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Posts posted by collinsullivan

  1. Chapter One, Family of Krx

    Arche’s family is completely unknown to him, except his blood brother, Aendrin Krx. The Two were separated at birth and Aendrin was given a good life with a happy adopted wood elf family. Arche got the bad end of the bargain and ended up alone, so all he could do was fend for himself. As Arche scraped for food in trash bins, Aendrin was put through school and taught all of the things Arche never got to learn.

    Chapter Two, Petty Theft

    Arche was a hard headed orphan boy, he was dirty, and learned how to pickpocket. Due to his thin complexity he could slip his hand in someone’s pocket steal a few minas and they would never find out. After a while, Arche started to steal more and more money each time. He would always tell himself, “This is the last time Ill do it I swear.” before stealing. He never followed this promise but he still said it every time.

    Chapter Three, Arrested

    When Arche grew to his teens he started shoplifting, and from then on his carrier as a thief got worse. Arche stole food, weapons, tools, or anything else he could get his mitts on. One of those times though he got caught, he had been in the Alras bakery stealing muffins out of the glass counter and stuffing them into his pants, when an Alras guard walked in. The guard at first thought nothing of the boy with his hands down his pants until he realized that all the muffins were gone. The guard called over a few other men and they tried to constrain Arche, the only weapon near was a metal rod with a point on the end, next to the fireplace. He grabbed it and fought off a few of the men, but they kept coming and Arche was not strong enough to fight them all off. He jumped to the door, but as he was about to open it someone else on the other side of the door was opening it too. Unfortunately that someone was a 7 foot orc and Arche was no where near strong enough to open it his way so the orc smashed the door right in the middle of Arche’s head...

    The next thing he could remember was dim torches and the sound of metal clinking on metal. He had been brought to the Alras jail for resisting arrest, which is a big deal in Alras.

    Chapter Four, Busting Out

    After a few hours Arche heard the clinking stop, and the man was making the sound asked Arche, “What are you in for?” The man’s voice was proper and a bit frail, the kind of voice usually not heard from people who just got arrested. Arche stuck his head out the bars so he could see his neighbor, and he was shocked. The combination was so odd, a proper dark elf in jail, usually dark elves are in jail and that was not the wierd part the weird part was the properness of him and the fact that he was a dark elf in jail. He also noticed that the man had a blue spiral tattoos on his biceps, just like Arche does. Arche asked, “Where did you get those tattoos?” Even though Arche did not know how he got his he felt that it was important to see where the man got his.

    About a week later the men had gotten to know each other quite well and they found to get along great. Aendrin and Arche, it was almost as if they were brothers, since they looked alike, acted alike, and at points argued alike.

    On the boy’s sixth month they decided to break out. They were gonna tunnel out, the main factor being the darkness. If it was dark they could easily conceal it and if it was found it would be hard to navigate. Luckily, Arche has a special gift, of cat-like night vision, so the darkness was no problem. On the final day of their tunneling a gust of wind blew in from their tunnel into their cells and blew out all the torches. Not having the time to relight them, Arche and Aendrin had to dig faster. They had no idea where they were going and where they were. Finally, the rugged stone turned into flaky dirt and they broke through the surface of the Alras park. The guards never did find out how they had escaped.

    Chapter Six, Blood Brothers

    From the day Aendrin and Arche broke through that ground while escaping, the boys were friends. Aendrin was a skilled fighter while Arche was a professional thief, they both bought homes in Alras and lived their lives together. One day, Arche got the idea to become blood brothers, but Aendrin was a little bit hesitant. Aendrin did not know what could happen and he did not want to find out, but of course Arche did it anyways while Aendrin was asleep on the couch.

    Several years later when Arche finally told Aendrin about what he had done, Aendrin told Arche the truth. They were brothers, Aendrin’s adopted mother told him, and that is why they are so much alike.

    Chapter Seven, Stealing

    Aendrin and Arche had fallen on hard times and now that both of them were clear about their relations they acted different. They were still best friends but Arche started to give Aendrin a hard time, punching him in the arm, yelling rude things at him, and telling him that he was doing something wrong. Aendrin stood his ground until he could no longer, and he burst he yelled back at Arche, “Get a job you lazy bum and stop pestering me, I feel like Im always paying for you!” This really made Arche think about his life, and he decided that the best thing to do, would be to pull off a big robbery, bigger than ever before.

    This robbery was gonna take place at the royal storage room in Alras, he would walk in wearing diamond armor take out his diamond forged blade, Lampura, and confront the Royal Merchant. The only problem with his plan was getting the materials, he needed at least 30 diamonds to get such artillery. He would steal a diamond here and another one their, con someone out of one, and deceive a few people into giving him diamonds... No it is much more tricky than that, but in the end the cost of the materials was only a small fraction of what he could end up with.

    He stole some here and there and within four years, of beating dwarves and pickpocketing humans, he had all the required diamonds.

    Chapter Eight, The Heist

    [soon to come, if my VA is accepted]



  2. A gust of wind blows into your eyes and they burn. You hear a grouse noise and a surge of pain shoots through your stomach. The wind blows again and your eyes are irritated once more, but out from under the trees emerges a person with a hood. At first you think it is a man so you say “hello sir” but the reply is unexpectedly a woman’s voice. Your face turns red as an apple and you develop an excuse, “I have bad eyesight I’m sorry”. The woman giggles a bit and says “why does everyone think Im a man” you reply maybe its your cloak. The woman removes her hood and she has beautiful, flowing, silky, red hair, it blows about in the violent wind and you ask “by any chance do you have any food?”. The woman grins and says “your in luck i own a tavern down the street that way and she gestures her hand to the right”. You being so weary and hungry ask her to take you there and she does.

    After walking for a while you come upon a wooden building standing in between two great oak trees. It is rectangular with a bit of a curve in one corner where the door is. You enter the great wooden door and heat, from the torches lighting the room, licks your face and you feel warm. A man standing behind the counter is staring off into the distant farm fields. The woman is still by your side and she says to the man “Luke this man is in need of a hot meal”. There is no reply so she asks the man “Luke are you still with us?” All of a sudden the man blinks and looks to us, “oh yes sorry i am quite tired today i don’t know what has come over me”. The woman says again “this man is in need of a hot meal” and this time the guy behind the counter replies, “ok what can i get for you?”. You take out a sack full of coins and toss it on the countertop, making the coins rattle about, “Ill have 8 loafs of bread and 4 pork chops please”. You sift through the money and give the woman 400 minas. The woman looks at you astonished and says “oh my that is way to much you are a friend now and i will not have you paying that much” She then proceeds to give you back 310 minas. The woman takes a key out from under the countertop and gives it to the man, “I forgot to give you this earlier” The man goes downstairs and returns within a few minutes holding two bags one of which is labeled bread and the other pork. He tosses them on the bar and you take them and put them in your pocket. You then turn around thank the woman by saying “thank you mam” emphasizing the word mam, and open the creaky wooden door. The cold is like a whip, it hits you and you, it is painful and you wish you never had to leave the tavern.

  3. RP name: Collin Sullivan

    Race: Human/Male

    Age: nineteen


    Collin, has always had a reasonably good life, He was brought up well, Taught to read by his parents, He bearly ever went hungry. The perfect life for A young child, That is, until the undead's final push through Aegis, to which Many plagues struck, and His parents Ill..

    At the age of just Seventeen, Collin was left, to look after his parents, and pay for their medicine. Unfortuantly alone he could not afford this, So he took up the hammer, and nail building ships for the great voyage, This earned him, not only his place in the ''New World'' but infact, An excellent muscular Physic.

    Still young, and finding it troublesum to pay for his parents wellbeing, now hunts, in the wilderness, around his new home; In Alras. Adept in both blade, to which, he was taught by his human father, And Bow, In which, he was taught by his elven Mother, Collin is quite the fighter.

    He now seeks jobs, to earn his keep in this world, afterall, Who isn't?




  4. Well, there would be no reason for me to, either way im done arguing, i honestly thought we were friends...now your just freaking out...Whatevs, im going to go play skyrim.

    you dont own skyrim hahahahahaha ive been to your house you dont even have a game system

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