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Posts posted by stiason

  1. Delaselva is handed the letter by a courier in Alkhazar and reads it like a child opening a Christmas present

    The Sages have returned? I told everyone there was still hope, and there it is in black ink!

    "We still have hope."

    Delaselva then has an idea and jumps to his feet, he moves with purpose to the Nawari camp

    With more people like you, we can be back to full power and one big alliance in no time.

    We must band together my brothers and sisters. I may be an elf but I have found the joy in mining and drinking next to many a dwarf. I have fought alongside orcs and held council with many humans. We are all of one being in the eyes of Aeriel. Let us rejoin our great alliance and once again stand as the most powerful force in Aegis. For if we all stand as one, then there is nothing the undead can do to stop us. "FOR AEGIS!"

  2. -Minecraft Account Name: Stiason

    -How old are you?: 16 1/2

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: eastern time/ U.S.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a sophomore in High school. I love minecraft and other roleplaying game. I am told I am a kind and honest person and I like to help people.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: at most 25hours weekdays , and most of the weekend

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: 16 months

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: I personally think that roleplaying isn't just an action but a way of being. It is when you become someone else. You leave your real life behind and become who you play. I have played D&D for a short while, the Elder scrolls, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, World of Warcraft, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, all three Fables, all the Assassins creeds, and many more.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I think this server will be a well organized and an enjoyable way of leaving my life behind and becoming my alter ego through my character.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I played on Striker Craft and I left because I found this server and it was exactly what I was looking for. Striker Craft was a basic build and kill but was never an RP

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server: The four main races are the humans, orcs, elves, and dwarfs, but there is also the undead, ascended, and sub-races as well.

    -How did you hear about us?: I was looking for a minecraft RP and stumbled across minestats.net

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Stiason


    -Character Name: Stia

    -What is your Race?: I am of the noble and majestic elven race

    -Biography: Little is known about my past. I have little memory of my parents. Only a smiling face remains. I was found and saved by an old hermit named Halt. He is a kind and peaceful elf but not the most talkative. He found me asleep under the knoll of a tree branch wrapped in vines. Halt named me Stia and let me live with him in the forests on the edge of Aegis. He taught me how to live on my own and showed me the workings of the world. He taught me how to mine, farm, fish, hunt, build, and even showed me the beauties of nature.

    When I had lived with Halt for around 102 years, I began to developed an intense interest in the Rangers I had seen passing through the edges of Aegis. I had seen them passing through since I first ventured to the edge of Aegis as a small child and followed one for some time as he traveled through the forest. Not once was I seen as I watched him stealthily traverse the forest like he was a mere shadow. A few days before my 136th birthday I decided that, the day after my birthday, I would journey out and try to become a Ranger. The day before my birthday, I told Halt of my intentions and he offered to lend me the supplies he could. I told him I wanted to find my own way and left him with a promise to come back one day and visit Halt again. I traveled long and far until I was completely lost and found myself at a temple. I walked inside due to the sound of the monster cries through the dark, and fell asleep.

    I woke and traveled to the city of the elves and read much. as I looked through the vast library, I was drawn to books about the great Druids and Sages of Aegis. I felt the same peace and love as I did when I was sitting by a forest path or watching a fawn go about his life. I felt a sudden urge to be one of these great ones. To protect the beauties of nature and to help out all who are in need. I strive to be like the great Sages. The mighty Riizu, the mystical Tsu, the wise Candle, the powerful Arcadius, the free Omni, or the tactical Okonkwo. These are my role models.

    -Character Age: Unknown. at least 136

    -Character Appearance: Stia wears the basic brown and green of the elves in the form of clothes that Halt made for him. He has red eyes and brown hair. Stia stands about 6'6" tall. He has an athletic build with fine tuned muscles like a runner. People often mistake him for a weaker elf due to his build and they soon learn their mistake.

    -Character Personality: Stia is a very loyal and good hearted elf but tends to stay quiet and is a bit of a loner with no real friends besides Halt who raised him. He prefers to follow orders when around superiors and will improvise to get the job done in a preferred manner.

    -Your ambitions: I once wanted to be a Ranger like no one had known and still do, but as I pored through the tombs in the great elven library, I knew my true calling to be a druid or sage.

    -Can your character read or write?: Very well. Halt had a rather large collection of books that I read in bad weather, in the winter when it was too cold to leave, and even as I sat out watching the nature around me. I have always found reading a very pleasurable hobby.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes. I had to supply the house with cobblestone and coal for home repairs, along with iron for tools.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes. I had to repair our home many times and even built a few hides for myself to hide and watch the forest life.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes. I was taught early on to use a sword but I always preferred to use a bow due to the ability to stay back and kill silently.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Its not a true love but I do love to see nature expand. I do however love to keep a forest alive by replanting trees that have died.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Through years of practice, I have learned to move silently and unseen. I am also a rather good shot with a bow. I also have a great love for nature and all that it encompasses.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/68147728.png/

    -Other Information:

  3. Application:

    MC Name: Stiason

    RP name: Stia

    Age: at least 136

    Race: elf

    Gender: male

    Time Zone: eastern time

    Brief Description of your characters personality: Stia is a very loyal and good hearted elf but tends to stay quiet and is a bit of a loner with no real friends besides Halt who raised him. He prefers to follow orders when around superiors and will improvise to get the job done in a preferred manner.

    Biography: Biography: Little is known about my past. I am an orphan says the note that was left next to me. I was found and saved by an old hermit named Halt. He is a kind and peaceful elf but not the most talkative. He found me asleep under the knoll of a tree branch wrapped in vines. Halt named me Stia and let me live with him in the forests on the edge of Aegis. He taught me how to live on my own and showed me the workings of the world. He taught me how to mine, farm, fish, hunt, build, and even showed me the beauties of nature.

    When I had lived with Halt for around 102 years, I began to developed an intense interest in the Rangers I had seen passing through the edges of Aegis. I had seen them passing through since I first ventured to the edge of Aegis as a small child and followed one for some time as he traveled through the forest. Not once was I seen as I watched him stealthily traverse the forest like he was a mere shadow. A few days before my 136th birthday I decided that, the day after my birthday, I would journey out and try to become a Ranger. The day before my birthday, I told Halt of my intentions and he offered to lend me the supplies he could. I told him I wanted to find my own way and left him with a promise to come back one day and visit Halt again. I traveled long and far until I was completely lost and found myself at a temple. I walked inside due to the sound of the monster cries through the dark, and fell asleep.

    Why do you wish to join?: I have wished to join since I was a small child. ((I have always preferred the stealthy approach and this seems to be the perfect thing for me.))

    Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): Great abilities with a bow and sword. Stealthy and likes to hunt and track.

    What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): A sword for close combat but I prefer a bow for the silent kill.

    Can your character build?: Yes

    Any other special skills?:Through years of practice, I have learned to move silently and unseen. I am also a rather good shot with a bow.

    Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Yes

    Skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/68147728.png/

  4. -Minecraft Account Name: Stiason

    -How old are you?: 16 1/2

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: eastern time/ U.S.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a sophomore in High school. I love minecraft and other roleplaying game. I am told I am a kind and honest person and I like to help people.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: at most 25hours weekdays , and most of the weekend

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: 16 months

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: I personally think that roleplaying isn't just an action but a way of being. It is when you become someone else. You leave your real life behind and become who you play. I have played D&D for a short while, the Elder scrolls, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, World of Warcraft, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, all three Fables, all the Assassins creeds, and many more.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I think this server will be a well organized and an enjoyable way of leaving my life behind and becoming my alter ego through my character.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I played on Striker Craft and I left because I found this server and it was exactly what I was looking for. Striker Craft was a basic build and kill but was never an RP

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server: The four main races are the humans, orcs, elves, and dwarfs, but there is also the undead, ascended, and sub-races as well.

    -How did you hear about us?: I was looking for a minecraft RP and stumbled across minestats.net

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Stiason


    -Character Name: Stia

    -What is your Race?: I am of the noble and majestic elven race

    -Biography: Little is known about my past. I am an orphan says the note that was left next to me. I was found and saved by an old hermit named Halt. He is a kind and peaceful elf but not the most talkative. He found me asleep under the knoll of a tree branch wrapped in vines. Halt named me Stia and let me live with him in the forests on the edge of Aegis. He taught me how to live on my own and showed me the workings of the world. He taught me how to mine, farm, fish, hunt, build, and even showed me the beauties of nature.

    When I had lived with Halt for around 102 years, I began to developed an intense interest in the Rangers I had seen passing through the edges of Aegis. I had seen them passing through since I first ventured to the edge of Aegis as a small child and followed one for some time as he traveled through the forest. Not once was I seen as I watched him stealthily traverse the forest like he was a mere shadow. A few days before my 136th birthday I decided that, the day after my birthday, I would journey out and try to become a Ranger. The day before my birthday, I told Halt of my intentions and he offered to lend me the supplies he could. I told him I wanted to find my own way and left him with a promise to come back one day and visit Halt again. I traveled long and far until I was completely lost and found myself at a temple. I walked inside due to the sound of the monster cries through the dark, and fell asleep. I woke and traveled to the city of the elves and read much. as I looked through the vast library, I was drawn to books about the great Druids and Sages of Aegis. I felt the same peace and love as I did when I was sitting by a forest path or watching a fawn go about his life. I felt a sudden urge to be one of these great ones. To protect the beauties of nature and to help out all who are in need.

    -Character Age: Unknown. at least 136

    -Character Appearance: Stia wears the basic brown and green of the elves in the form of clothes that Halt made for him. He has red eyes and brown hair. Stia stands about 6'6" tall. He has an athletic build with fine tuned muscles like a runner. People often mistake him for a weaker elf due to his build and they soon learn their mistake.

    -Character Personality: Stia is a very loyal and good hearted elf but tends to stay quiet and is a bit of a loner with no real friends besides Halt who raised him. He prefers to follow orders when around superiors and will improvise to get the job done in a preferred manner.

    -Your ambitions: I once wanted to be a Ranger like no one had known and still do, but as I pored through the tombs in the great elven library, I knew my true calling to be a druid or sage.

    -Can your character read or write?: Very well. Halt had a rather large collection of books that I read in bad weather, in the winter when it was too cold to leave, and even as I sat out watching the nature around me. I have always found reading a very pleasurable hobby.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes. I had to supply the house with cobblestone and coal for home repairs, along with iron for tools.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes. I had to repair our home many times and even built a few hides for myself to hide and watch the forest life.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes. I was taught early on to use a sword but I always preferred to use a bow due to the ability to stay back and kill silently.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Its not a true love but I do love to see nature expand. I do however love to keep a forest alive by replanting trees that have died.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Through years of practice, I have learned to move silently and unseen. I am also a rather good shot with a bow. I also have a great love for nature and all that it encompasses.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/68147728.png/

    -Other Information:

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