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Posts posted by Mosskel

  1. Real Name:


    In-game Name:


    RP Name:


    Time Zone:


    How long you will be online each week:

    Varies with my school schedule as well as extra-curricular activites. On school days, probably two-three hours, and on weekends, double that or more. Typically I play later at night. My time spent on the forums and Wiki is about 4-6 hours a day.


    I have worked as a moderator with World Edit on my friend's small private server. I am familiar with the commands. I have worked a tad with Big Brother as well.

    Why I should be a GM:

    Though I am still in high school, I take pride in being responsible and intelligent for my age. I work diligently in game and out. I try to deal with all situations with maturity. I am extremely involved in music as an extra curricular activity. This has been a large part if my growth in maturity, as it involves being around older players, leadership, teamwork, and respect. I try to see both sides of an argument, as all leaders must. As a GM, I would be sure to make use of these skills.

    In game, my character is the Head Teacher of new druids, and part of the responsibilities of this is to find good roleplayers, as the Druids have fairly high standards. I believe myself very good at roleplaying and adept at detecting who else will be a good roleplayer. I was a good enough roleplayer to be accepted into Dunwood, where I first got aquainted with some if the server's awesome GMs (Charlie4vb, MrZombez, Brian). I was later introduced to some other GMs when I became a druid (Respiren, Mylas, Native). I frequently read the server applications and villain applications and try to give constructive criticism to applicants. I've also written a guide for server applications, as well as a guide on language and wiki editting.

    I am a very active participant on the forums, and I strive to make valuable comments, interesting posts, and to be a helpful community member. As I mentioned before, I have written several guides. My goal is really to help players roleplay well, follow the rules and have fun.

    I've been quite involved with the wiki. I've created a good number of pages completely from scratch, added to existing pages, and edited grammar in many pages. I was also the creator of the Organizations and Guilds section. I look over a good number of the changes made to make sure everything is up to date and appropriate.

    If made a GM, I would assist with applications and moderating the forums as well as answer mod requests. There are a tremendous amount of applications posted as well as other threads necessitating of a GM. I know what the standards that this server holds people up to, and I think I could do a great job of maintaining those standards while helping bare the load. Also, I've read quite a bit of the ban and ban appeal section, and I think I have a good sense of how to be fair and respectful. I always try to be logical and just with judgements, and I can keep my cool even if I get flamed, as unfortunately happens to GMs from time to time. I would also love to help do things such as creating events and landscapes. I'm a creative spirit, which is what drew me here in the first place. I would really enjoy assisting with creating more in-depth lore and such.

    Other Info:

    Thank you for reading my application, and I hope that I will be given the chance to work with some awesome GMs on an awesome server!

    - Petyr


    Edits: Was recently promoted to Wiki Admin and made a member of the Villain Application Team.

    Petyr. what do you play? I'm in my high school Wind Ensemble too! I play percussion.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Fishy Tots

    -How old are you?: 14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: PDT, United States of America

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes!

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I like doughnuts, am good at school, am in band, love games, my birthday is tomorrow, and I'm getting Skyrim for my late birthday. More description of me on my other account if you want to see it.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 7-16+ hours.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Half a year.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: I am already a member on the server, with a different account. I have been told by many of the people I interact with on Brunhyldir that I am a great roleplayer. But roleplaying is acting like your character.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I already know that it's awesome. I have another account registering for it, that's how awesome it is.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: LostCraft, which felt like a bunch of parents (GMs) letting out their kids (members) into the park, and not doing anything when a kid falls, or another kid takes another kids ice cream. Basically, it wasn't monitored.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Dwarf, Orc, Elf, Human.

    -How did you hear about us?: I first heard about you on Minecraft server list, but since this is my second account, I basically made it because of the server.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Fishy Tots.


    -Character Name: Mosskel_Belghau

    -What is your Race?: Dwarf

    -Biography: Mosskel was born ages ago, when grandfathers of the grandfathers of current children lived. Back in his day, such things as Undead or Iblees didn't terrorize the world... Back then, murderers, bandits, and scallywags were the real terrorists.

    Mosskel lived in the great city of Kal'Urguan with his parents; his mom a stay-at-home-mom, and his dad the chief of the early mining team that was excavating a ruin found near the great underground city.

    Mosskel was just a youngling when he was informed that there was a landslide on the inside of the mine, and his father had been killed trying to the save the rest of the team as they escaped. Only 2 members escaped the excavation site. They became some of the most influential people in his life in years to come.

    His mother hit a hard state of depression after the fathers death; she started drinking again and now that no one was bringing in money to the house, what was left of the Belghau was going to die off. Mosskel had no choice but to join the dwarven army and fight against the tresspassers to Ka'Urguan, the crime gangs around Aegis, and any other threat to the dwarven race.

    Having his mother died quite a time ago, Mosskel finally resigned from the army as honored Combat Medic, and left to more subtle things; reading in his small home, scaring off younglings from his stone lawn, and being a curmudgeon.

    But now that Iblees has surfaced, threatening the very fabric that built Mosskels life, he feels it is now time to resurface. He is ready to fight for Aegis once again!

    Despite his old age, he can still attach an arm back into its socket -- after it's been dismembered -- in a record time of 19 seconds. But he still has a lot more to learn about the new medical supplies in the world. ((Basically saying I am going to establish a character, not coming in as the awesomest medic ever.))

    -Character Age: 137

    -Character Appearance: An old wrinkly dwarf with gray hair and silver eyes, but medical training that could make a Zombiepig come back to life.

    -Character Personality: He's a curmudgeon. He thinks he knows everything, and he can't stand all the younglings telling him what to do. He often rambles on about how "Back then, that would have been a bad thing" or, "When I was growing up, youngers like ye didn't meddle in such things.

    -Your ambitions: Mosskel wants to help fight for Aegis and protect everyone on it. After all, if there were no younglings in the world, he'd have no one to yell at to get off his lawn.

    -Can your character read or write?: Both.

    -Can your character mine?: He's a dwarf, and his father was a chief of a mining team. But he barely remembers the right technique.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Why would a dwarf use a sword? An axe is where it's at! But of course, Mosskel prefers ye' old medicine kit.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Farming people to aid? Ya! Farming plants? NO!

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Knows a lot about healing, especially in combat ((food, basically, or rping that someone sick is now cured after being treated by him)). But he still has a LOT to learn, especially since he hasn't healed in over 30 years.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/221/20111005211659xhyyfb.png/

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Fishy Tots

    -How old are you?: 14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: PDT, United States of America

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes!

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I like doughnuts, am good at school, am in band, love games, my birthday is tomorrow, and I'm getting Skyrim for my late birthday. More description of me on my other account if you want to see it.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 7-16+ hours.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Half a year.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: I am already a member on the server, with a different account. I have been told by many of the people I interact with on Brunhyldir that I am a great roleplayer. But roleplaying is acting like your character.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I already know that it's awesome. I have another account registering for it, that's how awesome it is.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: LostCraft, which felt like a bunch of parents (GMs) letting out their kids (members) into the park, and not doing anything when a kid falls, or another kid takes another kids ice cream. Basically, it wasn't monitored.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Dwarf, Orc, Elf, Human.

    -How did you hear about us?: I first heard about you on Minecraft server list, but since this is my second account, I basically made it because of the server.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Fishy Tots.


    -Character Name: Mosskel_Belghau

    -What is your Race?: Dwarf

    -Biography: Mosskel was born ages ago, when grandfathers of the grandfathers of current children lived. Back in his day, such things as Undead or Iblees didn't terrorize the world... Back then, murderers, bandits, and scallywags were the real terrorists.

    Mosskel lived in the great city of Kal'Urguan with his parents; his mom a stay-at-home-mom, and his dad the chief of the early mining team that was excavating a ruin found near the great underground city.

    Mosskel was just a youngling when he was informed that there was a landslide on the inside of the mine, and his father had been killed trying to the save the rest of the team as they escaped. Only 2 members escaped the excavation site. They became some of the most influential people in his life in years to come.

    His mother hit a hard state of depression after the fathers death; she started drinking again and now that no one was bringing in money to the house, what was left of the Belghau was going to die off. Mosskel had no choice but to join the dwarven army and fight against the tresspassers to Ka'Urguan, the crime gangs around Aegis, and any other threat to the dwarven race.

    Having his mother died quite a time ago, Mosskel finally resigned from the army as honored Combat Medic, and left to more subtle things; reading in his small home, scaring off younglings from his stone lawn, and being a curmudgeon.

    But now that Iblees has surfaced, threatening the very fabric that built Mosskels life, he feels it is now time to resurface. He is ready to fight for Aegis once again!

    Despite his old age, he can still attach an arm back into its socket -- after it's been dismembered -- in a record time of 19 seconds. But he still has a lot more to learn about the new medical supplies in the world. ((Basically saying I am going to establish a character, not coming in as the awesomest medic ever.))

    -Character Age: 137

    -Character Appearance: An old wrinkly dwarf with gray hair and silver eyes, but medical training that could make a Zombiepig come back to life.

    -Character Personality: He's a curmudgeon. He thinks he knows everything, and he can't stand all the younglings telling him what to do. He often rambles on about how "Back then, that would have been a bad thing" or, "When I was growing up, youngers like ye didn't meddle in such things.

    -Your ambitions: Mosskel wants to help fight for Aegis and protect everyone on it. After all, if there were no younglings in the world, he'd have no one to yell at to get off his lawn.

    -Can your character read or write?: Both.

    -Can your character mine?: He's a dwarf, and his father was a chief of a mining team. But he barely remembers the right technique.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Why would a dwarf use a sword? An axe is where it's at! But of course, Mosskel prefers ye' old medicine kit.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Farming people to aid? Ya! Farming plants? NO!

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Knows a lot about healing, especially in combat ((food, basically, or rping that someone sick is now cured after being treated by him)). But he still has a LOT to learn, especially since he hasn't healed in over 30 years.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/221/20111005211659xhyyfb.png/

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