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Posts posted by Agra((Nemiisae))

  1. *squints her eyes at the poster, snorting in frustration at her own inability to read; her only reason for stopping and looking was the picture that resembled her popo plastered on the parchement.*

    Eh... dis be nub'hosh.

    *she listens to the others commenting and realizes what the poster means*

    Da skah! popo nub be sum nub'hosh traytor. Latz all be washed in da brainz, popo be BUB'HOSH orc.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Nemiisae

    -How old are you?: 18

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I would like to think that I was up to par with my English skills.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm something of a home-body, I enjoy nothing more than to sit back, relax and indulge myself in a good bit of role-play.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Anywhere between two to eight hours a day, given the chance.

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: I have played Minecraft for approximately four months.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: Roleplay in generalized terms means to take on the role of a character, seeing and acting according to their personality, you are in a matter of words the protagonist of your own story that, through interactions with others you tell the story of your character, and develop as you progress through these interactions.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I have high expectations for this server: I reckon that roleplay will be quite diverse and interesting to partake in.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I was briefly a member of Battlecraft and a variety of free-build/pvp servers. I left them due to my own loss of interest in the goings on within the servers.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I most certainly have read the rules, and agree entirely with them.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Humans, Orcs, Dwarves and of course Elves.

    -How did you hear about us?: From a friend.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Nemiisae


    -Character Name: Agra

    -What is your Race?: Orc


    The product of a victorious raid upon a small human settlement: the celebration of Agra's birth proceeded as every other within the clan. Her parents stood together in a body of water near the encampment with the entire clan observing from shore. Her mother carefully passed the infant to the father, whom with endless pride proclaimed the child as his; an almighty roar of joy heard from the clan members erupted as the babe was hoisted for all to see, the infant dangling obviously from the large mits of her father.

    Life progressed naturally, Agra learned quickly that like all orcs of traditional clans; nothing comes from idleness or weakness. With such a lesson, came endless frustration on young Agra's behalf, finding herself struggling to achieve the level of strength and brutality that her father and mother both expected. Taunted often, and in many scraps with the other younglings of the clan - Agra gradually became the laughing stock of the clan, much to the despair of the parents, whom forced their child to the deserts, miles and miles of rolling dunes kept her entrapped in isolation - for this was her test, the test that her parents hoped would prove their offspring was not weak.

    Agra spent weeks wandering through the desert; the blistering sands and scorching suns' effects slowly numming away as she grew accustomed to such. Carving for herself a spear of wood, she learned to live from the hunts she killed - having the scars to prove such lesson from an encounter with a wild desert boar. By the time the second month drew by, Agra had become fairly adapted to life in the barren desert scape: donned in crudely made hide armour, decorated with the skull of the boar she'd proudly killed, the young Agra returned to the encampment a changed orc. No more would she be called a weakling and treated like such.

    -Character Age: Twenty

    -Character Appearance: Agra is easily identifiable by her distinguishing features: Hooded azure eyes, thick lashes lining the lids. Once thick mess of raven hair, dyed ochre to identify her as a proud warrior, braided on one side of her face and tied with hide string. Short yet well defined tusks protruding from pouted maw. She has an amazonian structure, well-toned evenly in all areas of her body, giving her the ideal orcish build. Often Agra will paint earthen hues onto her face and body, purely for decoration as the tones compliment her green flesh.

    -Character Personality: People often mistake Agra for being overly arrogant and aggressive, which isn't strictly wrong. She is incredibly determined to achieve her goals at whatever cost, and if someone challenges her for the thing she wants - she doesn't hold back her hostility, which is unfortunate for the person who would be likely to be short of a limb by the end of the ordeal. Her arrogance comes from the perception that she is the ideal specimen of an orc, and with that comes the 'mightier than thou' attitude; she abhors the idea of doing mundane tasks or chores, she believes it is below her standard and should be left to the weaklings - which is generally problematic if she is asked to do something. Agra has mountains of energy and retains a child-like playfulness, though she is quick to resort to orcish aggression if things aren't going her way.

    -Your ambitions: Agra has all intentions of becoming important and renowned, who-ever she has to klomp, or whatever she must do to prove her strength and prowess.

    -Can your character read or write?: Agra has capabilities as a writer, however she has only ever read one book - 'How to cook a Halfling', so her education in reading is limited.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes, but she would rather not, if she can help herself.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Agra has no talent as a builder.

    -Can you wield a sword?: She can, she almost feels a lesser orc without a sword or a weapon in her hand.

    -Enjoy Farming?: She'd rather be pleasant to a halfling than mine.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Nothing out of the ordinary, though her ability craft armor and clothing is impressive.

    -A screenshot of your skin:


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