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Posts posted by Griff

  1. Vescour quietly approaches the strangely well-organized line forming near the Elven docks carrying a loaf of bread, a few freshly-baked potatoes and a fishing rod. Without as much as uttering a word, he brushes past the entire group and places the morsels of food next to Nyraena. 
    "Don't forget to eat, sis!" he says before shoving a piece of bread into Nyraena's mouth. "You know how you get when you start painting. Best take a break before you you get swarmed."
    Without even waiting for a reaction from Nyraena, Vescour turns to look at the various samples on the leaflet on the board. "Looks like you're getting better," he says, "remember to eat! I'm going fishing for a while, you better be swimming in minas by the time I get back!"
  2. (Just wanted to post here, just to clarify a few things. First of all, Coaster, the RP I had with you as a villain was extremely inspiring and that is exactly why I chose you to be my first strip of LotC Comic. In case you think I hate you, I don't. In fact, the encounter with you opened various doors for ArmaLuna to "see the world and test if it was ready for peace," which we deemed no. You have to understand that the server needs people like you around, otherwise the "villainy" just sticks to those horrible -cannot lose- thugs; in other words, you did it right and I thank you for that!

    I truly did not mean for it to turn out so horribly, our actions to "disconnect from the world" were solely for RP reasons. You must've prepared yourself for hatred when you applied for your VA, but I doubt you would've imagined the amount the people garnered towards you today; I don't think it fair and I disagree with anyone who would treat you such a way.

    You can't say you ruined RP for me. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have had spent so many nights planning our next move, thinking about who to talk to, thinking about who to seek council and make alliances with. Trust me, you did a lot for Kyra and myself; I was thinkin' about my next action while I was at work! Your RP actions affected me beyond the realms of LotC and no one has done that for me yet. Previously, our minds had only focused on building the island for people to visit and have a little fun at; I had no idea it would turn out the way it did.

    Just wanted to let you know that in my eyes, you were a great RPer and brought a sinister atmosphere to LotC... some of the people villains I've seen have little to no flavour and their insults tasted horrible in my mouth. You rolled with the same punches I did. Cheers to you, I hope you have an awesome vacation.


    To note, my visit with Godfrey scared the hell out of Griffith. He's currently paranoid that any one from Oren is out to kill him in the name of Godfrey. Y'know, 'cause he offended Godfrey with his first song. XD)

  3. (Just in case those who bought houses are wondering, there will still be a connection to the mainland, albeit it heavily secretive now. @Arianna: If you're around, you can talk to Griffith about it and he'll show you the way. If you're not in ArmaLuna anymore, send me a bird and I'll guide you so you'll know the way next time. If it comes to this, I also wouldn't mind personally returning your payment of iron ingots for the home. ^^;)

    (Also, just to clear things up a bit for those who are a little confused... The ArmaLunian vessels are no longer traveling FROM Mainland, to ArmaLuna. Our boat will travel only one direction, which is FROM ArmaLuna, to the Mainland, for those citizens who don't wish to stay hidden away with the rest of us. This is, of course, for a limited time only as we will soon be burning our boat after its final journey of bringing residents back to the continent. I remember someone asked me for a burning festival, I think this fits quite nicely. Event anyone? ;D)

    (Also... I logged in for a second to find out we're being bombarded by House Flay and attacked to no end. Not sure how they got here or through what wisdom they suddenly started burnin' our place down, but MAN they must hate us! Lol~ No hard feelings preez, it's all fun and games afterall! And this is how we choose to stay peaceful. XD)

  4. Heavily dissatisfied by their encounter with the mainlanders, the people of ArmaLuna immediately get a taste for themselves, the chaos the ravaged the continent of Asulon. Despite having sought various alliances throughout the realm, the du Mont couple Griffith and Kyra found themselves with less hope than ever for a chance at peaceful co-existence.

    As the days count down before Count Flay moves his men against ArmaLuna, the council is faced with no choice beyond hiding themselves from the world yet again. As the last vessel sails towards the Continent, those aboard look back to a silhouette of an island disappearing slowly into the vast horizon. Their experiences on the Island of ArmaLuna begin to feel more of a pleasant dream than anything, those on the vessel think quietly to themselves, "Will I ever see ArmaLuna ever again..?"

    Just as the last bit of the island becomes but a speck in the distance, one of the ArmaLunian sailors begin to sing a gentle melody; he is soon joined by the rest of the crew.

    "And the sun sets again, on ArmaLuna's sands,

    As the dark of night pours throughout the land,

    A sorrowful hum, hopeless we grieve,

    The true essence of peace, not well received,

    T'is a sad day for all, no longer in view,

    Good-bye ArmaLuna, we bid you adieu."

    The sailors' song comes to an end, leaving a shroud of silence aboard the boat.

  5. ((I would very much like to interject here and inform you all that it was built legit. Not just Neko, but various others will attest to this. ^^... it's not nice to make assumptions that essentially slanders the time and effort we put into this. I ask for nothing but you to enjoy what we present, it doesn't even have to exist to you if you don't want it to.))

  6. Ah yes, certainly.

    *Griffith opens a carefully rolled piece of painting with both hands.*


    "This is just an example of our ArmaLunian style art. Rare as they come, this painting is the only one of its kind in all of Asulon!"

    [@Hawk: Precisely the point. It's not a commission that's cheap and meant for just anybody to "afford." It's meant to be rare, expensive, and have "value" in game. Urara was commissioned 10k for a painting, 7k seems fair to me. ;)]

  7. Just beyond the horizon,

    Toward the Eastern skies,

    Stands a tranquil isle,

    Where ancient wisdom lie,

    The singers of songs,

    The beaters of drums,

    March forth the strong,

    Protect our daughters and sons,

    ArmaLuna, blessed are we,

    Home to the peaceful,

    Humble and free...

    -Griffith du Mont

  8. [Wyvernos is no longer Ser Wyvernos?! When did that happen? ><;]

    Far in the meadows my weeping stone sits,

    marking a travelers journey that yet persists.

    The words of this poet reverberates within my mind,

    Weeping Willow, her shadow cast,

    The silhouette of her sorrows, in memories I find,

    Lay them to rest and pray, the dark of Past.

  9. This.... Is..... Truly.... Amazing! :shock:

    Do you have a youtube channel? If you do, you could make a video of you singing/reading this out. By the way, it doesn't have to be used as a song, you could also use it as a poem!

    Unfortunately, I haven't got a YouTube channel. This poem/song will be written in game and is often "sung" by my character whenever he travels.

    If you want a reading IRL, that might be possible. The problem with singing this, however, would be the fact that I have a crappy singing voice and that it was written without a melody in mind.

    In any case, thanks everybody, as always, for the great comments. =)

  10. When Kyra and I first joined LotC, Wyvernos was one of the first people we had the opportunity to RP with. Despite the fact that it was quite chaotic at the time, Wyvernos stuck with us and helped us get our footing in the world of LotC by kindly giving us some minas and food. If I remember correctly, he was actually quite busy when Kyra and I decided to start talk [in RP of course] about the confusion we faced as we wandered through Alras. Regardless, however, Wyvernos dedicated his time in helping us feel more welcomed to the server and, for me, was one of the deciding factors that made me choose to stick with this server.

    Even if this post doesn't make a difference, I just wanted to voice out my appreciation for one of the most helpful and mature players I've met on LotC to date; I hope you get approved, Wyvernos!

  11. All Over Again

    Save Room in your heart, find a place for me,

    Open your mind and speak your heart,

    Heaven only knows the secrets within,

    And only I can hear the melodies,

    Stereos drum out a rhythm familiar,

    And we dance to a similar beat,

    Show Me a sign, something I can see,

    That your love belongs to no one but me,

    Each Day Gets Better, the time we spend alone,

    Millenniums pass by; I'm lost in your eyes,

    We Just Don't Care, the world is ours, we know,

    Let me taste your lips, our love exhibition,

    Slow Dance with the devil and a waltz with lust,

    Slow it down for a minute and lose yourself,

    Again and again, the sweet taste of sin,

    And we'll do it all over again.

    Griffith du Mont (inspired by the album "Once Again" by John Legend)

  12. my ArmaLuna

    A gentle breeze of harmony,

    flows within my mind,

    Reposed and calm,

    my hands transcribe the voice they find,

    Myriad of words penetrate the page,

    giving birth to my thoughts,

    ArmaLuna, she blesses my heart;

    endless cheer and freedom wrought,

    Lost in her embrace,

    my lips kiss her good night,

    Uttering a sweet lullaby;

    my eyes fixate on her holy light,

    Never-more shall my ArmaLuna,

    find herself alone,

    Alas my reason and inspiration;

    I've found my home.

    Griffith du Mont

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