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Posts posted by Conradian

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    Unfortunately not, I was unable to attend Minecon.

    How old are you?:

    I am currently 16, though I will be turn 17 on the 15th next month.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Time-zone of GMT, I reside in Great Britain.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I really hope I do, it's the only language I've ever bothered to learn (Asides from Thu'um).

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a somewhat intelligent and rather charming young man, who is also rather modest (Though honesty always precedes my modesty).

    I am in Secondary School Grammar School education studying Maths, Physics, Computing and Geography.

    I enjoy playing Minecraft, of which I love RPing, and as extension I find I like to built to feed my OAD (Obsessive Attention to Detail).

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Roughly 1-2 hours per day for between 7 and 14 a week, though other circumstances may increase or decrease those bounds.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    RolePlaying, to me, is about forging a character from your own imagination, giving him a background, giving him past experiences and encounters, friends and lovers. You then take this character and you forge his continued story, to whatever end it may be. Whether that leads to love, life, death or perhaps in some RPs, undeath.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Metagaming is using knowledge and powers that are not considered IC (Someone telling you a location OOC, or exploiting the physics of MC to do impossible things) in order to further your own ends.

    Powergaming refers to anything that forces other player's characters to do what you dictate, without giving that player any choice (Exemplia Gratia: Forcing another player to die, or be injured, or join a cult. There must always be choice).

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    If what I have been told is to be believed (Which I suspect it is), then I expect to find a wide and expansive land filled with a whole host of varied characters with which to interact.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played on New Whitehall, which I left due to the server closing down.

    I have played on Terra Renatus, which I left for the same reason.

    I have played on Navia (Both New Navia, and Navia: Vestige), which I left due to being banned after a miscommunication with the staff (The details are somewhat rather long, feel free to PM me if you wish to know those circumstances).

    I also play on Mesalia, and currently still do (I hope this isn't a hindrance to joining the LotC).

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I have read, understood, and agreed to the rules of the server.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I heard about you from a member who joined Mesalia, but didn't think any more until an old friend who I've RPed with for a long time told me I ought to apply here. His MC account name is Happy_Shackles.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    I have not, though this is due to not having heard of Minestatus before now.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    Character Name:

    Conradian Larson.

    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Born inside Galahar's great walls, Conradian never really saw much else. His parents were strong people, his father a blacksmith, his mother a seamstress. They did their best to educate him as he began to grow, but soon discovered that the young child was able to educate himself better. Many a day of Conradian's childhood was spent talking to the upper class, gaining access to their tomes, and learning every morsel or information about the human body he could. For Conradian found the physical bodies that we all inhabit to be the most fascinating subject.

    As he reached his teens Conradian's studies broadened. He still studied human anatomy and for the most part could name any possible part therein, from the Solar Plexus to the Metatarsals. Yet he also studied that which affected the body, be it medicines; or drugs; or poisons or anything else that changed or affected the way the body works. He also began looking at human behaviour and emotions. He began to realise that little things about a person could reveal knowledge about them. They're appearance, mannerisms and speech could tell him their age, occupation and conditions that affected them, from limps to irregular heartbeats.

    He began to hang around the graveyards and mortuaries as he passed into his twenties. He begged, intimidated and bribed people so that he came into possession of fresh bodies. And he experimented, learning more and more with each experiment. What injuries left which marks (Often injuries he administered to the corpse). From bodies that had died violently or maybe even gently he learnt about other things, causes of deaths, afflictions and poisons (Some of which he found could pass through the body virtually undetected). His reputation began to grow as he was more and more frequently found him the darker parts of the city.

    His attempts to practice his... deductions... often led to giving the wrong impression, other people his own age or older took it that he was snooping into their private affairs (literally in one case when he correctly deduced the state of a man's marriage) and more often than not they took it into their own hands to straighten the sneaking blighter out. His first fight ended badly, for he wasn't used to being put in the fray, and ended up walking home with a fractured leg, which, instead of bandaging up, strapped against a wooden plank. The resulting fix was stronger than that of a normal bandage, and Conradian was pleased that his solution and thinking was superior to others.

    Conradian decided then to learn how to defend himself, as he realised that his way of thinking attracted negative reactions. So he begun to hang around in the shadier districts, and got involved in brawling. Each fight, every hit he took, they trained him. He learnt that he could apply his knowledge of anatomy in a fight, and could see blows coming before the opponent sent them flying. He could block, and he could hit back in such a way that most people didn't get up after the second punch.

    It took him a long time but he began to perfect these arts, or so he thought. His mind was quicker and sharper than any other man he knew. His hands threw punches that were quick, and hit such that they did not have to be hard hits to be better than another man. He could tell plenty about a person by observing them through his sharp blue eyes for merely a minute, though he often made slight mistakes.

    Conradian turned his attention to history, but not like another man might. He looked at it, and tried to deduce who was to blame and what they're reasons were. He looked at the attacks of Alstion and Winterfell. He read and learnt about people's thoughts during and after the attacks. From this study he learnt more about sentient behaviour.

    The war against the Undead never bothered Conrad, he watched from a distance, never showing any interest in the death and the atrocities, but inside he was excited. He was seeing another way to keep himself occupied, to learn more about the human being.

    By this point in his life his reputation had flustered such that his name was a whisper that made one shiver. Conradian, the dark shadow with the disturbing life. He was viewed to be abnormal, and different in every respect. Conradian of course agreed, he knew he was not only different, but in his eyes better. His trained mind made connections that no one else did.

    If one was asked to describe what he did, they would likely say that he was a doctor of some kind, though Conradian would say otherwise. He merely corrects other people when they are wrong (Which they often are) about death, and illness. He was also contacted sometimes to find out information about people for a hefty sum. He often accepted such jobs not for the money, but for the saving grace it gave him.

    Conradian's life, his science and his use of it did one thing. It kept him from being bored. With a mind like his being bored was like drowning or suffocating. In such bouts of boredom between jobs he took to experimenting with the substances he had garnered, but on himself. He managed to create a mix that calmed his mind, and made the boredom easier to handle. When his supplies of his 'mind suppressant' dwindled, he instead took to frequenting the brawls more often.

    During one of these brawls he beat a dwarf in unarmed combat. The dwarf had put up a tough fight, and had knocked Conradian around a fair bit, but Conradian managed to do such precise damage that the dwarf found it hard to continue breathing. The dwarf, dismayed at the loss, turned his disappointment to anger, and the anger to rage.

    In a movement Conradian had never seen before with his own eyes, the dwarf pulled a blade from a by-stander and swung at Conradian. Conradian had never touched a blade before, and had never seen one in use. Only through luck and quick reactions did he manage to get back quick enough that the blade managed a deep cut up through his face, though not through his skull like it may have done.

    Conradian was left bleeding, and though the flesh healed, a scar remained. He began to grow his blonde hair over it, hiding that which showed that he made a mistake.

    As Conradian neared the end of his twenties the war against the Undead escalated again, and Conradian found himself being employed to venture forth and learn about the enemy, find out their plans if he could and bring back information. So for the first time in his life, Conradian left the walls of Galahar.

    He would never normally have accepted the job, as the actual war itself presented no interest to him. It was a display of human behaviour, not a petty fight for him to get involved in. He allowed himself to become involved for he was bored, and wanted a reason to leave and find out whether his deductions worked upon other people from other cities and backgrounds.

    His alignment therefore could have been brought into question, and sometimes was. People who knew little viewed his bluntness; his apparent disregard for other people his lack of sympathy and empathy as evil. Though truly it was because Conradian was simply not bothered by other people's problem. He was a man who lived by his own life, for his own life, and dealt with other people as and when he needed to, or desired to.

    He is now still travelling, aged 31. If you were to see him he would appear as a man about 6'1", with short blonde hair and a slim build. His skin is pale, and his eyes blue. With an appearance such as his he has on occasion been mistaken for some kind of elf. Such comments he brushes aside.

    Your characters ambitions:

    Conradian aspires simply to improve his knowledge. He wishes to watch the war unfold, and study the effects on the general populace. If he felt the need, or was simply bored enough, Conradian feels he would fight, though not physically. As of yet he hasn't the inclination, and simply wants to travel, and learn.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    Before stepping forward Conradian observes the scene before him. He notices through the tattered and patched together clothes of the bandits and they're gruff tone of voice that they are petty theives, using bare intimidation to get money from the elf. The bandit hanging back is putting his weight on his left leg, so his right must be weaker. The short quick sentences of the other bandit suggests a shortness of breath caused by an affliction, probably caused by inhalation of coal dust. The man was a miner before turning to crime, the evidence is in the strong arms (Wielding and swinging a pick) and the hunched stance (From being bent over in the confines of the mine).

    Conrad steps forward. "I would be polite but see little need. Why are you attempting to rob this man?" His speech is bold and blunt, and ignorant of any formalities.

    "What's it to you? Move away, or we'll get you too." The hunched bandit calls back.

    "Well I simply don't see a point in trying to rob him, he's obviously got nothing of value."

    "Oh, and why do you say that, you idiot."

    "Well just look at him, the man is wearing simple clothing, it's practical. The tunic is short and made from one material with no finery or embroidery. He's a manual labourer with not much money to spend elsewhere.

    His clothes and his hands are dirty, but the dirt isn't from where you've thrown him to the floor, it's old and has stained his clothes. So he works outside.

    Look again at his clothes, you notice another substance trapped, the occasional grain of wheat. Obviously the elf you have here is a lowly farmer, and therefore not carrying money."

    Both bandits look at each other, then at the elf, then back to Conradian. The elf is awe-struck and the look on his face confirms Conradian's deductions.

    "You what? You're bluffing."

    "I assure you I'm not. You'd have better luck heading to a dwarven city. Begone now, before you test me past breaking point."

    Neither bandits moves to leave, instead they both smile menacingly, and step towards Conradian.

    "Well a man as smart as yourself must carry coin on him. I think you ought to hand it over."

    "And I think you ought to stop doing to much thinking, it's likely detrimental to your health."

    The bandit stares blankly at Conradian, before grasping that what he heard was some form of insult.

    "You git, I'll get you for that."

    The bandit runs at Conradian, and Conradian waits for the right hook to the head to come. Sure enough it does, and Conradian ducks underneath, and away from the bandit.

    "You really ought to not try that, I suspect you'll come off worse."

    "Yeah right, we're both twice the size of you. Together we're like..." He pauses for a moment, thinking.

    "Four times the size of me, though obviously your brain is too slow to control your body in an efficient manner."

    Again the bandit runs at Conrad, and this time Conradian prepares for a right-hand jab, but doesn't see the left cross coming. He takes a hit to the right shoulder, and staggers back.

    "Not bad, though I'm afraid to say this little scuffle is over."

    He steps forward into range. Conradian throws his right hand around and the bandit attempts to block what he thinks is a right hook. However nothing comes from there, instead he is hit twice in the chest and staggers back. His breathing has become suddenly very sharp, short and shallow. Conrad smiles, he hit the right spot perfectly.

    "You can't continue to fight, so leave now," he turns to the limping bandit, "and you, I recommend you don't try anything, or your leg may end up broken again." As he says this the other bandit staggers back in horror, and both walk slowly away, both frightened, both with wounded prides.

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    "Good day. You sell meats and vegetables."

    "You'd be right there sir, what can I get for you?"

    "Four pounds of your freshest, most bloody meat."

    "Preparing something special are we?"

    "You could say that, I intend to cook it up something fierce."

    The man looks at Conradian, not quite understanding. "Well sir, that'll be..." (He details the price, but Conradian's focus is around the square. The man he is speaking to is being watched from an alleyway behind the stall by a man who puts one finger to his lips when he makes eye-contact with Conradian.

    Conradian takes out the money he owes, then looks at the butcher. "Sorry, I was hoping I could have your name, in case I need to buy more meat."

    "Well that's unusual, but very well..." As he speaks Conradian scribbles hastily onto the paper.

    "Thank you, here's your money." He hands the money other, and the butcher counts it, he notices the paper that Conradian was writing upon is included, and as Conradian leaves he reads it furtively:

    Don't turn around. There is a man who has been watching your stall from behind you. Pack up your stall and head home. If you hear a knock on your door head and upstairs and check from a window. If the man has black hair, sharp greens eyes and a fine red coat on then it is the same man who is watching you now. Good luck...

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other information:

    That's everything. I do hope this clears up problems regarding his attainment of his abilities and his view on other people. I've tried to make sure he doesn't appear villainous, though Conradian isn't inherently good. He's neutral and I hope that would be fine as I can imagine the RP it could create.

    Conradian is based mostly off of my own personality but with a helping of the regenerated BBC1 Sherlock Holmes thrown in (Mostly the speed and efficiency of his mind, we are quite alike already, I feel privileged to say).

    Should the bio appear haphazard or a little hard to follow please feel free to ask me questions directly. I'd be happy to help answer any questions you may have.

    Thank you for reading my application, and I hope to see you on the server soon.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    Unfortunately not, I was unable to attend Minecon.

    How old are you?:

    I am 16 years old, born 15th February 1995 (I will be 17 in less than a month).

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    GMT, from Great Britain.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I really hope I do, it's the only language I've ever bothered to learn (Asides from Thu'um).

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a somewhat intelligent and rather charming young man, who is also rather modest (Though honesty always precedes my modesty).

    I am in Secondary School Grammar School education studying Maths, Physics, Computing and Geography.

    I enjoy playing Minecraft, of which I love RPing, and as extension I find I like to built to feed my OAD (Obsessive Attention to Detail).

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Roughly 1-2 hours per day for between 7 and 14 a week, though other circumstances may increase or decrease those bounds.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    RolePlaying, to me, is about forging a character from your own imagination, giving him a background, giving him past experiences and encounters, friends and lovers. You then take this character and you forge his continued story, to whatever end it may be. Whether that leads to love, life, death or perhaps in some RPs, undeath.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Metagaming is using knowledge and powers that are not considered IC (Someone telling you a location OOC, or exploiting the physics of MC to do impossible things) in order to further your own ends.

    Powergaming refers to anything that forces other player's characters to do what you dictate, without giving that player any choice (Exemplia Gratia: Forcing another player to die, or be injured, or join a cult. There must always be choice).

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    If what I have been told is to be believed (Which I suspect it is), then I expect to find a wide and expansive land filled with a whole host of varied characters with which to interact.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played on New Whitehall, which I left due to the server closing down.

    I have played on Terra Renatus, which I left for the same reason.

    I have played on Navia (Both New Navia, and Navia: Vestige), which I left due to being banned after a miscommunication with the staff (The details are somewhat rather long, feel free to PM me if you wish to know those circumstances).

    I also play on Mesalia, and currently still do (I hope this isn't a hindrance to joining the LotC).

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I have read, understood, and agreed to the rules of the server.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I heard about you from a member who joined Mesalia, but didn't think any more until an old friend who I've RPed with for a long time told me I ought to apply here. His MC account name is Happy_Shackles.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    I have not, though this is due to not having heard of Minestatus before now.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    Character Name:

    Conradian Larson.

    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Conradian was born a long time ago. His childhood would not be worth mentioning, for it was seemingly typical. However nothing could be further from the truth. From a young age Conradian displayed a unique ability, that allowed him to observe a person for a small amount of time and then tell them their own life-story with few inaccuracies. This often led to others having a problem with him, and trying to shut him up.

    He wasn't brilliantly strong, merely agile, and yet he rarely walked away from a fight injured, for he had garnered such a knowledge of the human anatomy that he could incapacitate another in under a minute. Every knock he did take only increased his knowledge of human behaviour, for he was strangely indifferent to it. Despite this he does try to stay away from any form of physical conflict, especially after the unfortunate events of a knife-fight with a old and gruff Dwarf that resulted in the scar on his face now hidden by his fringe.

    As he grew older he entered adulthood, and unlike many other humans tended to stay around the streets of Galahar, not venturing far unless commitments required it. Conradian stayed distant from other people, not having anyone that would be counted as a 'friend'. Some figured him to be involved in nefarious deeds, for when he could be seen, it was often in back streets and alleys where dastardly people dwell.

    These days Conradian appears as a 26 year old man roughly 6'1" with swept blonde hair. He is lean and slim, though his muscles are clearly defined (When he ever appears with them on show, which isn't often). He wears heavy-duty brown trousers, though they are kept clean, and a large grey greatcoat that covers a black shirt. His fair hair, pale skin and slim build sometimes sees him being mistaken for some kind of elf, and his responses, whilst perhaps a little unsavoury, do persuade people otherwise.

    Your characters ambitions:

    Conradian aspires to be better than others, to be sure of his superiority, and to know as much as he can about the human condition. This will allow him to do whatever he wants, and whenever he wants to do it. In a world of locked minds, the man with the key is King, and he looks good in a crown.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    At first glance he would deduce all he can, the nature of the struggle, motivations, appearances. Then from there he would decide whether to aid the bandits (Such connections could come in handy) or the elf (If he is of high ranking, his own connections would be of higher value). He would, once he decided who to help, work out how best to end the situation, words to use, things to say, violence to enact. After that he would put his plan into action, and aim for his desired result, with a high probability of achieving it.

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    Conradian would answer, politely, but bluntly, "Good day, I require (depending on the situation) three apples, four pounds of fresh beef, a pound of gristle and any information regarding the mysterious man in the alley behind you who has been watching since I arrived. No don't look, it'll be too obvious, let me describe him to you."

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other Information:

    The backstory may seem familiar to those versed in Victorian era British literature, or watches BBC1. The character himself is based loosely on Sherlock Holmes, though takes in parts of my own character (I am proud to say we are somewhat alike, though I am nowhere near as fast at making deductions).

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