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Posts posted by Bar'rok

  1. (Hi! I'm Rumdoodle's RP brother)


    -Minecraft Account Name: bluebannana

    -How old are you?: 16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Uk standard GMT

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I have a brilliant grip with the language, although i can also speak Japanese fluently.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm an ordinary kid who goes to college with my friend, Pravino and Rumdoodle. I enjoy most Sandbox games and many FPS shooters.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I'm able to play as much as 10 hours a week minimum, some weekends i can hit up to 15 hours in 2 days.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft since my friend, Rumdoodle introduced me to it, which has been just over half a year. I love it.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: I understand that it is taking on a role of a character, this character being your Minecraft character and playing out your adventure through the eyes this person. You are able to see situations and understand and play them as this person does. You can imagine what you want and make it and you can do what you want.

    Explain your idea of Lore: Lore is a pretty extensive thing. It's the entire mythology and history of a world. It is the combination of characters, types of magic, Gods, demons, heroes, villains etc. The lore can be history or it can be the present state of affairs in the world.

    When someone is talking about lore, they are usually referring to either the past or current storyline in a given world.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: This server will be unique in many ways, the way that the server lets you play in a game inside a game with it's own meaning and understanding. It will be epic.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Orcworm.co.uk, i left it because it was too plain and nothing ever really happened. Rainbow server, because the owner would not care about the people, but only about the server itself. I was on another server called CatalystCraft. It was a role playing server, but it only lasted a few weeks.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Completely. Without rules there would be no order and no balance.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: That would be but not limited to, Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves. This is not including the subraces and Undead and Ascended.

    -How did you hear about us?: Minestatus showed this server being #1, and a player referred me, by the name of Rumdoodle, beforehand Pravino persisted Rumdoodle to join, then Rumdoodle persisted me to join, so i have.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Kaarl_Honebeard (display name), then the account is bluebannana


    -Character Name: Kaarl HoneBeard

    -What is your Race?: Dwarf with a subclass of a Mountain Dwarf.


    As a young baby Kaarl HoneBeard was peaceful. Whenever his parents went out to fight he resisted by the side of his brother Smithson HoneBeard, for they were Peacekeepers. Kaarl and Smithson were very close and never left each others sides. They made it their duty to protect Kal Urgan and to fight for peace. Their father Landon always wanted them to be the next Heroes and Warlords of the Dwarfs. He wanted them to be Royal guards and protect Kal Urgan as his ancestors had once done.

    One day Landon came back from the mines and heard Lily scream. This was a scream of pain and agony. He knew only one thing The Undead. Lily was being dragged away by one of them. He withdrew his diamond axe and launched himself at every Undead that came towards him. He fought like a mad man. Wave after wave.

    Kaarl and Smithson terrified, hid behind a wall worried.

    “We must fight for our parents” Smithson whispered.

    “Ye’ but only for peace not revenge” Replied Kaarl.

    They came out eyes filled with fury. But for it was too late, their mother cradled in Landon’s arms. His father was dying along with his wife. Lily had a deep gash where an Undead had clawed her. His father had 3 arrows in his chest and was losing blood fast. The undead notched their last arrows and aimed towards the children. A general told them to stop as if they felt sorry for them.

    “FATHER” Kaarl and Smithson cried.

    “Fear not for me my young ones. For I know my time has come for me to leave Aegis and enter Valhalla” his father groaned.

    “No! Please don’t leave us. We don’t know enough, we are weakly trained,” said Smithson, with tears filling his eyes.

    “Smithson, you made me very proud, don’t forget that. Kaarl our little craftsman, I knew you always had a talent, if someone were to make a diamond axe I know it will be you.” Landon was gravely injured and was running out of time.

    “Here takes these axes and defend Kal Urgan as your ancestors once had”. He said, pain in his voice. Then he rested his head on Lily’s, breathed his last then died.

    More Undead were on there way and Kaarl and Smithson hauled their axes and charged. They ran deep into their lines cutting down everything they saw. Smithson fell to the ground and Kaarl ran to help. Reinforcements of Dwarves came as soon as they heard thunder.

    They came in their numbers to match the Undead forces. “Go little ones, run away, flee. Leave this to us now” A dwarven soldier said.

    An undead General came towards him and attacked him. The Dwarf drank his ale and charged his foe. He was cut down instantly and died a hero’s death. Kaarl imagined his soul leaving for Valhalla. The Undead looked at them and raised his hand. Before thunder could come down they were teleported away. They were teleported away to the legendary city of Laurelin, where they met the High Prince Native. They were sent of to be raised by their Uncle where they trained to be True Mountain Dwarves.

    This is how my story begins.

    (Note Rumdoodle is my brother in RPG, he is called Smithson HoneBeard)

    -Character Age: 128. Aging in number never really affected his appearance.

    -Character Appearance: Roams the land with his trusty sword and pickaxe, he has been looking for his brother, Smithson, after they were split at a young age. A large blonde beard covers the majority of the lower chest of his body. Battle scars engraved in his face and arms.

    -Character Personality: Quiet but brave. Keeps himself to himself, yet, he still looks for the perfect woman to share his life with. He is obsessed with doing quests, and loves helping travellors. He is a strong alcoholic, as he has a craving for beer and ale.

    -Your ambitions: Smithson lives her life day by day. He wants to be known yet across the lands, succeed his purpose and then retire to a safekeeping with a grateful wife.

    -Can your character read or write?: Very well indeed.

    -Can your character mine?: Very skilled. He is a dwarf, it's in their blood.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Not very exciting, prefers to build small grotto's in the side of mountains.

    -Can you wield a sword?: He is a skilled swordsman and prefers to never leave it's side.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Being quite patient, but he never enjoyed it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He is able to hibernate, but of which he is not proud of.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/skins, it is the skin with dwarf 1 next to it.

    -Other Information: Regardless if I am accepted or not. I would like to say this is an amazing server. Also give credits to Pravino to referring me to this server.



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