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Posts posted by Arien

  1. Minecraft name:oHawkZo

    Forum name:Arien

    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why?

    The Biography:

    Yes, The Biography. Like all other people applying for the app team, I said biography. But, that is because it is the most important part in an application. The biography is the first time that the server gets to see your true potential.

    The first thing it shows the server is your capability as a writer. You need to be a good writer if you ever expect to roleplay. Because to roleplay you need to express your characters emotions and feeling. You need to tell how your character is acting. And, to do that you need to be a good writer. So, writing has a big role in roleplaying. That is why your biography needs to show your capability as a writer. If you are a good writer than you should succeed at roleplaying.

    The biography also tells who your character is. You should not be a crazy, insane man who robs and steals when you first join. The server does not need new people coming on to the server being able to do anything they please. They need to act who their character acts.

    The last thing the biography does is tell of your characters background. If your character's parents were killed by undead, then your character will probably hate undead. This will affect your characters decisions. He/she will probably try and kill all undead and then you will be able to expand your roleplay further.

    The Skin:

    The skin is an important part in one's application because it shows the reader if the applicant read the guidelines for the skins. If the person has an appropriate skin for their character. They should not have a skin of a creeper outfit. That does not fit with the roleplay and would get denied.

    What is Roleplaying?/Metagaming and Powergaming

    You need to know this because if you do not know what roleplaying is and you cannot describe it thoroughly then you should not be applying for a ROLEPLAY server. They should also have a bit of experience roleplaying since it does take some time to get used to roleplaying. They should at least have a basic knowledge on roleplaying.

    I believe that people on this server ask the question "What is metagaming/powergaming?" in OOC chat way too much. The GMs should not have to answer this to every person that joins the server. I like how it is now required that one knows what it is. Because if they do not then they will find themselves in some tough situations because they just got modreqed for powergaming. This will also clear up any confusion and keep the GM's from having to answer another question.


    Whether that is a word or not, I do not know, but I do know that this can easily be seen through an application. This server wants MATURE people. They do not want people who are going to break the rules and then blame something else for there own mistakes. We want people who can roleplay and do it easily without having to say immature comments while doing it. Many people of all ages can be immature, but most of the time (not all) it is younger children. Mostly due to the fact that they are still young. But, it does not matter what age they are it matters what their application tells us about them. It is easy to tell someones level of matureness just by simple reading their app.

    The Grammar:

    Grammar is important in roleplaying so it needs to be tested in the persons application. In order to stay in character one needs to spell correctly and have correct grammar. Now hopefully, everyone on this server is human and we all make mistakes. We are not perfect so the occasional misspelled/mistyped word are allowed. But, if the person starts of their application with "Herroz mey naems Arien" then we have a problem. The persons application should be formal and abbreviations should be at a minimum to none. The server wants to see you took time in your application.

    This is just a little extra.

    Why I want to join:

    Okay, so I would really like to be apart of the application team. I spent a lot of time on this and I tryed really hard of this because I would like to start helping people that are like how I once was. I feel that I would make a great addition to the awesome team and I do hope I can be apart of it. I have tryed to help applicants to the server PMing them telling them if the link to the skin was broken, or if they need more work, or if it was good. I have helped many applicants to the server.

    If I do not get accepted to the application team then may I reapply?

    Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

  2. Alright well first off my MC name is: oHawkZo and my IC name is: Arien

    I live in eastern Us time. We can meet wherever you please. I do live in Galahar so if you can easily get there that would be awesome. I do have a question though. With Al'Khazar insta death city how shall I get to New Alstion. Because I truly have no idea if it is even possible for me to get there without dieing. Have proper paths been constructed for travelers to New Alstion?

  3. Well the thing that angers me is that while I am enjoying slaying tons of zombies I die from lava being spawned everywhere. Is lava randomy generating in places RP? I hope not. I also do not like how we couldn't even determine the outcome. This is mostly the Gms fault. I don't like it how no matter what, they are still going to put lava and soul sand everywhere and we didn't even have a choice. It is impossible to kill people on the highest buildings and when you get close your killed with lighting. Not fun.... Now I'm not blaming undead for some of these problems but I hate it when I know that I am going to die no matter what and the city is goIng to fall no matter what. It's just not RP at all. It's just people having fun killing people. I would play a PVP serve if I liked that.

  4. Ser Daniel killed himself after Ser Roberts passing. I am sad to say I was there. He told me he can not live without his wealth and that went with Ser Roberts death. He then stabbed himself before I could stop him. A sad day indeed. I am very saddened to tell this story and I am ashamed to not have stopped him.

  5. Alright so I am buying your arrows. 5 stacks sounds about good.

    I am willing to pay about 2 minas each. So start selling me your arrows. I will be willing to negotiate.

    If you want to sell me the materials for arrows (feathers and flint) I would buy them.

    I will pay 3 minas a feather and 3 minas for a piece of flint. So start selling me your arrows.

  6. I would really like to be a part of this guild. Will the mines be provided?

    Minecraft name:oHawkZo

    fourms name:Arien

    in character name:Arien

    A bit about your self:I am a very skilled miner who can find ore in a heart beat. I find it very hard to find a good mine with a permit so I really want to join this guild.

    your mining skills and level: I am very good at mining. I am a level 30 miner.

    time zone/ country of residence: Eastern Us time.

  7. OOC: Well this is one of the best ideas ever. I say that to keep the organisation we need to set up some ground rules. ((Like no OOC talking while the event is happening to limit chat.)) Really only the leaders should be able to talk because the chat will be so hard to read if everyone just stated their mind.

    Hawk will the Pages and Squires be able to join in on these War Games. I really want to participate in this training session. But I do think that both games should take place. Kashi's Idea and Hawk's Idea. Because they are slightly different. Hawk's idea is one place attacking and and the people defending the fort. Then Kashi's idea is a hostage drill. They are different and I do believe both should be implemented. But, I have said for a while that training drills need to be implemented cause Patrolling towns and gates can get a little dry and that does not help us when there is a hostage being taken and we need to stop it. Very good idea overall.

  8. Well back in like the olden times city's would be the main city building like town hall or whatever and thrown room and such in the middle of the city. Then it would be rich housing and the temples surrounding the town hall.Then surrounding that are the fairly affordable houses for middle class and all the shops and market place. This is where the trade is. Then outside of that here is the slums . The the walls surround the slums. The outside of the city walls are the farms. Now I am saying like outside of it and there are a lot of farms. So if that was a bit confusing I am trying to say that the richest things are in the middle and it then moves outward.

    I would like everything to be grouped together like if you need a cheap home you go to the slums and browse. Not just look for an inn or post on the forums saying your looking for one. I also like the idea of sections I was kind of saying that but I am also basing it off of the social pyramid. So not just a mining section all the way over here and a farming section over here. Like if you are looking to start trading you go oh I will go to the trade part of city which is where the middle class live. I also want the path in the city to be easier to understand and the signs are hard to understand. I ma not be good with that kind of stuff but it's still freaking hard to find out where something is. Perhaps paths in the city that lead directly to something with a sign saying "Road to Kings Palace. "

    Alright hope my ideas were understandable.


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