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Status Replies posted by Ren

  1. Anyone else have a problem getting onto the server? When I try, it says I am not authorized to be on. My app was apparently implemented, I know I'm posting alot but I'm just trying to fix my problem.

  2. Anyone else have a problem getting onto the server? When I try, it says I am not authorized to be on. My app was apparently implemented, I know I'm posting alot but I'm just trying to fix my problem.

  3. I was accepted in January and I was just wondering when my app would be "Implemented"

  4. I was accepted in January and I was just wondering when my app would be "Implemented"

  5. When will gma add me to the whitelist?

    1. Ren


      Oh, well i got added in like January. So I dont know when anyone will get to my app

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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