anything else we should know: I can't read or write as I have Dyslexia.

  4. MC Name:parkerwowxdx

    IG Name:Deli Glegnus

    Why you wish to be a guard of Kal'Urguan: To protect the Kingdom

    How long have you played on this server: About a week or two.

    What lv. is your swordsmanship skill or If you prefer an axe((Requirement lv.10 or higher.)): I do not have a skill ((skill is broken))

    And you read the following rules

    You will always obey your leaders: Yes

    You will not abuse your power: No

    You will be kind to the other races: Except the rivals of the dwarfs

  5. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:My IGM is Parkerwowxdx

    -How old are you?:I am a 14 .

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes I live in England and top in my English class.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I have high English grade I most am a grammar but my spelling is bad. I play World of Warcraft Forsaken World so I know how to RP. I'm not a sportive person.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:That would be a unknown number depending on how tired I'm and how much homework I have but I think maybe 5 times a day.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:I have been playing minecraft since January last Year.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I was a RP Human on World of Warcraft. Roleplaying is where you take your imagination to a other person and take him/her a play and act like him/her.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:I expect the server to be fun as I love Rping.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:mc.Imdeity.com was a sever I played on before.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:I read the rules and lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server.





    -How did you hear about us?:I searched Minestatus and found your ad.

    -Did you vote?:Yes. On all 3 sites.

    -What was your favorite Law?:The No Greifing I hat Greifers.

    -What was your least favorite Law?:The skin depending on the Race. I would like to use my own skin as long as it fit the race.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?My Forum account name is Parkerwowxdx.


    -Character Name:Deli Glegnus.

    -What is your Race?:A strong Drawf.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:My Forum account name is Parkerwowxdx.

    -Biography:I was one of the best miners in Kal'Urguan. Soon I want to be the best, richest miner in the whole of Aegis. I want to go to Oren and one day find the most rarest ore. Because when I was young I could not read, write or even pick up a pick an they laughed they cry with laughter and I would be in a corner, crying in the corner. So I want to go to Oren and get my revenge on all though people by finding the rarest in the whole of Oren. When I got to Oren but then I was in the middle of a lava pit I had found the ore and sliped on mossy-cobblestone. And fell into hell. Looking up into the ceiling and I saw the Coal fall out into the lava.

    * * * *

    When I got revived from the monks I went back to my home only to get kicked out play my father, Vonar Glegnus a famous miner he have found over 100 pieces of coal. My mother died when I was young. So I was out of thing out of love, out of heart out of the will to mine. So I wondered over to the mine and through myself into the lava. When I awoke I was in front of 3 portal. I first started by looking at the sign posted it was unfocused. It was hard to readhard to read but I made the words "The first gate, you begin to see" Then as I read the sign my eye focused. I walk forward and read The second Gate you begin the feel. A shiver went down my spine. I walk forward and read the last sign a read The third gate, you begin to think" Where am I. The last thing I remember was falling into lava. I was alive my Monk Gods have given me a second chance. Thank the Heavens. My father the one thing on my mine was my father and how I want to get the love off him and there was only one way. COAL... I need to find the coal! Coal I start walking but I can't I have nothing. I go up to a tree punch my arm goes though. What was going on? I remember that I need to go to the High Druid. I had to go to the High Druid and beg for life because I was a Wondering Spirit...

    -Character Age:He is 21.

    -Character Appearance:I am a 4" Dwarf. My beard is rough from the dirt and grit when I was Mining. My body is covered in blood of the monsters of the night I had killed. The pot of gunpowder is full and attached to my back with a leather belt that I made with the hides of the cows I killed.

    -Character Personality:A shy lonely adult. That will love more friends.

    -Your ambitions: To find Coal a get the respect of my father.

    -Can your character read or write?:No. I am Dyslexia.

    -Can your character mine?:Yes. As a dwarf I was made to mine.

    -Are you a capable builder?Yes. I help my brother make are mansion.

    -Can you wield a sword?:Yes. We have to defend are self from the monster in the mines.

    -Enjoy Farming?:Yes I am addicted to bread and Melons.

    -A screenshot of your skin:


  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:My IGM is Parkerwowxdx

    -How old are you?:I am a 14 .

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes I live in England and top in my English class.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I have high English grade I most am a grammar but my spelling is bad. I play World of Warcraft Forsaken World so I know how to RP. I'm not a sportive person.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:That would be a unknown number depending on how tired I'm and how much homework I have but I think maybe 5 times a day.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:I have been playing minecraft since January last Year.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I was a RP Human on World of Warcraft. Roleplaying is where you take your imagination to a other person and take him/her a play and act like him/her.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:I expect the server to be fun as I love Rping.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:mc.Imdeity.com was a sever I played on before.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:I read the rules and lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server.





    -How did you hear about us?:I searched Minestatus and found your ad.

    -Did you vote?:Yes. On all 3 sites.

    -What was your favorite Law?:The No Greifing I hat Greifers.

    -What was your least favorite Law?:The skin depending on the Race. I would like to use my own skin as long as it fit the race.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?My Forum account name is Parkerwowxdx.


    -Character Name:Deli Glegnus.

    -What is your Race?:A strong Drawf.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:My Forum account name is Parkerwowxdx.

    -Biography:I am one of the best miners in Kal'Urguan. Soon I want to be the best and richest miner in the whole of Aegis. I want to go to Oren. And one day find the most rarest ore. Because when I was young I could not read, write or even pick up a pick an they laughed they cry with laughter and I was be in a corner, crying in the corner. So I want to go to Oren and get my revenge on all though people by finding the rarest in the whole of Oren. But then I was in the middle of a lava pit I had found the ore and Slip on moss stone. And fell in to hell. Looking up into the ceiling and I saw the Coal fall out my hand. When I got revived from the monks I went back to my home only to get kicked out play my father, Vonar Glegnus a famous miner he have found over 100 pieces of coal. My mother died when I was young. So I was out of thing out of love, out of heart out of the will to mine. So I wondered over to the mine and through myself into the lava. When I awoke I was in front of 3 portal. I first started by looking at the sign posted it was hard to read but I made the words "The first gate, you begin to see" Then as I read the sign my eye focused. I walk forward and read The second Gate you begin the feel. A shiver went down my spine. I walk forward and read the last sign a read The third gate, you begin to think" Where am I. The last thing I remember was falling into lava. I was alive my Monk Gods have given me a second chance. Thank the Heavens. My father the one thing on my mine was my father and how I want to get the love off him and there was only one way. COAL... I need to find the coal coal I start walking but I can't I have nothing. I go up to a tree punch my arm goes though. What was going on? I had to go to the High Druid and beg for life..

    -Character Age:He is 21.

    -Character Appearance:I am a 4" Dwarf. My beard is rough from the dirt and grit when I was Mining. My body is covered in blood of the monsters of the night I had killed. The pot of gunpowder is full and attached to my back with a leather belt that I made with the hides of the cows I killed.

    -Character Personality:A shy lonely adult. That will love more friends.

    -Your ambitions: To find Coal a get the respect of my father.

    -Can your character read or write?:No. I am Dyslexia.

    -Can your character mine?:Yes. As a dwarf I was made to mine.

    -Are you a capable builder?Yes. I help my brother make are mansion.

    -Can you wield a sword?:Yes. We have to defend are self from the monster in the mines.

    -Enjoy Farming?:Yes I am addicted to bread and Melons.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: I learn to cast a spell of mining and a spell of fire. From my trainer.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    Screenshot Link

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