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Posts posted by Windowsfreak

  1. Haradrias mentioned many times that he built things together with his friend. Now, as I started to play on LotC, I would just like to inform that this friend was me =)

    We play Minecraft together for more than a year now, and teach each other how to build optimized, automated, specific, problem-solving, protective or large structures.

    I love to see our old work uploaded here the way he did, as they would otherwise become forgotten in the ever-lasting minecraft updating and creation of new maps.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:


    How old are you?:

    22 years.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Germany (GMT+1).

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I certainly think so.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a 22-year-old boy studying IT. I create computer software for others, meet friends, play piano and do many sports such as Tennis, Skiing, Parkour and flying in glider planes. I tend to get addicted and implicated into RP games.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    It depends on the attention I have to pay for the study. I plan to play from 2-3 hours a day, and about 15 hours a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    Role-Playing is the art of being another person, feel like her/him and behave like her/him. It is very important to never fall out of the role, because then the RP would not have this deep sence. I think when I play on the server, it will seem to be a 5D-Story, standing in a in-this-moment-written-book.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    When I used metagaming, I would gain knowledge about other players externally without asking them by means of letting my character speak to them. When I used powergaming in a role-playing game, I would gain advantage by means of declaring a superior result in a roleplay. When I say "I killed him with a sword", my opponent has just lost the opportunity to say "I blocked his attack, but failed to counter his attack." Roleplaying has to allow fair results not only for myself, but also for others.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect this server will be very good, because I want to be part of a story that is experienced by many other people which is affected by me! For me it will be a challenge that gives a wide range of things to do - and so a long time to play without getting bored.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I don't know whether it was an RP-Server or not, but it had got elements of RPG. The name was Ramisotti and there were two factions that killed each other. I was moderator of one group and we built a relatively small fortress that was invincible against the enemies. They started to discriminate us and tried to get us banned player for player, because they had no chance! There was a big problem and they were really aggressive, so the server closed.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I read them, I understood them and I agree to them. A server without rules is a place for anarchy. When you can do what you want, there wouldn't be a good community! Rules are one of the most important things a RPG needs.

    How did you hear about us?:

    A friend told me about the server, and that it is possibly the greatest RP server on earth. As of what I know so far, I would just agree by default.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    Vote #1681

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    Character Name:


    What is your Race?:



    I was born 448 years ago. My father Edrym studied the lore of the world and my mother Valindra leaded an Inn. It was a nice Inn, so many Humans from Oren, like the famous merchant Sir Louis William Rockland, came to stay there. All rooms had 2-3 windows that you could watch the beautiful view of Malinor. The Inn was high in the trees, so you thought, you can touch the clouds. My parents bought a big house in the middle of Malinor, the highest in the trees. It was the best place to get a look over all places of Malinor. Valindra was sad, that she didn't build her Inn there. We had a large balcony between the leaves of the tree. In front of the entrance to our house we had our own Guards. They had to let people in or kick them out, when they were unwanted. My little friends came to me very often, because they wanted to play with me at the playground next to our flat.

    When I was old enough, I had to go to school, to learn how to read and write. The teachers said, I would be a very good pupil, because of my great logically thinking. After 52 years I fell in love with the daughter of the bowmaker Neldor. I didn't know that Shyael loved me, too, but I knew, I would have chances. So one day I asked her to be with me. She said "Yes" and I was happy like never before. And the best of this day was: she kissed me! We finished school and my father wanted me to learn how to fight, but Shyael didn't want that. I had to do, what my father wanted. Then Shyael left me. I was very sad about that, but she said, when I finished with that, we can be together again. That gave me hope, so I started to train very hard, to survive in the world. I was trained by the great archer Onas. He showed me how to aim and shoot with a Bow. But that's not all! I learned to be very careful and quiet while sneaking, I learned how to run fast and jump high, to be something like an assassin.

    One day, I had to do a challenge: "The challenge of Wisdom." That means, I had to show all my skills. There was a room. It was dark. The only thing, I knew was: I had to destroy all life in this room without getting hit by anything. I heard sounds of Zombies and Spiders. So I took my bow, streched it and aimed to where I heard the nearest sounds. I released the arrow and a Zombie screamed the words of death. Then I had to climb up a ledder in the dark, to get on a plattform that was relatively high in the room. From that point I could kill most of the monsters. But after that, I could hear 3 Spiders climbing up the wall next to me. They wanted to push me down, but I stopped to breath, so they couldn't hear, were I was. Then I sneaked backwards, aimed, shot and killed all 3 with one arrow. That was the end of my challenge! After that my master came and said: "Windurion, I can't teach you anymore! Your training is over." He gave me a >Bow of Wisdom<, which is very powerful, with an engraving: "It's not the strength, it's the cleverness that makes you mightiy!" I was so happy, that I could be with Shyael again! Now I was an great archer and had got a woman to marry. And that is what we did when I was 363, we married! We invited all people we knew, like our families, our old friends from school etc. It was a pretty big party! And I have to admit, I was a little bit drunk this night.

    We established a big farm with large fields of wheat. Shyael and me got a child, Luthais. One year, we wanted to make holidays somewhere in Aegis. I don't know where it was, but it was peaceful and wonderful there. We did a trip by a boat over the nice river, that was there. Suddenly we got into a thunderstorm. The boat broke in the high waves and I was the only one, who could swim. It wasn't far from the land, but the waves were too big! I tried to save Shyael and Luthais, but I couldn't. They died. I didn't know why I still should live. I had to tell all people, that I couldn't do anything to save them.

    After I recovered, I went to Malinor's army. I showed my Bow of Wisdom and they wanted me to fight on their side. They promised a lot of money for work there. I agreed. Now I was a member of the army, but my dream was it, to come back to my old farm and lead it until I die. I decided to look for a new woman in a few years and then to leave the army. I did so. I married a nice woman, Thalola. Now we live in the house where I grow up, from there I can kill all bad things that are in the town while the moon is up. So every evening I take my bow and some arrows, to train my skills by killing some Zombies etc. from my balcony. At least I have to be a good archer when the war comes! When the sun is up, I work on my farm to grow up lots of wheat, melons and sugar cane.

    Your characters ambitions:

    He aims to have a big farm, so he can trade his goods and make money to have a good life. He wants to help people, where it is possible.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    He will immediately act to save lifes without endangering himself. A good way to achieve this would be a climing tour upon a tree followed by precise archery business as usual. While it may be slow, it looks like the best that he can do.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    "Hail! Nice to meet you on a wonderful day like this. I'm looking for some seeds, because last night some robbers trampled my crops at home."

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other Information:

    Some houses take weeks to be built. Like in reality. Dear GMs, please hesitate from evaluating the visual quality of my property before it is done. Thanks!

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