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Rat Boy

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Posts posted by Rat Boy

  1. MC name: ratboy07

    IM name: Thomas_Elmore

    What weapon are you most comfortable with (and your stats for swords, axes, archery, wrestling, and smithing):

    I am most comfortable with a sword or bow.






    How long have you lived in Salvus?: About 4 to 5 months

    Why do you wish to join the peacekeepers?: I want to join the peacekeepers so I can help Salvus stay safe and to win all wars. Also to keep Salvus from being ruled by other nations.

    What military experience (if any) do you have?: None but I will spend any amount of time training.

    Have you read and understood the military order and laws post? (Name one of the laws of high accord and the fines that can be imposed from it.): Yes. Killing lifestock can be a 2000-5000 minas fine, and a possible 3-7 minecraft days in jail.

    Regards, Ratboy07

  2. MC name: ratboy07

    IC name: Thomas_Elmore

    What weapon are you most comfortable with (and your stats for swords, axes, archery, wrestling, and smithing):

    I am most comfortable with a sword or bow.






    How long have you lived in Salvus?: About 4 to 5 months

    Why do you wish to join the peacekeepers?: I want to join the peacekeepers so I can help Salvus stay safe and to win all wars. Also to keep Salvus from being ruled by other nations.

    What military experience (if any) do you have?: None but I will spend any amount of time training.

    Have you read and understood the military order and laws post? (Name one of the laws of high accord and the fines that can be imposed from it.): Yes. Killing lifestock can be a 2000-5000 minas fine, and a possible 3-7 minecraft days in jail.

    Regards, Ratboy07

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name: ratboy07

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: no

    How old are you?: 13

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: East Coast United States

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Outside of minecraft I like to play sports. I play football, and I'm on a year-round swimming team.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 2-3 hours every day for 4 days a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.: I never did it before, but I'm good at telling stories, so I'd think I'd be good. Roleplaying is acting out a character not related to your own personal character in a way that doesn't derive any information from your personal character.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.: Metagaming is when you use any out of character or real life information in the actions or words of your roleplaying character. Powergaming is when you roleplay in a way that does not give the other player a chance to roleplay his or her actions

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it to have strict roleplay enforcement and a fantasy themed environment.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I've played on servers like divine kingdoms and buxville, but I left each one because they were all the same and I was tired of the same thing.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: yes

    How did you hear about us?: My Cousin told me about it

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? I voted, but I do not know how to check my vote number.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: ratboy07


    Character Name: Thomas Elmore

    What is your Race?: Human

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): My life in Al'khazar was great. People went for a walk around town while merchants shouted out deals they were offering. My father was one of those merchants. He was everything I wanted to be - brave, kind, and most of all, a merchant. I worked alongside my father, associating with the locals and learning the way of the trade. Then at the end of the day, we went back to our little house on the run-down side of town and had dinner that my mother and younger sister cooked for us. We lived a good life- it was simple, yes, but good ...until that day. My father and I were in the shop when it happened. Our whole family was there(we were stocking and needed all the hands we could get). All of the sudden, the sky got dark and lightning flashed in the sky. My younger sister started to cry. People were being killed before our eyes. Our father whispered something to our mother, and she shook her head violently. "No!" she pleaded, tears pouring down her face. My father kissed her on the cheek and said it was for the best. My mother turned to my sister and me. "We have to hide," She whispered. "We will be safe." She grabbed both of our hands and led us to our stock room. We heard a lot of loud sounds from outside. My mother locked the stock room door. When we heard my father scream, I banged on the door. Finally I kicked it down and saw my father lying on the ground, blood dripping from his chest. He had been stabbed with a dagger. "Go," he whispered, clutching his chest. "I'll find you," my father took a heaving breath, and he died in front of my eyes. My mother, sister, and I fled Al'khazar. My mother eventually succumbed to the miasma and died on our journey. I couldn't convince my sister to leave my mother's body. I later heard rumors of her joining some kind of army against the undead. I could never be sure. I am now a refugee in Alras. I try not to dwell on my past, but it's hard not to. Now I focus on my dream - being a merchant like my father. My character is 18 years old. He has black hair, blue eyes, and is very clean and well kept. He speaks very proper, and is generally a peacemaker and very ambitious.

    Your characters ambitions: My character wants to become a merchant and follow in his fathers footsteps.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?: My character would shout out and try to break up the fight and convince the bandits otherwise.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?: My character would say, "Hello friend, how's business?" and proceed to chat about the trade.

    A screenshot of your skin: My skin

    Other Information: No other info I need to say.

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