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Posts posted by Kye

  1. Name: Connor

    Last allegiance to a group, guild?: None.

    Why do you want to join us?: I wan't to join a active Guild which has good members.

    Assassin or Informer?: Assassin.

    Our oath:

    I will never compromise the Fraternity. I will never lay my blade on innocent people. I will make sure the peace and order of my world is never compromised.


    Link to VA? (if you have one): None

    MCName: xxAuSxRuleSxx

    How much time will you be active?: As much as possible.

  2. +-OOC-+ ( Hey Dez Kye was killed by Malinor Guards for the something that I wasn't even apart of )

    MC Name:xxAuSxRuLeSxx

    Timezone: GMT +10

    Skill Levels: Swords (100)

    Blacksmithing (50)

    Mining (35)

    Link to a VA? If applicable:None.


    Name: Cedric

    Simple but Sweet Biography: Cedric is a Adventurer and a Relation to Kye although they have never properly met. Since Cedric was little he was cared by the name of Norral a Dwarf who lives in the City of D'Haran but recently he hasn't been home which has left Cedric in worry. Slowly Cedric has been lacking food and what he needs.

    Skills or Traits you have Affinity towards: Cedric is gifted in weilding Swords and also a good Miner due to him being raised in D'Haran

    Past jobs and/or experiences: Cedric in the Past has only been a Adventurer but over time has developed his Skills with a Sword in order to Defend himself from those who try to rob him or just those who are trying to cause trouble.

    Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman: Cedric wishes to become a Bannerman to have somewhere to stay and somewhere to protect.

    Have you sword The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here): I, Cedric, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Vallark. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Vallark and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Vallark by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Vallark in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.

  3. * Looks up at the man looking into his eyes * " I'll join that is if you want another to join I shall pay and I can protect myself and others if we run into trouble im quite the swordsman. If you need to contact me just send me a bird my name is Kye ". (( Lvl 100! ))

    (( Finally some fun RP experience I have been waiting for one of these for a long time. Thanks Danny :). ))

  4. +-OOC-+

    MC Name: xxAuSxRuLeSxx

    Timezone: GMT +10

    Skill Levels: Swords(61), Lumberjacking (32), Mining (40), Blacksmithing (34), Archery (10) and Wrestling (5).

    Link to a VA? If applicable: No VA.


    Name: Kye Dracaena

    Simple but Sweet Biography: Kye When Kye was young he wanted to be apart of a something that would do great things so he traveled from town to town in search of something that might help his search he soon found Seventis he lived in Seventis and made friends ( Many that he still knows today. ) Kye joined the Military as only a Soldier but after dark times came for Seventis Kye decided to leave but now years after he lives as a Dracaena and wishes to join the House of Vallark. Kye stands at about 5 foot ( 6 inches ).

    Skills or Traits you have Affinity towards: Kye is good with a sword and also a good protecter.

    Past jobs and/or experiences: Soldier of Seventis and Traveling Merchant.

    Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman: Kye wishes to server someone that will provide him with a place to stay but yet feed him, Although Minas is what Kye is without he doesn't require pay.

    Have you sword The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here): I, Kye Dracaena, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Vallark. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Vallark and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Vallark by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Vallark in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.

    +1'ed this.

  5. I agree with Chuckaboom. It doesn't seem right just to tie someone up ( especially when you know the person ) just to get a hold of LotC Forums, Not only was the Hacker bad so was the Computer owner for leaving the pc unsecured which put both LotC community and the forums in danger he must not realize the Power he holds. I think he deserves another chance but its not up to me.

  6. Hey, Changed the look of the Village ( Due to the change in space ). Hope you all like it.

    Also collecting Signitures has been a real struggle to me because of different Timezones. When im on the Server there is only about 20-35 people online but when im not there 100+ players 60% of the time.

  7. Yes but even if it will not be a ghost town if it is generic then what point is there to it other than you wanting land and power. Go join some nation instead if you want power and if you role=play well you will get a high position trust me. Also your political system seems designed more for a city than a village since there are a lot of different positions.

    Joining a Nation and another City etc is what I have done in the past and personally im sick of it and I want something new. And whats so wrong about a strong Political system for something thats first starting?.

    I would like to stop arguing it isnt worth it, Im aware you know what you talking about due to you owning your own City. Thanks for the feedback.

  8. VILLAGE CHARTER ( Ok Im sorry everyone for not finishing the previous Village charter this is a remake thanks. )

    MC Name: xxAuSxRuLeSxx

    RP Name: Kye

    Village Name: Alel

    Why is your character starting this village/settlement? What is its purpose?: As Kye and Phoenix first stepped into the new world they were very excited by what it had to offer they were deciding what to do first, They decided they were going to hopefully create a Village/Town one day. But this conversation soon broke into a Argument, Kye angrily said to Phoenix " Well then, How about we just go our separate ways! " ( Due to different races ), Phoenix began walking down a unknown Path while Kye watched Phoenix slowly disappear into a dark forest.

    Weeks passed and Kye soon found work at what some would call a " Slave " working day and night either smacking his axe on a tree or throwing his pickaxe in a mine. Kye was tired and decided to go. As he was crossing a path he heard a voices of guards in the distance, soon he was pulled behind a tree by Phoenix which held a Bag of Minas in one hand and a Sword in the other. Kye was about to yell as the Guards ran passed but Phoenix said " I can explain follow me! "

    It seemed like they had been walking for hours neither of them had said a word to each other. Soon they arrived at a little Cottage, Phoenix opened the door and Kye walked in seating himself on a chair. While Phoenix put the sword on the Ground and slamed the Minas on the Table, Kye said Angrily " So whats happening! " Phoenix replies in a calm voice " Well I need the money..., So I " But before he could finish Kye got up and started to walk out when he heard a quite voice say " I will see you " but Kye ignored and continued walking.

    Months Passed and Kye began to grow suspicious about where Phoenix had gotten to. Kye thought something wrong may of happen to him and decided to go looking but in Kye's surprise found nothing. Time passed again and Kye had received a Letter concerning Phoenix's death by Bandits ( He was banned for no VA ). Kye was broken when he found out, he was remembering back on when they first stepped into Asulon and even remembered when they went there separate ways, But Kye also remembered the Idea to make a Town/Village. Kye decided to go along with this plan ( Or at least have a try )

    (( In sum up It acts as a Safe haven for ALL Races providing them with a safe place to stay from anything that may haunt the curent roads. It wont act kindly to people who want to disrupt Peace throughout the Town. )

    What type of political system or leadership is within the village?: Nothing very complex right now just some Leadership positions and Positions to keep Alel safe.

    Leader/Lord: The Lord is the one who looks over the Village making sure it is the best it can Possibly be.


    Captain: The Captain is a Leader in the Small Military.


    Architect: The Architect helps design new places.


    Scribe: The Scribe records every Event held in Alel.


    Guard: Guards the Gates and other important places.


    Soldier: The people who swear to protect Alel in any form of crisis.


    Worker: The Worker helps gather and build.


    Citizen: Anyone who wishes to sign this Charter.



    Reduced the Amount of Ranks.

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.):

    Races and Behaviour: Alel Accepts people from all Races near and Far but like most of the others Villages does have a boundary for Behaviour, If there is to be fighting throughout Alel it wont be tolerated at all and it will be quickly dealt with. probably a Fine will have to be made in order to excuse exiting Punishment.

    Housing and Shops: Alel will have a high variety of Housing and shops for all your trading needs. Housing will be put similar to Acella ( Im trying not to copy but there wonderful ideas. ) to improve and use our land as much as possible. The homes provided wont be to big but they will come at a small prices to fit anyone with a Low amount of Minas.

    Events: Alel will hopefully be hosting frequent Events ( Making sure they are Suitable to the worlds Lore ) to prevent Alel from any Failure of population. ( Considering we dont want to be a Ghost Town. )

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).: Well in this moment I cant figure out where the Town is going to be put, On this matter I decided to agree with myself to let the Moderators decide. ( I would like it to be in a Grass Plains type of area around the Cloud Temple area if possible im happy with whatever works if I cant get what I want. )

    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

    Architecture: The Archtecture is Simple not to Complex, It is combined of mainly Wood and Stone not giving to much Variety to be Honest ( May change ) I decided to use gates as windows to make the Village a tad Unique Building wise.

    Races: All Races will be welcomed into the Village, it hasn't got on any restrictions on Races.

    The front.


    Just inside the gates.


    Housing. ( Not much for now. )





    Changed a Little bit ;)

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (5 name minimum):

    1. xxAuSxRuLeSxx










    PLEASE READ: Hello, questions on " Ghost Towns " will be answered with. Ok, I see that you all might think it might turn into a Ghost Town but I will be doing Daily Activities to enhance the amount of people visiting. Also leave feedback please.

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