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Posts posted by Timmeh!

  1. The Town of Hochstadt


                        A cool breeze flows over The Rock, Teutonic Order Saraints walk freely as they continue about their daily lives, Civilians flood the front gates looking for housing amongst the island. Time passes as OrderMarschall Edric appears, holding a rolled up scroll in his right hand. He pauses briefly as he removes his helmet and unrolls the scroll, speaking towards those gathered around;

    “Brothers and Sisters, Men and Women…
    I stand here today to address to speak on behalf  of the current housing situation.”


    He glanced up, taking a look around the gathered crowd


    “The Teutonic Order’s finest builders have constructed a town, safe from the evils of the world and those whom seek to do you harm. The housing is cheap and the farms are bountiful, we welcome those who look for a place to rest, a place to start a family, and a place to be safe. To those who wish to seek housing from the troubles of the world we welcome you with open arms.”


    He nodded as he posted an advertisement on a post near the island, for those who would walk up and read it, it would list contact information and pricing of housing.


    “We welcome all who seek a peaceful place to live, and we await hearing from you.”


    He waved towards the gathered crowd, turning and heading back towards the keep.




    Housing Contact Information:

    Contact: SpookyLean or LilTim3000, if neither are around, please attach a note below the advertisement, and we shall collect it and reply! -

    MC Name:

    RP Name:

    Current Residence:




    Tours will be given freely when contact is made, most of all current homes are available, including the Tavern, which is looking for a owner!



    Small House Pricing (Usually 2 floors, or smaller rooms.) -

    Buying Price - 125 Mina

    Rent per week - Crafting Materials (Gems, weapons, armor, etc.) OR 40 Mina.


    Large House Pricing (Usually 3+ floors, or larger rooms.) -

    Buying Price - 175 Mina

    Rent per week - Crafting Materials (Gems, weapons, armor, etc.) OR 75 Mina.


    Shop Stalls (Located throughout the town, plenty of active people to sell to!) -

    Buying Price - 100 Mina

    Rent per week - Crafting Materials (Gems, weapons, armor, etc.) OR 70 Mina.

    (Price for shops can be negotiated.)


    Tavern (Large building, 2 larges floors with plenty of space and tables/seats.)

    Buying Price - 300 Mina

    Rent per week - Crafting Materials (Gems, weapons, armor, etc.) OR 150 Mina.


    Town Farm - Free use to all residence!


    Town also has a BANK and AUCTIONEER



    Pictures of the town (Contact the above for tours, or any of the Teutonic Order) -


  2. -Reserved for any announcements - RED marks changes. 



    HUMANPERSONAS ONLY, CAUGHT CHEATING WILL DISQUALIFY YOUR TEAM. (This means you can be a dwarf, orc, etc, but you MUST have a human persona on. ) 




     Sunday, June 7th, 5pm EST )  --- -NEW DATE AND TIME

  3. *Posters are hung all around Petrus and Siegard, marking an upcoming festival and tournament*

    - The Vladovic Tournament -

    "Do you love to fight? Have a group of friends you trust at your side with a sword? Or just love some good quality fun and drinking? Come down to the Duchy of Adria and sign up your teams for the fights! If not interested in the fighting then come down and enjoy some brews from around Oren and drink the night away with your friends!"

    - The Tournament - 
    The Tournament is the main event for the festival, it will hold teams of three (3) pitted against each other in the arena to battle it out in a bracket style climbing system! There will be other contest, however without a mina reward, but something else to be determined at the event!

    Three Tournament Prize Pool: 10,000 Mina


    Team Name:
    Team Member 1 (MC/RP):
    Team Member 2 (MC/RP):
    Team Member 3 (MC/RP):

    Do you understand anyone caught cheating in the tournament will be punished?: 


    Other events will be listed at a later time!

    ( Sunday, June 7th, 5pm EST ) 
    Location: TBA 

  4.                                                                Hey you! 

    Ever wanted to be an Oren Noble, be part of a bigger role-play family, meet new people, and best of yet, have some good times?

    Well here is your chance! House Vladov is searching for a player to take up the role of a new born child in the Vladov family! The child is a female and is the daughter of Duke Franz Vladov and Duchess Winter Vladov and is their first born! If you are interested/want more details, please fill out the application below or send me a message on the forums! 

    MC Name: 
    Time Zone: 
    Have you any previous characters with any vladov people?: 
    Will you be active?: 
    List your characters that you've had!: 
    Anything you'd like to tell us?: 



  5. The Raven reaches Ulrich's cabin, a peaceful place deep into the woods in which he had rested for far to long.
    Ulrich rises, walking towards the Raven and untying the note, soon after shooing the raven away.
    After a long skim over the note, Ulrich smiles and tosses the note aside

    "The time has come I suppose, time to leave this dusty old cabin and go see my brother and cousins..."

    He turns to his armor and sword, which have now gathered dust as he walks over to them, cleaning them off.
    Soon after strapping up and arming himself, he walks outside, bags in tow as he clings them to his horse and jumps on it.

    "Home, here I come."


  6. Teutaldorf War Games!

    *Flyers are posted all throughout the city, announcing the first TEUTALDORF WAR GAMES. As you near the poster, you read over the list of events and when/where it is!*

    When: Friday, June 27th.  6:30 PM EST
    Where: T.B.A


    Team Fight: 3v3
    Team Fight: 5v5
    Capture The Flag: 10v10*
    Glowstone Archery: 1v1 (Not PvP!)
    Dwarfish Jousting: 1v1

    (* = Subject to Change )

    In the main event, it will be Sariants of the Teutonic Order VS the Dwarven Legion!
    (Teams will be balanced if uneven.)


    Team Sign ups:  (Put Both RP/MC names.)


    Team Name:
    Fighter 1:
    Fighter 2:
    Fighter 3:

    Team Name:
    Fighter 1:
    Fighter 2:
    Fighter 3:
    Fighter 4:
    Fighter 5:

    (Glowstone Archery)

    OOC Note: We’re looking for a few Diamond VIP’s or above to help with the capture the flag event, if interested Message: LilTim3000 / Charles_Grimlie

  7. Another Victory over Oren!

    Minutes, Hours, Days all passed by as the Dwarven Legion alongside with the Teutonic Order held their ground against the infamous Oren legion until they retreated for tiredness! 

    The battle raged on, many people dying from both sides, including innocents caught in the flames of war! The Oren War-Machine pressed forwards at the dwarfs and the sariants, backing them into an endless stand-still in Fort Kjellingrad; still continuing the endless blood-shed!

    More hours had passed until the Oren "war-machine" grew tired, demanding a full retreat of the forces, leaving the dwarves, and their ground, untouched; and their people, unharmed.


  8. Allison sits in the Green County manor, she seems to be writing down things on plenty sheets of paper. As she finishes the writing she calls in a Courier and orders him to pin these all around Anthos, every place which Sariants might have ran off too.

    As you near the posters you begin to read over them. . .

    "Brothers and Sisters of the Black Cross, Sariants from all over, I Allison DeNurem request you return home, to Hanseti and help with the retaking of Castle Greywynn and the North Gate.

    What I am asking you is not something to think lightly on, men will die, but we do not fight alone. Join me, Join Us and help retake what was once ours. You swore to protect from the North and now is your chance to prove yourself once more.

    Sariants, on this day, I ask you all return and help reclaim what is rightfully ours. This will take months, years, lives . . . but it will all be worth it in the end."


  9. Emma stood outside of Greywynn after the fall, she stared straight forwards into the rumble of the ashes as tears ran down her face, she said nothing but stood their for a very long time, mourning the loss of her still husband, Jonathan Black.


    On the other hand, Allison throws a party !

  10. MC Name: rukio13

    RP Name: Katie Walls

    Race: Human

    Age: 17

    Labors: Farming



     MC Name: kooldriftzz

    RP Name: Velu Oussana 

    Race: Mali'ker

    Age: Lost count, old enough

    Labors: Hunter, Fisher



    MC Name: Tristan_P

    RP Name: Morthar Ceteverce

    Race:  Dark Elf

    Age: 147

    Labors: Fisherman, Farmer, Hunter

    All the above applications have been stamped for approved, please seek out the Foreman.

  11. MC Name: Destinator8

    *the handwriting is very sloppy and difficult to read*

    RP Name: Nor'sae

    Race: Wood Elf

    Age: 130

    Labors: Farming, Woodcutting

    The following application has been stamped for approval by the Foreman, under it you see: "Please seek out the Foreman for your first labors."


    ( Mosquow, I ask that you get accepted onto the server before applying, then you can join! If this is a mistake, please reply back but as I went to your profile there is no other post aside from this one. )

  12. Elindor examines the posting after walking past it countless times. He reads over and mutters to himself "Aer'mai. Who the bollocks is that? If they keep changing around who is overseeing the people I had better not keep having to inform them."

    He retrieves a notepad and slides out a clean page to write on. "Still, you can't rely on the High Council to pass information down the lines. Better check in on things again I suppose."


    He pins up a letter to the foreman.


    Dear Foreman Aer'mai,

    I recognise the potential need to inform your persons of the arrangements that have been made with my persons, and how this arrangement seeks to improve Malinor as a nation, regardless of whether the requirements have been acted upon or not. I am the caretaker of Telrunya winery and have been producing the finest wines in Anthos, yet remain to be called upon to supply the delicious fruits of my labour. Consequently I have sought private trade to consume, as it where, the increasing stockpile of wines. If a time arises that the nation of Malinor wishes to call upon the unbeatable flavour of Telrunya's wines, I would be more than willing to oblige, thought there are of course minor costs involved in the preparation of such produce that would require reimbursement should any great volume be required beyond that of token generosity.



    Elindor the Blue of Telrunya Winery

    A letter had been left sitting upon the desk tops of the Winery, as you near it, you see that it has a stamp of a wolf. Opening it you begin to read over it:

    Dear Elindor,

    I will come speak to you in person at a later date, one close to us now. As for your wine, I would also love to try a cup before deciding upon the purchase of your services. As for supplies, if you ever wish to purchase anything that you do not have, feel free to seek me out and I can make you a wonderful offer on anything of your desire. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to drop a note on my desk.


    Aer'mai Aldrasil, Foreman and Highborn of Malinor.

  13. ~Application~



    MC Name: blackopskid7

    RP Name: Elrond Linwelin

    Race: Elf

    Age: 160

    Labors: Farming, Hunting, Princess' personal guard (Pre-Approved), Architect

    The application has been stamped for approval, please seek out Foreman Aer'mai. -LilTim3000-

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