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Posts posted by Sky_Lord554

  1. Out-Of-Character Details

    Alternate Minecraft Account Name:markacker84

    Already Accepted Minecraft Account Name:sky_lord554

    How old are you?:21

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:Arbane

    Character Race:Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:When Arbane was young his mother left to be with another man, and he was left to live a live of hardship with his father Gaelin. His father was a warrior and taught Arbane everything he knew from Archery to Horseback Riding. After all the years training, Arbane was a person you wouldn't want to get in a fight with. He was now a great warrior who was a trained assassin.

    A couple years later Arbane, went on a journey to the land where no other elf had been before. It took him days, and the weeks more after. He stayed there for 3 years and he learned he didn't want to be a person who fights for the fun of killing, he wanted to be a warrior who fought for honor and integrity.

    What are your characters ambitions?:Arbane's ambitions are archery, traveling, exploring, Axe Throwing, and his most favorite is Battle.(Favorite weapon is a sword)

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:The skin is attached, and couldn't get a in- game screenshot.

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:No not really


    Answer at least two of the below questions with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?I would tell the orc to leave. If he said "yes" then I would help the dwarf to get better and stronger. Then I would give him money to keep on his journey. If the Orc says "no", then i will have to fight him. After I would help the dwarf and give him money to be on his way.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?: First thing I would do was to help him up. I would clean up all of the minas and give them to him. I would camp the night with him and hunt food for him. When sunrise comes I would carry him to the nearest inn and get him food and clothing. After I would pay the inn to let him stay there until he was well again. I would search around later for a brand new walking stick with intricate designs on the shaft. After he got well, I would say my goodbyes and leave for home.

    This is the attached skin post-34509-0-06613700-1355404423_thumb.j

  2. * He was strolling down a curvy path in the Wilds, when all of a sudden someone or something started attacking him from behind. They covered his eyes and he pulled out his axe and used the butt of the axe as a club. The person was big, tough and had a lot of weapons, he took out his own club. This person if it was even one was green and had very big sharp teeth. They go into a brawl and at first katarus thinks he is going to win when the thing jumped into the water with him. He tried hard to free himself but it was no use. After a few minutes he was barely breathing when the thing slit his throat. That thing was a traveler orc. *

    Katarus Blackaxe is no more

  3. OOC:



    Character's beliefs in honor and respect: He is a person who is noble and honest. He believes that all people should be treated fairly, and that if a bandit is attacking another race he will still defend.

    Short Biography: He is a great fellow who lost his mother when Kal'Urguan fell to the undead. He was never able to forget that but he has been able to go on. His father taught him everything including how to smith, mine, and battle. Many people don't now that this happened to him because he is so tough. But when he smiles he can light up a whole room.

  4. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name: sky_lord554

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: Unfortunately I was unable to attend minecon.

    How old are you?: 20 years old

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time (EST), and I live in a small town in Massachusetts.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, I do.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I've had minecraft for about eight months and ever since I got it I have found it difficult to pull myself away from the computer. However, minecraft isn't my life, I am also good at sports, and I like to hang out with my friends too.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: On the weekends I could be on for most of the day, but during the week maybe one or two hours a day.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.: Roleplaying to me is escaping the real world for just a little while and playing a game as a completely different person. It's very fun because for just a little while you can forget about all your problems in the real world. You can play as a character that you dream yourself to be, which makes the amount of fun and enjoyment go out the roof.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are. Metagaming is using information that you learned out of character, say on the forums or on ts, in game. For example, if you knew that a war between the dwarves and undead would be sure to happen at a certain time, you couldn't go around saying "At (whatever time) the undead will be here!"

    Powergaming is doing something unrealistic as your character. Say you're a dwarf and you say to everyone that you're six feet tall.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect to enjoy a friendly community of people, and even make myself some friends. Also, i have high expectations of the rp on this server, it is said to be amazing. I expect to have the time of my life playing on this server.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I played on one other server before called Mutiny Minecraft and eventually Lion Minecraft. This server was fun at first being able to talk to people on the server and have friends, but then it kind of died. It would be a miracle if 5 or 10 people were on at once, then it came to most of the time nobody was on. Now, I am completely unable to even log onto the server, so I'm looking for a new one to join.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read all of the rules, and I think that they are all fair.

    How did you hear about us?: My friends told me about this server, and after having watched him play for a few months, I really want to join.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? I voted and I was number 3,849.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Sky_Lord554


    Character Name: Katarus

    What is your Race?: Dwarf

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    On the day of Katarus' birth, Kal'Urguan fell. He was born at the Maiden's Head, bar and tavern. Screaming and yelling was heard from the castle, and he and his parents rushed to see what the commotion was. Upon arrival, they saw the most retched thing, the undead invading, they were running about causing lava to rain from the stone ceiling. The large amounts of explosions were too much for Urguan's halls, gravel began to rain down, suffocating all who happened to be in the way of it. I saw dwarves die in front of me, and I wasn't even an hour old. I remember the panicked look on my mother's face, that was the last time I saw her. Just then, an undead came right over to us, he promptly grabbed my mother, and took off with her to the castle. We noticed him come on to the roof of the castle and he mumbled a short prayer..." Let this mortal be a sacrifice to my lord Iblees" and I watched as my mother fell into the boiling and churning lava, that dwarves are known to love, but I now hate.

    As I escaped to the Verge with my father I cried day and night for my mother, never to be comforted. On the boat ride to the new land of Asulon, my father could barely get me to do anything but cry on and off, and once in a while walk to a new position. By the time we arrived in Asulon, I was a young boy, my father brought me to the new land of the dwarves Karik, where I live out my days, helping my father with his smithing as he teaches me how to wield a sword, more importantly and axe, mine, and, of course the arts of a smith.

    Appearance & personality: Katarus has fairly long red hair. His beard is still rather short, as he is still young (about 15 human years, so about 140 dwarven years), and he is very fit. He has a stern look on his face, and, although he doesn't smile much, when he does he brightens up a room completely. Smiling had been a rare occurrence in Katarus' case ever since he was a baby. His mother's death had such a huge impact on him. Although, Katarus is usually kind, especially to his father, because the death of his mother was even worse on him. And he has the body of a smith, from all the work with his father he has done, and he has the strong arms of a miner.

    Your characters ambitions: To impress his father, and exceed his expectations of him. He wants to prove the people who say he is too young to accomplish anything, wrong. Most importantly, he wants to make his mother proud, he knows she would want him to be a help to his father, not a nuisance.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do? He would help the poor elf, even if it meant having himself be hurt. First, he would shout "Hey, leave this 'ere elf alone, ye don't need ta hurt him!" If need be, he would attack the bandits too.

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer? He is a kind young dwarf, so he would act politely, he would reply with "Today I am in need o' some ores (as he is a dwarf)" and after he had been helped, Katarus would say "thank ye kind ser fer yer help."

    A screenshot of your skin: here it is


    Other Information: I really hope to join this server and have a good time playing, I hope so much to be accepted.

  5. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name: sky_lord554

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: Na I did not go and sign up

    How old are you?: I am 20 years of age

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: UTC/GMT -5 hours and I live in the Northeast

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I have great english maybe except my english teacher

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a good student but i love to play minecraft all most all of the time. When I try to find a server I want to go on a RP server. I am good at sports and great at computer games.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I could be on the server about half the weekdays and a lot of the time on the weekend.

    RPing, to me, is great, because it lets me really live a life I never could vicariously through self-written fiction of imaginationWhat do you know about Roleplaying?RPing, to me, is great, because it lets me really live a life I never could vicariously through self-written fiction of imagination. RP adventures I’ve had are unlike things most people have dreams about.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are. In role-playing games, metagaming can be defined as any out of character action made by a player's character which makes use of knowledge that the character is not meant to be aware of. Metagaming while taking part in relatively competitive games, or those with a more serious tone, is typically not well received, because a character played by a metagamer does not act in a way that reflects the character's in-game experiences and back-story.

    is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as roleplaying games. Due to its focus on the letter of the rules over the spirit of the rules, it is often seen as unsporting, un-fun, or unsociable. This behavior is most often found in games with a wide range of game features, lengthy campaigns or prize tournaments such as role-playing, massively multiplayer or collectible games.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect the server to have the massive community I’ve already seen first-hand watching my friend play. It seems warm and fuzzy in some areas with a bit of the community, and, according to him, it really has some great players.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have been on some other servers but they weren't a RP server. The servers that are not RP are kind of boring because they aren't the full minecraft experience. All they do is build things and nothing else.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes indeed i have read the rules.

    How did you hear about us?: Actually one of your own told me about this server and how great it is. His name is Mabela23 (Kanatar Blackaxe).

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? Yes indeed I have voted for Lord of the Craft. My vote number was #2,005.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Sky_Lord554


    Character Name: Katarus Blackaxe

    What is your Race?: I am a Dwarf

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): He is a great child when he was growing up he loved to play with sticks and use them as swords. When he was growing up his father taught him about war, mining, engineering, and building. He was exceptionally great with a sword when he had tiny wars with his father. he loved to play with his father.

    When he was in his home one day his father ran in and told him and his mother that the undead had declared war on the dwarves and were attacking their city. He said they had to go to safety in the castle. When they left he was told to bring food and some clothing. Then they left, when the were walking down a path they heard the undead close behind so the hid behind a tree. Katarus also brought his trusty sword to protect him and his family. The Undead finally passed them and they started coming out from behind the tree, but one Undead warrior was slower than the rest and came up to them just as they were coming out. Katarus was prepared with his sword and started fighting with the warrior. He finally killed the warrior but by that time the Undeaed had doubledback and they got caught. But Katarus started charging at the leader, the leader was caught by suprised and he got stabbed by Katarus. After he killed the leader the warriors started mourning over him that it gave Katarus' family just enough time for his family to escape. He was lucky that day for he didn't know that he had saved his family.

    Katarus is 164 years of age. he can do things that 100 year olds can do. he is a tough nut. He is nice to people but is aggressive when he needs to be. he likes to mine, have sword fights, build, and most of all help the Dwarven community. He wants to be in the Dwarven Army and a miner.

    People usually like him because he is a great dwarf.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?: he would ask the two bandits why they were attacking this elf and if he did something wrong i would get a person of a higher rank to tell what would happen to him not to let him get beat up like what the bandits were doing.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer? I would say "How has your day been going and if he knew how to find a way to get back to Kal'Urguan because I would be lost.

    A screenshot of your skin: it is attached to the post.

    Other Information: I would like to join the dwarven army.


  6. (Out-Of-Character) I am very good at normal things in the game

    (Minecraft account name) sky_lord554

    (Did ye attend Minecon) No I did not

    (Age) I am 20 years of age

    (Country) United States of America

    (Do you speak English) Yes I do

    (Description) I am a guy who loves Minecraft and has been recommended by Members of Lord the Craft. I am very good at building houses and am good with a pickaxe. I will help other member with things they need to get done and want to help.

    (Time on Server) I could be on the server about half the week.

    (What I think of roleplay) I think it is awesome to be in character it is not really fun on other servers when it is in the modern age. But it is awesome to be in the medieval times. I love the Medieval Ages.

    (Definition of Powergaming and Metagaming) People who Powergame usually RolePlay things which may be impossible to do. Powergaming people usually focus most on his own character.

    (What do you think the server will be like) I think it will be great to join such a great server and I can not wait to see if I can join

    ( What servers have you been on) I have been on LionCraft but it was boring and their were only a few people who got to build thing so it really wasn't the whole Minecraft experience

    (Did you read the rules for the server) I read the rules and I agree with them totally

    (How did you hear about us) My friend from minecraft joined and told me that it was the best server he has ever been on. When I heard that I was so anxious to join the server

    (Did you vote for Lord of theCraft on Minestatus) yes I did vote for you on Minestatus

    (Lord of the Craft forum name) Sky_Lord554

    (In Character) In character I am great. I love roleplays they are so much better than normal servers

    (Character Name) Katarus Blackaxe

    (What is your race) I am a Dwarf

    (Biorgraphy) My parents were dwarves and they wanted a son. They I came along and my father taught me almost everything. Things from building, mining, war, architecture, and helping royalty. the biggest lesson he taught me was to always help people in need. I am 163 years of age and I love to do all the thing that my father taught me and other things that i do to improve the city. I have brown hair and I love the color brown. I have a beard and it is as bushy as tree. My favorite type of architecture is probably going to be using stone. I am a warrior.

    (Characters ambitions) My characters ambitions are to help other people and to build, mine, to have war, help royalty, and help other people not only royalty

    ( In the Wild) I would help the ask the bandits why they were doing this and if it was murdering somebody I would let it happen because he shouldn't do that

    (In a shop) I would ask him if he had any food he could spare and if he said yes I would be so greatful.

    (My skin) /Users/markacker/Desktop/Dwarf Skin.png

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