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Valentino MC: Mau5noize

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Posts posted by Valentino MC: Mau5noize

  1. Best post on thread hands-down. Come back sometime mau5. :)


    aww you miss me already tell?





    Mau5noize - inactive, to0 much mouse not enough lion 3.5/10 would bang


    lol all i get is a 3.5. breh, have you seen my muscles. i think you mean 10/10


    Do you stalk the forums only to post on topic such as this and defend the staff?


    Just a fair question no snarkyness or hateful meaning behind it. :)


    no, you can ask the staff about how i was to them. I was always unbiased. i kicked some GMs off that i had known outside of LOTC. I will always speak out against unnecessary attacks on either players or staff, there is a right way and a wrong way; this is just the wrong way. And don't worry, your smiling face made me smile back. :)



    Im Always abouts. I log in and run around the map from time to time. For some reason I'm stuck in a godmode status. I can't hurt anyone, no one can hurt me; it kind of sucks but i enjoy not having to look for food every time i log in and just spend time observing the player base. Same goes for the forums, i see and read everything. I had my run, i served my time, i just felt others could do it better or at least put more time in. Being an Admin, or even a GM; is very taxing. It's like writing a book, you know the ending so you aren't even excited about the story, You don't get to experience the adventure like everyone else; your only enjoyment comes from seeing others enjoy your hard work and sacrifice. And when people tell you your book sucked, and aren't constructive at all with their criticism, it makes you not want to try. You can tell someone "hey you suck" or you can say "Hey i like the effort, but what if you tried this." Im not saying we should beat around the bush, I'm saying, be respectful and considerate or just leave the server and go elsewhere. 


    Ill be blunt. this is probably one of the most pointless and inconsiderate topics to date. Not the worst, but it's up there. How about a poll about players who whine and complain, or players who kiss ass in hopes of getting promotions, or better yet; players that point out problems and never solutions. Or EVEN BETTER, a poll on players that are just complete ass holes. Lets rate players based on their RP level. Brown for shitty, red for amazing, blue for power gamers, orange for bad spellers. 


    The above was sarcasm, using colors to rate people on good or bad, is…stupid. Just because you call it constructive criticism doesn't make it ok. Telling someone who's overweight they are fat isn't ok. A Gm who is struggling to do a good job, shouldn't be dragged publicly through the server and ganged up to be humiliated. So, here is some constructive criticism, pull your head out your ass, act like a mature individual, and take any concerns you have with a staff member to the Admin in charge. If you feel like you need numbers to better get your point across, make a document with some fellow concerned players and send that to an admin. They do listen, but posts like this; will cause them not to take you seriously. Especially if you find this as ok.

  3. I think I'll keep my personal opinions to myself. Hyll Sveariket.



    LOL why write this? If you plan to keep them to yourself then why tell everyone your keeping them to yourself? 


    It is the same as those people who say "oooh i have a secret but i can't tell you" or the people who sigh really really really loud and make sad faces, but say they don't want to talk about it, yet they will say something along the lines of "but its really messed up what has happened, but I'm not going to talk about it: *double sigh.



    i guess I'm being an ass, back to my mouse hole. just thought i'd point out the only thing that stood out to me out of this entire post. The rest is the same "lets all be friends", **** i remember the bad ol days, when it was drama, flame, drama, rage on a daily basis; at each other, at staff, at oneself. I have to say from a glance at the past and now, the server is definitely moving in the right directions. People will always bicker and on a gaming server where a large majority of the players are "kids" or "teenagers", i'd imagine they will act like kids and teenagers. And there isn't anything wrong with that, just as long as you accept what you dish out being directed back at you, and you try to be as respectful as possible, you should all be fine. We are humans, we get angry, we lash out, no one is perfect. Nor will the community ever be, it can only be perfectly imperfect and on a progressive path, where tomorrow is better than today, which is better than yesterday.


    I always find posts like this humorous. Mainly because of the way they are written; as if the staff owes you their time. They don't owe you Sh**. They give up their free time to do something they love to do; help others by maintaining/managing a quality environment for RP. GOD FORBID they take a week or two, or a month off to handle more important priorities in their real life. Sorry your life isn't as bustling at the moment and you feel neglected that on your free time, while you play, someone else isn't sacrificing all of theirs to hold your hand and walk you through your RP/MC problems.


    Now this is assuming that some of the staff are inactive and not doing anything LOTC relate. But remember, just because you don't hear from a staff member, doesn't mean they aren't doing something for this server. For instance, and this is relevant as the timing and status of the server is the same, when we transitioned to Anthos; there was a period of time where half the staff was thought to be inactive, including myself. Well in fact, we were putting in 6-12 hours a day Voxeling our little fingers away and planting trees throughout the map. That beautiful landscape that oren was built on, you think that was MC generated? No some amazing staff member put hours into its perfection, *cough *cough "me" *cough *cough. So for all you know, they could be putting in hours to writing transition lore, fine tuning/testing plugins, going over the landscape of 4.0, and planning new events for the new map. Not everything is done to your face/computer screen.


    Now i am completely unbias. I had no problem removing GMs who i considered "friends" that i found as lazy or not putting in some effort. But there is a difference between getting over comfortable in a position/Being lazy and having other priorities arise that take precedent. For the later, it isn't fair to remove someone who has other responsibilities and request some time off. In the real world it doesn't happen that way in a paid job atmosphere, so what makes you think its ok for it to happen in your fantasy volunteer world?


    For those saying "remove the staff now before 4.0" "nows the time". Yeah lets do that, lets remove experienced staff members who know how to handle map transitions; including bug reviews, region reviews, region issues, exploits, log block checks, land claims, and the vast majority of questions that will flood through Modreq and forum posts. Lets let someone who knows nothing about this, who would still be considered in training, work out the kinks. NO. That is ridiculous, staff shouldn't be replaced, staff should be added. Yes fill in time zones, yes add more staff members to certain jobs, and yes warn/remove those who have vanished without a heads up. But a purge? Get off your high horse. I can promise you this; and i would know as i served for 20 months on this staff, from GM to Admin, that once you get that nice title; you will be super GM for about a week or 2, then you find your maintenance zone and put it on cruise control. I've only seen a couple staff members actually keep it at 100% 80% of the time, the rest usually run around 60% for 99% and put in 100 when pressed for discipline. It is a curse; it happens to GMs to Admins, you burn out. And yes, they should take the responsibility to step down as I did, but a purge is overboard. Warning first, explanations, reasons; if a staff member is just being lazy or uninterested then yes give them the boot. But if they need a break for a couple weeks or a month to rejuvenate the moderating juices or handle some IRL duties then let them, cause i guarantee, unless you have no life whatsoever outside this server, that there will come a time when you will need some time off and a little break to maintain your sanity. 

  5. I'd like a solid explanation to be forthcoming as to why the founding fathers were immolated and forced into servitude all this time and we're just now finding out about it. If Krug has been a dark servant all this time, why haven't the orcish shaman, who draw their power through him among other ancestors, sometimes even speak with him, been either made aware of this or somehow corrupted into servitude? If I'm understanding the implications of this new lore correctly, I'm going to feel strongly obliged to have my orc either abandon shamanism or turn over to the dark side. Not that any of us really play our orcs anymore anyway, but it's something to consider. And I'm sure we're not the only players with characters that will be drastically affected by this sorta "Deus ex Machina" lore overhaul.


    Either way, I'll roll with this regardless of whether or not the lore makes sense to me or not. Looks like a good time and I appreciate everyone's attempts at making this work and hopefully improve the server.


    Make fun, not lore.



    The lore created for this antagonist was molded around existing lore and not retconned at all. We don't do that; thats how you get slapped. 


    The four sons were not effected by this unknown being yet to be released. They weren't immolated (souls enslaved through a corrupting flame); their decedents; a group of holy warrior (the group also yet to be released). Just know they went out to kill me when i was assumed at my weakest; and instead i immolated them and began the start of a new army to enact my revenge (reason yet to be released). You will learn the lore IG through hidden books and through RP forum posts of discovering lost diaries. 


    To give you a time frame of when the quote in the video occurred; it would be during the start of aegis if not a little before on Asulon. So way past the time of the brothers.



  6. If all goes to plan all time zones will be covered. Evens are ran naturally with the flow of the server by players and ET Antagonist members. More colorful events by the above but a GM leader. For the past month we have been running small events with those w/ apps that we find wandering the roads or the north. Events will come much more know and involve more people in the coming days.

  7. Before other people say this is just the undead reborn, please refrain from it.  You actually have not the slightest clue what is to come and you're in for some amazing twists and surprises, Mau5 worked incredibly hard making this original and imo gonna be better than the Undead.  You're in for a treat.



    Alll credit for the lore goes to chaq. I only pushed for it to become our server lore and got it started.


    again i would like to reiterate that the FM team is full of amazing and future GMs. It wasn't an easy choice but i am comfortable that i have made the right one for now. I will probably be adding 2 more members to this staff in a month or so so don't loose hope!! If i could i would have chose all you FMs but then tythus would kill me and we know we cant have that. I had to convince him that i wouldnt take all his top FMs; which was a lie ;)


    Hello LoTC community,


    I am here to quickly announce two new additions to the GM team. With the loss of some inactive GMs; some space had opened up and it was apparent where we were lacking on our staff. One was the need of a GM who could be seen as very approachable, very dedicated, and very friendly; that would be freya. If you don't know who Freya is then you should get out from under that rock. Freya was an amazing GM during her time, she led in Modreq, was loved by the community and very helpful among staff. She left for personal reasons as well as there not being any strong leadership; she was one of the only people who didn't let modreq pile up. I am sure she will do wonders rejoining the team and assisting with the every growing amount of modreq. I know we can always just leave them for Ever (who has surpassed 1000 modreqs for this month), but additional dedicated help is always needed.


    Secondly i noticed for a while now that the FM team needed a GM leader. Someone who could keep up with the roster, adding or removing FMs, someone who could set the example of a friendly and mature leader for others to follow, someone approachable and someone that could be trusted. So i figured the best course of action was to choose from the FM team and promote one of their members. I looked through the FMS, those with or without GM apps; and found that the team was full of dedicated and mature members. However i could only choose one and with that decision i went with Gemmylou. I have worked once or twice with her on forum matters and she was always quick and to the point. When i approached her with this promotion she was nervous and unsure of herself. She didn't want to just say yes and claim a new "trophy" or "badge" but wanted to know what her duties would entail and if she could manage them. After a very flustering talk she said yes, and i knew her hesitation and inquires showed that she was GM material and on this team for all the right reasons.



    So TL:DR:



    Freya is a GM again, has been for a couple weeks. She is amazing, a dedicated staff member, and a mature addition to the GM team.


    Gemmylou has been promoted to the position of GM and is now the GM Team Leader of the FM team. She is in charge of the FM team under tythus and should be your go to person about FMs questions, issues, or concerns before going to Tythus.


    These decisions were not based off of staring at the GM applications, they were based off what i needed for my team and who was qualified and capable. This doesn't mean your applications have been made in vain. I do normally choose from them and am never short of dedicated and professional help. 


    Take Care and Happy Rping!!



    edit: again i would like to reiterate that the FM team is full of amazing and future GMs. It wasn't an easy choice but i am comfortable that i have made the right one for now. I will probably be adding 2 more members to this staff in a month or so so don't loose hope!! If i could i would have chose all you FMs but then tythus would kill me and we know we cant have that. I had to convince him that i wouldnt take all his top FMs; which was a lie ;)

  10. This is being locked. This post came as a surprise to the admin team and many of the GM staff. Though we are divided on it we always planed on a compromise based off of a large player poll and staff poll. We apologize for the confusion. Please sit tight and keep to the original RP default rules as we try to work this out.


    labor or labour? Overall this thread is about dannys idea and it would seam the community is strongly in favor of it. We take risks and gambles all the time then we have to create new ideas to fix the loose ends. Just because you aren't seeing any fruits doesn't mean no one else is. The antagonist is slowly out there, gathering people and taking over areas waiting to be strong enough to take on a larger nation. The antagonist map is open to those that know the way. Events are planned with groups and groups. It doesn't seam possible to host server wide events, but rather than pick one group and Rp with them only we have decided to slowly move from area to area of the map. Many guilds, races and villages have contacted us for events and we have begun setting up times to attack them and take from them new recruits. 


    There are a million and one issues that need to be addressed; you don't build a skyscraper or home without first making sure your foundation is 100% perfect; same with events and story lines; rather than rush into things and leave tons of contradictions and loose ends we find it better to set up and plan these things out. As i said; if you don't like this method then im sure you can find a RP server that runs hourly events that make no sense and don't tie in with the global plan of things.


    I have some exciting news to you LoTC. Tonight, today, yesterday for some; we have added 2 new Global Moderators to the LoTC team. We have recently lost a GM and I have noticed a need in some areas for some fresh leadership and moderation. So to compensate i have added 2 new staff members. So without further ado, i introduce:



    Gaius Marius and Chaqery!


    I am sure we are all well aware of both these members of this community. Both server as Lore Masters on the server and Chaqery is the antagonist creator and on the magic team. Chaqery was also nominated as our Player of the Month for his hard work and dedication on this server. He has always been a straight shooter with me and i've even exploded at him on occasion; and yet he always` stands his ground. He doesn't bend or stray from his opinion; and that is something i admire about a staff member. Gaius has always been a prevalent member of this community. I remember in my first days on this server reading his posts and witnessing a high level of maturity and literacy. I pondered for many months why he wasn't already a GM, but no need to ponder any more. 


    I feel the combination of these two members will help maintain a standard of professionalism amongst the GM staff. Both of these members stick to their opinions, never acted in an obsequious manner about a promotion or during conversations knowing my position. Chaqery will be taking over the magic team as a GM leader and helping me push forward the antagonist in areas where i've fallen short; such as availability. Gaius for now will be taking on a standard role as a GM, to fill the spot that has recently come available. 


    So with that i say congratulations to our two newest staff members and am excited for the experience they bring to the LoTC staff table!

  13. LoTC community, i have heard your requests on a updated magic team and though I'm a bit late; I would like to introduce your LoTC 3.0 Magic Team.

    For Arcane/ Elemental Evocations;
    Cruzazul (Alandri)
    Lanader (Richard Tarus)
    Truthseeker (vallel)
    Sode1 (Adeon)
    For Druidism
    Saviordude [GM]

    For Lore Team/Magic team general information;
    Chaquery [LM]

    For illusion and TK
    Supremacyops (kalenz) [LM]

    For Dark arts
    Geo [GM]
    AllenTheGreat [FM]

    For Kha Magic
    Freema5 [GM]
    Geo [GM]

    For Shamanism

    General Inquiries, Frost Witch Magic, and Magic Team Secretary
    Meguzara [FM]

    What to expect these next couple weeks;
    ~A guide for each archtype that explains the learning process of the tiers as sets a new standard for magic RP
    ~An optional roll event to help remove powergaming and justify the failure/success of magic users performing spells based of their tier level.
    ~A push for teachers to excell thier students and student progression through the tiers to help redistribute magic RP that is at deaths doorstep
    ~A rerelease of necromancy magic, non iblees related, and the acceptance of necromancy students under geo and allen; once geo has been trained by Allen.

    I'm sure much more will be occurring and I hope with this new updated staff we can get magic back on track and a productive and exciting element of LoTC Role-play!


    Hello again LoTC community, in this post i will be introducing our three new GMs to the server.


    We have always been a well staffed team but recently i've found we could use a couple extra hands to help assist aspects to the server, especially since we have lost a couple GMs in the past months and i've been promoted. So without further ado, i introduce Geo, Ever, and Gavlan.




    Other Positions: Guide

    First up is Ever. Ever is a guide and a very hard working one. He has put hours into creating, updating, and organizing guides for the server. Besides this his attitude and representation of the guide team made this decision an easy choice for the Admin Team. With his promotion he will also be taking over the guide team as my replacement as i have moved on. Already he has instilled changes and have done a better job on his Guide GM intro post than i ever have.




    Other Positions: Media Team

    Next is Gavlan. A new addition to the media and player on this server for over a year; he shows great promise as a GM. Supported by the entire Admin staff he was an easy choice for us as well. His application was well put together like many out there. Even right now as i type this i can see him on my other screen knocking out modreq and assisting the community. 



    Mcname: Geoboy66

    Other Positions: Villain Application Team, Kha Nation leader

    Last but not least is Geo. Geo, a member of the villain application team and leader of the Kha, is a very devoted and trusted member of this community. With large support on his application, it was very easy to see why the community desired him to be GM. His time zone, great and supportive attitude, dedication to his IG nation and community, and his willingness to sacrifice this promotion to instead keep alive the kha as a regular player; made him a very comfortable and confident pick. He is truly a community player and puts the betterment of the server before personal gain. 



    So these are your three new Global Moderators! I have high hopes for them to help bring in a new era of trusting, respectful and a mature relationship between staff and players!

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