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Posts posted by Soran

  1. (( I don't believe we're at the stage where we know what a 'virus' is, and how to prevent a plague from spreading. And also, a plague is not a virus, but a bacterial infection. ))

    ((The Plague was a bacterial infection, a plague can be used as a generalized term for a bacterial, viral or parasitical pandemic/endemic, especially in a time period in which there is no differentiating the three. And no we don't know what any form of microscopic object is aka pathogens and the like, as the Plague event we had a few months ago we do have some knowledge of how diseases spread, person to person/handling dead bodies etc.))

  2. ((If you re make Skravia the Holy Oren Empire will bring it back down again))

    ((Since we are going to remake Skravia quite frankly it doesn't matter. Oren can waste resources trying to bring it down and being forced to ship resources and men across the ocean only to see another Skravian settlement spring up shortly after even deeper in the wilderness. So sorry to disappoint you but we aren't going anywhere unless you decide to scour the entirety of the Western Hemisphere and even then the manpower and resources required to do so would leave Oren quite barren in manpower. Need I explain how that is a military blunder?

    Plus I want to know where you even got the idea that Oren will bring it down again since they didn't in the first place. The only reason Skravia is empty is because it became far too much like a "mini" Oren at least in what some people in power were trying to do. As such what is the point of being in a place so far away when what made it originally unique and fun really isn't present anymore. And because everything is essentially under new management Skravia can be restored back to what it once was and some will return and we will continue to gather new faces and return back to the 30-40 people we had in the city. And you are all welcome to try and step on that but it would take some serious reasoning too considering the fact that neither side has ever born ill-will to each other and if I remember correctly a Skravian married into the royal family or a major family (Was it a Richard or something?)but not sure how the ordeal turned out anyway. I wonder how awkward it would be to explain, to other nations and such, the reasoning to slaughter a peaceful city (which truly would be the only way to stop a refugee group from starting another "Skravia") as well as Oren essentially attacking the homeland of a family member. Even still, save for the marriage Oren and Skravia really has had no contact with each other save for the occasional drunken soldier stepping off the boat.))

  3. ((What's done is done. No sense arguing about this any longer. Gaius, thank you for clarifying. It was a pleasure speaking with you :D

    The WC has served it's purpose and I say lock this before this flaming get's any worse. Doesn't matter who is in the right or the wrong because all those participating look foolish. You all know who you are and if these insults keep continuing on BOTH SIDESI will take the Screen Caps of the forum posts and Status Updates insulting each other and submit them to the appropriate party. I don't care what animosity between anyone here that exists but the constant need to show how much you despise each other is annoying. These arguments are a battle that neither side can win and everyone just looks foolish. Stop it and just have fun for once. Quite frankly at least on my end people are tired of it. If not for yourself stop for everyone around you. /endrant))

  4. ((Alright I am tired of this petty arguing. First of all I am tired of all these "insults" against Skravia.

    To me it seems like very little discussion has happened with the two parties involved in the sense of timing. From my point I am fine with it but many are not as what has come out of this. Saying that essentially Skravia is going to be "burned" to the ground and a large portion can't even RP or do anything in regards to it seems unfair. There is nothing to change it but it doesn't matter anyway because regardless of the outcome the victory will be Pyrrhic anyway, I can tell you that now. Both in this current event and in the long war that will follow and I can guarantee will occur.

    There are IC reasons as to why Skravia even in its weak state was never attacked even though any nation on paper could easily overpower it. So thinking that this is going to be a one and done, well you're wrong. I of course will state some but the rest you will discover on your own.

    First of all the boat being boarded up, let Native speak of the date on that. And I don't see how that is a problem anyway since you would be building your "own" boat to get to Skravia. Plus you can be TPed there anyway. No excuses there, not like a armored mob would be allowed on the boat anyway ;p

    I know the idea is to "centralize" the player base. Skravia is just going to rebuild, move and strike back. The whole purpose of Skravia was so that we didn't have to live under the mainland nobles' "thumbs".You can burn Skravia to the ground, kill as many people as you want but thinking we will move ourselves closer to those we moved away from in the first place is fairly silly. The wilderness is our domain, we have many more places deeper in the wilderness and we will move to these havens and rebuild and we will gladly take as many survivors with us as well ;)

    If you know anything about Skravia it is that when pushed they are fanatical (I believe I mentioned only a partial explanation prior.)

    Almost bushido-esque fanaticism, and I can also tell you that they are going to go straight for those calling the shots i.e the leaders.

    Skravian's aren't stupid, the whole Skravia war doctrine has always been essentially to "remove the head f the snake" so the body will follow. And do you know why they will know who to kill? Because they are going to look for the ones shouting directions at the warbands. Which of course with all armies someone has to...and odds are they will be leading any assault on the city for glory and whatnot. And I think this would be known as to how "thorough" people have been in their "research" on Skravia.

    So the civilians aren't going to fight "fair", they are going to fight as dirty as possible. This is a battle for survival after all, and Skravia was and is a place where people have struggled to survive. They are going to separate you, force you into awkward fighting positions. I can pretty much say that behind most doors there will more than likely be someone with a knife waiting to stab your eyes out.

    If you expect a surprise "attack" to be so devastating that everything is going to be thrown into disarray for the entire period, well not if they are fighting for their homes and very lives. All the petty bandit attacks, threats on lives, kings and invasions have always kept people on edge. They don't expect something to happen but they know what to do if it does...they have known for quite some time. Sorry to disappoint but this isn't going to end in mere minutes.

    To say that we aren't going to be able to muster a force is fairly silly. Skravia is the army. You aren't fighting some petty military force you seem to think we have, namely because we never had a military force. We never needed one solely because of the fanatical loyalty to Skravia and the "freedoms" she provides. So if all of a sudden a bunch of armored foreigners start rowing their little row-boats towards shore or marching through the gates, do you honestly believe there will be mass panic? The biggest fear in Skravia has always been foreign invasion, people have been preparing for ages; stockpiling weaponry, armors, training. It may not be the most advanced or well trained force but I can assure you they will know what to do when you walk through those gates.

    In other words, some will simply use their fists if necessary to hold you off while others flee to their armories or war-chests to gather what they need to fight for their homes. They don't need leadership, they don't need mustering. You all should have known this by now that Skravians never panicked or ran. They either try to find a peaceful solution or act on their own accord in a massive armed mob. I think some of the bandits can attest to that fact as well. And I am surprised that quality was never even considered either.

    Skravia has never been fought on their home-soil which leads a huge question as to how they will fight. And how willing they are to die for their homes.

    I can also tell you that regardless of the outcome, the Subudai are not going to go unscathed for a simple reason in the future.

    I will reveal the most important aspect of that here of course that has been Soran's other brain child (the other being the Iron Clad.)

    The reveal of Subudai attacks on the Eastern landmasses will finally solidify the Eastern Coalition which is something I have been personally working on since March. It's essentially the unification of the Eastern Towns and Nations against foreign invasion. I think some of you know what NATO was in the 50s-60s think of it like that but much more successful. It's purpose is to protect our ways of life from lets say the Holy Oren Empire, which many feel are a future threat on our side of the pond.

    Of course, Soran hasn't pressed any of the Elven towns or the Nation itself with the big question. But with now the actual threat of foreign invasions present and the simple knowledge that together as a unified

    force we are much stronger (and we have no reasons to go to war with each other) more will join the cause.

    And attacking us will push the bench sitters over to joining (the only excuse to not join so far has been why? No one has ever attacked the Wildlands?) as they will see a legitimate threat to their existence.

    And more than likely you will end up attacking another Coalition town or raid a larger city in the wilds...forcing the EC to play our hand and counter-attack as you would be deemed a threat. Of course, it won't be instant. It would take a few more years of planning, mustering forces and ship-building before any retaliation goes out in terms of offensive measures.

    Defense wise, once this happens, it will be like kicking a hornet nest. Everyone will be on their guards, scouting and building up defenses now that a threat is real. And I can then finally finish the damn RP post for the coalition and post it :P

    Personally I still like the raid idea, I am not liking how people are acting about it in here. I also don't like the fact that people seem to assume that Skravia is a bunch of idiots that run around like chickens without heads. And I hate the insults flying around as well. For whatever reason there is a-lot of OOC spite between several people, I really hope this isn't going to show in the RP (I have been called in for work so I am going to ask for some to fraps what goes on and Screenies). I am no way innocent either in arguing with some people but then again enough is enough.

    kthxbai and have fun for the love of god.))

    ((Gaius puts it best, lets just end this now and see where it goes. I doubt it will go as sour as people seem to say it will (including myself at times). And no, nothing has been said or posted about this Raid happening ICly. You won't see an armored mob waiting for you at the gates or wherever you come from. People will be armed, some may be armored (we do have hunters after all :P) and by the time the actual fight escalates people that manage to get away from the initial slaughter will more than likely pull out what they can from their armories.

    And I am not going to point fingers here but if you feel there is a problem with MGing, instead of making accusations, creating blame etc make a BR. That goes for all of us now so unless we are going to back up these claims then there is no reason to continually jabber on about it because it looks like people are just trying to out-lie each other if nothing is being posted...))

  5. ((Mogroka makes a point I forgot to mention. Unless the Subudai are in the Central- Eastern Hemisphere (Where Skravia is located), the only way to get to Skravia is by amphibious landing but with sea-worthy vessels or a very long march along land bridges from the Eastern most Hemisphere or the Western Mainland (wherever you are located.)

    If it's by sea then the attack for all intensive purposes would still be an absolute surprise and the Iron Clad in no way possible will be finished so you would not have to fight on Sea prior to a landing. In other words, Skravia would be as unprepared as it is now, no gates locked etc etc.

    If it's by marching through the land, a force would have to be somewhat small to be able to conceal itself and still retain an element of total surprise. Otherwise if you are going to be marching by land with a significant force word will spread fast throughout the Eastern lands that there is a armored force moving in w.e direction at the time. Which would put Skravia in some form of alertness since we do interact with many of the active independent towns through trade and the like. But than again the guards are terrible and there is no organized military force. The only thing that would change is that odds are the gates will probably stay locked out of paranoia (while remaining unmanned of course since we are terrible :P). So in order to get into the inner city you may need "ladders" of sorts or a mole on the inside to open the gates for you if that is the case.

    Otherwise, regardless of the outcome of this expect retaliation in the future since this is probably going to be Skravia's "Pearl Harbor". And if you know how the United States worked after Pearl Harbor..well that is how Skravia is in terms of production and support (almost to fanaticism I would think).

    It just needs a kick in the pants to get it moving :P

    Edit: Since it's by Sea then it would still be a surprise :D

  6. ((Is this going to be a surprise raid? I think that would be worth clarifying since it wouldn't make sense if we were to know it was coming anyway. It would just serve the purpose of ensuring that everyone (mainly on my end aka Skravia) knows that no one should be all of sudden fully armored coincidentally on the same day of a attack.

    Also its worth noting that ever since the bandit problems, most of Skravia, save for young children and some women, are armed in some way shape or form. Although not everyone is very deft with a weapon, odds are the majority of the people you would encounter are going to fight back. This whole "arming oneself" idea has been in common use in Skravia for about a month ever since the bandit rate skyrocketed. (and more so because of the Monster problem since the guards are not doing their jobs. :P)

    So the "civilians" aren't just pulling weapons out of their rear ends since most are armed out of "safety" or intimidation anyway. Again, I just don't want anyone being surprised to the fact that quite a-lot of people are armed since they have been continually carrying weaponry and more so after this. Maybe even the guards will get off their sorry behinds and do their jobs XD

    Otherwise, I am excited for this (and glad) that this is going to be happening. So I approve!

    Plus its Gaius, so odds are its going to be great...and eventually include a poll of sorts. :D))

  7. * "A middle-aged Soran tacks up a bit of paper hastily and erratically written with charcoal. It reads..."

    Name: Soran

    (( MC name: MajorBertolli))

    Job: Prime Minister and Naval Administrator, Scribe and whatever else your father managed to assign me when I was "free".

    Rank/position: Prime Minister

    Do you own a farm in Skravia? We own farms? Oh, those wee little gardens we have.

    -And Henry, we really need to re-open the council once more. Namely in farming and mining. People have ideas and they are falling up deaf ears at the moment, plus I don't have space to write them all for you. Oh and tell Barry I said 'ello for me. Tad busy on the "project" as usual.


  8. ((So that's what that village was, in Skravia we thought it was another ghost-town so we were going to incorporate it in a "clean-up" with the "villages." XD Hopefully next time we send a scouting group there he/she will discover Elarinya. Or unless you told Henry or someone else about Elarinya and that technically we are "allies", well then we would then have reasoning to exclude you from the WC. :D))

  9. ((Cause our guards are non-existent and people somehow manage to get within and to Skravia even with the gates locked and the boat anchored. Ima guess there is a mole in our midst opening the gates for them XD. Also its Henry, he needs to get kidnapped at least once a month lest the world should end.))

  10. Barry!!!! I shall swim from New Jersey, across the pond to Englandland, hunt down the 4x4 that hit you and brutally beat the 4x4 into submission with a brick. I will then take the headlights and fenders and bring them to you as a trophy. And then make a wall of text describing in detail the events of the Car's murder.

    Oh and I'll find Hikaru and drag him along as well. :D I'll also bring tea, lots and lots of tea <3

    Get better man! :D

  11. Ofcourse not instantly, but as said this is a rp battle that takes longer then a normal run at eachother and start clicking as fast as you can, also we have gates you know, those can be closed aswell to win time. And dont worry its not like were metagaming and putting giant defense mechanisms on that bridge as that would be terrible rp ;) :Galaxy Nexus:

    Jake...we can't call in allies since this is truly only a skirmish and we have no idea its coming.

    Think of it this way, practically all of our allies require travel across an ocean to get to Skravia. Secondly, they would need to rally their forces and equip them and then have them travel across the "pond" to get to Skravia. In other words that could take "days". This raid may be only take a "day" so by the time anyone gets to Skravia we'll be busy cleaning up the mess and burying whats left of the dead.

    Plus what ally would believe any of us in saying that the Blood Mages were attacking Skravia. Mainly because 1. They have been "MIA" for possibly years and 2. Why attack Skravia? (In actuality it is the perfect place simply because we won't be expecting, our soldiers are relaxed after years of doing nothing and because we are so far away from any outside help).

  12. ((Its being posted on the dock notice boards, in front of the gates etc.))

    ((Also, this isn't barring mages from entering, its barring them from using Magic within the territory. So long as you aren't using any form of magic in the public eye you would be fine (unless of course someone rats you out) Basically you would be entering Skravia at your own risk if you are a magic user so it would be in your best interest to hold off on magic if its a necessity to enter Skravia at least until this darker period in our history comes to a close))

  13. ((Barry, can I have your beard since you aren't using it anymore? Edit: No wait, Blundermore has it? But that's a sacred relic! Nooo!))

    Soran was upset, unlike the others he was not teary eyed but angry. Having spent more than a decade working with a man he could truly call a friend and have it all end due to the prowess of some gaudy piece of jewelry.

    Upon entering his home, Soran stormed up his steps, grabbed his work bench chair and proceeded to smash it against the nearest wall. And Screamed:

    "Damn you Old Man!"

    With that, the chair's wood frame shattered and Soran left breathing heavily retired to a fitful and ragefilled sleep

  14. Yes they did, the Gwiseon I believe was the name of the Early 14th century one. It was basically a wooden ship with a "roof" of iron over the deck to deflect projectile weapons and prevent crew boarding. However the rest of the ship was vulnerable to everything else. It's a good design however and I was actually planning on introducing it as the eventual successor to Interceptor ships (aka Caravels, longboats etc etc).

    At least the late production version in the 16th century which is where it was equipped with cannons.

    However because both the Atakabune, which would be a "flagship" type, and the Gwiseon, cannon version, had similar creation and production dates, it made better sense to create a Flagship first as give reason that these giants are expensive and take a long time to produce so we could not flood the ocean with a fleet of steel. A Gwiseon esque at the size I am thinking of could be produced in little more then a week and considering the shipyards we are building to produce the Atakabune class are huge, you can fit 2-3 Gwiseon class ships and produce 2 batches or so before a Atakabune is finished.

    Plus, creating a ship that takes a long time to produce allows others time to create RP counter-measures to fight these ships. If we simply built say a frigate sized, think long and low to the ocean for speed, then we could essentially take the seas unopposed, frigates and smaller iron clad vessels weren't created until the actual understanding of the law of displacement.

    Once our yet to be named Class of Ironclad is finished and maybe when one or two nations start developing their own, we will start working on smaller ships and as better refining techniques in blacksmithing develop, better armored and lighter ships. However, development of these would take longer because we have no true mathmatical grasp upon the Law of Displacement (well yet anyway, I need to find a estimate of the length of a mincraft block in real-life and then I can find a way to imply it into the game and maybe a "scientist" could discover the idea).

    What I am hoping on however is as we work on improving and creating designs, the other nations are going to create larger cannons and larger ships to hold said cannons to counter the Iron-clads instead of just going straight to develop their own. Because Skravia and the Dwarves (if they decide they want the plans if they ask us what in nether we are doing with so much Iron) will be the forerunners in Iron-Clad devlopment, we would have a slight advantage in producing and developing them. As such, if the other nations develop better artillery (aka naval guns etc) then that advantage evens out as they would have a means of contending with them as they produce their own. Plus we would still be fielding the smaller naval guns, so they would have the advantage of more damaging and more effective guns when they produce their own.

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