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Posts posted by Spotcho

  1. Out-of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Spotcho

    How Old Are You?: 14 years old

    Time-Zone/country of Residence: Central time U.S.

    Do You Have A Good Grip On The English Language?:Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description Of Yourself: I like to read and play on my new drum set. I also like playing tennis and I enjoy cooking.

    How Much Time Could You Be On The Server Weekly?: 20/25 Hours weekly

    How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft?: Since 1.5

    What Do You Know About Roleplaying? How Long Have You Been Doing It? What Kind?: I know that Roleplaying is playing as your character as if it was real life. I have been roleplaying for a couple of years now on online games such as World of Warcraft. I played on a RP server, not just a regular server.

    What Do You Expect This Server To Be like?: I would expect this server to be kind to new players and offer swift punishment on those who do not follow the rules.

    What Other Server(s) Have You Played On And Why Did You Leave Them?: I played on the server Herocraft. I left because I was unsatisfied by the way the Admins would deal with rule breakers.

    Have You Read, Understood, And Agreed To The Rules? What About The Lore?: Yes, I Fully Understand The Rules and the Lore Is Solid And An Enjoyable Read.

    Name The Four Races On This Server: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Humans

    How Did You Here About Us?: I was looking for a new server on The Minecraft Forums.

    Did You Vote?: Yes

    What Was Your Favorite Law?: No Greifing, I enjoy building and I hate to see my (and others) creations destroyed.

    What Was Your Least Favorite Law?: None,I believe the laws are good and help keep trouble causing players out.

    What is Your Lord Of The Craft Forum Account Name?: Spotcho


    Character Name: Dax Swiftfoot

    What Is Your Race? Elf

    Character Appearance: Tall, cream colored skin, blond hair ,and green eyes.

    Lord Of The Craft.Net/Forum Forum Account: Spotcho

    Biography: Dax was a normal child until the fateful night when his parents were killed in a raid on his home village. Dax was but a child then and the thugs found no interest in him. Left to die in the ruins of his former home, Dax was taken in by a group of traveling villagers who were headed back home from selling their produce. Dax learned the values of hard work and honest labor by doing the harsh tasks of a village farmer. Though his burdens were many, he was happy to have a loving family.

    Being an elf, Dax remained young and limber as his parents became old and dependent upon him. Dax took up two jobs to support his family being a mason and running his family's shop. Taking up two new jobs was no easy task, so Dax used the money he had saved up as a lad to learn under the greatest artisan in their village. Dax became his protege and a great one that. Constantly Dax was praised by his teacher on his skills. By building the home of a local lord, Dax earned enough money for his parents to live comfortably into their old age.

    Dax and his family lived a nice quiet life until disaster reared its ugly head once more in Dax's life. While traveling to resupply his family's store with his parents, His caravan was attacked! Dax fought with sheer determination against the numerous bandits, but he was no fighter. Dax was struck on the head by a blunt weapon and believed to be dead. The raiders continued on looting the rest of the caravan. Before they left, the brigands tied up all the remaining people left alive into a single wagon and boarded it up. The criminals snickered as they set the wagon on fire and heard to the screams of the helpless victims. Morning came and Dax awoke to see a single charred wagon with all the people he held near to his heart dead.

    From there on Dax swore an oath against all thieves and highwaymen alike to end them and their crimes. Dax spent 50 years in the forest as a hermit honing his archery and becoming a proficient swordsmen. Upon hearing of the unrest in the land of Aegis, Dax found a new chance to follow through with his oath of vengeance. Dax sets off to this strange new land determined to bring an end to all criminals alike and to create a town that shines as a bright jewel of righteousness against the growing darkness that surrounds it. Knowing that he needs money for a town, Dax creates plans to make this dream into a reality. Seeing that he is no Dwarf and is not able to obtain precious metals and jewels, Dax decides to create a shop as he once managed in a past life. With his plans set, Dax knows he is ready to set out into the darkness and become a champion of Aegis.

    Character Age: 233

    Character Personality: Hard working, intelligent, kind, and courageous.

    Your Ambitions: To create a Town that is good and against evil.

    Can Your Character Read Or Write?: No

    Can Your Character Mine?: Yes, but he is not strong enough to use anything heavier than a stone pick.

    Are You A Capable Builder?: Yes

    Enjoy Farming?: Yes, because his parents were farmers, Dax is able to do some amount of farming, though much of his farming skills were lost when he chose the sword over the hoe.

    Does Your Character Have Any Special Skills?: The ability to shoot more than one arrow, up to a maximum of three


    Screenshot Of Your Skin: http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?action=readreviews&link=26788

    I downloaded my skin from the LotC skin pack.

    Other Information: I hope to have a great time here and I believe that I will be a good addition to the growing LotC family. I'm really interested in this server. I have been looking for a server that i can finally settle down and when I saw Lord of the Craft I knew that this was the place for me. I truly hope that whoever is reviewing my application will take notice of me and consider accepting me. I am grateful that you took the time to read my entire application even to this final sentence.

    My Revised bio, I thought I was supposed to make a new post by I will try this. Thank You

  2. Out-of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Spotcho

    How Old Are You?: 14 years old

    Time-Zone/country of Residence: Central time U.S.

    Do You Have A Good Grip On The English Language?:Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description Of Yourself: I like to read and play on my new drum set. I also like playing tennis and I enjoy cooking.

    How Much Time Could You Be On The Server Weekly?: 20/25 Hours weekly

    How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft?: Since 1.5

    What Do You Know About Roleplaying? How Long Have You Been Doing It? What Kind?: I know that Roleplaying is playing as your character as if it was real life. I have been roleplaying for a couple of years now on online games such as World of Warcraft. I played on a RP server, not just a regular server.

    What Do You Expect This Server To Be like?: I would expect this server to be kind to new players and offer swift punishment on those who do not follow the rules.

    What Other Server(s) Have You Played On And Why Did You Leave Them?: I played on the server Herocraft. I left because I was unsatisfied by the way the Admins would deal with rule breakers.

    Have You Read, Understood, And Agreed To The Rules? What About The Lore?: Yes, I Fully Understand The Rules and the Lore Is Solid And An Enjoyable Read.

    Name The Four Races On This Server: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Humans

    How Did You Here About Us?: I was looking for a new server on The Minecraft Forums.

    Did You Vote?: Yes

    What Was Your Favorite Law?: No Greifing, I enjoy building and I hate to see my (and others) creations destroyed.

    What Was Your Least Favorite Law?: None,I believe the laws are good and help keep trouble causing players out.

    What is Your Lord Of The Craft Forum Account Name?: Spotcho


    Character Name: Dax Swiftfoot

    What Is Your Race? Elf

    Character Appearance: Tall, cream colored skin, blond hair ,and green eyes.

    Lord Of The Craft.Net/Forum Forum Account: Spotcho

    Biography: Dax was a normal child until the fateful night when his parents were killed in a raid on his home village. Dax was but a child then and the thugs found no interest in him. Left to die in the ruins of his former home, Dax was taken in by a group of traveling villagers who were headed back home from selling their produce. Dax learned the values of hard work and honest labor by doing the harsh tasks of a village farmer. Though his burdens were many, he was happy to have a loving family.

    Being an elf, Dax remained young and limber as his parents became old and dependent upon him. Dax took up two jobs to support his family being a mason and running his family's shop. Taking up two new jobs was no easy task, so Dax used the money he had saved up as a lad to learn under the greatest artisan in their village. Dax became his protege and a great one that. Constantly Dax was praised by his teacher on his skills. By building the home of a local lord, Dax earned enough money for his parents to live comfortably into their old age.

    Dax and his family lived a nice quiet life until disaster reared its ugly head once more in Dax's life. While traveling to resupply his family's store with his parents, His caravan was attacked! Dax fought with sheer determination against the numerous bandits, but he was no fighter. Dax was struck on the head by a blunt weapon and believed to be dead. The raiders continued on looting the rest of the caravan. Before they left, the brigands tied up all the remaining people left alive into a single wagon and boarded it up. The criminals snickered as they set the wagon on fire and heard to the screams of the helpless victims. Morning came and Dax awoke to see a single charred wagon with all the people he held near to his heart dead.

    From there on Dax swore an oath against all thieves and highwaymen alike to end them and their crimes. Dax spent 50 years in the forest as a hermit honing his archery and becoming a proficient swordsmen. Upon hearing of the unrest in the land of Aegis, Dax found a new chance to follow through with his oath of vengeance. Dax sets off to this strange new land determined to bring an end to all criminals alike and to create a town that shines as a bright jewel of righteousness against the growing darkness that surrounds it. Knowing that he needs money for a town, Dax creates plans to make this dream into a reality. Seeing that he is no Dwarf and is not able to obtain precious metals and jewels, Dax decides to create a shop as he once managed in a past life. With his plans set, Dax starts off to the land of aegis using a map he acquired by a kindly old gentleman. The map leads to a strange building called the Cloud Temple.

    Character Age: 233

    Character Personality: Hard working, intelligent, kind, and courageous.

    Your Ambitions: To create a Town that is good and against evil.

    Can Your Character Read Or Write?: No

    Can Your Character Mine?: Yes, but he is not strong enough to use anything heavier than a stone pick.

    Are You A Capable Builder?: Yes

    Enjoy Farming?: Yes, because his parents were farmers, Dax is able to do some amount of farming, though much of his farming skills were lost when he chose the sword over the hoe.

    Does Your Character Have Any Special Skills?: The ability to shoot more than one arrow, up to a maximum of three


    Screenshot Of Your Skin: http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?action=readreviews&link=26788

    I downloaded my skin from the LotC skin pack.

    Other Information: I hope to have a great time here and I believe that I will be a good addition to the growing LotC family. I'm really interested in this server. I have been looking for a server that i can finally settle down and when I saw Lord of the Craft I knew that this was the place for me. I truly hope that whoever is reviewing my application will take notice of me and consider accepting me. I am grateful that you took the time to read my entire application even to this final sentence.


  3. Out-of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Spotcho

    How Old Are You?: 14 years old

    Time-Zone/country of Residence: Central time U.S.

    Do You Have A Good Grip On The English Language?:Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description Of Yourself: I like to read and play on my new drum set. I also like playing tennis and I enjoy cooking.

    How Much Time Could You Be On The Server Weekly?: 20/25 Hours weekly

    How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft?: Since 1.5

    What Do You Know About Roleplaying? How Long Have You Been Doing It? What Kind?: I know that Roleplaying is playing as your character as if it was real life. I have been roleplaying for a couple of years now on online games such as World of Warcraft. I played on a RP server, not just a regular server.

    What Do You Expect This Server To Be like?: I would expect this server to be kind to new players and offer swift punishment on those who do not follow the rules.

    What Other Server(s) Have You Played On And Why Did You Leave Them?: I played on the server Herocraft. I left because I was unsatisfied by the way the Admins would deal with rule breakers.

    Have You Read, Understood, And Agreed To The Rules? What About The Lore?: Yes, I Fully Understand The Rules and the Lore Is Solid And An Enjoyable Read.

    Name The Four Races On This Server: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Humans

    How Did You Here About Us?: I was looking for a new server on The Minecraft Forums.

    Did You Vote?: Yes

    What Was Your Favorite Law?: No Greifing, I enjoy building and I hate to see my (and others) creations destroyed.

    What Was Your Least Favorite Law?: None,I believe the laws are good and help keep trouble causing players out.

    What is Your Lord Of The Craft Forum Account Name?: Spotcho


    Character Name: Dax Swiftfoot

    What Is Your Race? Elf

    Character Appearance: Tall, cream colored skin, blond hair ,and green eyes.

    Lord Of The Craft.Net/Forum Forum Account: Spotcho

    Biography: Dax was a normal child until the fateful night when his parents were killed in a raid on his home village. Dax was but a child then and the thugs found no interest in him. Left to die in the ruins of his former home, Dax was taken in by a group of traveling villagers who were headed back home from selling their produce. Dax learned the values of hard work and honest labor by doing the harsh tasks of a village farmer. Though his burdens were many, he was happy to have a loving family.

    Being an elf, Dax remained young and limber as his parents became old and dependent upon him. Dax took up two jobs to support his family being a mason and running his family's shop. Taking up two new jobs was no easy task, so Dax used the money he had saved up as a lad to learn under the greatest artisan in their village. Dax became his protege and a great one that. Constantly Dax was praised by his teacher on his skills. By building the home of a local lord, Dax earned enough money for his parents to live comfortably into their old age.

    Dax and his family lived a nice quiet life until disaster reared its ugly head once more in Dax's life. While traveling to resupply his family's store with his parents, His caravan was attacked! Dax fought with sheer determination against the numerous bandits, but he was no fighter. Dax was struck on the head by a blunt weapon and believed to be dead. The raiders continued on looting the rest of the caravan. Before they left, the brigands tied up all the remaining people left alive into a single wagon and boarded it up. The criminals snickered as they set the wagon on fire and heard to the screams of the helpless victims. Morning came and Dax awoke to see a single charred wagon with all the people he held near to his heart dead.

    From there on Dax swore an oath against all thieves and highwaymen alike to end them and their crimes. Dax spent 50 years in the forest as a hermit honing his archery and becoming a proficient swordsmen. Upon hearing of the unrest in the land of Aegis, Dax found a new chance to follow through with his oath of vengeance. Dax sets off to this strange new land determined to bring an end to all criminals alike and to create a town that shines as a bright jewel of righteousness against the growing darkness that surrounds it. Knowing that he needs money for a town, Dax creates plans to make this dream into a reality. Seeing that he is no Dwarf and is not able to obtain precious metals and jewels, Dax decides to create a shop as he once managed in a past life. With his plans set, Dax knows he is ready to set out into the darkness and become a champion of Aegis.

    Character Age: 233

    Character Personality: Hard working, intelligent, kind, and courageous.

    Your Ambitions: To create a Town that is good and against evil.

    Can Your Character Read Or Write?: No

    Can Your Character Mine?: Yes, but he is not strong enough to use anything heavier than a stone pick.

    Are You A Capable Builder?: Yes

    Enjoy Farming?: Yes, because his parents were farmers, Dax is able to do some amount of farming, though much of his farming skills were lost when he chose the sword over the hoe.

    Does Your Character Have Any Special Skills?: The ability to shoot more than one arrow, up to a maximum of three


    Screenshot Of Your Skin: http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?action=readreviews&link=26788

    I downloaded my skin from the LotC skin pack.

    Other Information: I hope to have a great time here and I believe that I will be a good addition to the growing LotC family. I'm really interested in this server. I have been looking for a server that i can finally settle down and when I saw Lord of the Craft I knew that this was the place for me. I truly hope that whoever is reviewing my application will take notice of me and consider accepting me. I am grateful that you took the time to read my entire application even to this final sentence.


  4. Out-of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Spotcho

    How Old Are You?: 14 years old

    Time-Zone/country of Residence: Central time U.S.

    Do You Have A Good Grip On The English Language?:Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description Of Yourself: I am a mature player. I am a capable builder, and I enjoy community or server building projects.

    How Much Time Could You Be On The Server Weekly?: 20/25 Hours weekly

    How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft?: Since 1.5

    What Do You Know About Roleplaying? How Long Have You Been Doing It? What Kind?: I know that Roleplaying is playing as your character as if it was real life. I have been roleplaying for a couple of years now on online games such as World of Warcraft. I played on a RP server, not just a regular server.

    What Do You Expect This Server To Be like?: I would expect this server to be kind to new players and offer swift punishment on those who do not follow the rules.

    What Other Server(s) Have You Played On And Why Did You Leave Them?: I played on the server Herocraft. I left because I was unsatisfied by the way the Admins would deal with rule breakers.

    Have You Read, Understood, And Agreed To The Rules? What About The Lore?: Yes, I Fully Understand The Rules and the Lore Is Solid And An Enjoyable Read.

    Name The Four Races On This Server: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Humans

    How Did You Here About Us?: I was looking for a new server on The Minecraft Forums.

    Did You Vote?: Yes

    What Was Your Favorite Law?: No Greifing, I enjoy building and I hate to see my (and others) creations destroyed.

    What Was Your Least Favorite Law?: None,I believe the laws are good and help keep trouble causing players out.

    What is Your Lord Of The Craft Forum Account Name?: Spotcho


    Character Name: Dax Swiftfoot

    What Is Your Race? Elf

    Character Appearance: Tall, cream colored skin, blond hair ,and green eyes.

    Lord Of The Craft.Net/Forum Forum Account: Spotcho

    Biography: At the age of one hundred eleven, Dax's parents were slaughtered in a raid. Left to die in the burning ruins of his home, some traveling farmers found him and took him in as their own. From there on Dax learned the values of hard work and honest labor. His archery skills were unmatched by any other village boys, and his sword play was second to none. Though he was a fighter at heart, his family and village required him to be a mason and shopkeeper to provide for the ever growing population. Training under the local artisan, Dax became a proficient builder. Dax knows the hardships of village farmers and he has a deep hatred for those who would seek to do the honest workers harm. Dax patrols the street at night to keep his village safe and rid the world of thieves and highwaymen alike. Upon hearing of the unrest in the land of Aegis, Dax finds new ways to end evil. He bids his parents farewell, and sets off to this strange new land with nothing but the clothes on his back and his wits to keep him alive.

    Character Age: 233

    Character Personality: Hard working, intelligent, kind, and courageous.

    Your Ambitions: To create a town and have a shop.

    Can Your Character Read Or Write?: Yes, but he is limited in writing due to his upbringing.

    Can Your Character Mine?: Yes, but he is not strong enough to use anything heavier than a stone pick.

    Are You A Capable Builder?: Yes

    Enjoy Farming?: Though his parents were farmers, he resents farming

    Does Your Character Have Any Special Skills?: The ability to shoot more than one arrow, up to a maximum of three


    Screenshot Of Your Skin: http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?action=readreviews&link=26788

    I downloaded my skin from the LotC skin pack.

    Other Information: I hope to have a great time here and I believe that I will be a good addition to the growing LotC family.


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