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Posts posted by White_Moose

  1. ~*~

    A small parakeet-like bird flutters to Daisy’s window tip-tapping on the glass. Once the pane is opened, a small note would be tied on the birds leg. The note reads: 



    Dear Daisy Applefoot,

    Welcome to the Better Burrow Bureau!
    Yer talents here will be very helpful in the present and the future. If yer ever wanting to educate the youth and elderly, you are more than welcome to.
    Please look forward to finding yer very own Official Better Burrow Bureau Burrowing Shovel in yer mailbox sometime in the following week!

    Yers truly,

    Elder of Dunshire, Ex-Elder of Shortwood and Gimblewood, Ex-Sheriff of Gimblewood and Willow Hollow, and lover of all things Proper

    Petrus Frondor




    As you look out your window you would see a small, aging man hobbling about, stack of papers in hand. A small sailor shanty can be heard about Dunshire as Petrus Frondor makes his way to each burrow. As he approaches the doors of each burrow the shanty grows louder and louder followed by a raspy and rhythmic knock. Petrus pauses his song to say, “Letter fer ye!” and slips a note under the door way before continuing the song and heading to the next burrow.



    Halflings of Dunshire!

                       G’morn, G’day, and G’evenin’ to whoever is reading this mass-produced letter.


    While reading some history books and some journals from my father, I came across a small organization, a club if you will, of halflings that would better your burrows. So, I write this letter to inform you of the re-emerging of said club, “Better Burrow Bureau”.


    “But why bring this club back?” you may ask yourselves. Welp, as I wonder around Dunshire on Elderly duties, I notice small holes forming around certain burrows. Upon further inspection, these burrow-owners have dug new rooms much too large and without enough support to allow the earth, and Dunshire, to nicely sit on top.


    This is a large problem as this could cause multiple ordeals to happen such as Landslides, Sinkholes, and Cave-ins. With gnomes and munchkins running about No Booze Forest, these areas are easy targets for them to ruin. And we don’ want our beautiful town destroyed now, do we?


    This club, aptly named “Better Burrow Bureau”, is for the well-versed burrow-makers and burrow-designers that the halflings will entrust with making burrows better again. Founded in late Asulon by Bili Hollowmead and again in Vailor by Fumble Willowbottom, we will follow in the footsteps of these late and great halflings to get the halflings of the Vale new and improved homes as demand sees fit. Members of the “Better Burrow Bureau” will have the opportunity to show their talents in burrow-making/designing as well as teach new and old the art to these cozy hill houses. Not only will you be building burrows, but you could be building farmland or meeting halls or windmills, the list goes on and on with possibilities.


    Of course, before you build the burrow, you must ask an Elder as we might have plans for a patch of land or a burrow could be under the land already. As with all burrow giving deeds, ask an Elder for that as well. There are rules that must be followed, after all, you can’t just give a wee child their own burrow after all. And some Elders, like myself, give villagers tasks before they can get their own burrow.


    If interested in joining the BBB, please fill out the next page and put it under my door or in my mailbox.


    Yers truly,
                  Elder of Dunshire, Ex-Elder of Shortwood and Gimblewood, Ex-Sheriff of Gimblewood and Willow Hollow, and lover of all things Proper

           Petrus Frondor



    A piece of paper is attached to the letter with only simple words and markings and loads of blank space:


    Better Burrow Bureau Application




    Are you a Burrow-Maker/ Designer/ Educator/ Student:


    ((MC Name)):

    ((How long have you been a Halfling?)):


    ((For Burrow-makers and designers and educators))

    ((Pictures of burrows you’ve made or decorated?)):


    ((Pictures of other builds that might help in burrow makering or designering?)):


    ((Have you read either Larry’s, Faldo’s, or Petyr’s burrow guides? If not, give them a read from the links in the spoiler.)):


    ((For Students))

    ((Why are you interested in learning burrow making or designing?)):



  3. Name:

    Teh Great Petrus Frondor


    Halflin' o' course!
    Who are ye voting for Deputy?:

    The un an onleh Daisy Applefoo', bu' onleh if she denounces the impropeh ways o' usin' locks!

    Who are ye voting for Sheriff?:

    Rollo Applefoo', bu' onleh if 'e denounces the impropeh ways of usin' locks!

    Anything else to add?:

    Locks are bad! 'ide yer belongin's! Also, if bees can fly with their 'eeny 'iny bodies, 'alflin's can tew!

  4. Petrus sits in his burrow looking out at the young halflings working tirelessly on festival decorations,
    "Reminds me o' the festivals in GimbleWood! Seems like such long time ago..."

    Petrus is lost in thought as the festival begins around him. Seems like he'll miss it at this rate.

    ((I'll be at work at the time of the festival but have fun! Party hard little dudes and dudettes!))

  5. 4 hours ago, Tato said:

    Is the history with this family real ?

    Clovis, Gaeleg IV, Willy, Petrus, and Lilium are all character what were played at one point in time. Clovis was played by a close friend to me who stopped playing around the Verge and I decided to take the Frondor name from him when I applied.
    Things such as the shovels are indeed real in rp and were indeed used as described. But there are of course things that didnt happen RPly in the history of course such as the origin of the name, due to Aegis starting in the year 1306 ,  and most family members, to create a tree for others to branch off of.

    Other than those however, the rest did happen RPly throughout my time playing this family. 

  6. The Frondor Family

    (Fancy Nameplate coming soon)

    (Fancy Pictures coming soon)



    The Frondors are an early breed of hobbit, with their earliest “halfling”-like descendants coming about in the year 852. Earlier than that though is where the Frondor family begins. In the early years of the 500s, a half-elven lad named Madoc Dorothus snuck away from his village after finding out his “parents” had kidnapped him and murdered from his true father, a door maker in another town over. He refused to be known by the name of murderers and changed his last name to Frontdor (/frän-t-dôr/). This soon became the halfling family of Frondor.




    Notable Family Members




    Gaeleg (/Gāl-eg/) Frondor IV- Born 1298 to Amelda Hearthsong and Gaeleg Frondor III. Gaeleg is an ambitious and adventurous halfling who, around the age of 12, left his family burrow and began exploring the world of Aegis. After 25 years of exploring, Gaeleg returned home to a father who disowned him and a mother who ran away to look for him.  He settled down in Branborough and lived with the halflings far into the years of Lenfarthing before going out to   search for his long-lost mother or relatives that would know her tale. The death of Gaeleg is not known, some say he still wanders the streets of the Dale from time to time, while others say he was slain by bigguns.


    Petrus (/Pet-trəs/) Frondor- Born 1422 to Gaeleg Frondor IV and Madeline Irongut. Petrus has known many other positions in government such as, Elder of Shortwood and Gimblewood and Sheriff of Gimblewood. Petrus was left by his father when he was only 5 years of age and wasleft with his grandmother, Kiana Gravelbrass, on the other side of the Elder Peaks of Lenfarthing away from the rest of the halflings. Around the move to Vailor, Petrus was set in a coma with no set timer by a dark witch and later set in ice at the bottom of Dunshire lake. Petrus, now 256 years old with the body of a 50-year-old,  lives in Dunshire and holds the position of Elder.


    Lilium (/ˈLilē-əm/) Frondor- Born in 1456, Lilium is Petrus’s half-sister and daughter of Gaeleg Frondor IV and Rhiannon Vulpecula. Lilium is one of the first female Frondor’s in 5 generations and is also half-elf, making her taller than her halfling family. During the plague of Shortwood, when Malice and his gang terrorized the village, Lilium played the role of medic and reconnaissance against the evil-doers.






    The Culture and Traditions of the Frondor




    The Frondors have lived their lives all throughout the lands that they have inhabited, thus making the Frondor family very diverse in culture. One thing that most Frondors have in common however is their love of logging and nature. Surprisingly, the Frondor family has plenty of half-elf ancestors and have always been skilled at climbing trees. Using this to their advantage, the Frondors made a name for themselves in Asulon when Gaeleg Frondor IV would fell trees every evening to provide plenty of wood for the halflings of Branborough. Logging has become a family tradition since the earliest of Frondors would bring their young out to teach them the art.






    The Looks of a Frondor




    Due to their diverse cultural background, most Frondors look very different from one another. There have been many Frondors with red, blonde, black, brown, and, rarely, light grey hair. Most Frondor men have brown or blue eyes with bushy eyebrows and long eyelashes. Female Frondors tend to have smaller feet and smaller appetites. Female Frondors typically range from 2 and 3 feet (.61- .91 metres) while the men range from 3.5 and 4.1 feet (1.07-1.25 metres).  However, there are a few things that Frondors share. Such as: all Frondor females have pastel coloured heterochromia iridum, all Frondor men are capable of growing dwarven like beards, and all Frondors in general have slightly darker skin toned feet.






    Concerning Age




    The age range a Frondor can live up to has been a mystery since Asulon. While some have died off early due to violent bigguns and orcs, the ones who live to tell the tale often live longer than expected. It is unknown why this is but many Frondor suspect it to be the works of the “Frondor Shovel o’ Regenera’ive Magicks”. This could be the case or the mixing and melding between Dwarves and some Elves in this family line could be the cause.






    Religion in the Frondor Burrow




    Frondors have a very interesting belief system with some believing in none and some believing in a mixture. There are even Frondors who follow religions outside the Vale such as Valkyrian, The Faith (Canonism), Brathmordakin, and even Om’echan. Most Frondors have stuck to the four main religions below:


    Knoxism- The most common belief of modern day Frondors due to Knox appearing to them and their interactions between one another.


    The Aspects- The most common belief of modern and old Frondors alike. The Aspects have been lumped together with the Harvest Spirits however due to old halfling ways and the Frondors progressive beliefs around religion.


    Billy Bob- All Frondors acknowledge Billy Bob’s presence due to the fresh baked potatoes they find in their pockets when they need them most.


    Arugula- A somewhat less common belief between Frondors. Arugula sightings were passed down by Gaeleg but few believed his stories.






    The Frondor Shovels




    The Frondor family have four shovels to their name that serve as family heirlooms and totems.


    “Frondor Shovel o’ Regenera’ive Magicks”- A shovel imbued with strong regenerative magic that many Frondors believe contribute to their long lifespans. Its green glow causes most Frondors to naturally relax and, if held, causes them to look younger for a split second.


    “Frondor Shovel o’ War”- This shovel was used by Clovis Frondor during the Fall of Al’Khazar and is said to send anyone the user touches to experience a great amount of fear if the user wishes. Clovis Frondor is said to inhabit the shovel living out the Fall and its horrors for all eternity.


    “Frondor Shoggin’ Shovel” – A specialized Shogging shovel made by Gaeleg Frondor during a festival in Branborough known as Branfest. Gaeleg said that with this shovel he was champion of all shogs he was challenged to.


    “Te Un Shovel te Rule Them All” – A solid gold spade embellished with emerald and lapis that sat upon the throne with Petrus Frondor as he tried to claim the Kingdom of Oren as his own since the capital, Petrus, was his own name.






    History of the Members




    Madoc Frondor, Male (492- unknown)

    Ulock Frondor, Male (789-925)

    Gaeleg Frondor I, Male (792-867)

    Cora Frondor, Female (865-1025)

    Coro Frondor, Male (865-1158)

    Gaeleg Frondor II, Male (866-1142)

    Percyval Frondor, Male (1001-1289)

    Clovis Frondor, Male (1003-1263)

    Angie Frondor, Female (1109- 1328)

    Gaeleg Frondor III, Male (1105-1339)

    Gaeleg Frondor IV, Male (1298- unknown)

    Leonard Frondor, Male (1268-1352)

    Jerald Frondor, Male (1263-unknown)

    Willy Frondor, Male (1435-unknown)

    Petrus Frondor, Male (1422-present)

    Lilium Frondor, Female (1456-1609)

    (Family Tree coming soontm)






    Frondor Application










    In Character


    RP Name:






    Character Background, i.e. parents, birthdate, place of birth, hobbies,skills, etc:


    Anything you'd like to add?:





  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xghYihKX9Es

    As Petrus goes through his burrow for the fourth time to make sure he didn't forget anything, he finds a loose floorboard under his bed.

    After much trouble pushing the bed away and pulling the floorboard off he finds a small photo album and diary.


    Both of them showed and told of his adventures with Rupert, Fumble, and many other of the Halflings. The diary told of the time Fumble and Petrus went searching for a lost cow in a cave. His time as Elder alongside Rupert. When Petrus dressed like a girl so he and Fumble could get into a party for free. And the time Fumble received a flying squid.


    Petrus sat for hours, reading the adventures of him and his buddies. Once through, Petrus got up and waddled over to Rupert's burrow to share the book, but Rupert wasn't there. He thought he might've been out on an errand, so he headed to Fumble's place. Fumble wasn't there either.


    Confused, Petrus went to the Sheriff's Office only to find the deed for Willow End sitting ontop of his paperwork. He ran, as fast as his little hobbit legs would let him, toward the boats to see two were missing.

    "Farewell, my family..." He said, trying to hold in tears.

    ((Bet you thought I was leavin'! Hah! Got eem!))

    ((Anyways, I'll miss you guys that left. Dalek, Dovah, Heff, Cam. You guys will always be friends. Keep in touch m8s.))


  8.  White, if all halflings follow a code then roleplay would be boring as hell. Some halflings want to sit by a fire and drink till the gorge themselves. Some halflings want adventure, they want TO Be the one who is being told in stories. Personality or not, I share the name Halfling.

    I understand that halflings are different, I've been one for quite a long time, I've seen people come and go. And yes, there is a great thing about going on adventures, I should have reworded my post. Proper Halflings PREFER tea parties, shovels, farming, isolation. That doesn't mean a good adventure is not to be had. Just how you said  "Better than the confines of Goodborough" is what I think is going to lead your character on the path of improperness.

    (Pointed towards everyone) We want to hear about how to make your RP experience with us better, just don't dwaddle out of town as soon as you find something you don't like. Communicate with us, our whole community revolves around chill RP, you just have to follow one or two rules like keeping weapons sheathed and no armour. As someone who has been a halfling since Asulon, I'd hate to see people push halflings completely out of mind just because we spanked you in the town square because of something your race would find fine.

    For people who don't know, an improper is a halfling who disses the shovel, plants cabbage seeds with bigguns, doesn't follow halfling laws, and/or wears shoes.

  9. I'm fine with anything that happens, Gerold will be smoking Weed, and will go on adventures around Vailor. Better then being confined in Goodborough, I'll miss the little fishing village but there are adventures out there, waiting to be tamed. 





    Thank you, why can't all Halflings understand the situation like this.



    Why? Because this isn't a proper halfling.  Proper Halflings do not want adventure, we want tea. They do not want violence, they want storytelling. Do you see the differnece and why most of the halflings can't "understand the situation like this"?

  10. As you walk past the tavern, you would see many half-folk pressing ears to the windows and whispering to each other. After acquiring information from a couple individuals, it would seem the discussion for Eldership was occurring inside the tavern. After a few more minutes, the elder Halflings begin to leave the tavern until the final one comes out and clears his throat to hush the crowd.

    “After much discussion on where we elder folk would like fer this communi’y te head, we have decided the bes’ course o’ action would be te put Perdric o’ the Wanderwine family inte the position o’ Elder! That is all.” He then waddles off toward his burrow.

  11. As you pass the notice board, a particularly long piece of parchment would catch your eye. The contents are as follow:


    Halflings of Goodborough!


    Tis I, Sheriff Petrus, with some good and some bad news. At this time, Ex-Elder Fumble has returned to the Vale and, as the only official leader this town has, I declare the election stopped at this time.

    That being said, I would like to share the good news with ye all.

    The good news is that all ballot’s, except the ballots of those deemed improper or of biggun kind, are valid to the candidates. This means yer votes will be accounted for in the bad news.

    The bad news, for some…

    As Sheriff and, as said earlier, only official leader of the town, I have decided to bring us back around to an older way o’ doing things. We ain’t really done much of this election stuff and in the years past, Elders would give a successor to their position. So, I propose that we settle this with a meeting of the highest and well known Halflings. In this meeting, I hope to have Fumble attend to weigh in with some things seeing as he was past Elder before his ‘death’ and ‘resurrection’.

    Let me give ye some detail as to what will happen in this meeting though, as to not leave ye out in the dark. These esteemed Halflings will gather in a burrow or at the inn, and have a sit down to discuss the situations and of potential candidates. This is where the votes come in. We will look at the person with the most votes first in order to decide if he/she is the best choice for us and for the community, seeing as they voted for them in the first place. We will discuss good points, bad points, their favorite ale, if they have hairy enough feet, etc. to see if they are Halfman or Halfwoman enough for the job.

    Another thing, if you would like to put something as to why you feel a certain someone should be considered. Put your reason and their name in the box directly outside of the Sheriff’s office and we will consider it in accordance to our caucus. You have 2 days ((21st of July)) to put in your considerations.


    Yers truly, Sheriff Petrus Frondor


    Those Attending the Eldersmoot:

    -Sheriff Petrus Frondor

    -Deputy Bodo Hollowmead

    -Fumble Willowbottom

    -Milo Herbwallow

    -Rupert Herbwallow

    -Richard Willowswamp Jr.

    -Bolo Willowbottom

    -Amell Maplehook

    -John Tookbody (Or whoever Dalek plays now)



    ((OOC information is below))

    ((The time and date is yet to be known for this occasion but as soon as we can, we will tell you the winner of Eldership. Just felt like we should give you all a heads up as to the current status of the polls.))


    When I played a halfling I could never attend events because they were never gmt friendly. I believe Heff made a 'role' thread where halflings chose the role they want such as cattle-keeper, that needs to be done again. I believe the city needs rebuilding to suit the halfling style, something new would be good. Remove the forests and turn them into farms such as this.


    I really dislike the idea of having fences around the wheat farms, it looks unnatural so you should have hedges. You need a way that you can monitor how active people are and kick them out of their burrow if they are inactive. I've been through Gimblewood and there are lots of burrows that are taken by people who hardly or do not play anymore.



    1.) It's in my understand that the Elders try to make large festivals friendly for most players. We'll try to make events time friendly. What time would be good for gmt players?

    2.) There is talk in the skype of bring the job list back, so don't you worry ;D

    3.) About the village thing, the halflings usually live with nature, I mean we live inside of hills and such. (Unless things have changed since Asulon and Anthos... which usually happens...)

    4.) I really like this idea. +21

    And lastly, 5.) Normally we would see when they, the halfling in question, were last on and if it's been a few weeks where they have been absent, we will write a message next to their house telling them to message an Elder or they will be evicted.

    But during the school year, there is a decline in active players because school but we get super active during the summer so that should tell us who is active or not.


  13. One complaint Ive had with the halflings for a long time is that they've just been annoying in the sense that they were an isolated, keep-to-themselves society, but they started getting involved in nation politics and wars and it just makes no sense and is quite irksome. 


    I just want to note that things like this will still happen. Fumble and the current Elders are trying their best to bring the race back to what it was before. But I'd like to say that RP will be like real life in the aspect that as new generations are 'born', different views will come to be.

    My two cents on what could happen in the future. In Asulon, I remember you could just walk around and find people doing some kind of unplanned event with some planned popping up here and there. To be honest, I miss that. Now, on the other hand, everyone is just trying to think of the next biggerer and betterer event.

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