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Posts posted by Asbrind

  1. I would suggest, if you're keen with other Roleplaying Games, that you first take a good peruse through the server's lore. That is read a few posts made by the loremasters, and if you like what you read, take a look at the applications section. Begin by copying it into a word document and then fill out the application in your own time. You can write your application for the server, sure. But you need an account name to be whitelisted before you can play.

    So here it is: write the application, if you like what you see. Get help writing it if you need to (including PMing myself or the App Team). Finish it to a standard you feel pleased with. Buy Minecraft and have a tinker with it - then post your application.

    My door is always open if you need a hand. ;) Good luck!

  2. (( I think the reason this isn't selling is because it's so over-priced. I'd consider 2,600 Minas to be just about right for a double chest of stone. 4x that will make people turn away. You can buy it far cheaper in smaller bundles anyway. Either change your prices, find someone gullible, or find someone who is too rich for sense. Hope this helped, ;) ))

  3. The guild sort of collapsed

    You can always join myself and Drak. We have joined the town of Mireton in Renatus and our organisation is now under control by Roger Ithelgias as the 'miltary' of Mireton. Any who wish to join just send either myself or Drak a bird with your details and we shall forward them to Roger.

  4. The thing is that the normal level of ground is about 60-80 blocks high. So if there were mountains stretching up to 250-ish then they would look too tall and unnatural. Mountains as they are are about 100-120 blocks high so unless the normal ground level is increased by about 100 blocks too, then I can't really see the mountains going up by 150 blocks from where you're standing..

    Oh.. but I still +1 :P

  5. *a piece of paper flaps in the wind as it is held to the notice board with a single pin - it reads as follows:

    Dear Nornheim,

    We are truly sorry to hear that Sir Casamir is resigning as head of the Knights of the North and wish him well in his future ambitions. We would also like to provide a home for any lost Knights or civilians if their homes are lost in the disruption in Midrim (( although signatures would be required on the charter )). I'm sure that Sir Drak would be more than willing to take over the control of the Guild although we would therefore like to relocate the town into the river island on the borders of Salvus and Renatus.

    Best Wishes!

    Asbrind, Sir Drak and N'guemo Akotto

  6. Hello there aspiring Lord of the Craft-ers!

    You are most likely here to find out how to ace your player application..

    ‘So how do you ace it?’

    ..I hear you ask

    First for a step-by-step of the actual application questions:

    This is what the Application format is (just copy and paste it)

    [color="#FF8C00"][b][center]Out-Of-Character Details[/center]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Minecraft Account Name:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]How old are you?:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Time-Zone/Country of Residence:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is:[/color]
    [center]In-Character Details[/center]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Character Name:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Character Race:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]What are your characters ambitions?:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:[/color]
    [color="#FF8C00"]Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:[/color]
    [center][color="#FF8C00"][i]Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.[/i][/color][/center]
    [color="#FF8C00"][i]Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?[/i][/color]
    [i][color="#FF8C00"]You’re in the Cloud Sanctuary late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. The only present monk is fast asleep, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?[/color][/i]
    [i][color="#FF8C00"]Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:[/color][/i]

    This is what the application looks like when it is formatted

    Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name:

    How old are you?:

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?:

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?:

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?:

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?:

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft:

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!:


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is:

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is:

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is:

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:

    Character Race:

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    What are your characters ambitions?:

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    You’re in the Cloud Sanctuary late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. The only present monk is fast asleep, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:

    Out Of Character (OOC) Questions:

    Questions 1-3: (Minecraft account/age/time zone)

    These are fairly obvious questions so no help is required here - they are only asked for to be able to whitelist you and to get a rough idea of players on the server at different times.

    Questions 4: (language skills)

    Honesty is the best policy - don’t worry if your grammar and spelling aren’t completely accurate. Please note though that a good grasp on English is required for a good roleplaying ability.

    Questions 5: (past roleplaying experiences)

    Just tell us you experiences in roleplaying and be honest - don’t worry if this is your first roleplaying experience as everyone has to start somewhere - just don’t lie!

    Questions 6: (server rules)

    The rules are to make sure that this is an enjoyable experience for everyone and to check that you have actually read the rules (see link at bottom).

    Questions 7: (how you heard about LotC)

    This is just a question out of the interest of the server to find out where you heard about us. We don't mind - it's just to let us know which are the most successful advertising methods.

    Questions 8: (linking the previous)

    This just makes it easier for the App Team Member reviewer to see your last application, to see the improvements.

    Question 9: (uploaded to MinecraftForum?)

    This is just a formality. Don't worry if you haven't done it - you can just follow the instructions given by the question. This only requires a 'Yes' or 'No' - but realistically it shouldn't be a 'No' if you've followed the instructions and posted the application on MinecraftForum.


    Questions 10-12: (roleplaying/metagaming/poweremoting)

    Write out explanations of these (with relevant examples) to show that you understand what the server is all about. See the links below to find the Wiki, or read up on other players' definitions. Remember: don't plagiarise.

    In Character (IC) Questions:

    Questions 12-14: (character name/race and sub-race)

    Make sure that your name is appropriate for your race (there are lots of forums which give you suggestions for names for different races) - your race (and sub-race - but not required to be a sub-race of your race) is entirely up to you and your preferences.

    Question 15: (biography)

    Many App Team members consider this to be the most important part of your applications! It must be original and imaginative in order to have the highest chance of being accepted - avoid the ‘my parents got killed by Orcs’ or ‘my parents got kidnapped by bandits’ and choose something more original - as I have already said originality and imagination make roleplaying on this server far more interesting! Make sure that you have explained your entire history (from when you were born and where to the day that you start your adventure in Asulon - remember we’re not Aegis!) - the best applicants write far more than two paragraphs (as requested) and show high levels of flair and imagination in their writing.

    Questions 16: (ambitions)

    Make sure this fits into your biography and don’t make your character overpowered - and remember that sometimes being a farmer or chef is far more interesting than being a guard or soldier in the military! It is only as interesting as you make it - so make it great!

    Questions 17-18: (skin/other information)

    Make sure that your skin is appropriate for Lord of the Craft and your race - other information is not required but if you feel that there is any extra information that you want to tell your reviewer but there isn’t a question for it, write it here.

    Open Response Questions:

    Questions 19-22:

    The most important things to do in these questions are to remain close to the ambitions and beliefs or your character - to make sure that your question answers don’t metagame of poweremote (as this is extremely easy to do in these situations - they are designed to test you after all!) and to make sure that your character is not at any time breaking the lore! Make sure these are interesting and fully expanded in roleplaying terms.

    My Top Tips:

    TOP TIP #1: Copy and Paste the application format onto a Word document (or another word processor) and get to work. Try and write as vividly and excitingly to grab your reviewer’s attention and to be able to keep it and remember that you should not rush writing an application for any reason.

    TOP TIP #2: Write the application over a period of 3 or 4 days as your judgement changes with time - reread your application everyday in its entirety and then if you realise that you have made a mistake or feel that an alternate way of expressing your character is more appropriate, you have plenty of time to change it!

    TOP TIP #3: Even if you know that your English is not great and that your grammar is often incorrect, if you write your application into a Word document then if it recognises any mistakes, it will notify you (and then you can change it if necessary!)

    TOP TIP #4: Never +1 your own server application - it's incredibly obvious when you do it. You're not supposed to try to bump your application, as the App Team work through the list of applications from the oldest, generally.

    TOP TIP #5: Use your 'Preview Post' button - make sure your application looks presentable and neat so that the Application Team member reviewing your application can read it easily - nothing is worse or harder to read than an application that is entirely flourescent bright blue! Remember that if the application is easier to read that they will think that you take better care over your work and would most likely become a better candidate for the server.

    Common mistakes made by applicants (things to check if you've been denied):

    - Definitions of roleplaying, metagaming or powergaming are incorrect or incomplete/too vague.

    - Character is metagaming or powergaming in the Biography or Open Response questions.

    - Aspects of the Biography or Open Response questions break the lore.

    - Incorrect Format used/used badly (EG: the whole application is in blue - makes it hard to read).

    - Answers missing or incomplete (IE: not enough effort put into RP writing).

    Links to help you in writing your application:

    Format: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/67550-official-server-application-format/

    Lord of the Craft Wiki: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=HomePage

    Definitions: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/45364-roleplayingmetagamingpowergaming-definitions/

    Definitions from Wiki:: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=Roleplaying

    Definitions from Old Wiki: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki.old/index.php?title=Roleplaying

    Server Rules: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/?page_id=8

    Map of Asulon: http://login.lordofthecraft.net:9001/

    Example of a great Application: Ashaelia's Application

    Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name: Ashaelia

    How old are you?: 25

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: -5 GMT Eastern Standard Time

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: As a former student of "Advanced English Composition & Literature" in high school and college I believe I have a decent understanding of the English language for the purpose of intricate world-creating role-play.

    Have you had any previous experience in role-playing?: I have been an avid patron of internet role play since the early days of AOL (American Online) chat rooms. Which I believe now puts me as a role play veteran of 12 years and counting.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: I, Ashaelia, have clicked and read through all rule links presented to me and hereby agree to the terms set forth by LotC.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: Having gotten bored playing through run-of-the-mill Minecraft servers filled with nothing but bad grammar, exceptional griefing, and very little "actual" role play; I began searching the internet for a more intricate storyline based server. The likes of such search led me here to Asulon, and I must say that I love the amount of intense detail and obvious care put into creating such an expansive lore-written world in a well executed attempt at expanding upon a once simplistic sand-box style game.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: N/A - This is my first application.

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum?: At the time of writing I have the link to said Minecraft Forums open in a separate tab and plan on posting to it once I have finished here.


    In your own words, define what the act of role-playing is: The art of Role-Play (in this genres context) is a literary gaming-art in which a player creates a persona that is then "played" or "acted" out in accordance to the surroundings of an imaginary world set up for such a purpose. The point of this act is to create an ever evolving story through which a varietal display of personal choices, vivid imagery, and carefully thought out emotes enhanced with detailed dialogue, are used by a multitude of players in conjunction with one another to create an expansive world of endless wonder and possibilities.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: Meta-gaming, from what I understand, is the use of outside sources or an out-of-game platform (such as Skype, Teamspeak, Phones, etc) to gain an advantage in game that would otherwise not been possible. Basically, using an external method of communicating to gain help in a current game situation where one would normally have to find aid in game via normal means to obtain help with the situation. This advantage known as "Meta-gaming" can cause unfair advantages in the story's timeline when abused.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: Power-emoting in role-playing is when one character blatantly ignores the actions of certain other characters or actions happening in his/her immediate area in order to unfairly gain an advantage. An easy example ignoring a battle hit in order to gain the upper hand by pretending it either didn't happen or by using an unrealistic means of countering an action.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Ashaelia Caeruisce [Ash-ay-lia Care-oo-eesk]

    Character Race: Elven

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    A maiden of Elven decent, Ashaelia is a devout caretaker of Mother Earth and all her creatures. Garbed in robes of intricate natural design; her long flowing emerald green hair compliments that of her vine strewn, floral accented apparel. Violet eyes look to the sky with a spirit of uplifted hope and love for life. She takes great joy in helping things to grow; from the smallest seed to the largest of humanities escapades. Harboring a deep need to be of service, not only to nature, but to all those that would come in a time of need, no matter how daunting of a task. Aside from such eminent and obvious bindings to the natural world, Ashaelia is a surprisingly bright tactical genius owing to a love of strategic mind games and an exceptional knack for analysis and silent observation.

    Originally born in the Elven Capital of Normandor, Ashaelia gained a very basic working knowledge of everything from High Court conduct to the general Marketplace raucous. Once a quiet, shy child; Ashaelia spent most of her formative years observing rather than speaking. This is the reason that no doubt led to her now calm, compassionate, and kind-hearted demeanor. As time passed and she was deemed as having "come-of-age" Ashaelia mounted her courage and set off on a journey of discovery as she left her home village in search of something greater. However, regardless of the grand environment she had once grew up in, Ashaelia somehow managed to keep her life as simple and pleasant as ever. As she traveled she would teach others the joys of growing green life in exchange for being allowed to examine foreign items. She was after all, a very inquisitively curious creature with a lust to learn everything possible when it came to strange objects of unknown origin. This obsession became apparent in her need to examine the ins-outs and inner workings of anything and everything obscure that might cross her path.

    Having made her living traveling and teaching strangers the laws of nature and the joys of cultivation she now began to feel a strange longing growing deep within her. It was indeed a rare wish for her race, but she could feel the pangs of motherhood calling her. Nearing the possibly still fertile age of Two Hundered and Twenty Four, she knew that nearly half of her available maternal window was over. Her race had been cursed since the days of Iblees and so offspring were few and far between. It had been recorded that they were only conceivable within the first give centuries of life. And to this end, Ashaelia knew, it was time to make a place for herself in this world. One where she could settle down and raise a family to carry on the traditions that had been passed unto her and ensure the continuation of her culture. Through her passing travels she heard tell of a Druidic Order that made its home in the woodland city of Elandriel. With their respect of the natural world and their deep admiration for retelling the lore of old; it was like a beacon of light bursting forth through the trees awakening her new calling in this world.

    Ashaelia finished the days tasks and took rest; For tomorrow she would head for Elandriel, and the start of her new path.

    What are your characters ambitions?: To share with others the joys of cultivation, To instill in others a sense of reverence and respect for the natural world, to make her place in the grand tapestry of life and in so doing garner a husband and child with which their culture might be preserved.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: Ashaelia - Vine Dress & Floral Wreath


    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: I decided that giving my character a very simple backstory was best in order to observe the flow of the already existing story-lines to better see how I might fight in. This is also the reason I left her future wide open but with a striving factor that keeps her going. This way she has a goal, yet is open to the influences of the world. Having taken a liking to the already existing lore of the world I found it surprisingly easy to find Ashaelia's place in the tapestry. With this mindset in place it affords me a valuable point from which to 'begin' to write her story and help shape the history of Asulon as it unfolds that may later be retold in the records of ancient lore.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    The village was quaint and the sun was high. The familiar smells of fresh baked goods filled the market place among the general mercantile chatter and clanging of mental. Ashaelia had been wondering aimlessly, observing the overall merriment of the days occasions; not really looking for anything in particular. That is until a deep bellow whose cries of desperation and anticipation caught her ear. Pausing for a moment, she glanced around to find the direction of the bizarre call that emanated a mix of hope, sadness, determination, and despair. To her right, standing upon a tattered blanket filled with unusual Dwarven wares stood a stocky sort of man. His booming voice attempting to beckon new business his way. The nature of his stance exuded confidence, but in his eyes revealed the look of a man desperately trying to make ends meet. With a heavy heart Ashaelia smiled and glided her way towards him. Meeting his eye she gave a warm friendly heart-warming smile as she bent down to take a look at his wares.

    "Aye, such a lovely selection." Ashaelia complimented in an attempt to boost his morale. "It's not everyday you come across goods of this caliber." She said picking up the nearest strange 'thingamajig' and examining every inch of it. "And where does your journey hailed you from Dwarf?"

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    'Looks like my lessons ran a bit later than usual' Ashaelia thought to herself as she hurried down the stone path on her way towards camp after an unusually busy day. All was good until she couldn't help but over hear the sounds of trouble escalating from afar. The moonlight shown through the clouds to reveal the shadows of a rather large figure in the near distance. His stance about as threatening as his voice. She could tell by the accent that the stranger was of Orcish origin. And his threats seemed to be aimed at a stocky sort of man whose shimmering beard unmistakably gave him away as Dwarven. It was too early for her to tell the cause of the conflict but it was obvious by the nature of things that it was inclined to get serious. Not being one particularly aimed in the ways of combat, yet not being one to walk by idly and let harm come to those in need; Ashaelia slickly guarded herself under the protection of shadow under a nearby tree yet close enough to eavesdrop on the situation. Keeping her ear perked she attempted to find the source of the conflict. If it indeed needed her assistance she would step in to protect the common well-being, but she was not about to throw herself in harms way over something she new nothing about. Especially as underhandedly armed she was compared to the hulking brutes standing before her.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?:

    All that was heard was the crack of breaking wood accompanied by a loud thud of human bones and a clatter of scattered coin. Without hesitation Ashaelia whisked herself to kneel by the elderly mans side. "Sir, Sir! Are you hurt?" She began examining him gently for any signs of serious damage. In the back of her mind she was already cycling through a list of remedies to ease times such as these. She glanced at the rickety broken old stick. The elderly man seemed to not be harboring any seriously life threatening injuries but simply lie there for a moment a bit winded attempting to catch his breath. Deeming it best to leave him there for a moment while he regained his wits about him after such a tumble she walked her way over to the nearest tree. Feeling her way around as she stare at the branches. One of them looked particularly sturdy and of the right size. She did not like the prospect of cutting down trees all the time. But when an urgent need found itself present she found it perfectly acceptable. Reaching into her bag she pulled out an iron scythe (a crescent shaped axe); in a sweet tongue she whispered a silent prayer to the tree and waited for a response. A gust of wind with its words on the breeze echoed the trees thoughts to her and she ceremonially cut a dark limb of sturdy wood. Walking back over to the man she knelt down and helped him to his feet, along with his newly acquired walking stick. His bag of coins still scattered the ground, but Ashaelia was unconcerned about such things at the moment. She waited by his side to make sure he was in a suitable condition to continue on his way. "That was a rather nasty fall." She giggled to lighten the mood and ease the tension. "Where does your path lead you today, if you don't mind me asking? Perhaps I can accompany you for a while."

    To end with, these are the top five things I would look for in an application:

    Five:.. Good Presentation

    The correct ‘format’ was created for a reason. To help decide who is and isn’t good enough to make the grade on the Lord of the Craft server. Those who ignore any help given are usually arrogant and would not make a decent non-villainous applicant. It also helps the reader (IE: the App Team member reviewing the application) to easily pick out the pieces of information, such as about the characters or structures in terms of the character’s future, that the community are looking for in a new applicant. If the correct format is used, and used effectively it shows the App Team member that the applicant is looking to impress, that they have spent enough time to realise how the forum and posting works and what does and doesn’t look good and easier to use to others. This is crucial in becoming a good role-player on Lord of the Craft. As well as this, the use of the ‘Preview Post’ helps the applicant to find any ’s or ’s dotted around which distract from the actual content of the application. A clean and clear application makes it easy for the reviewer to see what they are looking for as it helps the applicant to easily present the information required in the application to the reader.

    Four:.. Excellent Definitions and absolutely no Plagiarism

    Definitions are very good at pointing out to reviewers who will and will not make a good role-player. The definitions which are provided in the wiki, although the applicants are not explicitly told this, are very good. They can easily be rewritten and changed by applicants to be moulded into their own personal writing style. As well as this, by using their own initiative, it shows effort on the applicant’s part. However, the best of the applicants provide their own examples - not the ones copied from the wiki and just rephrased. By thinking entirely independently and using the information about each metagaming and powergaming to create their own examples, this shows that the candidate has understood and is able to implement the ideas into their own work. As for plagiarism, it is simply unacceptable to claim another’s work as their own - it shows complete disrespect to other players (if copied from other applications) or they think that those reviewing the application are stupid enough to not notice (for example definitions from the wiki or Wikipedia - if they have anything on these matters). These types of players do not make for good role-players and should not be accepted if they do apply.

    Three:.. Lore Integration and Factual Correctness

    Incorporation of the Asulonian Lore into applications by the applicants clearly demonstrates the fact that they have read and fully understood the key values and lores of the server as they are capable of implementing them into their own personal applications. It is these applicants, out of all who apply, who stand out from the rest and will most likely lead to become some of the great role-players that the Lord of the Craft is looking for. As well as this, those who decide to ignore the advice given to applicants on the application information posts often create mystical places, kingdoms or creatures which are not part of the known continents of neither Aegis nor Asulon. This therefore shows a clear lack of respect to the work put in by writers and creators of the server, who have spent a lot of time creating a developing such an amazing detailed history, and arrogance that they think that they can just add anything into the incredibly intricate workings of the server and Asulon.

    Two:.. Effort shown by the Applicant

    If the applicant writes a single-word or sentence answer to each of the open-response questions, it shows that not only does the applicant not have imagination to be able to write vividly nor extensively, such as may be required by their character, but that they would not make for a quality role-player, which the server is of course looking for. Also I often find simple mistakes incredibly insightful. I always think that good grammar and perfected writing demonstrates a sense of pride in the applicant’s work, which would subsequently make them a great candidate for the server as they would most likely be great at role-playing! However, if some are incapable of writing ‘Good English’, it could be considered unfair to deny them from applying - as long as they would be able to fulfil the requirements of their own created character, I see no reason why this would present a problem to the community.

    One:.. Originality, Imagination and Applicant Flair (in their Biography and Open-Response Questions)

    ‘’My parents got killed/kidnapped by Orcs whilst I was a child.. blah.. blah.. so I’m gonna to kill them all.. blah.. blah’’ - It gets really repetitive and obviously shows that the applicant will not make for a decent role-player due to their lack of imagination, which is vital for role-playing and interaction with others on the server. Imagination makes role-playing on a server of this magnitude what it is - it makes it more exciting for everyone and provides a better community base. Originality also makes role-playing far better for the server as a whole - variation in player characters help to create a better role-playing potential. As well as this, a keen role-player is eager to express the character that they are hoping to play in the writing of their biography. If the candidate writes an original, imaginative and exciting masterpiece of an application, then it is likely that the applicant is able to provide great role-playing potential to the server.

    If you have any further questions, you can drop me a PM or ask a member of the App Team who would be happy to help you.

    Change Log:

    - updated links and added examples (15/9/12)

    - updated to a further new format (10/9/12)

    - updated to include new question

    - updated to new format

  7. Hello all!

    I was wondering whether there is a forum or sub-forum on the Lord of the Craft website for Villages, Towns and Cities to create 'Message Boards' as the only area that I can see for this type of Message Board are for Guilds. However as you ask that villages, towns and cities are not solely guilds - could someone implement an area for Residential Message Boards?


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