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Posts posted by Urak'lur


    Out-Of-Character Information:

    Minecraft Account Name:[xray32]

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:[unfortunatly, no I missed out on a very memorable time.]

    How old are you?:[18]

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:[united States of America]

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:[College level english, high vocabulary, high SAT scores!]

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:[i am a chill person to hang out with, fun person to get to know and very trustworthy. I learned all of my honor and respect from U.S Army ROTC and continuing this knowledge into the military. I am a Company Executive Officer with the rank of First Lieutenant and currently in charge of Brooklyn's Tiger Battalion Alpha Company which has subordinates of over 160 students/cadets/recruits. I have outstanding leadership skills for an 18 year old and look forward to joining and helping out this server!]

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:[Quite a bit! 5-7 days a week, about 3-3&1/2hrs. a day possibly more!]

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:[Roleplaying in my eyes, is a new world, a new life, a new opportunity or somewhat of a second chance. Where you can create a second "you" or picture yourself in a different timeline with a different attitude. Roleplaying is not easy, for it takes skill to design and become almost literally another entity and master his/her personality as well as your own and incorporate the two together. Players take responsibility for their character life as if it was their own and make the experience as realistic as possible. I love the fact that people completely change who they are to someone they want to be and cope with it. It is beyond just a game, it is a profession or occupation in another life. I have played quite a bit of role-play such as minecraft servers, Dungeons and Dragons, World of Warcraft (role-players guild) and i would love to participate! I know i can make my character fit right in and i know I can become an excellent edition to the Aegis Civilization.]

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.[Metagmaing is about using your outside knowledge, strategies and problem solving skills to take care of any obstacle, question, quest or any task you may come across in-game. a player is metagaming when they use knowledge that is not available to their character in order to change the way they play their character and the character's attributes. It's about making you and your character incorporated and more atoned with each other to make your everyday life experience become how you would want it. Powergaming, on the other hand is more in-game character based as it involves your character's attributes and how powerful your character is. Either it is getting your character to a certain rank of power, level, equipment or even skill its about achieving your character based goals. Powergaming is like an art of creating systems to incorporate with the game to help the process of leveling up and getting equipment. Powergaming is used in every RolePlaying situation whether you realize it or not. These two topics are essential for a Roleplayer's success because their character will not strive without your knowledge and strategies as well as its level of power and how you get him/her there. ]

    What do you expect this server will be like?:[i would expect it to my huge, like a fantasy world. something like a virtual reality. a place where my character can live and strive with companions! from the looks of the website, screenshots, server, world, trailer, and even this post, you guys seem like dedicated people and i love that! i would love to be a part of this extraordinary world!]

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:[stronghold, Voxel Box, and random RP mini servers, i left them for disorganization, excessively breaking character, very corrupt judicial system and by far the worst trading system ever!]

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:[Yes i have! they are great very specific and stern. Additionally, the lore is seamless seems as if every race has an excellent class triangle and all positions seem well set!]

    How did you hear about us?:[searched Fantasy and Roleplaying and you are very well developed and advertised at the top!]

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? [i will definitely! but i would like to get a feel of your server's full capabilities before i cast my vote, it is only fair that way.]

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:[xray32]

    In-Character Information

    Character Name: [urak]

    What is your Race?:[Orc]

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):[urak, son of Skarbog, Has a very complicated and unsettled past. Additionally, because of such a childhood his future is now rattled. He was born into and as a part of the Grork clan with his father and was content in his home. Descended from the Gorkils, the Grork clan split after a disagreement about fighting in the clan wars, and actively fought with the Dom clan against the Rex Clan. Urak was trained as a blacksmith and warrior starting at the young age of seven and mastered skills upon his own time as he grew up. At the age of 17, the town was ruined during the war and because of the disagreements, civilians were scattered and disorganized during the battles; as well as tremendous death percentages within the villages. Urak, was forced to hide but he wanted to fight to prove his readiness! After hearing the Battle-maiden shout "We are overrun! Fallback!" He ran outside to see what has happend. The town was broken, and the clan was killed while trying to use dark magic to empower themselves during the battle of Sanjezal. All civilians lie dead before his eyes as well as seeing the fires ablaze in call for help. His father grabbed him from behind and escaped before they were compromised and killed. They traveled as swiftly as possible to their mother clan, The Gorkils, who have heard the terrible news but did not really care due to the disrespect of the Grorks when trying to use necromancy. They stayed for a while and Skarbog said to his son "Urak you have trained well and proven yourself! but ye need to listen ere! I am being sent off to battle for the clan wars and you are too young to serve, it is not safe for you ere! you must gather food and supplies and make haste to the Ugluks, they will have more than ready for combat. I am sorry son but this is something that I have no control over. I believe in your future! Go NOW!". A small tear dropped and Urak set off to start on his own. During his long travels he felt a hard hit to the stomach and emotions as if death was upon him, his father was killed in action at that same moment. Urak completed his journey and was safe and impressed by the Ugluk's fierce warriors, berserkers, and their massive intimidating battle cry. Urak watched them train, trained with them, and by the age 19 he was ready for combat. After the Ugluks pledged loyalty to Rex Tythus, Urak fought well in all battles and soon later watched Rex Tythus fall in a duel to Mogroka'Gorkil and Gorefang'Khor. He is proud to be an Orc and to have fought throughout all of these battles for a solid future civilization and his father's wish. He is now still apart of the Gorkil clan and he will not forget what has happened to his home, family and is filled with rage by the word of the death of his father, Skarbog. Urak is a true warrior and is looking to help start a new beginning for the Orc race and maintain a loyal civilization. ]

    Your characters ambitions:[My ambitions are to find a new home, work with others to make my orcish empire the biggest and most feared. To destroy the competition and be the best and honorably serve the Warchief and Battlemaiden in any field of work. Do not get me fooled for a peon, i am an orc that will decimate for my kingdom! Ultimately, to experience the new Orc empire and help with the overcoming of obstacles, tasks, quests and guidelines faced everyday ]

    A screenshot of your skin: [My Skin

    also, my picture/avatar on this forum is my In Game Skin so you may not have to click the click if you do not wish to.]

    Other Information:[Would really love to play ASAP i need an excellent server to call home and this looks like its the one. I, as my character works well with everyone and is free to talk on TeamSpeak or Ventrillo and work with everyone thanks again. Good luck and God speed. please feel free to view my previous applications if you wish to find out older information or knowledge about my character! I have been writing and illustrating folklore since i was a kid and it really peeks my interest!]

  2. Out-Of-Character Information

    -Minecraft Account Name:[xray32]

    -How old are you?:[18]

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: [united States of America]

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:[College level english, high vocabulary, high SAT scores!]

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:[i am a chill person to hang out with, fun person to get to know and very trustworthy. I learned all of my honor and respect from U.S Army ROTC and continuing this knowledge into the military. I am a Company Executive Officer with the rank of First Lieutenant and currently in charge of Brooklyn's Tiger Battalion Alpha Company which has subordinates of over 160 students/cadets/recruits. I have outstanding leadership skills for an 18 year old and look forward to joining and helping out this server! ]

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:[Quite a bit! 5-7 days a week, about 3-3&1/2hrs. a day possibly more!

    -How long have you played minecraft?:[i was one of the few testers and then a few months after the alpha release! Just about June 2009 - Present day]

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:[Roleplaying in my eyes, is a new world, a new life, a new opportunity or somewhat of a second chance. Where you can create a second "you" or picture yourself in a different timeline with a different attitude. Roleplaying is not easy, for it takes skill to design and become almost literally another entity and master his/her personality as well as your own and incorporate the two together. Players take responsibility for their character life as if it was their own and make the experience as realistic as possible. I love the fact that people completely change who they are to someone they want to be and cope with it. It is beyond just a game, it is a profession or occupation in another life. I have played quite a bit of role-play such as minecraft servers, Dungeons and Dragons, World of Warcraft (role-players guild) and i would love to participate! I know i can make my character fit right in and i know I can become an excellent edition to the Aegis Civilization.]

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:[i would expect it to my huge, like a fantasy world. something like a virtual reality. a place where my character can live and strive with companions! from the looks of the website, screenshots, server, world, trailer, and even this post, you guys seem like dedicated people and i love that! i would love to be a part of this extraordinary world!]

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:[stronghold, Voxel Box, and random RP mini servers, i left them for disorganization, excessively breaking character, very corrupt judicial system and by far the worst trading system ever!]

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:[Yes i have! they are great very specific and stern. Additionally, the lore is seamless seems as if every race has an excellent class triangle and all positions seem well set!]

    -Name the 4 races on this server. [Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Orc. i also seen Undead and Ascended i am not sure if they counted since you only asked for four]

    -How did you hear about us?:[searched Fantasy and Roleplaying and you are at the top! ]

    -Did you vote?:[i will definetly! but i would like to get a feel of your server's full capabilities before i cast my vote, it is only fair that way.]

    -What was your favourite Law?:[You must play in character as this is an RP server! & NO racial discrimination to RP's race!]

    -What was your least favourite Law?:[No Griefing.. ONLY because i feel as if you raid a small village, you should be able to pillage and destroy SOME items but otherwise it is a very VERY GOOD rule!]

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?[xray32]

    In-Character INFORMATION:

    -Character Name:[urak]

    -What is your Race?:[Orc]

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:[xray32]


    [urak, son of Skarbog, Has a very complicated and unsettled past. Additionally, because of such a childhood his future is now rattled. He was born into and as a part of the Grork clan with his father and was content in his home. Descended from the Gorkils, the Grork clan split after a disagreement about fighting in the clan wars, and actively fought with the Dom clan against the Rex Clan. Urak was trained as a blacksmith and warrior starting at the young age of seven and mastered skills upon his own time as he grew up. At the age of 17, the town was ruined during the war and because of the disagreements, civilians were scattered and disorganized during the battles; as well as tremendous death percentages within the villages. Urak, was forced to hide but he wanted to fight to prove his readiness! After hearing the Battle-maiden shout "We are overrun! Fallback!" He ran outside to see what has happend. The town was broken, and the clan was killed while trying to use dark magic to empower themselves during the battle of Sanjezal. All civilians lie dead before his eyes as well as seeing the fires ablaze in call for help. His father grabbed him from behind and escaped before they were compromised and killed. They traveled as swiftly as possible to their mother clan, The Gorkils, who have heard the terrible news but did not really care due to the disrespect of the Grorks when trying to use necromancy. They stayed for a while and Skarbog said to his son "Urak you have trained well and proven yourself! but ye need to listen ere! I am being sent off to battle for the clan wars and you are too young to serve, it is not safe for you ere! you must gather food and supplies and make haste to the Ugluks, they will have more than ready for combat. I am sorry son but this is something that I have no control over. I believe in your future! Go NOW!". A small tear dropped and Urak set off to start on his own. During his long travels he felt a hard hit to the stomach and emotions as if death was upon him, his father was killed in action at that same moment. Urak completed his journey and was safe and impressed by the Ugluk's fierce warriors, berserkers, and their massive intimidating battle cry. Urak watched them train, trained with them, and by the age 19 he was ready for combat. After the Ugluks pledged loyalty to Rex Tythus, Urak fought well in all battles and soon later watched Rex Tythus fall in a duel to Mogroka'Gorkil and Gorefang'Khor. He is proud to be an Orc and to have fought throughout all of these battles for a solid future civilization and his father's wish. He is now still apart of the Gorkil clan and he will not forget what has happened to his home, family and is filled with rage by the word of the death of his father, Skarbog. Urak is a true warrior and is looking to help start a new beginning for the Orc race and maintain a loyal civilization. ]

    -Character Age:[25]

    -Character Appearance:[urak's stern yet still face is filled with despair emotionally and physically scruffy. With his beard dark as night and hair pony tailed in the style of a native BloodAxe orc's. He wears a red tie in his hear to remind him of his BloodAxe colors and his father, Skarbog's weathered cape. Additionally, he is wearing a scarred, battered and torn leather tunic after his adventure out of town and still wears them comfortably. His fearless presence intimidates even the scariest, yet attracts others who question his past and try to befriend him as a protector or companion.]

    -Character Personality:[Different from other Orcs, Urak, was raised with a manneristic tone yet brutal if you are to agitate him. He is short tempered and does not barter well. He rarely takes no for an answer but has brotherhood in his blood causing him to work extremely well in a group of people. He is very fearless and motivating as well as always boosts his group's morale!]

    -Your ambitions:[My ambitions are to find a new home, work with others to make my orcish empire the biggest and most feared. To destroy the competition and be the best and honorably serve the Warchief and Battlemaiden in any field of work. Do not get me fooled for a peon, i am an orc that will decimate for my kingdom!]

    -Can your character read or write?:[He has worked with scholars and scribes but he only knows enough to be street smart and get him by for common and some complicated quests, objectives, obstacles, and everyday encounters. ]

    -Can your character mine?:[Yes, but simple ores, gold at max.]

    -Are you a capable builder?[Yes! building homes, castles, temples, forges, and smaller kingdoms. the more help, the bigger and better!]

    -Can you wield a sword?:[Yes! most definitely! but i prefer BattleAxe! ]

    -Enjoy Farming?:[No, not much at all, but animal raising and slaughter houses are a fine profession]

    -Does your character have any special skills?:[urak can smell the flesh of the enemy and enrage with his weapon with a move he calls "BloodLust!" destroying anyone in his path. He is an excellent Hunter, Blacksmith and crafter!]

    -A screenshot of your skin:[My Skin

    also, my picture/avatar on this forum is my In Game Skin so you may not have to click the click if you do not wish to. ]

    -Other Information:[Would really love to play ASAP i need an excellent server to call home and this looks like its the one. I, as my character works well with everyone and is free to talk on TeamSpeak or Ventrillo and work with everyone thanks again. Good luck and God speed]

  3. Hey, I'm not an application team member, and I think your app. is really good, but before they review it, you might want to change the Biography. It's really good, but Elves and orcs are basically allies on this server. That's it though, applications really good.

    Thanks so much! yeahh i am a really great story writer i have been doing it since i was a kid as well as pretty good illustrations. I did not mean to get you in trouble if you would like to message me off topic, my email is [email protected]. look forward to hearing from you!

  4. Don't post on other people's application please, it throws us application team members off completely.


    Give the definition of Role Playing in your eyes and how you view it. Also do not create your own lore to adapt your biography, use already existent guilds or clans by reading the lore.

    AHH sorry friend....it was just my character's story line...i based it off of the lord of the rings which is where i got the Elvish language! but do i still have a chance in playing?? i would really love to! i have seen a multiple of videos and higlights and this server looks beyond amazing! shall i reapply? is there any other way i can get in please let me know!

  5. Out-Of-Character Information

    -Minecraft Account Name:[xray32]

    -How old are you?:[18]

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: [united States of America]

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:[College level english, high vocabulary, high SAT scores!]

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:[i am a chill person to hang out with, fun person to get to know and very trustworthy. I learned all of my honor and respect from U.S Army ROTC and continuing this knowledge into the military. I am a Company Executive Officer with the rank of First Lieutenant and currently in charge of Brooklyn's Tiger Battalion Alpha Company which has subordinates of over 160 students/cadets/recruits. I have outstanding leadership skills for an 18 year old and look forward to joining and helping out this server! ]

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:[Quite a bit! 5-7 days a week, about 3-3&1/2hrs. a day possibly more!

    -How long have you played minecraft?:[i was one of the few testers and then a few months after the alpha release! Just about June 2009 - Present day]

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:[Roleplaying should be my middle name. I love the fact that people completely change who they are to someone they want to be and cope with it. it makes the game feel like a new world! i have played quite a bit of role-play such as minecraft servers, Dungeons and Dragons, World of Warcraft (role-players guild) and i would love to participate!]]

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:[i would expect it to my huge, like a fantasy world. something like a virtual reality. a place where my character can live and strive with companions! from the looks of the website, screenshots, server, world, trailer, and even this post, you guys seem like dedicated people and i love that! i would love to be a part of this extraordinary world!]

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:[stronghold, Voxel Box, and random RP mini servers, i left them for disorganization, excessively breaking character, very corrupt judicial system and by far the worst trading system ever!]

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:[Yes i have! they are great very specific and stern. Additionally, the lore is seamless seems as if every race has an excellent class triangle and all positions seem well set!]

    -Name the 4 races on this server. [Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Orc. i also seen Undead and Ascended i am not sure if they counted since you only asked for four]

    -How did you hear about us?:[searched Fantasy and Roleplaying and you are at the top! ]

    -Did you vote?:[i will definetly! but i would like to get a feel of your server's full capabilities before i cast my vote, it is only fair that way.]

    -What was your favourite Law?:[You must play in character as this is an RP server! & NO racial discrimination to RP's race!]

    -What was your least favourite Law?:[No Griefing.. ONLY because i feel as if you raid a small village, you should be able to pillage and destroy SOME items but otherwise it is a very VERY GOOD rule!]

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?[xray32]

    In-Character INFORMATION:

    -Character Name:[urak]

    -What is your Race?:[Orc]

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:[xray32]

    -Biography:[urak, son of Skarbog, of the BloodAxe Orcs, was raised in a town of war and despair but most of all, a town of sincere brotherhood. Urak was trained as a blacksmith and warrior starting at the young age of seven and mastered skills upon his own time as he grew up. At the age of 16, the town was attacked by the IthilAsëa Elves (IthilAsëa is elvish for MoonLeaf), the towns longest rivals. These elves came by night and broke through the main defense gate with a flash and the night guards sounded the Horn of Lok'tra. Civilians ran to battle stations and young Urak, was forced to hide but he wanted to fight to prove his readiness! After hearing the Battle-maiden shout "We are overrun! Fallback!" He ran outside to see what has happend. The town was broken and all civilians lie dead before his eyes as well as seeing the IthilAsëa Elves run towards him. He wielded his Axe and battered through ten elves, dropping them to the ground swiftly, and with a fearless stance, he readily waited for his next opponent. His father, Skarbog, seen his son destroy those ten elves and knew he was ready for anything. As he approached his son, an arrow of the IthilAsëa pierced his leather armor and another one shortly after, delivered the killing blow to the heart of Skarbog. Urak watched his father die and enraged, shattering the skull and bones of the Archer who shot his father and the remaining IthilAsëa Elves in the area. The elves retreated and the raid was over, but not in the mind and hearts of the BloodAxe people. Urak sworn to wear the BloodAxe Flag and colors forever and left at the age of 20 to find a new home, friends, brothers and civilization. He will not forget what has happened to his home and family, and is still filled with rage by the death of his father, Skarbog.]

    -Character Age:[20]

    -Character Appearance:[urak's stern yet still face is filled with despair emotionally and physically scruffy. With his beard dark as night and hair pony tailed in the style of a native BloodAxe orc's. He wears a red tie in his hear to remind him of his BloodAxe colors and his father, Skarbog's weathered cape. Additionally, he is wearing a scarred, battered and torn leather tunic after his adventure out of town and still wears them comfortably. His fearless presence intimidates even the scariest, yet attracts others who question his past and try to befriend him as a protector or companion.]

    -Character Personality:[Different from other Orcs, Urak, was raised with a manneristic tone yet brutal if you are to agitate him. He is short tempered and does not barter well. He rarely takes no for an answer but has brotherhood in his blood causing him to work extremely well in a group of people. He is very fearless and motivating as well as always boosts his group's morale!]

    -Your ambitions:[My ambitions are to find a new home, work with others to make my orcish empire the biggest and most feared. To destroy the competition and be the best and honorably serve the Warchief and Battlemaiden in any field of work. Do not get me fooled for a peon, i am an orc that will decimate for my kingdom!]

    -Can your character read or write?:[He has worked with scholars and scribes but he only knows enough to be street smart and get him by for common and some complicated quests, objectives, obstacles, and everyday encounters. ]

    -Can your character mine?:[Yes, but simple ores, gold at max.]

    -Are you a capable builder?[Yes! building homes, castles, temples, forges, and smaller kingdoms. the more help, the bigger and better!]

    -Can you wield a sword?:[Yes! most definitely! but i prefer BattleAxe! ]

    -Enjoy Farming?:[No, not much at all, but animal raising and slaughter houses are a fine profession]

    -Does your character have any special skills?:[urak can smell the flesh of the enemy and enrage with his weapon with a move he calls "BloodLust!" destroying anyone in his path. He is an excellent Hunter, Blacksmith and crafter!]

    -A screenshot of your skin:[http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u63/Spyder3132/Screenshot2011-11-26at41339PM.png]

    -Other Information:[Would really love to play ASAP i need an excellent server to call home and this looks like its the one. I, as my character works well with everyone and is free to talk on TeamSpeak or Ventrillo and work with everyone thanks again. Good luck and God speed]

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