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Posts posted by Eternalfire61

  1. MC Name: Eternalfire61

    Character Name: Dragos Neverist


    Race: Northern Human

    Skype (highly recommended): Eternalfire61

    Weapon of Choice: Anything that deals damage. Preferably an axe.

    Short Biography (2-5 sentences) or Ambitions: Dragos was born on a summer's eve inside a barracks. Truly from the day he was born he was meant to hurt something. He was handed a sword when he could use one, which was when he was five. From then on he worked until he was ready, now he searches for a job where he will fit in.

    VA besides 1a, 3, 4a/b (recommended but not required): None, but could fill out one if needed.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    -5 USA, Indianapolis Indiana

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes I do have a good grasp on the English language. Though I do sometimes I do make spelling mistakes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a legit Role Player. I started Role Playing when I was about 7 or 8 and have continued since. One of my hobbies is LARPing.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I expect that I will be on at least 6 out of the seven days of the week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:

    I know that Role Playing is something outside of real-life. It is when you pretend that you are a mystical being or a legendary warrior

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Meata gaming is taking something out of game and using in game. Power gaming is when you try to get to a specific goal and don’t care about the rules or anything except that goal.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    It will be over the top RP. The depth and the multiple players explains that.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Overture which is somewhat like this but smaller. Recently the server died and I got a referral from the owner. He told me all about it and I was ready to apply.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes I have read them twice in fact. I completely understand the rules.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I heard it from 3 of my friends. GavLan, AlexanderAmaya, and Jhonen

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?


    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    Character Name:

    Garkin Stonewall

    What is your Race?


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Garkin is a 4’5 dwarf with a grayish beard, miners cap, a shirt and pants with a set of boots. He 23 and is fairly pompous and somewhat greedy. He is a prankster because he thinks he is better than most people. At times he may be obedient but he isn’t afraid to speak his mind .He usually smells of beer or soot depending on whether he has been drinking or mining. Garkin stays with the pack unless the pack fails.

    Garkin was born in a village that was meant for mining. Many dwarves came here to work for a wage that paid enough to get them what they needed. Garkin’s father was the main operator of the town. His mother managed what ore came from the mines itself .Both his mother and father were deeply in love and they seemed to care for everyone like they were their own. Growing up his parents were middle- class and not rich. Now his parent’s owned the most Minas in the whole town. This made Garkin quite pompous and somewhat greedy. Sometimes he would tell children to respect him but he knew that they wouldn’t. His life was easy going and not very hard since his parents were rich. The day that he became 18 he began to mine and work day and night for more money. Even though he slack off a lot he still made plenty of money. Garkin had it all set, but he didn’t know what was to come. Many of the days he worked he spent with his friends. Laughing and singing merry tunes that made the light shine brighter. His shenanigans with his friends continued with many pranks and some teasing. Often he would put a piece of burnt leather in someone’s house to make it smell. He soon realized that the smell didn’t actually do anything but he was glad that he tried. By the time Garkin was 20 a miner came rushing up from the mines screaming something. “The mine is empty there is no more ore” said the miner. Everyone in the small town was in panic. Soon Garkin realized that the town would not survive without any ore. About ten months later the town was deserted and all of Garkin’s savings were spent. He mostly spent his money on alcoholic drinks and fine wines. He did this because he was depressed that he didn’t have more money. Many called him a buffoon and a idiot for doing so. Garkin had no choice but to join the army to gain all the Minas he spent. Once Garkin went into the army many of the aspects he once had were gone. Most of his day was training or trying to gain extra Minas. When he first entered he thought it would be easy but he found that it was very difficult. His drinking problem didn’t cease, but he did try to stop drinking but failed. Garkin worked mostly as a miner for the first part of his training. “It’s good for ye’” said the trainer when Garkin complained about working. He often got in trouble for trying to sneak out during the night. When his training was complete Garkin became fairly obedient and a hardened warrior. Later he became bored of the simple army life. Garkin was ready for adventure and the many treasures that come with it. So he headed to the kingdom of Kal’Urguan where his adventure to start.

    Your characters ambitions:

    Garkin wants to become rich so he can have the life he used to have. He wants to become powerful and have all the beer and wine he can drink, but he isn’t willing to steal or kill for it. If none of his plans work he will most likely own a bar or join the army.

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other Information:

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    -5 USA, Indianapolis Indiana

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes I do have a good grasp on the English language. Though I do sometimes I do make spelling mistakes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a legit Role Player. I started Role Playing when I was about 7 or 8 and have continued since. One of my hobbies is LARPing.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I expect that I will be on at least 6 out of the seven days of the week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:

    I know that Role Playing is something outside of real-life. It is when you pretend that you are a mystical being or a legendary warrior

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Meata gaming is taking something out of game and using in game. Power gaming is when you try to get to a specific goal and don’t care about the rules or anything except that goal.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    It will be over the top RP. The depth and the multiple players explains that.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Overture which is somewhat like this but smaller. Recently the server died and I got a referral from the owner. He told me all about it and I was ready to apply.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes I have read them twice in fact. I completely understand.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I heard it from 3 of my friends. GavLan, AlexanderAmaya, and Jhonen

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?


    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:

    Zandrack Emberstorm


    Character Name:

    Zandrack Emberstorm

    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Zandrack is a 5’6 human that has a eyepatch on his left eye. His skin is gray because he worked as a blacksmith for 5 years straight. He has ragged clothes and has dark red pants. His hair is a dirty white and he has one velvet eye.

    Zandrack was born in the kingdom of Naturelles. He was a small boy born to a blacksmith. He was a small boy in a very big city. Zandrack’s dream was to become either a knight or a blacksmith like his father. Unfortunately soon his family would not be there to help him. One day when he was 13 and was a squire in training a noise was heard from the forest.

    The knight whose name was James told Zandrack to stay by his home. After an hour a band of Orcs came with torches also with James’ head on a stick. Zandrack ran to the city that was close by and yelled for help. By the time he reached the city his house was burnt down and his family hiding in the forest.

    The year later they were on the streets begging for Minas to stay alive. Zandrack’s mother soon became sick and needed some herbs to heal her. No one was willing to give her money. Later Zandrack’s father had to make the choice of selling his sister. Zandrack was devastated that his sister left so he became angry at his father. It was too late for his mother she soon died of a very high fever.

    Zandrack decided to try to live on his own when he became 15 but soon failed and left for an orphanage. Lady Arber was a very cruel and vile she made Zandrack work every day so he could have a meal. Many of the other orphans couldn’t leave because they had no family to go to. At one point the Lady told Zandrack to have a meal he had to sacrifice his eye. So he did and that is why he has an eye patch.

    He left the orphanage at 18 and became a Royal Guard. He was stationed as a blacksmith and after 5 years of service his skin became gray. Naturelles was a crucial point and a war started between the humans and the Orcs. His heart raced as he entered the battle field. The battle was very hectic and you needed to be very alert. Zandrack fought as hard as he could and finally the war was won.

    Zandrack left the Royal Guard to continue his goal to become a knight.

    Your characters ambitions:

    He wants to become a knight. After his house was burnt down he wants to kill the Orcs who cross his path. Soon he wants to have the Emberstorm name revitalized so his name may continue on.

    A screenshot of your skin:

    Other Information: I hope I can join. It looks ten times better than the other server I was on.

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