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Posts posted by Missandryst

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Serenity /OOC Oversight


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Hiylun’annir - The Mute Priest


    Character's Age:

             107 upon death


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Phantom- Revenant


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:



    Revenants are the first stage of a Phantom’s progress, gray spirits who have roused from an early, brutal and/or unexpected death. Whether the volatile nature of their death or from refusal to pass on, Revenants remain upon the mortal plane as incorporeal figures, which lack the ability to interact with their tangible surroundings. They wake with little to no understanding that they have died and often do not remember the events leading up to their deaths, leaving them in a fog of uncertainty and confusion. These spirits, while made from ectoplasm, still largely resemble their former selves, with a few changes to their appearance representative of how they passed. Those who have bled to death will more often have sunken or gaunt features while those who have sustained fatal wounds appear under the guise of ripped, worn or torn, clothing stained with blood. Aside from the physical changes, the voices of revenants tend to be distant and weak intonations much like their ability to interact with the material world. 


    Even with a weakened grasp on the corporeal, revenants are still able to feel some form of fleeting emotions, namely tying to their deaths, whether it be confusion, despair, fear, and anger. This often leads them to being aloof and shying away from conflict, people and seeking solitude in an attempt to come to grips with who they are and piece together their thoughts and feelings. These phantoms will feel compelled to seek the knowledge of their deaths upon realization that they are no longer alive. Even with the spirit unable to affect the world around it and vice versa, there are some exceptions. Where normal mundane weapons simply phase through the revenant's form, aurum weapons are able to land blows that will cause harm to the spirit, with voidal magics producing the same results. Along with the harm caused to their intangible body, these retaliations cause the revenant to have an almost juvenile reaction to pain, leaving them even more disoriented, fearful and panicked. The regeneration time for a non-fatal wound takes 2 OOC days, slightly longer than that of a more evolved Phantom.


    The abilities of a revenant are not as controlled as those of its counterparts, with the aforementioned spirit unable to control its form and affect the tangible world, thus fading in and out of visibility at spontaneous moments, but once they realize their situation, and can figure out they may consciously cover themselves in ectoplasm and render their forms invisible to the mortal eye, with only a faint outline shimmering in the cases of being in direct sunlight. This doesn’t negate the effects of aurum or the happenstance of being spotted before becoming completely invisible, and should either occur, the revenant will find themselves forced out of its cloaked invisibility and reappear once more. The same concentration it would take to become invisible to the naked eye is the same, if not more, that would be required for a revenant to muster the ability to move or hold an object. Even then, the object in question could never weigh more than 3 pounds and anything lighter could only be moved or held for a fleeting period. This same focus could be used to push open doors or extinguish lamps and candles, but largely the spirit is still unable to affect the material world.


    A lingering revenant who has learned of its jarring death will seclude itself away from mortal eyes, choosing a path of solitude and sapping spiritual essence from mortals who cross its path. Geistreach is only available to those revenants who have discovered the nature of their death and comes in two forms.


    A victim is chosen by the revenant, sapping their essence and cursing them. With OOC consent the curse leaves the victim dissociative, forgetful with lapses in their memories, while also being able to have brief flashes of the revenant's memories. An oocly consented geistreach leaves the victim’s personality changed from who they once were. This method of using geistreach requires three successful attempts before the revenant is able to move on and evolve in the next stage of their journey. Without ooc, a revenant must complete this action five separate times, as opposed to the three needed with consent. These victims however, are not rendered as incapacitated as one who has consented, instead, the nonconsenting victim suffers from insomnia, paranoia and blurry peripheral vision for no more than three IRL days. 


    Upon successfully gathering the needed amount of soul essence, the revenant then returns to solitude and reflects upon the knowledge of their death, choosing either to accept or deny it and progressing to a Specter or Poltergeist.




    After reflecting upon their deaths, a Revenant can choose to either deny or accept the circumstance. Should they reject it, they evolve into black spirits, poltergeists. Not evil by nature, but anger, violence, and misery stem from the core of this evolved form. Plagued with the inner turmoil of rejecting their deaths, these phantoms shift both physically and mentally to reflect that. Whereas Revenants are confused, and merely a shadow of their former selves, Poltergeists evolve into more terrifying representations. With sharpened teeth, claw-like fingers, predatory eyes, and an overall red hue to their forms. Where Revenants have minor symptoms of their death, a Poltergeist will have more gruesome manifestations, gashes and gaping wounds which weep ectoplasmic blood, missing swathes of flesh, various stages of decomposition or bloating are not uncommon sights when dealing with Poltergeists. The mental state also declines when a poltergeist is made. Anger and hatred for the mortal world drives a poltergeist's actions, but they can still maintain memories of certain people and places, thus giving those specific few their empathy. 


    These phantoms are able to affect the material world whereas Revenants cannot, being able to briefly control their corporeality and attack or cause mischief. This in turn, leaves them susceptible to attacks from mundane weapons as well as aurum and voidal magics, though the use of aurum upon a poltergeist does not warrant much response, instead causing the phantom to grow more aggressive. They can still feel the pain of aurum but it does not cause them to flee like it would for a revenant. Non fatal wounds sustained by weapons are regenerated within an OOC day.


    The abilities of a Poltergeist vary slightly from that of a revenant, where they now reflect the phantom’s inner turmoil and understanding of their nature. Besides being able to have some control over their corporeality, they are also able to shift their forms, whether it be to appear more gruesome in nature or to take on the appearance of a spectral animal found within nature, the limitations being no bigger than a stag and no smaller than a large crow, though in either form the passive aura of unease emanates from the phantom. Aside from more control over their forms, poltergeists are able to influence the world with finer motor skill, but still not able to lift inanimate objects more than 20 lbs. These formidable spirits can possess corpses and beings, as well as projecting emotions and nightmares upon its victims. A poltergeist who wishes to remain in a specific area may create a Haunt, which will strengthen their abilities and gain a few new ones. 




    The other path a revenant may take upon knowledge of its death and accepting it, leads the spirit to develop into a Specter. The opposite of a Poltergeist, Specters hold an inner peace with their deaths and have moved past their trauma. Their physical appearance reflects this inner peace, taking on a gold, blue or white glow, and no signs of bodily harm or memories of the wounds which killed them. Specters most resemble their former selves, but still have ethereal qualities, such as pupiless eyes or flawless skin. Their voices also take on a more serene tone, and may sound melodic or echo. These spirits are able to tolerate direct sunlight whereas their counterparts shy away from such instances.  


    The mentality of specters is more benevolent toward mortals, even going so far as to protect them, though they still suffer from bouts of sadness. These spirits have a better hold on their memories but the longer they remain in the corporeal world, the more they forget about their prior lives, eventually becoming more unhinged. Specters who have come to terms with their death rarely stay in the material world, often opting to return to the Soulstream unless they wish to stay in order to be of some help to others or from a lack of desire to move on. When struck with pain, they typically react in the way a mortal might, and have a more controlled response compared to the poltergeist’s aggression. These spirits are commonly not combative and are unlikely to remain in hostile situations unless their moral compass demands otherwise. As with Poltergeists, Specters who sustain non-fatal wounds take 1 ooc day to regenerate.


    The abilities of a Specter do not vary much from their more gruesome counterparts. Where they are able to control their corporeality, invisibility, and influence inanimate objects, they can also shift their forms into animals, normally choosing herbivores or some manner of docile creature. Their auras give off a passive feeling of peace or otherwise positive emotion, and they are not able to possess corpses or influence mortals into any sort of harm. Along with these abilities, a Specter may also choose a specified area to form a Sanctuary to dwell in, allowing them further capabilities as time passes.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Hiylun’annir was a priest in his former life, thus taking on traditional flowing robes and donning  spiritual jewelry. Due to being beaten to death, his features, while gaunt, also have a mottled appearance to them, particularly around the neck, where the collar of his robes are torn and stained with blood. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Animii Crafting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Alrin Sul'Sumana


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Lulubelle Starbreaker


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Naztherak is a dark magic, which upon connection one of five Zar’rokul patrons asserts claim over the connected character’s soul by way of establishing a pact with a Zar’akal. The magic itself is compatible with most dark, neutral, or voidal magic, in addition to being incompatible with deity magics. Upon the declaration of the aforementioned deal, the character has no prior knowledge that the Zar’akal is not the source of the magic, leaving it to avenues of roleplay for such information to be found.


    Upon completion of the ritual, the character is connected, immediately losing two slivers of their soul in exchange for Malflame and Demonology. The newly afflicted Naztherak also gains a new scar or blister upon the hand, referred to as a Brand. This brand will grow as the Naztherak grows in progression, starting as a small blemish on the palm and spreading to encompass the whole hand, wrist, and arm, until eventually covering the character’s entire body in scarring, burns or other visible markings.


    As the Naztherak grows and interacts with the world using their new found tools of devilry, some may find that the life of wickedness and sin is not for them, or they may have upset their patron to the point of being stripped of their powers; either direction, the afflicted may never regain the two initial pieces of their soul that was pledged to the infernal patron.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    The magic consists of four subtypes and one CA; Malflame and Demonology being the first subtypes of a newly made Naztherak. Malflame is the manipulation of infernal flame, that expresses not light or heat and cannot ignite any material except for living soul-bearing flesh. Should a naztherak’s malflame connect with one's flesh, the experience is akin to being burned by white hot metal, and leaves behind a dark scarring that can irregularly leave an afterglow the same color as the malflame that caused it. Demonology is the creation, binding, and summoning of new Inferi, that formulate the Naztherak’s court of hellish subjects.


    Through progression, a Naztherak will find themselves learning new ways to torment foes and or seek rewards for themselves with the addition of Cursing and Pacting to add to their repertoire. The first true to its namesake, cursing can be done to either person or object, imbuing the victim with the Naztherak’s Malice. Pacting consists of a worthy Naztherak who contacts their patron Zar’rokul by way of an elaborate ritual to obtain boons. These boons are not without their own terms, deemed by the Zar’rokul upon being summoned. Should the Naztherak accept these terms they are then bestowed with their wicked perquisite, of the Zar’akal’s malice  for use with Curses, minor hexes and rewards that can be given to others, and familiars.


    The culmination of these subtypes may result one day in the Naztherak graduating into the unholy evolution: a Zar’akal. Should a Naztherak be fortunate enough to reach this rank, they would find themselves stripped of their mortal physique, and born anew into a fiendish immortal. The once descendant soul is completely corrupted and once complete, may never be reversed. The creation of a Zar’akal requires usage of a Zar’rovuth, a basin of blood in which the Naztherak submerges themselves after chanting the incantation required. Once born the Zar’akal will no longer require usage of their grimoire to cast their spells, and are the only ones capable of creating new Naztherak. This process consumes the fifth and final magic slot and requires the Naztherak to have all prior mentioned subtypes. 


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The stench of putrid metal wafts from the stone basin; the container filled with the sticky crimson gore from unknown and possibly unwilling contributors. A ghastly pallid figure with similar colored hair stands over the basin, her arms crossed to support the lithe, soft furred form of the feline cradled against her torso. Perched open upon a podium to the left of the basin would sit a leather bound tome, it’s pages opened to reveal the pristine parchment, upon which the unintelligible words played across the pages.

    After some moments of running her fingers through the feline's fur, the thin digits curl into the scruff of the poor creature's neck, giving her leverage to lift it from her arms and hold it over the basin of ichor. The tabby would yowl, hissing and growling as if it were aware of it’s unfortunate fate as it dangled. Slowly lowering the cat into the carnage, the titian-haired elfess would submerge the creature until the thrashing of the animal ceased and the frantic spout of bubbles slowed.

    It was then that her lips parted, with her gaze focused upon the grimoire to her left. “Dav'zkaat Zevn…” Her voice deepened, skin becoming ashen, the fullness of her cheeks dissipating as the beginning of smoke like wisps gathered around her hand, the brand along her arm casting a sickly glow. “Daz'kiztik, rohn'zak Therak daz'unmatar thur..” Once rounded pupils narrowed out into serpentine slits as her chanting grew louder, the bubbling of the gore bath swallowing her digits, bathing them red. The wisps coalesce into a caliginous mass that drips into the basin, adding to the vile mixture.

    “Rohn'zak akun kuul urkarka raht lark katel.” As the last syllables are spoken, everything comes to a stop. The last of the bubbles long gone, the glow from the blemish upon her arm slowly ebbing away and the mass of maleus feeding into the basin. Slowly lifting the newborn Imp from the basin, the creature emitted a low growl, one that would not be associated with that of a cat. Four slitted pupils gazed upon the enchantress. The feline that once held fur, now remained without, its new infernal form leaving it completely hairless, the mouth several inches wider than what was normal, and double rows of sharp canines invaded the once small maw. Curling up, the Imp seemed eager to get away from the basin of ichor, perhaps a lingering aspect of its prior distaste for anything liquid.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Within the confines of the study, Maldatoz stands before her student. Her left hand held the leather bound grimoire open to one of the first few pages, where depictions of flame taking on different shapes and sizes were etched onto parchment. Giving the page a small glance, she’d look up towards the seated student, her head dips.

    “Now that you understand the basics of how your maleus functions… Let us move onto the basics of malflame. This spell wouldn’t deplete even your measly reserves.” Maldatoz spoke, watching as the other Naztherak took up their quill, dipping it into the viscous liquid of rahkir and poising it over the pages of their own grimoire, ready to take notes. Lifting a pale hand so that her palm faced the ceiling, Maldatoz paused briefly, looking at her grimoire, before her lips parted to allow two wretched syllables to echo within the confines of the room. “Rodkar.” As soon as she spoke, the brand beneath her robes flickered to life, casting a sickly glow along her skin. Flickering wisps of smoke flare up from her palm and soon after a slender tongue of malefic viridian flame winds its way up into the air, before curling in on itself. “Malflame has its defensive and offensive uses as you may well know… Though we shall begin with something a bit more cultivated for practice. We are able to manipulate our flame for more aesthetic uses...”

    The flame would idly wind with serpentine movements whilst the enchantress spoke, but as her voice trailed off, the flame rears up and shoots out towards the seated student, who yelps in dismay at the sudden movement and the inability to move out of the way for lack of time and awareness. The flame would hit its target, bursting into small cinders and ash that rained upon the flagstone harmlessly. Chuckling at the reaction the titian-haired enchantress regards the younger Naztherak with sly amusement. “The only difference about this Malflame spell is that it is completely harmless. Thus useless in combat situations… but easily able to cause a scare.” 


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Eat their flesh and bathe in their blood


    In all seriousness. I’m happy to talk to my students in VC or through text mediums to help them understand where and why their emotes would be powergaming. After all, no one is perfect. Should there still be confusion I’m happy to sit with my student and the lore holder or ST to explain further. Should the student continue to disregard guidance then ST intervention will be required.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             [Culimancy and Domestic] Housemagery


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Taught


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Taught


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


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