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Posts posted by Dranday

  1. 11 hours ago, adamc2000 said:

    Hi what nation were u of before u left! 

    Whats ur fav icecream?

    If u had to choose between a talking squirrel or a talking chipmunk as ur compainion in lotc which on would u choose?

    And lastly and most importantly......

    How are ya and how was ur break from lotc into this new thing called "LIFE" ?


    In order...
    1. I wasn’t really part of a nation just before I left, but I was a part of Salvus from post-bakery all the way to the end. My last character was being raised by Druids before I left.
    2. Probably a chipmunk, they just seem more fun.
    3. I’m alright, my break was very long and complicated and now I like in a basement. In the winter I can just leave milk on the ground and it’s refrigerated. It’s honestly a nice feature. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to get back to school and do that learning thing I hear so much about.

  2. ((OOC:

    Don't be discouraged if you think your character seems less influential, we consider everyone equally, and everyone can have a place in the Sentinels.

    Minecraft Name: Dranday


    Do you have Skype(Y/N): Yes.


    How long have you played upon the server: A few years.


    Ban Reports/Strike Reports made upon you(if any): None, at least to my knowledge.



    Name(or current alias): Lucas


    Age(years): 24


    Gender: Male


    Skills and specialties: None, but I am willing to learn.


    Previous organizations(if any): N/A


    Desired Position: Orator or Shade.


    Are you willing to take an oath(Yes/No): If the oath is reasonable, yes.


    Give a small summary upon what you define as balance: Balance is the equal presence of benefactors and malfactors in the world. This is not to say there is killing in the roads of major capitals. That would be unfortunate. I mean to say that, throughout history, the most progress comes from at least some adversity, as to provide a need to progress.


    Do you have any specific morals you will not go against: I would rather not kill, though this is not a moral, simply a preference. 


    Choose two traits which you value the most, and detail why. Add a third trait of your own from the list that you value as well.

    (Honesty, Respect, Honour, Intelligence, Courage, Responsibility,Tenacity)

    Overall, responsibility and tenacity are the most able to accomplish goals, having both the drive to accomplish something as well as the knowledge that it is your task to complete. From there, the most useful of the traits would likely be intelligence. It can help speed the accomplishment process as well as serve many uses in almost any situation, making it the most versatile (and, in my opinion, preferable) trait, though not necessarily the most useful,

  3. Alright, I'll keep it simple.


    Knyghtfalcon needs someone to play his sister, but is only talking through his phone and could not post this himself or edit the post he has previously. The burden of posting this has fallen on me.


    The character is around... late teens (16-19), I believe. Aside from that and the last name, you practically have complete creative freedom.



    Topic, go.

  4. There is quite the trade-off in having PVP instead of RP. It brings new issues forth but also shoves some of the previous issues into that shredding machine in the corner.


    IE: You cannot kick male characters there to cripple them, you can only click faster.


    IE: The clever tactic of having one person distract the person while the other comes behind with the bastard sword of justice is no longer there.


    IE: You cannot make a retaliation to being impaled on a sword in the last second, you will be dead in MC before you can.


    IE: You cannot do what I did in Asulon when I grabbed a sword between my hands for a few moments to save someone, only to get slashed across the chest immediately after.


    IE: You cannot make sneak attacks with a crossbow as to assassinate the King of Oren during an important political meeting to throw the thing into chaos, giving you time to escape the premises.


    I'm not saying that PVP-default will remove these moments completely, but I am saying these beautiful moments will no longer be as common as I would hope. I say this in the fact that I don't have confidence in the community as a whole to take the time to emote a battle and instead to the easier way of just spam clicking thy opponent into submission.

    I'm not saying this as a complaint or a pointed phrase but more as a concern for the future of memorable moments in combat RP that can change one's world. 

  5. If there's a dispute in an RP fight that leads to OOC disagreement then just have a /roll 20 rule and move onto the next attack. It's decisive and can be integrated into an RP fight.


    Voice of God, people. Listen to the boundless wisdom.

    I like it. I think using a roll to settle OOC dispute it a fantastic idea.


    This isn't sarcasm, just in case that got into your head somehow.

  6. Honestly I find the time system will have too large of a range of effects to be judged. After a time plugin is implemented we will be able to see how the community reacts, and gauge our reactions accordingly. I mean, in terms of roleplay... yes: it will damage some, break some, and utterly mutilate and burn some. Simultaneously, however, roleplay will be created, improved, and sent through  ascension (hehe) for those willing to, or more than happy to cope with the changes.


    Only time will tell. I'm sure that if this doesn't work our excellent administrative and coding teams will get on top of it.

    If it does work, and a small part of the community says it makes child RP boring and they no longer want to be children... to you I say try it anyways! It will be fun! I know I, for one, would enjoy being a child in RP for a few months. It would be a fun change of pace to go from slightly useful to utterly useless beyond simple tasks.


    As I said before, let's just see how this goes.

  7. I had spare time and made something like what I think the 'Meet the Scribe' would be like.

    Note it's not done and I just wanted to help out.


    The Scribe


    The historians of the medieval times.




    “Your middle age scribe would
    have skin paler than that of the kings and queens who used lead paint
    to make their skin that pale.

    The scribe of the middle ages is the loremaster of their modern age. They
    keep detailed records of every event they have attended, records of
    events people they know attended, and events they have only heard of.
    Anyone approaching one of these should be weary, as they will quickly
    find themselves in a place of knowledge. The scribe's typical job
    would be documenting events as they occur, and transcribing official
    messages to send out and, more likely, document.


    not left my study in days, if not weeks."


    • Fast    writer.

    • Pale    skinned.

    • Well    versed in the art of patience.

    • Insight    in all topics, especially politics.

    • Clueless    as how to do the things in these topics.

    • Not    very gullible, though easily bait-able with knowledge.

    • Literate.

    • Completely    neutral or completely biased.

    • Fairly    skinny.


    scribe pulls out his quill, recording everything that was said in the

    in his trusty notebook*

    Peasant RP:

    Combat Skilled.
    The scribe would spend all the day either researching in his study,
    recording official conversations of the Lord of the lands he
    inhabits, or twisting the words to benefit his Lord. He would have no
    time in his life to practice the art of sword-play.

    a chance for knowledge.

    Knowledge? I don't need that for my job!


    our scribe started out dirt-poor and with no education, it is highly
    unlikely he would be documenting all of history for us.


    I spend all my day in my study researching and recording official
    documents all whilst lifting barbells! Whoo!


    further assistance?

    I'm unable to locate any additional assistance.

  8. Dunii sits on the assassin's perch, alone, reading any book he can find just to try and pass the time. He is starting to understand basic concepts of magic... though this information is useless in a non magic-user. Regardless, he finds the topic interesting and has begun reading about spells and how they work.

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