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Posts posted by Gallan

  1. Application

    Out of Character

    Minecraft Name: Maxsos55

    Forum Name: Var'Xa

    Server Join Date: It will say next to my post.

    How Active are You?: I get onto the server a fair bit.

    In Character

    Name: Var'Xa

    Age: Var is 46 years of age.

    Race: He happens to be a Human.

    Experience: Var has travelled on many vessels of most shapes and sizes.

    Qualifications: After training with a blind-fold for many years his senses have become much better. With this comes advantages. He can hear a seagull from a very long distance.

    Reasons why you are right for the job: "I feel at home while at sea and I can point you to the nearest port from most places."

  2. Name ((RP and MC)): Farkus_Drew (( Maxsos55 ))

    Age ((IC and OOC)): 30 (( 16 ))

    Combat skills: 30: Archery, 20: Swords

    Non-combat skills: None really, getting my weapon skills up.

    Experience: A large brute who has beaten up many people before. He loves to crush bones and never loses fights. (( Unless against Lord Aislin )). He is a strong and content fighter.

    Why you want to join: To crus the skulls of his home's enemies.

    Other: -

  3. MC Name: Maxsos55

    IC Name: Huntress_Talias

    RL Age: 16

    IG Age: 30

    Short Biography: Growing up and hunting in the forests for food, Talias is a strong women who can take care of herself. She uses a bow and rarely misses. She never had much of a family. Her father was a miner but she barely saw him and she knows nothing of her mother. She has a sister called Lia, and she sees her from time to time in her travels.

    It was in these travels that she came upon the city ((/town)) of Salvus where she stayed quiet and listened in on conversations. She also became an expert in finding faults and weaknesses in the walls. She used this to climb into the keep and open the gate when the guards weren't looking. They only found her once. This was when she was on the ramparts and a patrolling guard saw her, she backed up and seeing an escape jumped from the walls and into the river below. She escaped on foot and no one saw or recognised her face later.

    Also, recently, the one she loves left to protect some kind of caravan as he explained to her. She wishes to fight along side him.

    Why do you wish to join the Seventis Military? To help control the enemy and get enough minas to own a house in Sarun.

    Which starting rank do you wish to become? (Frouros, Peltast, Toxotes) Toxotes as she is skilled with a bow.

    Will you be loyal and respect those higher in command then yourself? Indeed, she is a very loyal person.

    Your Weapon skills? (i.e. Axes-75 or Swords-34) I know it's not very high but I can improve and I am very accurate! Swords: 25 Archery: 34

  4. MC Name: Maxsos55

    IC Name: Huntress_Talias

    RL Age: 16

    IG Age: 30

    Short Biography: Talias is a strong lady who can take care of herself and wishes to join the seventies army and defeat the nation's enemies. She is strong willed and loves to hunt. She is in love with a man called Rheagar, who is also joining the military.

    Why do you wish to join the Seventis Military? To help control the enemy and get enough minas to own a house in Seventis.

    Which starting rank do you wish to become? (Frouros, Peltast, Toxotes) Toxotes as she is skilled with a bow.

    Will you be loyal and respect those higher in command then yourself? Indeed, she is a very loyal person.

    Your Weapon skills? (i.e. Axes-75 or Swords-34) Unfortunatley they need working on, ( skill reset D: ) Swords: 20 Archery: 30

  5. ((MC Name: Maxsos55

    IC Name: Ruffian_Urkt'Gorkil

    Proffesions: Archery 100/Swords 84, and a few other little things, I'm still organizing.))

    ((Plus I don't seem to be on the active list, yet I go on 5-6 days a week, could I be added?))

    ((Plus here's one for my cousin who doesn't go on the forums much:

    MC Name: ClownPrince89

    IC Name: Runt_Kurok'Gorkil

    Proffesions: Archery 50/ Mining 30/ Excavation 30+ and a few other lil' things))

  6. * a mysterious note is lying next to you*

    *you hear a bird fly off*

    Ah the Hunter?

    Well here's an idea,


    The Rangers are basically hunters who protect Alras.

    We are currently recruiting and you seem good.

    Hope you join soon friend.

    *a map is attached to the note showing The Rangers Camp*

    (( Co-Ordinates are -2678 and -757 ))

  7. [MCname]: Maxsos55

    [Age]: 15

    [Time-Zone]: (UTC+08:00) Perth

    [How much time you can be online per day]: 2-5 hours.

    [How long have you been playing on the server? Please only apply if you have been playing for 2 weeks or more]: 2-3 Months.

    [Why do you as a player feel you deserve to be a Ranger?]: He has not been able to find a living... he makes it through the days hunting, he loves it but, he knows he could put his skills of hunting and stealth to use. A "friend" suggested he joined the Rangers and well, here I am.

    Do you have TS and a Google email?: Yes, [email protected]

    In Character Information

    Name: Gale Hearth (Gale_Hearth)

    Your Race: Human

    Your Age: 23

    Why do you want to be a Ranger?: Because I have not been able to find a living. And I need a job. I am skilled in Stealth and the art of Marksmanship. The reason why I want to join is, I want to fire the arrows that will see my enemy fall, and fire them alongside my brethren! You see my home, was destroyed by the Undead. I hate them, please give me a chance to show myself worthy. I will do whatever I can to help villagers and adventurers within our borders!

    So give me a chance!

    Your Experience: Ha! experience? I have been using bows for 15 years my friend. Every day since that I could have gone out hunting, I have. In my time I have seen death of friends and many strange creatures.

    Do you think you can make the cut? Explain: Hm...make the "cut"? Why would I be trying out for this position if I didn't think I could have made the ... "cut".

    Have you faced any extreme situation of hopelessness, but still succeeded in whatever you were trying to do?: Well I had been pushed or erm thrown of a bridge on the King's Road and had twisted it quite badly, someone who I had thought to be a friend took me to his healing room and locked me up, he then brought my out and I nearly threw up.

    He had captured 3 Zombie Pig-whatevers and well 2 other people. We were forced into the "Arena". I managed to escape unharmed by squeezing through a small gap, but the other people didn't well...you know...make it.

    How are you with bows and swords? [Levels]: ((17 Swords & 10 Bows)) I have a bit to learn but ((levels)) looks deceive...

    What are your attitudes toward combat and diplomacy? How do you handle yourself?: I prefer the combat though if task is not serious I would "talk". I live in the world of Combat so Diplomacy is fairly new.

    Describe your personality: I am a lonely man, many of my friends died protecting Alras. I am friendly and I am extremely loyal to the Oren. I disagree with Orcs and their habits. But overall a friendly person who is always willing to help.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to -new nation name pending- and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: Loyalty is my middle name! Well not really but you get the point so yes. I enjoy being among my Brethren. I would sacrifice myself to save Aegis, if only it was that easy, if you know what I mean.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I lived with a friend in an Inn for 1 year and when it went bankrupt, he begged me for my life savings and I stayed loyal to our dream and used up my life's savings. My friend was assassinated later that year, and the Inn now stands now unfinished near the water's edge...

    Describe what "Being a Ranger" means to you: Being a Ranger even though I haven't had the pleasure of being one yet, would hopefully give me the wonderful feeling that I'm doing something with my precious single life. I wish to gain friends and hopefully enough Minas to get through...

    A citizen is being held up on the road by three hooded people with swords. They seem well armed and the person is clearly giving up their possessions under threat of death. You are on the road and have not yet been spotted. What do you do?: Well first things first, the citizen MUST get out alive and so must I. I would try and cause a distraction while blending in and hope that the hooded thugs move away from the citizen. At that point the citizen should be able to get away. Then I would have to find the means of escape. Probably up in the trees.

    Two citizens are arguing over ownership of a diamond. One man claimed he was robbed, the other claims the diamond was his to begin with. There are no witnesses and no guardsmen around. What do you do?: I would confiscate the diamond until further investigation was held. Because giving to one man straight up could be the wrong decision. Say I made the mistake of doing that, the man who rightfully owned it would have just had around 250 Minas just taken off him by someone who is supposed to be here to help, me.

    You see a dark hooded man walking down the Kings Road toward Al'Khazar, what do you do? Explain the reasoning behind your actions or lack thereof: I would ask him to raise his hood for a race inspection then tell him not to wear the hood within the human borders.

    Show me you know how to talk in OOC: Using (( before and )) at the end of your message. And make sure not to tell where anyone is, that would be Metagaming.

    Is there anything else you'd like to add?: No I am done.

    Link to server application: I believe the FM's have decided to remove the APPs that have been looked at?

  8. [MCname]: Maxsos55

    [Age]: 15

    [Time-Zone]: (UTC+08:00) Perth

    [How much time you can be online per day]: 2-5 hours.

    [How long have you been playing on the server? Please only apply if you have been playing for 2 weeks or more]: 2-3 Months.

    [Why do you as a player feel you deserve to be a Ranger?]: He has not been able to find a living... he makes it through the days hunting, he loves it but, he knows he could put his skills of hunting and stealth to use. A "friend" suggested he joined the Rangers and well, here I am.

    Do you have TS and a Google email?: Yes, [email protected]

    In Character Information

    Name: Gale Hearth (Gale_Hearth)

    Your Race: Human

    Your Age: 23

    Why do you want to be a Ranger?: Because I have not been able to find a living. And I need a job. I am skilled in Stealth and the art of Marksmanship. The reason why I want to join is, I want to fire the arrows that will see my enemy fall, and fire them alongside my brethren! You see my home, was destroyed by the Undead. I hate them, please give me a chance to show myself worthy. I will do whatever I can to help villagers and adventurers within our borders!

    So give me a chance!

    Your Experience: Ha! experience? I have been using bows for 15 years my friend. Every day since that I could have gone out hunting, I have. In my time I have seen death of friends and many strange creatures.

    Do you think you can make the cut? Explain: Hm...make the "cut"? Why would I be trying out for this position if I didn't think I could have made the ... "cut".

    Have you faced any extreme situation of hopelessness, but still succeeded in whatever you were trying to do?: Well I had been pushed or erm thrown of a bridge on the King's Road and had twisted it quite badly, someone who I had thought to be a friend took me to his healing room and locked me up, he then brought my out and I nearly threw up.

    He had captured 3 Zombie Pig-whatevers and well 2 other people. We were forced into the "Arena". I managed to escape unharmed by squeezing through a small gap, but the other people didn't well...you know...make it.

    How are you with bows and swords? [Levels]: ((17 Swords & 10 Bows)) I have a bit to learn but ((levels)) looks deceive...

    What are your attitudes toward combat and diplomacy? How do you handle yourself?: I prefer the combat though if task is not serious I would "talk". I live in the world of Combat so Diplomacy is fairly new.

    Describe your personality: I am a lonely man, many of my friends died protecting Alras. I am friendly and I am extremely loyal to the Oren. I disagree with Orcs and their habits. But overall a friendly person who is always willing to help.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to -new nation name pending- and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: Loyalty is my middle name! Well not really but you get the point so yes. I enjoy being among my Brethren. I would sacrifice myself to save Aegis, if only it was that easy, if you know what I mean.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I lived with a friend in an Inn for 1 year and when it went bankrupt, he begged me for my life savings and I stayed loyal to our dream and used up my life's savings. My friend was assassinated later that year, and the Inn now stands now unfinished near the water's edge...

    Describe what "Being a Ranger" means to you: Being a Ranger even though I haven't had the pleasure of being one yet, would hopefully give me the wonderful feeling that I'm doing something with my precious single life. I wish to gain friends and hopefully enough Minas to get through...

    A citizen is being held up on the road by three hooded people with swords. They seem well armed and the person is clearly giving up their possessions under threat of death. You are on the road and have not yet been spotted. What do you do?: Well first things first, the citizen MUST get out alive and so must I. I would try and cause a distraction while blending in and hope that the hooded thugs move away from the citizen. At that point the citizen should be able to get away. Then I would have to find the means of escape. Probably up in the trees.

    Two citizens are arguing over ownership of a diamond. One man claimed he was robbed, the other claims the diamond was his to begin with. There are no witnesses and no guardsmen around. What do you do?: I would confiscate the diamond until further investigation was held. Because giving to one man straight up could be the wrong decision. Say I made the mistake of doing that, the man who rightfully owned it would have just had around 250 Minas just taken off him by someone who is supposed to be here to help, me.

    You see a dark hooded man walking down the Kings Road toward Al'Khazar, what do you do? Explain the reasoning behind your actions or lack thereof: I would ask him to raise his hood for a race inspection then tell him not to wear the hood within the human borders.

    Show me you know how to talk in OOC: Using (( before and )) at the end of your message. And make sure not to tell where anyone is, that would be Metagaming.

    Is there anything else you'd like to add?: No I am done.

    Link to server application: I believe the FM's have decided to remove the APPs that have been looked at?

  9. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Maxsos55

    -How old are you?: 12

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: UTC+08:00

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar? Yes, But were all Human here, only the occasional mistake.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Every day I come home to my family from school and I play Minecraft. I’ve been looking for a server with a MMORPG feel for ages now. I love Baseball and I pitch for my team, Wembley 15’s.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I can play up to 30 hours and at least 5 hours. So I’ll be an active player.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for a good 1 year now.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: To know RP you must see the world through your character’s eyes, smell it through your character’s nose, no, you must BE your character, make the decisions of what you truly want to decide and on top of that you mustn't type YO! and just walk in a door! You must ask if anyone's home and let them open it up for you!

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: An epic MMORP Experience, I mean to play with your mates, is that not fun? I think this server deserves to stay #1.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: None. This will be my first.I played with my friend on a survival but ... boring.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Completely. They make total sense and I agree with every single one.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: That would be but not limited to, Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves. Not including sub-races and the Undead and Ascendents.

    -How did you hear about us?: A website showed this as #1! Plus my friend plays on it, I played on it at his house and I LOVE IT.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Maxsos55


    -Character Name: Delarian Leath

    -What is your Race?: Human.

    -Biography: Delarian was born on the road in a small cart. This was before Delarian and his parents had settled in the small house outside the Human capital of Al'Khazar. It was a quiet morning near Malinor when he was born and the sun was warm and not too bright. His parents thought he was beautiful.

    When Delarian was just 5 he learnt how to grow and collect wheat. He helped his father collect the season's worth and trade it for some Minas. With the money Kigh, his father went out and bought Delarian a wooden sword so he could play with his friends. He loved his father a lot and he thanked him by helping him every year by collecting the crops. Delarian lost his mother to the Chickenpox. The local the priest was unable to help and the funeral was a few weeks later.

    At the age of just 18, Delarian and his Father, Kaigh, went out to trade with the Elves. The day before they had found an Elfin sword in the ruins of their house and wanted to return it to the Elves for 100 Minas to buy 100 Cobblestone so they could repair their house that had been burned by thugs. The early morning finally turned to dawn as the sun lazily peeped over the horizon. Kaigh quickly glanced up in the direction Malinor, a small band of bandits had charged out of the trees. In the heat of the fray Delarian managed to take out two of the three thugs but when he looked back, the last bandit stabbed Kaigh in the back. Kaigh’s death came quick and cleanly.

    Delarian quickly dispatched the last Bandit. Lying next to his father’s silent body, Delarian fell asleep in a heap of tears and his father’s blood. 5 years later Delarian awakes to now, in the Cloud Temple of Aegis.

    -Character Age: 23, quite young for a Human.

    -Character Appearance: A strong, handsome man with brown hair, he wears leather adventurer clothing and has light-tan skin.

    -Character Personality: Loves to fight alongside friends, extremely loyal and will never abandon a good fight. He enjoys a good beer from Al’Khazar.

    -Your ambitions: Start fresh and forget the horrors of his hard, past life.

    -Can your character read or write?: In his early years he learnt from his dad, he was quick to learn the alphabet.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes, he is extremely strong and can swing a heavy Pickaxe due to the fact that his father had met a Dwarf and received a few tips.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes, he has experience in the work and has helped with a few large builds. He watched his father build sheds and fences and now knows the basics.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, he is very strong and has beaten off many thugs and bandits. He played “Bandits and Guards” with his friends at an early age, which involves rough play and wooden swords.

    -Enjoy Farming?: He has been doing it most of his life so he is very skilled with the concept.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: No, he is ok at painting nature though.

    -A screenshot of your skin: My skin is in the picture: http://www.planetmin...rld-of-kaladra/

    -Other Information: Even if I’m not accepted, this is an amazing server, well done! NERVOUS

  10. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Maxsos55

    -How old are you?: 12

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: UTC+08:00

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar? Yes, But were all Human here, only the occasional mistake.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Every day I come home to my family from school and I play Minecraft. I’ve been looking for a server with a MMORPG feel for ages now. I love Baseball and I pitch for my team, Wembley 15’s.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I can play up to 30 hours and at least 5 hours. So I’ll be an active player.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for a good 1 year now.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: To know RP you must see the world through your character’s eyes, smell it through your character’s nose, no, you must BE your character, make the decisions of what you truly want to decide and on top of that you mustn't type YO! and just walk in a door! You must ask if anyone's home and let them open it up for you!

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: An epic MMORP Experience, I mean to play with your mates, is that not fun? I think this server deserves to stay #1.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: None. This will be my first.I played with my friend on a survival but ... boring.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Completely. They make total sense and I agree with every single one.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: That would be but not limited to, Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves. Not including sub-races and the Undead and Ascendents.

    -How did you hear about us?: A website showed this as #1! Plus my friend plays on it, I played on it at his house and I LOVE IT.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Maxsos55


    -Character Name: Delarian Leath

    -What is your Race?: Human.

    -Biography: At the age of just 18, Delarian and his Father, Kaigh, went out to trade with the Elves. The day before they had found an Elfin sword in the ruins of their house and wanted to return it to the Elves for 100 Minas to buy 100 Cobblestone so they could repair their house that had been burned by thugs. The early morning finally turned to dawn as the sun lazily peeped over the horizon. Kaigh quickly glanced up in the direction Malinor, a small band of bandits had charged out of the trees. In the heat of the fray Delarian managed to take out two of the three thugs but when he looked back, the last bandit stabbed Kaigh in the back. Kaigh’s death came quick and cleanly.

    Delarian quickly dispatched the last Bandit. Lying next to his father’s silent body, Delarian fell asleep in a heap of tears and his father’s blood. 5 years later Delarian awakes to now, in the Cloud Temple of Aegis.

    -Character Age: 23, quite young for a Human.

    -Character Appearance: A strong, handsome man with brown hair, he wears leather adventurer clothing and has light-tan skin.

    -Character Personality: Loves to fight alongside friends, extremely loyal and will never abandon a good fight. He enjoys a good beer from Al’Khazar.

    -Your ambitions: Start fresh and forget the horrors of his hard, past life.

    -Can your character read or write?: In his early years he learnt from his dad, he was quick to learn the alphabet.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes, he is extremely strong and can swing a heavy Pickaxe due to the fact that his father had met a Dwarf and received a few tips.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes, he has experience in the work and has helped with a few large builds. He watched his father build sheds and fences and now knows the basics.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, he is very strong and has beaten off many thugs and bandits. He played “Bandits and Guards” with his friends at an early age, which involves rough play and wooden swords.

    -Enjoy Farming?: He has been doing it most of his life so he is very skilled with the concept.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: No, he is ok at painting nature though.

    -A screenshot of your skin: My skin is in the picture: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/world-of-kaladra/ Or it should be in the attatchments!

    -Other Information: Even if I’m not accepted, this is an amazing server, well done! NERVOUS :unsure:

  11. When I release my second APP attempt tomorrow could you be the App team member to read it, you just seem so nice and I CAN ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND YOUR FEEDBACK! Rather than some app's copy and paste routine. :blink: . Anyways if I'm denied could you tell me how I could Improve?



  12. How old are you?:12

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Australia

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, I get “A” every year in English.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I love games like Minecraft! I was born in Canberra, Australia. I have the cutest puppy ever called Jett!

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 4-5 hours

    How long have you played minecraft?:A good year now!

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I play a MMORPG Called World of Warcraft, you probably know it, I’m level 85!

    What do you expect this server will be like?:From what I’ve heard from my friends, Epic!

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I had my own but I heard about this and decided to try it out instead of my server!

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:Yes, they made a lot of sense and I totally agree with them.

    Name the 4 races on this server. Orc, Elf, Human and Dwarf!

    How did you hear about us?:My friends and a Server List website.

    Did you vote?:Yes, I mean why not?

    What was your favourite Law?:No destroying landscape.

    What was your least favourite Law?:No, I thought they were all fair and made total sense.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Maxsos55

    Character Name: Delarian Leathson

    What is your Race?: Human

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Sorry, I do not understand? I have entered my account name.

    Biography: When Delarian was young, his father was killed by some raiders. Delarian swore to avenge him. He is now a farmer but when he earns enough, he will venture far and wide in search of his father’s murderers.

    Character Age:25

    Character Appearance: Strong and very handsome. Blonde semi-long blond hair. With Old farmer’s clothes.

    Character Personality: Kind but hot tempered when dealing with enemies and personal affairs. Funny but serious.

    Your ambitions: To join the Military in hope of one day avenging his Father.

    Can your character read or write?: Yes.

    Can your character mine?: Yes, but has not had much experience.

    Are you a capable builder? Sheds and farmhouses, so a bit.

    Can you wield a sword?:Certainly, he has practices with his father’s sword often.

    Enjoy Farming?:No, but he has to do it.

    Does your character have any special skills?: Has once conjured a Firebolt but is unsure how.

    A screenshot of your skin: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/world-of-kaladra/ <===== It's in the picture.

    Other Information: Hopes to get accepted.

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