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Status Replies posted by Kiiztria

  1. Hmmm, I bet someone can answer this, what place is home of the Meta-Lords?

  2. Hmmm, I bet someone can answer this, what place is home of the Meta-Lords?

  3. Hmmm, I bet someone can answer this, what place is home of the Meta-Lords?

  4. having so much trouble installing hawks modpack, i want it sooo bad

  5. having so much trouble installing hawks modpack, i want it sooo bad

  6. having so much trouble installing hawks modpack, i want it sooo bad

  7. having so much trouble installing hawks modpack, i want it sooo bad

  8. having so much trouble installing hawks modpack, i want it sooo bad

  9. having so much trouble installing hawks modpack, i want it sooo bad

  10. having so much trouble installing hawks modpack, i want it sooo bad

  11. having so much trouble installing hawks modpack, i want it sooo bad

  12. Woah i think the kitties are going to be over populated o.o

  13. Woah i think the kitties are going to be over populated o.o

  14. Woah i think the kitties are going to be over populated o.o

  15. Kinda tired og being an orc.. Hmm wht should i be next and should i be a kid?

  16. Kinda tired og being an orc.. Hmm wht should i be next and should i be a kid?

  17. Kinda tired og being an orc.. Hmm wht should i be next and should i be a kid?

  18. Kinda tired og being an orc.. Hmm wht should i be next and should i be a kid?

  19. Thinking about re-rolling as a child but not really sure yet what to do what to do

  20. Thinking about re-rolling as a child but not really sure yet what to do what to do

  21. I hate cave spiders -_-

  22. I hate cave spiders -_-

  23. *sigh. Someone on the forums comes daily to my profile to -1 my posts and 1 star me.

  24. *sigh. Someone on the forums comes daily to my profile to -1 my posts and 1 star me.

  25. Im just curious on the main page shouldnt it but "Order a LOTC shirt" not an LOTC shirt lol... Just kinda throwing that out there

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