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Posts posted by Shadehealer



    MC Name: Shadehealer

    How active are you?: 4-8h / day when liking (3-5 days a week), or quitting for a year at a time.

    Discord: Shadehealer#9596

    Timezone: GMT+2



    RP Name: Elumeria

    Gender: grill

    Note: Learned smithing from orcs, dwarves and elves. Also an honorary dwarf.


  2. Hello!

    Currently I am playing on an account "Hydracen", but recently I discovered I am unable to change my skin, which disturbs some of the roleplay elements in this server. Therefore I want to ask: Would it be possible to remove the current account from whitelist of the server, and give it to a different account instead?
    I do not have a second account yet, but I am thinking about getting one to enhance the RP experience.

    Thank you
    -Shadehealer / Hydracen

  3. MC name: Revilo309

    Character name: Tyrande

    Short Biography: I left home to seek wisdom and lost my way home. I adventured for many years and learned to survive easily in the forests. Now I seek to help people who need it, but first I need help myself to get a good life up.

    Why do you think The Walkers is the guild for you? Becouse it has economical ideas and good team.

    Which branch will you choose and why: DayWalkers/NightWalkers? DayWalkers as I wish to get my food done and I'll do it by farming.

    Which special skills will the guild have use for in you? I am a good hunter and very skillful with bow, as I am a wood elf.

  4. -ooc info

    mc name: Revilo309

    age: 14

    time zone: Don't know

    good grip on english and its grammar?: Yes

    do you know teamspeak and are you willing to use it?: No and yes

    have you read, understood and agreed to our rules?: Yes

    -ic info

    name: Tyrande

    race: Elf

    experience: I am good at cutting wood and transporting things.

    have you even been in another guild/company/clan in lotc?: No

    do you know where our HQ is located ((prob not :P)): Yes, I was taken there :P

    how did you hear about us?: From a friendly person that I met near Laurelin

    why do you want to join us?: To get paid/laid :D I also need good partners and a place to live.

  5. I think they should set a max minas of around 40k. We don't want to kill the economy, but we do want to sort of "restart it". Also, someone above said give each item a weight, and you can only take a max number of items, that add up to the weight!

    I thought this would work fairly well. It is hard being the little one, and working your way up, were their stack of wood is their most prized object, but at the same like everyone else said, we don't want the huge money makers, to have a crazy amount of wealth...

    Just my opinion.

    The first idea is good becouse it's annoying to have someone with a moving fortress (after they

    have mined) and also it's bad to fall down a hole and die with your moving fortress.

    The second idea is better than nothing, but won't help, becouse if i have wealth in items, it's just like investing so it doesn't change much.

  6. Minecraft Account Name: Revilo309

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: No

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Living in Estonia, don't know time zone.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I like computer games, I dont have hobbies, I get good marks.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 15-20 hours

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: It's playing as someone you need to and acting just like you should if you were him/her, using the world around you when doing so, based on his/her experience so far, not yours.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Powergaming is doing somehing to only advance, but in an inhumanous way (in RP) like mining for 5 days straight as an elf. Metagaming is the use of information gathered from outside the game to affect your in-game decisions.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: Bad/wierd/confusing as I have had so many bad memories with many servers so far.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I got griefed so I rage-quit and some guy (in another server) banned all people online currently. That wasn't my fault.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have read them, I understand all of them and I agree to follow them as I play in this minecraft server.

    How did you hear about us?: Found it randomly by searching for more servers (as you know what happened previously)

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? Yes, I don't know my vote number :S I could insert my name there, it was Revilo309

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shadehealer

    Character Name: Tyrande Whisperwind

    What is your Race?: Wood elf.

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well

    as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    When I was 10 years old, I started wandering in the forest where we lived. I found beautiful plants there, but I did not yet understand why I liked them so much. When I first had the idea of bringing them home, my parents told me that I may not do such thing to nature as ripping them apart. I had not thought of it this way so I was sad.

    I explored the forest more and by the age of 25 I knew most of the plants' names and locations if the forest. This was not enough for me as I wanted to learn why are these plants here. I also found some very rare plants in the boarderlines of the forest and I started to understand what condidions a certain plant needs to grow.

    When I was 40 years old, I met a stranger near the forest that ripped the plants off the ground. I asked him not to do that, but he said that these ''flowers'' are useful in the water, not on the ground. I was confused and asked my parents about this, they said that the man was surely not one of us. I didn't beleve them, but I said I would.

    I began to look for the man when I was in the forest while also researcing for more ''flowers''. I was already 60 years old when I met the man again. I said I wanted to learn from him. He took me with him and taught me how to make ''tea''. It's main ingredients were flowers ripped from the ground, but he called it picking, not ripping.

    He also taught me that picking flowers doesn't hurt the nature, but actually helps it, when done in small amounts. I found out he called himself a druid, the keeper of the forest. I understood that my parents were ''older generation'' and didn't beleve into younger people or the people they hadn't known for their whole life, but I saw that the druid knows the nature well. When I had learned many winters, I returned home from a far place. I didn't have time to

    visit my home, becouse the ''druid'' was in a hurry all the time.

    When I got home, My parents were gone. They had left a flower on the table. It was dead by now. I didn't know if I should have gone to look for them, but I felt

    so young that I didn't. I thought the druid could take care of me, but When I went to look for the druid again,

    he was gone too. 30 years had passed since I last saw my parents. And now I was lost in the wilds. Alone. Thinking back to it, my parents told me I should not listen to strangers. I regret that I didn't listen to my parents.

    I quickly understood that I actually had the experience to survive in the forest with ease. I built myself a small cottage from branches and the big trees protected me from rain. 5 yearslater decided I should find more people like me to share my thoughts with. The forest was bigger than I had thought, I had only been to one side of the forest, but the other side was bigger. And stranger. I felt wierd being there. I thought it's just that it was a new place to

    me, but as I went on, I noticed that the trees were damaged, the further I went, the more the trees looked ill. I went even further, though I was afraid.

    I saw white creatures that had big holes in their bodies and greenish people with so big scratches that their inside was revealed. I was schocked so I ran away from there. For 5 years, I thought about what I had seen. By that long time, I felt like it wasn't so scary and went back. I was shocked again when I felt the illness very close to

    my cottage. The ''wounded ones'' had expanded their area of living. I thought that I could make friends with them, but as I revealed myself, they started to move towards me and make movements that were hostile towards me. I ran away quickly. I ran in the other direction and got out of the forest soon.

    I was still scared so I kept running. I started living next to some trees. It felt safer than just a plain ground. I had lived there for 10 years.

    Once I heared a strange noise. I thought it was the wounded one and decided to kill it. But as it was close, I just took a stick from my house' roof, jumped out of the house and stabbed it. It was a person similiar to me! And I ... I killed..him... I started to cry becouse this would have been a way out of the horror of the wounded ones. And the only person that could have lead me out of here..I killed him! Then I recognised that this was the druid I met a long time ago. He told me:''Go! I'll be just fine.'' Then he died.

    From that day on, I didn't stay at one place for more than a night. 3 years had passed from the accedent.

    I found a big area that had many structures on it. I quietly sneaked nearby and as my food supplies had ended about 2 days ago, I secretly took some food and ran away to a nearby tree. When I was eating, I suddenly felt a sharp thing on my neck. A quiet voice said: ''Give me all you have or you will die!'' I was in a panic so I yelled for help, and just then I realised that I had stolen things from those people, so they could revenge me by not helping me. But they helped me by catching the thief. They even thanked me for helping them that way. I then understood that these people are good and kind people. Their skin is not violet, but they do things like me.

    I stayed with them for about 3 years, and they led me into a small forest. They asked me to quard that place if I'd like to. I happily accepted the request. I had visitors every week and I kept in close touch with those people. They call themselves humans, villagers, more exact. When I defended the forest for around 4 years, they asked me what was my goal in life. I said I wanted to help people that need it. They told me of a place where people with good goals live and gave me directions to go there.

    They also tried to teach me to read, but I couldn't remember things like that. I left to find the ''city'' and I found it in about 3 weeks. The ''houses''(newly learned word from villagers) were amazing and big, but made me feel a bit...wierd. The people there didn't want to help me much, but at last they gave me directions (for berries) to the place where people like me live.

    In 5 weeks I got there. These buildings were much more beautiful than the ones in the last city. Now I live here to help people who need it, but before that I need to establish my own home.

    Your characters ambitions: To defend the ones that need it and to becouse The Archdruid.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do? I quickly aim my bow near the bandits and the elf, shooting as a warning sign. When they don't stop within 2 seconds, I shoot another arrow to hurt the bandit. ThenI also yell for the elf to run. If the bandits won't stop, I shoot one of them again to finish him off or at least wound him deadly. I will kill them both if need be, but I don't take anything from them. When the elf gives some, I take it. I mainly help him becouse he is an elf like me. If it would have been orc, I wouldn't have killed the bandits, but wounded them so the struggler could take them off by himself.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer? ''Hi! I came here to buy some shiny metal, or if you have, I would instead buy a tool used for farming. Do you happen to have one and if you do, how much does it cost? If you don't, how much does the metal cost required to make one of those tools?'' *I get the information* ''I'll take it then.'' *tells me cost* * I give money* ''Thank you! Bye!'' *I leave the shop with a smile on my face*.

    A screenshot of your skin: I got a link to it: http://minecraftskins.com/preview/both/9/255844

    Other Information: I like to wander in the forest when I have free time. Also I collect plants and make

    work with my farm.

    Thank you for reading this application. :)

  7. Minecraft Account Name: Revilo309

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: No

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Living in Estonia, don't know time zone.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I like computer games, I dont have hobbies, I get good marks.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 15-20 hours

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: It's playing as someone you need to and acting just like you should if you were him/her, using the world around you when doing so, based on his/her experience so far, not yours.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Powergaming is doing somehing to only advance, but in an inhumanous way (in RP) like mining for 5 days straight as an elf. Metagaming is the use of information gathered from outside the game to affect your in-game decisions.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: Bad/wierd/confusing as I have had so many bad memories with many servers so far.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I got griefed so I rage-quit and some guy (in another server) banned all people online currently. That wasn't my fault.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have read them, I understand all of them and I agree to follow them as I play in this minecraft server.

    How did you hear about us?: Found it randomly by searching for more servers (as you know what happened previously)

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? Yes, I don't know my vote number :S I could insert my name there, it was Revilo309

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shadehealer

    Character Name: Tyrande Whisperwind

    What is your Race?: Wood elf.

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well

    as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    When I was 10 years old, I started wandering in the forest where we lived. I found beautiful plants there, but I did not yet understand why I liked them so much. When I first had the idea of bringing them home, my parents told me that I may not do such thing to nature as ripping them apart. I had not thought of it this way so I was sad.

    I explored the forest more and by the age of 25 I knew most of the plants' names and locations if the forest. This was not enough for me as I wanted to learn why are these plants here. I also found some very rare plants in the boarderlines of the forest and I started to understand what condidions a certain plant needs to grow.

    When I was 40 years old, I met a stranger near the forest that ripped the plants off the ground. I asked him not to do that, but he said that these ''flowers'' are useful in the water, not on the ground. I was confused and asked my parents about this, they said that the man was surely not one of us. I didn't beleve them, but I said I would.

    I began to look for the man when I was in the forest while also researcing for more ''flowers''. I was already 60 years old when I met the man again. I said I wanted to learn from him. He took me with him and taught me how to make ''tea''. It's main ingredients were flowers ripped from the ground, but he called it picking, not ripping.

    He also taught me that picking flowers doesn't hurt the nature, but actually helps it, when done in small amounts. I found out he called himself a druid, the keeper of the forest. I understood that my parents were ''older generation'' and didn't beleve into younger people or the people they hadn't known for their whole life, but I saw that the druid knows the nature well. When I had learned many winters, I returned home from a far place. I didn't have time to

    visit my home, becouse the ''druid'' was in a hurry all the time.

    When I got home, My parents were gone. They had left a flower on the table. It was dead by now. I didn't know if I should have gone to look for them, but I felt

    so young that I didn't. I thought the druid could take care of me, but When I went to look for the druid again,

    he was gone too. 30 years had passed since I last saw my parents. And now I was lost in the wilds. Alone. Thinking back to it, my parents told me I should not listen to strangers. I regret that I didn't listen to my parents.

    I quickly understood that I actually had the experience to survive in the forest with ease. I built myself a small cottage from branches and the big trees protected me from rain. 5 yearslater decided I should find more people like me to share my thoughts with. The forest was bigger than I had thought, I had only been to one side of the forest, but the other side was bigger. And stranger. I felt wierd being there. I thought it's just that it was a new place to

    me, but as I went on, I noticed that the trees were damaged, the further I went, the more the trees looked ill. I went even further, though I was afraid.

    I saw white creatures that had big holes in their bodies and greenish people with so big scratches that their inside was revealed. I was schocked so I ran away from there. For 5 years, I thought about what I had seen. By that long time, I felt like it wasn't so scary and went back. I was shocked again when I felt the illness very close to

    my cottage. The ''wounded ones'' had expanded their area of living. I thought that I could make friends with them, but as I revealed myself, they started to move towards me and make movements that were hostile towards me. I ran away quickly. I ran in the other direction and got out of the forest soon.

    I was still scared so I kept running. I started living next to some trees. It felt safer than just a plain ground. I had lived there for 10 years.

    Once I heared a strange noise. I thought it was the wounded one and decided to kill it. But as it was close, I just took a stick from my house' roof, jumped out of the house and stabbed it. It was a person similiar to me! And I ... I killed..him... I started to cry becouse this would have been a way out of the horror of the wounded ones. And the only person that could have lead me out of here..I killed him! Then I recognised that this was the druid I met a long time ago. He told me:''Go! I'll be just fine.'' Then he died.

    From that day on, I didn't stay at one place for more than a night. 3 years had passed from the accedent.

    I found a big area that had many structures on it. I quietly sneaked nearby and as my food supplies had ended about 2 days ago, I secretly took some food and ran away to a nearbly tree. When I was eating, I suddenly felt a sharp thing on my neck. A quiet voice said: ''Give me all you have or you will die!'' I was in a panic so I yelled for help, and just then I realised that I had stolen things from those people, so they could revenge me by not helping me. But they helped me by catching the thief. They even thanked me for helping them that way. I then understood that these people are good and kind people. Their skin is not violet, but they do things like me.

    I stayed with them for about 3 years, and they led me into a small forest. They asked me to quard that place if I'd like to. I happily accepted the request. I had visitors every week and I kept in close touch with those people. They call themselves humans, villagers, more exact. When I defended the forest for around 4 years, they asked me what was my goal in life. I said I wanted to help people that need it. They told me of a place where people with good goals live and gave me directions to go there.

    They also tried to teach me to read, but I couldn't remember things like that. I left to find the ''city'' and I found it in about 3 weeks. The ''houses''(newly learned word from villagers) were amazing and big, but made me feel a bit...wierd. The people there didn't want to help me much, but at last they gave me directions (for berries) to the place where people like me live.

    In 5 weeks I got there. These buildings were much more beautiful than the ones in the last city. Now I live here to help people who need it, but before that I need to establish my own home.

    Your characters ambitions: To defend the ones that need it and to becouse The Archdruid.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling

    combat with two bandits. What does your character do? I quickly aim my bow near the bandits and the elf,

    shooting as a warning sign. When they don't stop within 2 seconds, I shoot another arrow to hurt the bandit. Then

    I also yell for the elf to run. If the bandits won't stop, I shoot one of them again to finish him off or at least

    wound him deadly. I will kill them both if need be, but I don't take anything from them. When the elf gives some, I

    take it. I mainly help him becouse he is an elf like me. If it would have been orc, I wouldn't have killed the

    bandits, but wounded them so the struggler could take them off by himself.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What

    may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    ''Hi! I came here to buy some shiny metal, or if you have, I would instead buy a tool used for farming.

    Do you happen to have one and if you do, how much does it cost? If you don't, how much does the metal cost

    required to make one of those tools?'' *I get the information* ''I'll take it then.'' *tells me cost* * I give

    money* ''Thank you! Bye!'' *I leave the shop with a smile on my face*.

    A screenshot of your skin: I got a link to it: http://minecraftskins.com/preview/both/9/255844

    Other Information: I like to wander in the forest when I have free time. Also I collect plants and make

    work with my farm.

    Thank you for reading this application. :)

  8. Minecraft Account Name: Revilo309

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: No

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Living in Estonia, don't know time zone.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I like computer games, I dont have hobbies, I get good marks.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 15-20

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: It's only thinking ''in the box'' of the new world,

    but in that ''box'', you can do EVERYTHING that is normal in that world. You don't

    go out of the box NEVER, OoC is for that. You always think about your character, not

    ''I could jump down there and escape, but probably fall to death and respawn, I'd still not be captured,

    wohoo''. Your character is you and you need to take care of him/her.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are. Metagaming is playing impossible to be

    defeated, like: someone attempts to stab you, you jump away, take your bow and shoot an arrow in their face.

    Powergaming is doing somehing to only advance, but in an inhumanous way (in RP) like mining for 5 days straight

    as an elf.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: Bad/wierd/confusing as I have had so many bad memories with

    many servers so far.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I got griefed so I rage-quit and

    some guy (in another server) banned all people online currently. That wasn't my fault.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have read them, I understand all of them and I agree

    to follow them as I play in this minecraft server.

    How did you hear about us?: Found it randomly by searching for more servers (as you know what happened


    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? Yes, I don't know

    my vote number :S I could insert my name there, it was Revilo309

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shadehealer

    Character Name: Tyrande Whisperwind

    What is your Race?: Wood elf.

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    When I was 30 years old, I started wandering in the forests near my home to gather rare plants. One day I got

    lost and tried to find my home, but I was unable to, becouse I had forgotten my magic amulet home.

    I could, however, build a nice cottage-like tree house from broken branches so I could wait for my parents.

    When I was looking for food in the forest, I felt like I knew what berries aren't poisonous and I

    filled my belly with them during that time. I have never tasted meat. I lived in the nearby forests

    for 30 years. During that time I learned druidism and no animal would want to hurt

    me as they felt deeper connection with me.

    During that time I also began to understand why my parents didn't find me.

    The forests were enchanted to defend us from other races and only a person with the amulet could find a way home.

    As I had learned druidism for 30 years, I tried to turn myself into a panther to see through a predator's

    eyes and think like they do. Unfortunately, since I had no teacher, I cast a spell of sleep on myself and used

    up all my energy. I always knew that my spells drain me almost fully out of my energy, but I had trained myself

    to cast stronger spells, but not to increase my mana capacity.

    When I woke up, I found myself trapped in a cavern. The rocks stopped me from escaping, but

    I had enough sunlight to see the signs of nature. I quickly understood that I had been slumbered by my own spell,

    becouse I had slept for about 50 years. My parents once said that a true druid would cast a spell so strong

    that it would do bad to you for 200 years, but they don't, as they are good.

    In the cave I had no food so I had to get out of there as fast as I could. I found a small stick and i tried to

    move rocks with it, but it broke into smaller sticks.

    I tried to turn into animals, but it only took a bit more of my energy, from what I almost

    didn't have. Also I didn't remember how to turn into animals or cast any spell

    so I started yeling for help. When I understood that nobody is near the cave, I gave up the hope to


    After looking around in the cark cave for about 2 hours(yes, it was a big cave), I noticed a small tunnel,

    from which a small spring from flowing into the cave. I could fit in there tightly so I tried to climb it up

    to the surface.

    When i had gone about 5 bodies into the tunnel, I got stuck and it was so scary that I

    started to regret that I came to the tunnel. I started screaming and then realized that water will kill me, as I

    was stopping the water from flowing in. I also noticed that it was hard to breath. The air was getting bad.

    Suddenly I felt something pulling my legs and I tried to get out of the tunnel as well. When I got out, I

    saw a dwarf. He (or she) warned me:''Don't be so stupid, elf!'' with a disguisting tone in his words.

    He went out from the place, that was recently covered by rocks.

    I went out, but the light was too much for my eyes. I stayed in the cave for a long time, wandering to get

    food only at night to get food. Time flew swiftly. When I had living near that cave for about 100 years, I finally

    understood that my place in this world is something else than to live. I had not been saved accedently. The gods

    wanted me to live. Now I needed to find some higher order to ask for help in my quest, what I don't know yet.

    I felt as the first thing I needed to do, is get myself on feet, and then start to do the great things I was

    meant to do the whole time. I'll have time figuring them out once I am in a safe place with the kind of my own.

    I stared looking for sanctuary and finally I found a big castle, after asking many pink people with small ears,

    they all wanted my berries for help. I don't like them any more, but I can still make a good face, while talking

    to them, I know they are normally extremely greedy. Since I have a beautiful clothes and face, they probably

    thought I could be rich too, so I can forgive them that a little bit.

    When I finally reached the castle, I ran towards it, but I accedently stumbled and smacked my head(I was so

    exited that I forgot to look where I was stepping and fell stepping on a branch). When I

    woke up, I was here. (in the spawn)

    Your characters ambitions: To defend the ones that need it and to becouse The Archdruid.

    Other Information: I like making potions and playing in the forests,

    also making trades to earn myself living.

    I'm sorry I couldn't get a successful screenshot with placing it here, so I'll give a link to skin, If attachment fails too, I might just have a small chance.


  9. Minecraft Account Name: Revilo309

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: No

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Living in Estonia, don't know time zone.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I like computer games, I dont have hobbies, I get good marks.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 15-20

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: I have not done it by myself, but it's only thinking ''in the box'' of the new world, but in that ''box'', you

    can do EVERYTHING that is normal in that world. You don't go out of the box NEVER, OoC is for that. You always

    think about your character, not that ''I could jump down there and escape, but probably fall

    to death and respawn, I'd still not be captured, wohoo''. Your character is you and you are like a parent for it

    as well.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are. Metagaming is playing impossible to be

    defeated, like: someone attempts to stab you, you jump away, take your bow and shoot an arrow in their face.

    Powergaming is doing somehing to only advance, but in an inhumanous way (in RP) like mining for 5 days straight

    as an elf.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: Bad/wierd/confusing as I have had so many bad memories with

    many servers so far.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I got griefed so I rage-quit and

    some guy (in another server) banned all people online currently. That wasn't my fault.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have read them, I understand all of them and I agree

    to follow them as I play in this minecraft server.

    How did you hear about us?: Found it randomly by searching for more servers (as you know what happened


    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? Yes, I don't know

    my vote number :S I could insert my name there, it was Revilo309

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shadehealer

    Character Name: Tyrande Whisperwind

    What is your Race?: Wood elf.

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    When I was 30 years old, I started wandering in the forests near my home to gather rare plants. One day I got

    lost and tried to find my home, but I was unable to, becouse I had forgotten my magic amulet home.

    I could, however, build a nice cottage-like tree house from broken branches so I could wait for my parents.

    When I was looking for food in the forest, I felt like I knew what berries aren't poisonous and I

    filled my belly with them during that time. I have never tasted meat. I lived in the nearby forests

    for 30 years. During that time I learned druidism and no animal would want to hurt

    me as they felt deeper connection with me.

    During that time I also began to understand why my parents didn't find me.

    The forests were enchanted to defend us from other races and only a person with the amulet could find a way home.

    As I had learned druidism for 30 years, I tried to turn myself into a panther to see through a predator's

    eyes and think like they do. Unfortunately, since I had no teacher, I cast a spell of sleep on myself and used

    up all my energy. I always knew that my spells drain me almost fully out of my energy, but I had trained myself

    to cast stronger spells, but not to increase my mana capacity.

    When I woke up, I found myself trapped in a cavern. The rocks stopped me from escaping, but

    I had enough sunlight to see the signs of nature. I quickly understood that I had been slumbered by my own spell,

    becouse I had slept for about 50 years. My parents once said that a true druid would cast a spell so strong

    that it would do bad to you for 200 years, but they don't, as they are good.

    In the cave I had no food so I had to get out of there as fast as I could. I found a small stick and i tried to

    move rocks with it, but it broke into smaller sticks.

    I tried to turn into animals, but it only took a bit more of my energy, from what I almost

    didn't have. Also I didn't remember how to turn into animals or cast any spell

    so I started yeling for help. When I understood that nobody is near the cave, I gave up the hope to


    After looking around in the cark cave for about 2 hours(yes, it was a big cave), I noticed a small tunnel,

    from which a small spring from flowing into the cave. I could fit in there tightly so I tried to climb it up

    to the surface.

    When i had gone about 5 bodies into the tunnel, I got stuck and it was so scary that I

    started to regret that I came to the tunnel. I started screaming and then realized that water will kill me, as I

    was stopping the water from flowing in. I also noticed that it was hard to breath. The air was getting bad.

    Suddenly I felt something pulling my legs and I tried to get out of the tunnel as well. When I got out, I

    saw a dwarf. He (or she) warned me:''Don't be so stupid, elf!'' with a disguisting tone in his words.

    He went out from the place, that was recently covered by rocks.

    I went out, but the light was too much for my eyes. I stayed in the cave for a long time, wandering to get

    food only at night to get food. Time flew swiftly. When I had living near that cave for about 100 years, I finally

    understood that my place in this world is something else than to live. I had not been saved accedently. The gods

    wanted me to live. Now I needed to find some higher order to ask for help in my quest, what I don't know yet.

    I felt as the first thing I needed to do, is get myself on feet, and then start to do the great things I was

    meant to do the whole time. I'll have time figuring them out once I am in a safe place with the kind of my own.

    I stared looking for sanctuary and finally I found a big castle, after asking many pink people with small ears,

    they all wanted my berries for help. I don't like them any more, but I can still make a good face, while talking

    to them, I know they are normally extremely greedy. Since I have a beautiful clothes and face, they probably

    thought I could be rich too, so I can forgive them that a little bit.

    When I finally reached the castle, I ran towards it, but I accedently stumbled and smacked my head(I was so

    exited that I forgot to look where I was stepping and fell stepping on a branch). When I

    woke up, I was here. (in the spawn)

    Your characters ambitions: To defend the ones that need it and to becouse The Archdruid.

    Other Information: I like making potions and playing in the forests,

    also making trades to earn myself living.

    I couldn't get a successful screenshot with placing it here, so I'll give a link to skin.


    It's 00:21 in my country when i posted this so I have technically waited 2 days. I also don't know why my post has some bold things in text that I didn't mark as bold (mostly)

  10. -Minecraft Account Name: Revilo309

    -How old are you?:14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Don't know time, living in Estonia

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I have been wandering to find good minecraft servers and i have failed so far. I am helpful, but with my mood, my gamestyle changes.

    Just write about yourself. I like turtles. Nah not really, I go to school so i can't play much, but I play as much as possible, I don't have hobbies.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:7*4=28h

    -How long have you played Minecraft?:2 months, not every week sometimes.

    -What do you know about role-playing?: It's thinking as the RP world would be your real life, you have to survive and fight for it, act as you should if you were that race.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I think it'll turn out bad/boring for me, becouse i have tried to find good servers, but failed so long that I have lost my optimism.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I played SMP, i got griefed 2 times (2 servers), in one of them I revenged, but it was still boring, in the last server some guy got admin rights, started abusing them and banned all people that were logged on -.-

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human, orc, undead, elf

    -How did you hear about us?: I was searching for servers like I do every day.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:Shadehealer

    In-Character: Leave this blank

    -Character Name: Tyrande Whisperwind

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Biography: I left home to seek for druidism training as I have laways felt the need for living creatures besides me. When I was 50 years old, I saw my parents die of poison of curse and that left a big ''scar'' in my soul. I want this to never happen again. I try not to harm people, but I will defend myself for survival.

    I live in forests, but if my nation asks me to leave the forests, I will do it. I am loyal to my country. I am fairly new to this place as I once turned into animal and when I turned back, I found myself in the forest near the Elven city and I didn't remember anything from when I was in animal form. I wish to learn the way of life and defence and I will do whatever it takes to learn it.

    -Character Age: 250

    -Character Appearance: A night-elf (hippy-like) that loves nature that looks friendly, but wierd.

    -Character Personality: Wants to be alone in the wild seeking for wisdom. Makes trades and can help people for goods.

    -Your ambitions: To learn magic to defend others, be the Archdruid.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes Yes

    -Can your character mine?: Badly.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Well only with wood.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Badly

    -Enjoy Farming?: Yes

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Very good at climbing trees/mountains.


  11. -Minecraft Account Name: Revilo309

    -How old are you?:14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Don't know time, living in Estonia

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I have been wandering to find good minecraft servers and i have failed so far. I am helpful, but with my mood, my gamestyle changes.

    Just write about yourself. I like turtles. Nah not really, I go to school so i can't play much, but I play as much as possible, I don't have hobbies.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:7*4=28h

    -How long have you played Minecraft?:2 months, not every week sometimes.

    -What do you know about role-playing?: I think it is when you make a story of yourlelf and follow that path, you don't play the best way, for ex. if you're human and an orc says:''wanna trade?'' then i refuse:''Leave this land, you creature of darkness!'' You have to imagine yourself into the game.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I think it'll turn out bad/boring for me, becouse i have tried to find good servers, but failed so long that I have lost my optimism.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I played SMP, i got griefed 2 times (2 servers), in one of them I revenged, but it was still boring, in the last server some guy got admin rights, started abusing them and banned all people that were logged on -.-

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human, orc, undead, Night Elves (it could be google'd)

    -How did you hear about us?: I was searching for servers like I do every day.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:Shadehealer

    In-Character: Leave this blank

    -Character Name: Shadehealer

    -What is your Race?: The Night Elf

    -Biography: I am a wandering night elf. I had to run away from home, when Undeads came to attack us. I got away very closely and I hate undeads, for they killed my family. I seek for revenge and I like to be alone, but at the time of need, i can accept living in a village.

    -Character Age:100

    -Character Appearance: I am a shadowy assassin with beautiful body, but deadly art of killing.

    -Character Personality: I like to live alone, in the woods and hide myself from enemies, but as I need to make a living, I also attack wandering people.

    -Your ambitions: I want to be the stealthiest assassin so I could be able to assassinate no matter who.

    Here is a guide on how to make a reasonable character; and the types you should avoid. Link

    -Can your character read or write?: I can't write nor read, i can talk, not very well.

    -Can your character mine?: Badly.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Only with wood.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Very well.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Yep.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Hiding well.

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