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Status Updates posted by Baconthief

  1. Human vs zombies starts next week, if your campus has it sign up.

  2. Dammit server, how am I going to procrastinate OCHEM studying now?

  3. Dunmer > Drow. Drow are only cool if you're smoking weed while playing some D&D with Dio/Rainbow/Black Sabbath in the background. If you think it's the reverse, you're a noob scrub

  4. How would people feel if Ordinators were made? Of course adapted to lotc instead of Morrowind

  5. The golden pools are being reconstructed to be utilized for dark elf plumming

  6. People are already lining up for black Friday. that's 'Merica for you *Salutes*

  7. I think if mizz sees another immature elf, he's going to hang himself

  8. Join the Mobile Infantry today!

  9. Legalize treestars

  10. rabble rabble rabble VAT MAT rabble rabble

  11. If anyone orders a pizza for me online I'll cyber with you

  12. Everyone either forum pm or skype pm LeoWArrior the song here http://starshiptroopers.wikia.com/wiki/It%27s_A_Good_Day_To_Die

  13. Okay I saw this one anime once that I thought was kind of cool, but I was high and generals didn't have long purple hair and fight scenes became sky dogfights of jumping

  14. Send this to Leowarrior

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