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Posts posted by Spacewolf

  1. Hey, I donated 25 dollars for the Iron package. I did this for the sake of donating, of course, the perks were just a bonus, but I don't seem to have them in game or on the forums, even though it says it's automatic. Anything I can do?

  2. I've seen no mobs for a long time. When the server first was put up I found a few cows here and there but now after journeying specifically to find livestock for a town, I found no neutral nor hostile mobs for four ingame days of looking.


    Are mobs disabled or am I really unlucky? If they are, why and how long will they be gone?

  3. I got an email that 3.0 would be out recently. I played last year but stopped around Febuary 2012 for school reasons, but I'd like to get back into it.


    Sorry about the format, I think my word processor made it kinda weird.


    Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: Spacewolf78
    How old are you?: 19
    Time-Zone: GMT -8, Pacific Time
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: I have, and I do.
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Oh boy, a lot, including this server. I originally started in Garry's Mod, on several different servers, before becoming an administrator on a very large community about roleplaying in the Half-Life 2 Universe. If you want to go even father back, I've acted in real life for a while, which I suppose is kind of like RPing.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Facepunch Studio's Minecraft section, but also I've played here previously.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: I applied and was accepted about a year (?) ago, but the application has since 404'd.
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): I'll have to make an account there, but I guess I'll do that after I'm

    done with this.
    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: I will.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: As I said before, it's a lot like acting, although I'd argue more challenging. You create the script as you go along, essentially, playing out a role and

    actively deciding what someone else, your character, would do and how they would act in a situation. It's different from RPGs in games in that you are your character

    and therefore care what happens to you, whether you live or die. There's no respawning in a real life situation.
    Meta-gaming: From what I understand, this is using out of character information in character, I.E. hearing a friend say he left a diamond sword somewhere and your

    character going to recover it. Unless my character was told that the sword was there, there is no reason they should have gone looking for it.
    Power-emoting: Forcing your actions upon other characters. /me punches you in the face is powergaming, what you should do is something like /me attempts to punch you

    in the face.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Blossom McCarthy
    Current Age: 23
    Sub-race (if any): Northerner
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): Losing her mother in childbirth, Blossom worked to help her father, a blacksmith, from a

    young age. Having such a small family, the two had difficulty keeping their family afloat, selling what few posessions they had left for basic living supplies. Once

    Blossom was able to actually be a blacksmith rather than one's assistant, their lives balanced out a bit more. Her father found the time to train her in the use of a

    sword, however limited his own knowledge was. Learning basic combat and exceptional smithing, Blossom lived happily for many years, helping her father and their town

    when needed, making multitudes of items from basic tools to weapons and armor when the time called for it.

    Once her age hit 21, things became more difficult for the family. Her father was getting older and less able to continue his work, and even in less stressful times,

    his health was clearly deteriorating. Months later it became clear that more than mere ageing was affecting him. Stricken with sickness, Blossom struggled to continue

    their work, admiribly, yet in the end futily. The McCarthy Family Smithy had lost its place as a go-to place for wares with the loss of its master smith at the anvil,

    and Blossom was unable to continue to gain a profit from working there. With the last of their savings being spent on a bed for her father, Blossom has left her town

    pledging to find a way to fund the medicine necessary to help her father.
    Ambitions for the Future: To cure her father's sickness so that they may afford to live together peacefully and more importantly comfortably, and more recently of

    a goal, to see what else the world has to offer rather than just her home town.
    Personality: Blossom is friendly, passionate, and courageous. Having a male role model her whole life, she tends to act more boldly than an average woman would,

    which can lead to some inconvenient situations. Beyond social conduct, her courage extends to danger, often being the first to volunteer for journeys or challenging

    activities. Unfortunately, this courage has a tendency to disolve when actually faced head-on with danger, and her overconfidence may get the better of her as she is

    convinced of her abilities she developed in a controlled environment rather than in actual application.
    Skills: Learning from a talented smith and practicing for over a decade, Blossom is an excellent blacksmith. Beyond that, she is charismatic at times, sometimes

    owing to her womanly charms, which she has learned to use to her advantage. She has basic weapon training, such as how to hold and operate a bow as well as a sword and

    shield, although her skills are much less developed than she believes them to be. Since her family has had ups and downs, she has sometimes needed to fend for herself,

    and so has more or less above average survival skills, such as knowledge of botany and fishing. Her knowledge of smithing partly extends to the tools she creates, of

    course not as well as someone who has actually employed them. And, unsurprisingly, Blossom has become a talented chef over the years. While her father worked, she

    often cooked for the two.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):




    Blossom has blue eyes and straight brown hair, although this is usually covered by her outfit, a

    basic blue adventurer's style cloak. She is a little over 5 feet tall. She wears a blue sapphire necklace owned by her mother; she refuses to sell it except as a last

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: Not that I can think of.

    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do

    not break character or lore at any point.


    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There

    are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?

    Answer: Seeing a possible threat, Blossom, acting in her own overconfidence, pulls up her hood and attempts to follow the figure to see what he's up to. Following

    behind him and watching as he lazily observes shop weares while glancing around at patrolling guards, Blossom attempts to move closer. She weaves in between passing

    citizens, even a guard or two, focussed on her target, convinced she can stop whatever his plan might be. She notices the figure's gaze has fallen upon her, and she

    stops in her tracks, looking in a different direction. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees the figure quickly walking in another direction, away from the palace,

    while still drawing little attention from anyone else.

    "Hmph. Scared you off, did I? Well." Blossom mutters to herself, removing her hood. "I suppose I don't blame you." Following behind him for a few more moments, she

    quickly loses him in the crowd, although the two were headed in the direction of the gates. Seeing who she thinks was the figure leaving the city walls, she smiles to

    herself and returns to her business, happy she did not need to involve the guards.

    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with

    a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you


    Answer: Excited by a chance assist an innocent and also demonstrate her combat abilities, Blossom unsheathes her blade while calling out to the two.

    "Hey! Why don't you pick a fair fight?" She yells, attracting the attention of the three. Both bandits turn their heads, smirking at the woman advancing towards them.

    One looks back to the old man, while the other responds.

    "Hah. Move along girl, this doesn't concern you." He says, chuckling, and turning back to the man. Blossom frowns at the insult and dashes to engage the man. Not being

    heavily equipped, she is able to move quick enough that the bandit has a hard time turning to block her swing in time. Swords clashing, the bandit pushes her back with

    his sword. "Fine, you've made your choice. That necklace will fetch a fine price." The bandit turns his attention to Blossom while the other keeps watch on the old

    man, confident his companion can handle the new threat. Blossom prepares herself for the fight, hoping to make the men regret underestimating her.

    Throwing and blocking basic swings, the two engage with their swords. Now that she has fought for a few moments, Blossom begins to wonder if she may have

    underestimated the bandits more than they have done. Biting her lip,  she holds her resolve. She notices that the second bandit continues to glance over to the fight,

    keeping his eyes off the old man. Seconds later, the man takes the opportunity to swing his sword, slicing the bandit in the chest and sending him down to the ground

    on his back, clutching his wound. Yelping out, the other bandit is distracted long enough for Blossom to swing her own sword, cutting his side. The bandit cries out

    and falls, dropping his sword. Blossom, almost surprised, quickly moves up, holding her sword to his head. He looks up, confused as to what had happened in such a

    small time-span.

    "Leave this man alone and we won't have any more trouble, understand?" She says sternly to the wounded bandit. Backing up while keeping her sword at the ready, the two

    bandits, holding their wounds, hobble off into the forest, grumbling in what seemed like more annoyance than pain. Sheathing her sword, Blossom approached the old man.

    "Are you alright, sir?" She asked polightly.

    "I do believe I am, m'lady, but what's all this trouble over an old man like myself?" He asked. Smiling, Blossom responds.

    "Why, I'm just helping someone in need, it's my pleasure." Without another word, she nods, and continues on her way into the trees.

    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is

    selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose

    prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).

    Answer: "Well now, I'll have to see what I need, then." Blossom takes a moment to examine his wares, noticing a fine hand crafted bow and a few arrows. The shop keeper

    notices as she stops looking around.

    "Ahh, crafted it myself from Cedar wood outside my home, it should serve you well." Blossom nods, thinking. "And of course, there's three arrows in it for free with

    your purchase," he continues. Blossom looks back to the shop keeper.

    "I'm sure it will, should the price be right..." Blossom says, slowly. "I was hoping to pay, saaaay... 50 minas for the lot, I think that sounds fair." she continues.

    The shop keeper looks taken aback.

    "50? Surely you don't intend to pay just 50 minas for such an item. I'll let it go for no less than 100, I should say."

    "I'll meet you in the middle, shall we say 75?" Blossom responds. The shop keeper takes a moment to think.

    "Mmm... 80 and it's yours, with the arrows free of charge." Blossom considers this, clutching the 75 minas she had brought with her to the market. She looks back up.

    "Well, it is a beautiful bow... and such expert craftsmanship. You must be very talented." she says flirtaciously. "I would love telling others where I came across the

    bow I use, surely they would listen to a lady such as myself... perhaps there is just a five minas discount you could give, sir?" she finishes, smiling. Crossing his

    arms, the shop keeper watches her for a moment, looking from the bow and back. After a moment, he responds.

    "Well, I suppose I could make an exception..." he says, nodding slowly before looking up. "Very well. 75 it is." Blossom smiles.

    "Excellent!" She retrieves her pouch of money, putting it on the stall. Once the shop keeper has finished counting it, he nods, and Blossom takes the weapon, strapping

    it to her back. The two exchanged goodbyes and Blossom departs the market, happy with her purchase.

  4. I've recently lost a large sum of minas to a burglary, and am looking to get back on my feet, hopefully at the same time helping out Salvus. I am experienced in blacksmithing, farming, and cooking, and I will not demand much from an employer. If there's anything that needs doing that I can help in, please do let me know. I spend most of my time in Solace and Seventis, but I'm open to travel wherever I can be of help.

  5. He's a fool to siege the city with such a powerful force backing it. And what if he wins? What will be left? Most of his men will be dead even if he somehow "prevails". The smart choice would be to call this whole thing off and spare the lives of his men.

  6. Hail, friends. My companion is a budding alchemist and we've had a hard time tracking down many supplies to help him on his way. The most needed ingredient is, obviously, nether wart. We are but simple merchants and blacksmiths, not suited for that kind of exploration, but what we do have is Minas. While I am not willing to pay extravagant amounts on behalf of my friend, name your price on nether wart, glowstone, ghast tears, spider eyes, blaze rods/powder, slime balls/magma cream, even redstone. I'll see if I can afford it, and if not, perhaps a trade would suit you better.

    ((Spacewolf78 in game))

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    I did not attend.

    How old are you?:

    I am 18.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    I live in the United States in California, Pacific time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    That's one of the things I pride myself on, yes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I'm currently attending Humboldt State University as a Sociology major. I'd say I'm a fun person to interact with, not to sound vain. Making friends is important for me, and I'll try to be nice in general with everyone.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Several, although I'll have to put school work ahead of video games when studying is necessary.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:

    I've always thought of roleplaying like acting, with some differences, obviously. I've been roleplaying in various games such as Garry's Mod and Minecraft for a very long time now. Roleplaying is, as the name suggests, taking the role of a character and acting in a way that that person would act. Different from simply playing as a character in, say, a first person shooter game, in that you actually care if your character is hurt, what people say to them, etc. You don't play the character, you are the character, and you feel their emotions like your own.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    From what I've learned in past RP experiences, Metagaming is using OOC information IC, such as reading a forum post saying "I got killed and dropped my gun outside the bar" and then going there in character to retrieve that item. You may know about it, but your character does not, and so using that information to gain an advantage is cheating.

    Powergaming is forcing your actions upon other players, such as saying "I punch you" instead of "I attempt to punch you". You need to give other players a chance to react.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    From what I've heard and seen, I expect it to be a lot of fun. I've been looking for a good roleplay experience since others I've been on have fallen apart before I could really get into them.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I've mostly roleplayed in Garry's Mod before this. There, I rose through the ranks of a popular community run by someone named Kudomiku, or Conna Cook. It started as a simple Half-Life 2 RP, but expanded into Real-Life, Medieval, Zombie, etc as the server became more popular. Unfortunately, like many communities, unavoidable things led to the downfall of that. Ever since then, I've been searching for more opportunities to have the same amount of fun I had there, with less success. Afterwards, I played various other servers.

    Recently, I got back into the RP scene with a Minecraft server called Age of Mines. It's run exclusively to members of Facepunch, another forum. Since it was exclusive to this, it was never a big server, but it was still a lot of fun, and the other people on it were good RPers as well. That eventually died when stealing items became a widespread problem.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I have.

    How did you hear about us?:

    Reading forums, someone mentioned Lord of the Craft, so I googled it, and here I am.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    Didn't know what it was until now, but I'll go vote.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    Character Name:

    Azure McCarthy

    What is your Race?:

    Human, Female.

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Azure was born into a moderately well-off family. Her mother died in child-birth, and her father was a blacksmith. She took after her father in his craft, although never mastering smithing the way her father did. She learned from him how to fight with a sword, craft basic items from iron and steel, and also took after his charisma in selling goods. Her father was stricken with an unknown illness, and although Azure tried to keep his business going, she was unable to run it by herself. At 23, she has begun searching for other ways to make money, to support her and her father as well as keep him alive.

    Azure is young looking, has long brown hair, brown eyes, and wears a necklace with a sapphire that belonged to her mother. She refuses to sell it unless it is a last resort. Her clothing is typical, nothing adorned with gold, but better than a standard peasant's garb. She is relatively short, shorter than most. She remains a friendly person, and retains her father's charisma, although she can sometimes be a bit too brave for her own good, bordering on foolish at times, especially if it means helping someone. While her bravery extends to long journeys that could lead to danger, it sometimes fails when in immediate danger. When faced with hostility, it takes some willpower for Azure to not leg it in the other direction.

    Your characters ambitions:

    Finding some way to cure her father of her ailments, while continuing her family's "legacy", as she sees it, though they've never been particularly out of the ordinary.

    A screenshot of your skin:



    Other Information:

    Please let me know if anything's done wrong, I've never been great at applying for things like this. I hope I can play on this server real soon :3

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