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Posts posted by Dragox7

  1. Caleb I will do whatever you want but Please trust me and let me join this clan, I don't have been exiled from Black cross you have to trust me I just want to join and have fun, I will be more strict and I won't goof off.

  2. Hopefully you have noticed that Gaius is no longer in the charge therefore the new leader could just deny whatever Gaius promised you.

    But again, thats just a chance. Who am I to speak of such matters..

    Just like when gaius was leader he said it was ok, and that didn't do anything I wasn't a spy for the rangers nor anything, I just created a different character and played as a ranger just that, Eric still was a black cross. Now that Eric died I have Drakoth which isn't on any guild yet. Please caleb you could trust me nothing wrong will happen.

  3. I am sorry, after thinking for around 20 minutes i'm going to have too decline you for now.

    I have seen your pass with the Black Cross before and how you where exiled from them, as well as other related problems.

    If you can tell me how those will not happen again with good reasons, I would be more then happy too accept you.

    I have never been exiled from the black cross I spoke with gaius about it and he said it was fine. Caleb I have changed please give me a oppurtunity please. I will never fail for you, please trust me.


    Minecraft name: Dragox7

    In-game name: Drako

    Why do you wish to join the order of the brotherhood?: I want to get back active into a Order, Had fun times in Nical now I will be more strict and respect all my brothers and of course to Caleb.

    What experiences do you have? I have fought against dangerous monsters and some battles against Undead back in Aegis.

    Do you wish to be within the diplomatic rankings, or the military rankings of the order, and if so why? I would like to be in the military ranking because since my precious skill is to fight, I would like to deffend this order and help the people.

    If for the Military Ranking, can you wield a sword? ((What level are you?)) Yes I could wield a sword. ((LVL: 99))

    Will you show loyalty to us, as your own brothers in heart and blood? I will show all my loyalty to the Order, and defend the Order and my brothers with my life.

    If a man walks up asking for help at our gates begging for food and supplies, what do you do? I will give him food and some supplies but not much.

    Five strangers appear within the walls, all armed do you approach them nicely, or aggressively, then what? I appear nicely but from a distance to keep my self safe, and ask them what do they need if they need something I will go get a high rank for them to speak, if there is no high rank I will tell them to comeback another time. If they response me negative I will warn them to leave with an arrow shot, If they decline then I will try as hard as i can to defend the city.

    A stranger approaches the mighty walls of the CALAWAY Order.

    He wishes to summon the Order of the brotherhood to help him in his time of need.

    Where do you bring the stranger?

    Then what?

    I tell him to stay there and I will be back in a few minutes, I will be in search of a high rank talk him about this situation and tell him he is waiting at the gate, then the high rank will decide what to do.

  5. [i will ask one of the Captains to set ups recruit goal system or something, we already had something like that I'n mind, will be getting a new recruitment very soon. We will also be introducing a few other things I'n the coming weeks.

    The only problem with a recruit goal system is that someone needs to be around to see they are telling the truth. We will see what we can do.]

    I still don't know if i'm accepted or not could you tell me please? I've been waiting more than 4 days. I think my app is on the 8th page.

  6. [MCname] : Dragox7

    [Time-Zone] : EST

    [How much time you can be online per day] : I could be online from 3 to 7 hours per day.

    [How long have you been on the server for?] : I am still a newcomer but I can remember already most part of Oren and some of Kings Road.

    [Do you have and use TS? If no then will you be able to?] Yes I have Team Speak but I don't use It but i could.

    Name : My name is Eric.

    Your Race : I am a Human.

    Your Age : I am 21 Years old. (( 14 ))

    Your Experience : I had kill some big monsters by myself alone at night. I haven't been any battles yet, I am excited to do one, apart of deffending Oren,(except when I was born and my mother got kidnapped by the bandits. (Biography)

    Describe Yourself : He had some bad luck he was born in a forest at night, when at day he got carried by bandits, then he managed out how to get out of the outpost when he was 5. He is a young tough, tactical, smart, person which is nice to everyone, except to enemies he is cruel and harsh to them.

    Why should we recruit you? : You should recruit me, for more people, we have better chances of getting oren deffended, make me a better person, and train me to be a better fighter and guard, and I'm not interested in the money.

    What are your strengths? Weaknesses? : I have the strengths of thinking rapidly before acting, and wielding swords and bows very good. If I fight for bandits I will be more stronger than usual since what happened to me when i was small. My weaknesses is at night and I could barely see anything at all.

    Do you know how to handle a weapon? [sword/Axe Skill Level] : Yes I could handle any kind of weapon you desire me to do. If I don't know how to handle a kind of weapon which probably there would be none then I would wish to be taught.

    Ambitions For The Future? : My ambitions are defending Oren, doing our daily patrols, making new guard friends, knowing new people, getting stronger everyday, and stopping the evil force of entering Oren.

    What would your character do in the following situation.

    :A group of bandits are camped on the Kings Road. Ordering a toll for passing. Its only you and two other recruits on duty. You decide to grab some armour and head out there. What do you do? [+Points For Thinking About It And Being More, Tactical] :

    First of all We would go there and ask nicely to stop doing this or they would get arrested if they deny then we would do the following thing we would leave then I would ask one of the recruits to go there and stop them both, meanwhile we would sneak up to the tool booth by behind and If there is any danger, for example the bandits are going to attack the recruit we would jump by behind Kill them or Headlock them/Disable them, take them to jail and then leave other guards on charge of them.

    My other plan would be if they decide not to stop, and If we get any near we would get killed, we would go back and shoot them with bows so we wouldn't get cut by their blades so they don't attack us.

    [Link to Server Application] : http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/27443-dragox7-application/page__p__143672__hl__dragox7__fromsearch__1#entry143672

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Dragox7

    -How old are you?: 14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: EST

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I would say I do, but maybe everyone does some errors in some time, but normally I don't.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I come from school at 3 Pm. From there I play Computer until 5 or 6. Then i do my homework and I keep playing the rest of the time, which the occasion would be playing LOTC but sometimes I would go outside and play with my friends.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I could be in the server daily around 3-7 hours so in a week It could be atleast 21 hours, or so.

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: I've Played Minecraft before summer started around 5 months ago.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: Roleplayig is a way of removing yourself from life, and becoming someone and something else entirely.

    It is transforming your mind and body into a completely different character and living as that character without faltering to the best of your ability.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be like, one of the best RP servers in Minecraft, with this whole different Races, Towns, tons of people, and great GM's and FM's.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I Have played in:

    NirnCraft - I donated to them and after a while they sold it to someone else.

    Cosmic Herobrine - Too many server changes then a shut down.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have read the rules several times so I would understand It perfectly without any errors and I agree to all of the rules.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc.

    -How did you hear about us?: I heard about you guys, in Minecraft servers list and It appeard as one of the best ones.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: My Lord of The Craft Forum name is Dragox7


    -Character Name: Eric

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Biography: It all started when my father left my mother pregnant, after 2 months she got Kidnapped by some Bandits. She was still pregnant with 9 months, one day she started to feel horrible and told the bandits that she was going to have her baby. The bandit left her on the woods alone at night and then... She had a boy Me she named me after her father " Eric " the mother made a fire for the baby to not stay cold and took her clothes off and put it to the baby to stay warm.

    The Next day the bandits came for her, got my mother cuffed and they carried me to this campament where she was a slave for them, she had to clean the dishes, made their beds, feed them, and entertainment. When I was 5 they made me as a servant too. My mother and I decided to make a plan at night, while the guards were guarding both of them my mother tried to entertain the guard while I would escape. I ran away far away through the woods until I found a path and there was this Female Elf and I asked her for help they captured me and my mother by some bandits I escaped for Help!

    The Elf and I went to get some elf guards to kill the bandits, when we got there, they were all hidden my mom was beaten up in the floor, and her words were "Up, in the trees...." We looked up and they jumped on us the elves killed Most of them except for the leader who headlocked me. Then I heard the wind whistle. The bandit dropped me he got headshoted from an archer far away we finally went to my mother carried her to the elf city and they aid her and I learned how to read and write, and how to use a sword, when I was 21 my adventures began.

    -Character Age: My character age is 21.

    -Character Appearance: He is a tough, tactical, smart, person which is nice to everyone, and tries to evade fight.

    -Character Personality: Authoritarian by nature, loves adventure and tries to evade high risks of death, but does crazy things, his favorite thing is Cliff Jumping.

    -Your ambitions: My ambitions are always in the morning to do my Cliff Jumps, then go to the city see whats going on, and do adventures or just look out for any danger.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes my character can read and write.

    -Can your character mine?: He could mine, but sometimes he gets bored at it, and just stops at it.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes I am a capable builder, one of my passions is to be an Architect.

    -Can you wield a sword?: My character could surely wield a sword since he was small and taught by the elves.

    -Enjoy Farming?: My character could enjoy farming If I'ts needed for food, but he doesn't do it for fun.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: My character just have the skill of fastly thinking before acting and wielding swords.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?action=readreviews&link=6947

    -Other Information: This looks like an very very good Rper Server, looks huge and good for 250 people.

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