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Posts posted by Biinary

  1. Out-of-character:

    Minecraft Name - SockMonkeyMan

    Timezone - PST

    Playing Hours - Week Days 5pm-8pm Weekends ALL DAY


    Name - Morgan Blackpowder

    Race - Human - Southeron

    Age - 24

    Skills/Trades - 100 Axe Mastery 100 Lumberjacking 40 Farming 35 Blacksmithing

    Why would you be an asset to our crew? - Well seeing as I was part of the Crimson Pirates with you I believe I would be a suitable addition to your crew. In addition I can hold my own in a fight.

    You'll be a fine addition to our crew, Morgan. Welcome aboard!


    Minecraft Name - Chafferccino

    Timezone - GMT 0

    Playing Hours - 4-6 per day.


    Name - Kirrekith

    Race - Elf

    Age - 268

    Skills/Trades - Engineer and Hunter

    Why would you be an asset to our crew? - I lived with the dwarves the past 20-30 years and I in turn learned a lot from the about the understanding of redstone and various other devices, some of my other talents are also my hunting and swordsmanship and when it comes to a fight, and, well I am still here aren't I so that speaks for something? I was born in Aegis and lived through the Undead and so very few things I truly fear any more in this world. In Aegis I did use to work a boat, so I have base knowledge on the understanding of them.

    The note ends and has been written in a hurry

    We could use an engineer on our ship. Welcome to the crew.

    (( Out-of-character:

    Minecraft Name - Archmage_Cataris

    Timezone - 10+ GMT

    Playing Hours - 12+ hours daily.

    In-Character: ))

    Name - Pasang Tashi

    Race - Human

    Age - 31

    Skills/Trades - I have been known to be a master miner, a legendary blacksmith as some boast and I am known to be a great fighter in hand-to-hand, studying hand-to-hand combat since I was a boy. ((75 Mining, 100 Blacksmith, 100 Wrestling))

    Why would you be an asset to our crew? - I can craft beautiful jewelry, armor and weapons that could slay even the most terrifying beasts, ever were our ship attacked, I could help defend the crew. I preach the ways of Om'echan and heal the wounded, give prayers out to the crew members for good fortune.

    A fine application. I believe we could use your skills. Welcome aboard, mate!

    I will show each of you the ship soon. We'll discuss the meeting time later. Hope to see you lads soon.

  2. The Black Aengul

    Our Job

    The Black Aengul (our ship) sails across the seas of Asulon, docking at the ports of cities which we see fit. We transport not only goods, but a talented crew. Buying, selling, trading, and offering a collection of services is what we intend on doing.

    Our Crew

    We are looking to assemble a crew of merchants, sailors, and craftsmen to travel the seas of Asulon. We need a variety of skilled men (or women) to assist us in our endeavors. The Black Aengul can accommodate 10 healthy lads to sail the seas. Will you be one of them?


    1. Elyot Marchand - Captain, Chef, Merchant

    2. Morgan Blackpowder - First Mate

    3. Kirrekith - Boat Engineer

    4. Pasang Tashi - Blacksmith








    Minecraft Name - 
    Timezone - 
    Playing Hours - 
    Name - 
    Race - 
    Age - 
    Skills/Trades - 
    Why would you be an asset to our crew? - 

  3. * Upon a post you see a note. Being curious you walk up to it and read the note. *

    I am looking to purchase around half a crate of gray wool and black wool. Pin your offers here with a location at which I can find you.

    - Elyot Marchand

    * The note is scribbled out. *

  4. *Elyot spots the banner as he is walking around the Sanctuary. He stops and quickly scribbles down a response.

    Name: Elyot Marchand

    Item: Green Music Disc ((CAT))

    Price you are selling for: 4000 minas.

    Send a bird to Holm, Alras, or Haelun'or. I'll find it there.

  5. OOC Information -

    Minecraft Name: Biinary

    Age: 15

    Timezone: CST

    Villain Application (Optional but is better for your application): Not yet.

    RP Information -

    Full Name: Elyot Marchand

    Age: 33

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Profession (Skill Specializations): Trading, mercantile, economics, cooking, and melee combat.

    A brief description about yourself: I am a well educated man with many years of study and observation behind me. I am an excellent chef, with good knowledge of alcoholic beverages as well. I am well trained in melee combat, especially with swords.

  6. As Elyot walks through the Sanctuary, he notices the paper. He pulls out a small piece of parchment and writes a response.

    I have many stacks of leather hides from which I can supply a fine set of leather armor. I would bring you the set immediate, although the location of Ildon Hold is not known to me.

    - Elyot Marchand

  7. ((Eh, when are you usually online? Would've been of great help, knowing when I can find you :P))

    (( Normally from 5:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. CST. I'm not necessarily online, but lurking the forums and talking in TS. I'm on nearly all day on Saturday and most of the day Sunday.))

  8. * Walking past the vellum, looking to see if there is any responses, Rinn notices the writing on his own note. He then pulls up a new piece of paper, as he starts writing, and pins it just below the old note.

    Great, I would like one cart of hides then. Does 320 minas, which is 5 minas a hide, sound reasonable to ye? I will send ye a bird in about one elven day with the location to conduct the trade, as I will not be able to pick up the goods until then.

    - Rinn Swiftblade

    * Going on his usual routes, checking all his shops and posters, Elyot notices the new note. He shuffles through the items in his bag, pulling out a quill and ink. He writes on the bottom of a the new note.

    The price sounds reasonable. I will be awaiting your bird.

  9. * As Rinn finishes reading the vellum, he starts writing on a piece of paper, which he pins up below it.

    ''I would like to buy some leather hides from ye, a whole cart if ye have enough. If not, at least all the hides ye have in stock.

    - Rinn Swiftblade''

    * Upon discovering the new note, Elyot unpins it and jots down his response, pinning it back once he is done.

    I have 3 carts of leather hides in my stocks. I am sure I can supply the amount you need. Write down a meeting place and time, or send me a bird to my shop in Alras or Holm. I'll find it there.

  10. Elyot pins a note to the vellum. He also goes around other cities, hanging copies of his advertisement in Holm, Alras, Haelun'or, and Haelun'or.

    I have acquired another green musical disc ((CAT)). This shall be for sale at the price of 4000 minas.

  11. Soren walks up to the sign and says.

    "I'll take 64 leather hides of 256 Minas, 4 Minas a piece."

    Make it 300 minas and we have a deal.

    I'll buy your poison.

    I have 10 bottles of poison in my stocks. That totals to 1800 minas for the lot.

  12. Standing around the docks of Cloud Temple, you spot a fine piece of vellum with ornate writing upon it.

    Zenith of Riches

    Here is a list of acquisitions, both valuable as well as common, all for purchase to any buyer willing to pay.

    Iron Ingots - 25 minas

    Poison - 180 minas

    Redstone - 2 minas

    Blaze Powder - 4 minas

    Netherrack - 30 minas

    Leather - 6 minas

    Golden Ingot - 100 minas

    Blaze Rod - 10 minas

    Magma Cream - 5 minas

    Here is one of the more scarce items in my possession.

    A Green Music Disc ((CAT)) - 4000 minas or best offer

    Pin your offers here or send me a letter to my shop in Alras or Holm.

    ~ Elyot Marchand

  13. * Elyot notices the note as he walks down the streets of Alras. He runs to his house and find a quill, ink, and a piece of paper. Once he is done penning the note, he walks back and attaches the note to it.

    I am in possession of a large amount of iron ingots. In all, I have around 570 ingots last I counted. With having so much supply, I am able to supply them to you at a low 25 minas per ingot. I will be awaiting your response.

    - Elyot Marchand

  14. * Pins a note behind the flier.

    I am very interested in this job. I am a legendary chef ((lvl 100)) with much experience in every type of cooking. I've cooked for many people including the Hochmeister of Hanseti as well as supplying food for my whole town since the beginning of Asulon. I've created countless amounts of wonderful spices, sauces, and more. Everyone who has eaten my food appears to love it.

    If you wish to meet with me, please attach a time or something to this note. You can also send me a bird, or travel to my home in Ceru. I'm looking forward to a response.

    *signed* Elyot Marchand

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