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Status Updates posted by CloakandDagger

  1. How haven't we met; our characters our so similar; and with similar goals...

  2. It burns...! IT BURNS!!!!

  3. While I could post something saying how the badlands has created unneeded BR's Instead I will applaud the staff in finding out a way to weedle out those item hungry PVP'rs and dealing with them as such!

  4. Server is being all weird with me right now... Stahp :/

  5. Coolest Assasination RP ive partaken in, thank you all involved, namely MrGoldd

  6. Can someone skin my character to make him look more "casual"

  7. Just like last map change... #Nostalgia

  8. How long you think it will take this time?

  9. Refresh the page to see wave after wave of status updates.

  10. Posted last time so I thought I'd post it now -

  11. I suddenly feel as though I have the ability as to where if I was to concentrate very hard I could magically make whatever food i wanted(right now smores) just appear in my hand. Of course then I realize I dont and end up becoming saddened and hungry...

  12. Meh I think we'll need to call it a night...

  13. Brings back some old memories. :)

  14. Damn i leave for three days and everybody is so tense...

  15. Thanks Ever for the flames!

  16. afsdjndkxcskzlbdcszbczl"skbexalskdNKSDAXSA SKNLSxn nkahxn knald

  17. Cant...Stop...Playing...Stardrive...

  18. College classes start today... :/

  19. *wishes he could go back in time to RP with his old buddies*

  20. You said to message you If I ever came back. And youre right, though Im hoping you tell me why I should remember you haha

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