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Status Updates posted by Dash_Rogers

  1. braces are off. a layer of nerdom has been lifted

  2. Lily and Lysles funeral tonight. 6:00 PST Renatus. Lets get it done before the update.

    1. Dash_Rogers


      OOC EDIT2: EDIT: Funeral postpone. Probably till next week. In IC terms, I did not post the notice yet.

  3. It is a little off putting seeing so many mods on and no one willing to help my month old /modreq

  4. For shame, we aren't even on the first page anymore. #31 on the MC list...

    1. anakin0007


      Its not very bad. Its just that some people dont like rping. Im guessing their is more people who like building and pvp then rping. Not saying rping is boring but just saying their is probaly a majority.

    1. Dash_Rogers


      My brother entered a Dubstep remix into the running and could really use the votes. He put his heart into this remix so it even sounds good.

  5. submitted application

  6. GOT ACCEPTED! now play with feeling!!

  7. i am Neutral and i plan to keep it that way

  8. Tournament training is going well. One run through completed

  9. bring on the next day already

  10. maxed out server. astronomical

  11. such bad timing with this offliness

  12. *you have advanced levels in lumberjacking! You are now level 7! IRL

  13. Halfway mark. Sailing to the gauntlet island

  14. LAND HO! Bring her about! We've made it to the gauntlet

  15. Oh the times of longer blonder hair.. HO hummm

  16. Creative Cafe! NOW! Listen up!

  17. Break into the impenetrable, sneak past dragons, slay monsters, bunker bust vaults, loot all its got, make off with their grandest ship. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/47426-“impenetrable-karik-guarded-by-dragons-challenge-accepted”/#entry354385 its all here

  18. May the Jesters of the kings court rule this day. *Raises chalice with his fellow Asulonian*

  19. Why do I feel I put my shirt on backwards today yet, the shirt is on correctly?

  20. Wilderness Woodland Barbeque Boy, I am no more.

  21. I conjured a meme. Nearly from scratch.

  22. i think i bumped into you once. you were on the rooftops in Al'khazar not giving a care cause the guards are weak, and it was my first day in the game and i had no idea how to differ a dark elf from an undead so i assumed you were an undead but little did i know even though your not undead i still have much to fear from you. i had to cut our encounter short though cause RL and i was really ...

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