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Posts posted by Ragnar'Trurlock

  1. Ragnar knows of the blackmont and wishes to be involved in their chaos, so he tears the flesh of a human and gathers some ink. He then proceeds to dip the tip of his dagger into the ink and tattoo the skin with a message stating:


    "Mi iz Ragnar. Mi gruk ub latz urder agh mi wunt tu jyuin."


    He tears threw the skin with the dagger finishing up writing.


    "Mi wyll ged de 'ead uv any'ash lat wunt."


    He then lets the ink dry in the skin and sets his raven off with it to whoever shall recieve it.

  2. OOC-

    -MC name*:


    -Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*:

    Yes I do.

    -Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*:


    -Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*:




    -RP name:



    -What do you wish to join as, why?:

    The Thorn, because Ragnar is a brute, as all orks are. He’s
    your perfect bandit, thief, killer whatever you want him to be because he is relentless
    and has a very hard time failing. Ragnars killed before and will kill again, as
    long as he gets proper coin and bed.

    -What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?:


    I can bring my characters strength and will to kill. Ragnar
    is a brutal ork, scarred by his past wars, will not hesitate to follow any type
    of orders. He will risk his life for the safety of the guild and any ranking
    member in it.

    -Race and Sex:

    Ork, Male.

    -Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will
    amount in your death.:

    Yes I do.

    -Do you have any previous or current loyalties?:

    I was a part of The Wolf Pack back in the day. Also other
    secret evil groups looking to bring world chaos

    Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish

    Thorn---You are given as mission to find and
    beat up the minister of a small village, for he has refused to pay taxes to

    Assuming Ragnar has been pointed in the direction of where
    this village is, Ragnar sets out with his axe in hand and sword on back. After
    a day’s travel he arrives. Ragnar looks about the small village realizing there
    are very few guards, he laughs to himself. “Dis w’yll bi tuu eezy!” He trots
    along to the nearest human and asks him a question. “Ware iz de minezter uv dis
    pla’ze?” He looks into the small humans eyes with an unwavering look on his
    face. The human mumbles “I—I – don’t know…” Ragnar lets out a loud snort and spits
    the snot onto his chest, then immediately grabs him by the throat. “Led mi blah
    diz ash moar ty’me. Ware de skah iz de Minezter!” The human jumps a little as
    the Orc shouts, losing breath from Ragnars strong grip. “He is.. He’s the next
    street over.. In the log house…” Barely getting the sentence off before Ragnar
    tosses him to the ground. The human scurries off. Ragnar moves to the next
    street to happily see the log house before his eyes. He moves to the door and
    knocks loudly. The minister cracks the door and reply’s “Who’s there?” Without
    wasting time Ragnar throws his body weight into the door knocking the minister
    to the ground. The minster knows why hes here and trys to crawl to his sword.
    But that was not fast enough. Ragnar moves to the side of him and with one hefty
    kick to his ribs he rolls over himself gasping for air. Ragnar is now standing
    over him and speaks to him “Ware de skah iz de goldiez ow’d tu uz!” The minster
    quivers in fear. Unsatisfied with the minister’s lack of guts, he grunts loudly
    and turns him onto his back. Before the minister could speak again Ragnar has
    already landed 2 solid punches to his jawline, dislocating it. He now weeps in
    fear and agony. But all Ragnar does is laugh. “Lat gun pay de goldiez nuw!”
    Ragnar now shouting. He drags the minister across the floor, “shuw mi ware de
    goldiez iz!” The minister raises his hand, shaking from the pain he points to a
    hung up painting. Ragnar lets go of him and lets him fall face first to the
    ground, he then removes the painting to see a hole in the wall with a large sum
    of minas in a bag. He removes it then proceeds to walk towards the door but
    turns and says “Rulg.” Before parting ways.   



  3. <Grunts and retrieves the sword.>

    Lat wunt tu prutekt da rex? Start by keepun owt uv privayt meetunz. Lat wunt tu joyn da Kheshig? Gu pruuv latz am worf a damn.

    *Grunts at the pain but sheds it off as blood falls to the ground*

    Lat wunt mi tu pruuve mi'selv? Hrm , mi wiel brng de 'eads uv aul de ordinaturs en salvus, agh mi flatten de keng ub hanseti wid eaze.

    *Scratches at his open wound*

    Lat gun led mi lebe nuw?

  4. *Looks at the sword then back up at blaw*

    Lat wunt mi tu pud a scer un mi fer wunten tu halp pruutek de Rex?

    *Snorts loudly*

    Dats nubhosh agh juzz skahen stuuped. Mi wiel nub blah dat mi ib glob fer tryen tu halp de rex, skah dat mi honur stendz bud diz ib juzz dizhunerable.

    *Puts the end of the sword to his ribs then rips his arm upwards making blood fall to the ground and a large gash on his side pouring blood.*

  5. *Glares at blaws eyes studying him*

    Ib lat wuunt tu gruk mi peeped hiem reeden ah nuut. *Looks to Acornlad then back to blaw*

    Mi peeped o'ber hiz shuuldars agh reed de nuut. LAt ib rite mi wuzz peepen ash ub de kheshig bud mi nub gruk hi wuzz kheshig til nuw. Mi den kam 'ere avter reeden dat nuut. Mi wuzz d'inken mi kuld halp bud ubviusly nub. bud enyweyz datz huw mi gud 'ere.

    *Begins laughing*

    HurHur gu aheed agh pud anoder scur un mi. Id wiel wuurk be'der fer mi any'weyz, id peepz chara'der ids beder fer robben skahz enyweyz.

  6. *Laughs slightly*

    HurHur, blaw nub remembre mi? Lat ib de uruk dat maed mi ah gorkil, mi 'ad tu klomp de twiggie king. Mi nub spye dats nubhosh, ids nubhosh tu akyze mi ub dat tu.

    *Tilts his head backwards*

    Bud ib lat gunna flatten mi den pud dat zult d'rew mi jugular. Bud dat bi innozent uruk bluud un latz hendz.

  7. *Looks to blaw then explains how he got the note*

    Hrm, mi peeped dis liddle huwlur runnen aruund wid diz nuut en hiz muuth.

    *Holds up the note*

    Su mi tuuk uut ah steek agh tuunted id wid id fer awile, avtur sum 'ours ub de huwlur runnen den comen bak mi grebbed ad de nuut maken id druup tu de gruund. Datz huw mi gud 'ere. Mi nub kheshig d'ough.

    *Turns his head to urara*

    Mi nub kheshig, bub ib lat wunt tu klomp wid mi datz hosh.

  8. By all form of power invested in me by the Patronus Negotii I grant you the single opportunity of initiate. Fail this chance and gaining a second one will not be easy.

    If all have nothing left to say I extend the chance, officially to Ragnar. Any who have issue with this may speak now or will have spoken too late. The orc will be contacted and brought to a designated location where his life among the Sicarius shall begin.

    Expect to hear from a Brother soon.

    ((We'll have someone set a meeting up with you through pms.

    Anyone have nothing to do?))

    ((Alright i might be on tomorrow not sure. If i am it will be late probably around 10pm? Or later. Let me know if you want me to contact you on the forums when i will be on.))

  9. *A wolf drops a note before Ragnars feet, he picks it up and trots off with the head of a dead ordinator*

    *After a few days travel he arrives at the temple holding the rotted head*

    Hrm mi gud diz mezzage frum lat tu kom 'ere.

  10. After reviewing your application, especially the biography, I have come to the conclusion that you deserve a chance to join the Dark Brotherhood. As such, a positive mark is given by me which, in combination with the positive vote of another Counselor, shall be the only required prerequisite to be accepted into the initiation process.

    If I have spoken ignorant of factors that make this applicant unfit to ascend into our ranks, please inform me of the factor in question. If no such factors exist, my vote remains positive.

    ((Overall good, I think you put a lot of thought into this character and put moderate effort into your app. I believe I've read your bio before but I have no idea where. Anyways, I give you one of the necessary +1s to get in as an initiate.))

    ((I appreciate your support, thank you. Also the Bio was posted here once before while my VA was not accepted. Alas i have posted it again adding some events to it.))

  11. Name ((MC)):


    Name ((IG)):


    Real Life Age:



    Orc, i don't really have a sub-race

    Combat experience:

    Ragnar has fought in many battles and wars, he lived on the streets for a long time, and he has experiences in killing as well as stealing. He has been doing a lot of bandit type work and has robbed kings before. ((I also had a previous character known as Malanar, He was the general in a guild called the white ravens. He led his fellow troops into battle many times.))

    Give me a short summary of your character so far. The longer the better (but 2 paragraphs minimum)

    Ragnar’s childhood was not the greatest. He would get in fights all the time because of how he is. But all this is because of his family, if he should even call them that, his dad beat him to a pulp and barely fed him while his mother sits on her arse and watches. A cold snowy night Ragnar was not in an agreement with his father because of how he was treating his mother, his father grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the sandstone wall making chunks fly from it. Ragnar tried to get out of his father’s grasp while pleading for him not to hurt him; he started flailing his arms wildly and hit him in the nose making blood pour from it. His father grew indefinitely enraged and screamed “Lat skah buub!” And jammed his finger in Ragnars eye twisting it around then he ripped his hand out making the eye come out as well. Ragnar screaming for mercy, faint of breath from his father’s hold, yelled out for his mother’s helped. She came into the room saw the blood and everything else that was happening; she looked Ragnar in the one eye he had left and shook her head, turned in the opposite direction, and walked away from Ragnar, His heart sank like a rock falling into water. His father let out a haunting laugh then threw him to the ground and started to scream at him once more saying “Lat skah!” Ragnar holding his eye in one hand and the other out in front of him tried to crawl away, but his father stomped on his stomach with so much force it shattered two ribs. Ragnar screamed as he coughed up blood, and laid on the floor accepting his fate to come. His father grabbed his throat once more saying “lat buub, lat liked to be nubhosh!?” he then looked towards the dangling eye and smirked as he proceeded to rip it out of its socket. He put his hand on Ragnars mouth silencing his voice, he then dangled the eye over his face and asked “Lat hungry?” he opened Ragnars mouth and held it open as he dropped his eye into the mouth making him eat it. Ragnar didn’t feel alive anymore, he threw his father off of him and they both stood up immediately, Ragnar feeling woozy and slightly dizzy of the lack of sight an agonizing pain he acted quickly and dove into his father’s chest taking him to the ground, without thinking he bit a chunk out his father’s throat. Blood spewed all over Ragnar and the yellow sandstone walls; panicking, he then grabbed an iron ingot on the table beside him and struck his father in the jaw with it. Ragnar feeling like an animal ran and barged out of the sand hut holding his face where the eye should have been running as fast as he can, and as far as he can. He fell to the ground and crawled into a cave, now Ragnar is only 15, and from this point he knows much about surviving alone. So Ragnar immediately built up a fire and threw the iron ingot into the fire, he then proceeded to grab the iron with his bare hand and placed it onto his open eye socket, sealing it together. Ragnar biting his teeth together like a savage Orc would, let out a loud roar, then threw the bar onto the ground and passed out from the pain.

    A confounding day for Ragnar one he will surely never forget. It was a cold fall day, the wind was nicking at your neck and leaves were covering the land like a blanket. A day in which Salvanians were restless because of the peacekeepers acts and corruption. The event was full of nothing but the illuminating of darkness with each shout of the locals. More and more joined in, nothing more than Orcs.

    They grow wary of useless shouting and decide to take action. They take up arms and begin attacking peacekeepers killing and eating them as if they were just wild swine. Oh no that is not enough… Just the beginning. Ragnar grows enraged and he loses his self-conscious and total mind set. Until he hears the words, those three words that changed his life forever “Flatten Dem Aul!” Ragnar had no hesitation he started killing them all.

    The humans and elfs scattered into the bakery for salvation, oh but what a mistake that was. The Orcs charged in like a herd of charging bulls. Ragnar’s eyes searching the room for anything that breathes, his hands move before his mind tells him to do anything more; his hands are not his own. He swam in a pool of blood and guts by the end of it all and heard nothing but the war cry of “Glazug Votar!” and a little whimper in the corner of the room. It was but a child, an innocent little girl.

    Ragnar ran towards her with no regret or mercy only a foot raised above his waist, then a slam, and another slam, and another slam. Blood spurts into his eyes but why should he stop? He raises his leg again and stomps on her limp body with his iron sabaton. The girl lays dead and so does Ragnar’s conscious. No regret, no mercy, no sorrow or pain is left for Ragnar to carry around. He is but only one thing, death.

    Would you consider being a spy?:

    I don't think my 12 foot orc would be to interested, but if you would have me do it then sure.

    Past military experience:

    I have been in many battles, I also have led a huge group of men into battle various times. I have raided castles before, and other guilds. My character has killed over 17 people RP. He also single handily took on groups of people in full iron and diamond and won.

    Past criminal experience:

    I have robbed and killed before, and also got a few assassin jobs

    Current Occupation (Miner, Smithing etc):

    Ragnar does not belong to any of these, he currently kills for his days work of minas.

    Useful, Non-military Skills:

    Mining and excavation, excavation is at 100 and mining at 75.

    What have you heard of us IC?

    Nothing i have just seen assassins before.

    What have you heard of us OOC?

    I see people around on forums with your signatures and such, I always wanted to belong to an assassin type branch. So I came to the guilds and found this.

    What skill level do you currently hold on the following? Note, to rank past Neopyhte a skill requirement of 40 is required in one of these fields.









    Preferred weapon:


    Screening Questions

    ACCEPTED villain app link (Required):


    Also currently awaiting my Mini VA's approval for 2b.

    Are you wanted in any countries?:

    Probably Salvus, but I am wanted in some guilds for freeing a friend from prison and holding their leader captive.

    Why do you want to join?:

    My previous character was the total opposite of a villain, I wish for my Orc to be an assassin. I want to mix up the Rp experience and try this. This guild is fascinating, and has most certainly caught my eye, it looks perfect for my new character.

    Define powergaming thoroughly:

    power gaming is when you make other characters do something they do not want to do, for example *Ragnar punches Titus in the face knocking him out*. As you can see Ragnar did not give Titus a chance to get out of the way, or deflect the punch, but instead being immediately knocked out. Other known as powergaming.

    Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC?


    "Legal" stuff

    Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary

    .I would never do this IC, OOC I may mention it to a friend, but only trying to get him to join this wonderful community of killers. Also I would never mention vital information about this guild or any information at all.

    Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion?


    Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? This may extend to a permadeath.


    Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood?


  12. ((Its not needed but it can come in handy. Also your trials will be happening tomorrow hopefully. I jsut need White to get online >.> Sorry for the wait))

    ((Ah ok and alright sounds good send me a PM or something.))

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