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Posts posted by Dominus_Empyreus

  1. MC Name: Dominus_Empyreus

    Character Name: Grenth

    Race: Human

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair: http://menshairstylesclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2-Small-Afro-Hairstyle.jpg?84a1ed

    Beard: No

    Skin Color: Brown

    Extra: On the clothing picture below, I'd really like the hood to be down, behind his head. So you can see his head, fully. The hood would just be in the back. I think you know what I mean.

    Clothing: http://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/Imported Set.jpg/514789550/Imported Set.jpg

    Thanks! :)

  2. What is your name? Brayson_Id.

    How old are you? 27

    What city do you currently live in? I live in the Alras Library.

    Do you agree to follow the rules? Yes, Of course.

    Have you had any experience with magic? If so, what kinds? Well, I personally have no experience with it. But I witnessed Archmage Floop perform some magic with his staff when I first met him.

    What race are you? [Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf] Elf.

    What are you efficient with? What are you inefficient with? I am efficient with writing tomes, and Harvesting Crops. Unfortunately I am inefficient with

    Swordsmanship, Blacksmithing, And fighting.

    Biography: [2 Paragraph minimum please]

    Brayson Id, The elder twin of Marcus Id. He is an attractive and physically strong man. Having worked on farms since his youth, he favors mental and challenging activities.He was born in a small cottage on the edge of Renatus. At the age of 10 he decided that he wanted to become a scholar and learn more about the world. After being tutored by his uncle George Id. At the age of seventeen Brayson decided to try to become an official traveling scholar so. he began traveling with his twin brother. He was pulled into the all the knowledge that he learned from all the other cultures that they wrote about on their adventures. And eventually had an insatiable hunger for even more knowledge. He usually read tomes from day until nightfall.

    His brother was, however, rather charming, and handsome. But Was quite meddlesome and usually seduced women to get what he wanted. Whatever it may be Food, A place for the night, Or even Transportation. Brayson however did not enjoy what his brother was doing, So he decided to part ways with him. Never meeting again. A few years later, Brayson had become an official full-fledged Scholar at the Royal Library of Alras, Which he made his new home.

    He's been able to learn even more about other cultures then what he already knew, And he has recently been developing a tome about a strange race known as the Kha". In several tomes he has read about the magic of Asulon and the strange magic of Aegis. That made him extremely interested and learning more about the "Arcane Arts."

    Open response, answer with as much detail as possible.

    You see a man attempting to kill a Seventis citizen, you walk upto the man and asks what he is doing, what do you do? "Brayson stops writing in his tome and looks up curiously at what was going on, He then walks over to the mysterious noise around the corner of the pond."

    "Brayson raised an eyebrow, My friend. What are ye doing to this poor woman?

    The mysterious man who had a small dagger grasped tightly in his hand, looked over a grinned. "Her fine is long over due. I offer my protection to her family and yet she has decided to not give me my monthly pay. I have even given her extra time but she has failed to even meet that deadline."

    The woman struggling to get free from the mans grasp spoke with fear in her voice trembled as she tried to speak. "But I have done all that I can, we barely have enough money to feed ourselves in these troubling times..You must understand. Just please give me more time, And I might be able to have double of what ye are charging me for."

    The man put the dagger closer to her throat, "I have given you plenty of time! A month and two weeks should be more than enough to make 700 Minas! You realize that I am only trying to protect your family in these troubling times, So I need that money for the appropriate equipment to do so!"

    Brayson calmly put his wooden walking stick between them. "What gives ye the right to harass this poor Woman? Can't you see that she is struggling? Her children must be starving right now, and yet you have the arrogance to try have her hand you all of her wealth?"

    Brayson pushed the man into the grass which made his dagger drop silently into the pond. "She does not need your protection. The military here is more than enough and they manage to protect the citizens of Seventis each and everyday. You are just trying to force her into giving you her Minas because you are to lazy to work for it yourself."

    Brayson reaches into his pouch and hands the poor woman a sack of 5,000 Minas. He smiles, "Here, Take this and use it to feed your children and perhaps even get a better place to live."

    She cried tears of joy as she hugged Brayson tightly. "Thank you, I will never forget something this generous, You may have just helped my children gain a better life." The woman than walked away with a very excited look on her face ready to show her children what she had gotten.

    Brayson then put the tip of his walking stick on the mans stomach to hold him onto the ground. "If I ever hear of something like this again from you, I will not hesitate to call the guards and have you arrested and imprisoned for the rest of your days."

    The man quickly rolled from the tip of the stick and scurried off in fear.

    Brayson simply lowered his hood and returned to his tome smiling.

    You see the lord of Seventis and a man, the man is in full armour with a gold sword. What do you do? Lord Renati puts his lays his chin on the side of his fist. "True, And what of The Mandarin?"

    The man in full armor sheaths his brilliant golden sword. "The battle was quite fierce. But we suffered no major casualties. This rebelling tribe made a poor choice challenging the soldiers of Seventis. But it seems like the Mandarin are still spreading their lies about us."

    Lord Renati frowned. "Hmph, I am starting to think all they want is to have Seventis under their control, They're leader most likely does not care about his people's thoughts, All he wants is power."

    The man in armor nodded in agreement as he saw the scholar Brayson Id walk into the Throne Room. "And what is it ye are doing here? we are discussing important matters. Leave us. Lord Renati noticed a small tome in Brayson's robe marked with the symbol of Seventis. "What is it ye are doing with that tome? You are not from here, So why read it? It obviously does not concern the people of Alras.

    Brayson pulled down his hood to reveal his elven ears, and looked at them both with a smile on his face. "This is all of the information I have gathered about your battle with the Mandarin Tribe. I thought it may help you with this problem of yours."

    The man in armor widened his eyes and laughed loudly. "Well hand it over then!" Brayson tossed the Tome to the man, To which he handed it to the King.

    "Hmm..This will be most useful indeed. I will speak to the council about this, In the mean time Why don't you stay here and talk with Leondas."

    The king walked quickly to another one of his chambers within his castle.

    "You must be quite skilled as a scholar to be able to write so much useful information. And you also must be very excited to meet such a skilled warrior as myself."

    Brayson crossed his arms and smiled. "And who might you be? Since you say you are so skilled in battle."

    Leondas frowned. "How do ye not know me? Has something happened to yer ears? I am one of the most skilled warriors in all of Seventis, I have fought in many battles!" Leondas shouted as loud as he could. "I AM LEONDAS!"

    Brayson raised an eyebrow as he leaned on his walking stick. "Leondas you say? Hmm..."

    Leondas's eyes widened with pride. "So you have heard of me? Haha, I knew it. Word of my victories must have been heard all over Asulon!"

    Brayson put his finger to his chin. "Hmm, Come to think of it. I haven't heard of you. Ever. In all of the tomes I have read your name hasn't appeared in any of them."

    Leondas raised a brow. "So you say you haven't heard of me anywhere eh? Well..I know this will be familiar! Leondas released his golden sword from his sheath. The sword shined brilliantly in the light. Leondas smiled. "This sword I have gotten from the king himself. It was a gift for my great triumphs.

    Brayson rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Well I must return to Alras and get back to my studies. Farewell.

    Leondas pointed his sword at brayson as he walked out of the room. "Do not ignore me! I have the authority to imprison you for the rest of your days scholar!

    Lord Renati walked into the room with a grin on his face and rolled his eyes as he saw Leondas. "Its take to take off that armor replica that you purchased in the markets yesterday. And put that blade back into the armory when you're done."

    Brayson chuckled as he finally left the throne room.

    You see another mage using magic to harm another mage, and or citizen, what do you do? Brayson grabbed the arm of the mage who was trying to burn a citizen of Alras with his flame. "What are you doing? You are supposed to be a protector of this world. You shouldn't be harming children like this."

    The mage broke his arm free from Brayson's grasp and grinned with disgust. "And who are you tell me what I am? I am fully aware of my responsibilities. And I have good reason to burn this child."

    Brayson raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "And why is that?"

    "She tried to steal from this clothing shop. Isn't the right thing to do is punishing her for it?"

    Brayson shook his head. "You shouldn't be tiring yourself with such trivial matters. Look, I'll be sure to make sure this child does not do this again. Just be on your way."

    The mage shifted his staff. "Hmm, I do have my studies to catch up upon so I shall leave her to you. But do not let her off freely or I will be back to show her what fire can do to ones skin." The mages than trailed off into the crowd.

    The small child started to cry. "Im so sorry mister, But I really could use new shoes. My family is not wealthy and we do not get new cloths often."

    Brayson looked at the child's shoes that were covered with holes. He then looked at the shopkeeper standing at the shops doorway. "Here will this cover the price of those shoes?" He handed the shopkeeper 100 minas. The shopkeeper twisted his mustache as he received the minas.

    "Yes I suppose this will have to do." He pointed at the child. "Just don't like me catch you trying to steal another pair of shoes? Understand?" The child nodded happily in agreement as she received the shoes.

    Brayson patted her on the head. "Now you'd better run back to your Mother so she doesn't go off looking for you."

    The child smiled with pure joy. "Th-Thank you sir. I'll be sure to tell her how generous to were to me today."

    Brayson just smiled as he watched the child skip away to her mother happily in her new shoes.

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    No I could not afford to go to Las Vegas.

    How old are you?:

    17, Turning 18 this month.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    United States, Nampa Idaho Pacific Time

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I think I have excellent grammar.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    Well, I've played minecraft for about a year now, And Im a huge fan about football. I currently am a linebacker for my highschool.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Well Depending on work and Finals..I'd say about 3/4 hours a day.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    I know quite a bit about roleplaying, I think its just fun to really be someone you aren't and to be inside of a mystical world where you can..Pretty much do anything you set your mind to. From saving a princess, To becoming a king, or Slaying a powerful wizard!

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Meta: You could say its a place inside of a game where it goes outside of the limits where you could actually go to. Like the void in minecraft.

    Power: Its like spending alot of time trying to get to a specific goal. You could think about it where in MMORPGS you spend awhile acquiring levels to make your character stronger.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:


    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Quite a bit, But I can tell you the ones I play the most. "Worldonecraft" (Shut down forever because the owner lost interest in minecraft), Necrocraft, NotoriousCraft, Vinicraft, World of heroes, DarkEra, Chaoticuniformity, And Chillax'Server.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:


    How did you hear about us?:

    Youtube and Gamefront.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    No not yet, But I will soon.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:


    In-Character: Gin Riosk Anilaks. (Name sounded much better from the last one)

    Character Name:


    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Well my characters family was killed by an elf assassin far in the city of Ouren. So, my uncle decided to take me into his small farm in Al'Kazhar. That is there where he trained me in Swordsmanship and stealth. He is currently 15 years old. He is black, with a black afro and brown eyes, He usually conceals his appearance by covering his face with a gray mask and a golden robe. He is persistent and patient, He is very aggressive while fighting.

    Your characters ambitions:

    To avenge my family, And become a king some day with a family and kids.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    He stops and looks at a tree nearby. He decides to reach into his pack and unpack some small smoke bomb pouches. He throws one confusing the bandits. Then he quickly dashes behind them and knocks them out with the hilt of his blade. Deciding they are not worthy of being killed by such a blade.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer? Hello! I am just here for some bread and Iron ingots. Here are the coins. "Gin walks out of the shops happy with his purchase."

    A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/11/20111218010901.png/

    Other Information: Well I've recently tried to apply earlier, I know you have to wait 48 hours, But I know I won't be able to have time to do that on monday. I hope its ok if I try again.

  4. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:Dominus_Empyreus

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:I live in Nampa, And I could not afford the trip to minecon.

    How old are you? 17, Will be 18 this month.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Nampa,Idaho Pacific Time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes, I am extremely good at grammar.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:Well, I've had minecraft for about a year. Its really a fun game to play in my spare time. I currently am working at Verizon. So most of the time I won't be on the server.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:3/4 hours everyday maybe.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:I like to roleplay ALOT. Its really fun becoming someone you aren't in a world that you create.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.Well basically, Metagaming is like a place outside of the game itself. And Powergaming is basically systems with the aim of trying to get to a specific goal.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:I expect this server will be amazing because of how much effort you put into the website and plugins. Not to mention the reviews :wink:

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I've played on alot of servers. Put some of the servers I play the most are, Worldonecraft (Recently shut down forever), Vinidcraft, ObsidianCraft, NotoriousCraft, World of heroes, Darkera, Necrocraft, ChaoticUniformity, Sincraft, And ChillaxServer.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    How did you hear about us?:I heard about you on youtube, And on gamefront.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? No, Not yet.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:"Dominus_Empyreus

    In-Character: Gin Ruiosnk Animais

    Character Name: Dominus_Empyreus

    What is your Race?:Haven't Decided

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):My characters family was killed by an assassin while I was at school. I was taken in by my uncle who taught me in the art of swordsmanship and stealth. He trained me for 10 years before I set out in my own journey.

    Your characters ambitions:To become King and avenge my families Death!

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do? "Gin quickly jumps off his horse and unsheaths his sword". He Quickly jumps infront of the elf and cuts down both of the bandits. The elf thanks him and askes where he is going. Gin responds that he is going to avenge his families death. The elf eagery wants to help because he does not like his life currently.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer? Gin checks in front of the shop and spots and strange glowing amulet. He can sense that it has power and value. He decides to buy it with 50 coins.

    A screenshot of your skin: I am still picking a skin for the server.

    Other Information:I have none, Everything seems to be perfect about the server as is.

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