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Posts posted by Sairia

  1. A slender, blue haired elf walks into the center of the grand hall. She pauses to look around the room. Smiling as she see's Selina, she looks back to Kyral. in a serene tone she speaks.

    This is a fight of necessity, to maintain the balance. It appears the influx of these necromances has subsided. It is only my thought that they know of the upcoming battle and they are preparing. So we must be ready as well.

    Her face seems to drop as her tone hardens.

    I am not sure as to my capability of being there, but you have Selina, a capable fighter. Nevertheless I will aid where I can, and will instruct the last of our warrior sect to accompany you as well.He is a capable fighter, his insight will be precious to you. This being said, The Ascended stand with you against this enemy.

  2. May I inquire as to what she said. I still need to talk to Selina myself. If I know as to how she threatened your clan, I may be able to talk to her able to sway how she feels. But in the end you are right, not everyone is as holy as any of us think. Everyone has there flaws and moments, but alas, everyone can be shown the way again.

  3. Aleryn looks back to Hiebe.

    In truth I cannot answer that as I have not seen her since the Salvus wars, and the plague that stirred around. I have received a few birds from her, but whenever I arrived she is not there. I do believe she still is, but without actually contacting her I cannot say for certain. At one point there were rumors of her stepping away, but until I find her again and actually speak to her I am uncertain.

  4. At the sound of a new voice she turns and looks at Phelrin.

    Supplying materials to one side or another is one thing. Supplying tools necessary to survive in a harsh environment is another. Either it be tools for farming, mining, or whatever. What you do with tools of survival is your business. You give someone the materials to create tools. It falls not onto you as to what the make them for, or their purpose. Long have the Orcs come and spilled the blood of many an innocent. Many of my order, of your clans, are no different to this fact. Most notably for my order, the Kaxil clan. Which you hear no mention of lately.

    Sometimes to aid the creation of order, one must provide the means to someone to make said order. Whether it be a diplomat, or a sword. The tool that is chosen is up to the wielders. The means that order is met, lands on the actions of said individuals. Once a decision is reached, and I convene with my order, we may be able to branch out to individual ore suppliers. As dwarves are better craftsman anyway.

  5. Aleryn tilts her head slightly as she turns to face Bazian once more.

    As I said, I intend to solve it with whatever means. With this I will add that my order for the most part have scattered the world since we arrived to Asulon. Many of us not even taking a house, but taking to wandering, to aid other people that we can, so most of us are rather poor. But that does not mean we are without our ways in itself.

    I will admit I do not know what it is you all may seek. So me starting to offer things would risk coming off as insulting, and would only be detrimental to this cause. But I also do not wish to take more of your time then need be, as I am sure you have more pressing matters and concerns. So if I may formally request that one of you start off with what you need.

    I figure with the constant fighting amongst yourselves and the orcs this may come down to needing weapons and armor. Though I cannot at a brief moment drop those off, I could find a way to gather the required ammount. But for that I would need to consult my order as well, to use our resourses to find a way to settle this.

    Her face noticeably changes to a more worried expression as she continues to speak.

    On another note as another reason I would like to get this done quickly. As there are troubling rumors around that have reached my ears that require my immediate attention. Some I am sure you may have heard. Such as the sightings of a few people with familiar robes. Such robes that garnish the Eye of Iblees on their backs, and of an altar they were near. Also I have heard of several accounts of cultists near the same area of the shrine, as it were. Not to mention the sudden increase in dragon attacks being reported. A dark ominous thing is afoot, so if we may press this on.

  6. Seeing Kjell's reaction her ear's perk up higher at his tone.

    What I meant about redundant feud, was not aimed at the blood feud. As those are based off honor. Which I am aware that existed between the Ire'Hearts and the Ascended. What I meant by redundant feud, was no more then the feud that seems to exist between the other clans and my order.

    If I offended you, that was not the intent. As that would be contradictory to what I came here to try to settle.

  7. She looks over at Bazian, her face showing signs of being in thought, as she thinks upon if the two have met before. Standing there staring for a few second she begins to speak.

    Indeed, it has been well over fifty years since most people have even thought of my order. Most alive now were not around in the dark times of Aegis. That is why I came before you all, as you were alive in those times and would be well versed in the knowledge of what I speak. Often times many people hold bad blood, not because of direct happenings upon them, but of a family member, friend, or someone they admire. More times then not it is a blind hate.

    That is another reason I came amongst you all instead of the general population. You all are proper guides to your people. Each in your own right, your people follow you loyally, most times without question. And this is why I respect the dwarves. Your wisdom of your people, is why I come amongst you to try to put the bad blood away. As we could come to an agreement of what must be done, instead of traveling blind hoping for the right path. Unfortunatly we may hit the right path for some, but not all. And this I have come to terms with before I set forth to travel here.

    Aleryn turns her head towards Kjell, his face she clearly remembers. Her ears perk up slightly at his words. Her eyes gaze fully upon him as she speaks in a soft and serene tone.

    Kjell, you can call us Descended all you want, it matters not to me. In the end it is only a word, nothing more. What matters is the task at hand, righting the bad blood between our people. It has pointlessly gone on far to long. And in the end it achieves nothing.

    This being said, any problems you may have lay against people, who have either left the order, went missing or have died. The aid you so lightly cast aside, was Chrisdena's task she was supposed to imbue some weaponry or some armor with special properties. If this did not happen, once again the fault befalls her, not the order as a whole. Most actions that have caused hate, have come long ago, before I joined the order myself, upon decision of my once superiors. I am not predecessors, and in truth care very little to be compared to them, or judged based of their actions.

    Much of my order has or will be changing. We have reflected on areas we fell short of what we aimed to do in the passed, and are attempting to better that. Case in point in the time of Aegis, strategically and tactically our location was not ideal. This was proven at the fall of Al'khazar when we got entirely cut off. From there we went and scouted several locations to set down a base of operations even closer. Because of political tensions could not go anywhere, and to my knowledge envoys went to each nation searching for a place to hold out. This did not happen for a while, and got turned downed by everywhere we asked. Finally Alras, the last place we have checked opened her doors to us. And from there more politics came into play that many disagreed with, that I care not to go into.

    Back onto the subject at hand. We need to go about finding a way to quell this redundant feud. As both of our time and resources are better used elsewhere, And I am sure you noble dwarves have other important things on the agenda.

  8. ((fixed, thank you, I was going by how some people still call you guys Kal'Urguan))

    Looks over at Hiebe and smiles

    I'm sorry Hiebe, I did not recognize you sitting there. It has been so long, it is good to see you are alive and well. I never expected it to be easy to get the bad blood removed. As I said, I wish to correct the wrongs that have created a rift between the Ascended and the Dwarves. If it were easy I would not trust the grudges removed.

  9. ((I wish to request this post stays in RP, and if OOC is needed, merely to clarify a question/concern. I ask that this not to be metagamed, as this should be a meeting between myself and the council only. Any trolling will not be tolerated, this is meant to be serious.))

    A slender elf with blue hair walks into the council room of Kal'Mugdor. She stops in the center of the room, in plain sight of all the lords. She looks around the room and see's all the seats around the room filled with their proper owner. Satisfied all are present she addresses the gathering.

    Lords of Karik, many of you do not know me. In fact most if not all of you do not know me. I am Aleryn, the new Preceptor of the Ascended. I come before you all this day in order to set things right. I know many of you have ill looks upon the Ascended, and I know some of you have even openly hunted us. You all have your reasons for hating us, but I come seeking for a way to correct the bad blood that the dwarves have against my order. There is always a way for bad blood to subside, and to my wishes we can come to a way to do so.

    Most of the people that you may have done harm to the noble dwarves of Karik have either died, or went missing. Ideally I do not see a need for the constant want of bloodshed against my kin. I have come today alone, to show that we have no want to carry on this hate. My order does not hold any grudges against the dwarves for being hunted. But rightfully I come here alone, because I do not wish to subject the remaining of my order to the chance of being bloodied or killed.

    If there is nothing that can come to pass for us to settle whatever differences we have. I will respect the decisions. I will return to wander the realm as I have no matter what we decide. I only wish that the hunting of my order would subside. I wish that we could carry on with our lives, in relative peace between us.

  10. The Ascended and undead sacrificed a lot for the server. The remaining ascended live in hiding, not saying what they truly are still, out of fear since we are still actively hunted like cattle. This being said, I still opt that both of us coming back would be fun and interesting. Not to mention me and several other leaders of the undead/ascended have talked in pm's saying what we should do to improve, to make the rp's more enjoyable. That we needed the co-operation and conversations ooc'ly amongst the two races. Face it majority of people here came onto the server partly because of the Ascended/Undead conflict. And in the end LoTC is synonymous for the entire undead/ascended conflict.

    And to be fair the Ascended still do exist. There are still Iblees groups rising. Hell one Iblees group being run by the Oracle of the undead... So it only makes sense to bring the 2 races back in full.

  11. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Sairia

    -How old are you?: 23

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT-5 (est) / United States

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes I do.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a gamer first and foremost. I work alot. I love life!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: At least ten hours.

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: I have played Minecraft for three months now, I believe.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: Roleplaying is the art of playing a character, not yourself.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be a new and everchanging journey, always something new to discover.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I haven't played on any other server.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I do agree to the rules.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human , Elf, Orc, Dwarf

    -How did you hear about us?: I have heard a friend talking about it over xbox.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Sairia


    -Character Name: Aleryn

    -What is your Race?: Elf


    Aleryn was born in a small peaceful village of elves and humans. She lived there with her mother and father and two brothers. At the age of five a dark elf came into her house talking softly as he drew his blade and slaughtered her family before her very eyes. The dark elf then for some reason showed pity and brought her with him to live in a tribe of dark elves.

    Life with the dark elves was much harder then the life she was used to. They made her till the farms and repair tents. In any event she had spare time she would read books and fantacize for the life she she had stolen from her. She became very close with the man who killed her family seeing him as a brother. Aleryn and her new brother were inseperable until he just disappeared one night.

    Shortly after the man left war had broken out in the area engulfing the tribe into it. Countless days have gone on as she watched people she knew coming back from bloody battles with new cuts and bruises, sometimes missing limbs. Her new role was to now not only man the farms, but to help patch up the wounded. Nearly forgetting her brother, suddenly he shows back up ready to fight after a year of being missing. She was the only one in the tribe happy to see him again.

    The next few years were spent slightly happier since her brother returned to her. She spent a better deal of time patching his wounds then someone elses. She never stopped thinking the war would be over soon. Then one day her brother left on a hunting trip with a few of the other tribesmen that were still to young to fight. Several long days of peace later, out of the blue one the other tribes overwhelmed their tribe killing everyone in sight. She was hidden under a bed for safety when hours later her brother kicked in the door of the small hut and found her, taking her to safety.

    The next thirty years were a nice change of pace for her. She lived now with a pair of elves where they taught her how to write. The elven woman had a daughter, which made Aleryn feel like giving back to the family by getting a job as a baker and a farmer to help pay for what she felt she owed. One day after a long days work she came home and nobody was home, the place looked like it was robbed, the elves,her brother, the little girl all missing. Feeling like there was nothing left holding her there she went and became a traveling baker and farmer for the next 123 years living peacefully and happy.

    -Character Age: 188

    -Character Appearance: 5'6" - slender build - snowy blue hair - pale skin

    -Character Personality: Aleryn is a shy woman who after getting to know someone is very trustworthy of them. She thinks noone will do any wrong. Sometimes Aleryn is oblivious to the truth even when it is spelling itself out right in her face. She doesnt get mad at people . She is a very optimistic girl that always believes everything will turn for the better given time. She is ultimatly a pacifist.

    -Your ambitions: Aleryn wishes to spread joy to everyone around her

    -Can your character read or write?: She can read and write

    -Can your character mine?: Yes, but not very good as she does not have the muscle for it.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Aleryn is an avid builder

    -Can you wield a sword?: No she tends to hate confrontations and feels wielding a sword would invite it.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Yes

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Not really, but she tries to have a silver tongue.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://i.imgur.com/TxFdi.png

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